Guest guest Posted March 17, 1999 Report Share Posted March 17, 1999 Amy, I'm sorry you're so very ill. I would say, if you can make it to Dr. ' office in person, I'd go! It's so hard to get in to see him these days (from what I hear) that I wouldn't pass up the opportunity. A good doctor will be able to help you more after he's seen you with his own eyes, I think. I think you need it psychologically, too, so that you don't feel so alone. I have never been as sick as you are now, but I was pretty lousy a few months ago. I found a treatment that worked for me a few months ago and it's made a big difference. Now I look back on how lousy I felt and how much pain I was in, and I can hardly believe how far I've come. I hope you'll be saying the same thing in just a short while. Meanwhile, I'm keeping all good thoughts for you. Let me know if you need anything while you're in the NYC area -- I live about 20 minutes from NYC over on the Jersey side. If you want to email me privately I'll give you my phone number. take care Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 1999 Report Share Posted March 18, 1999 Dear Amy: Go to see Dr. - otherwise, you'll always be wondering if the advice would be any different if he saw you in person. Further, he might actually be able to put you at ease by letting you know that your symptoms are not unusual and are to be expected. Remember, herxes can last for weeks, (and sometimes months!) at a time, so HANG IN THERE!!! I did the SPECT scan a couple of weeks ago at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. It wasn't too bad. They inject some dye in you and then you lie on a table for 1/2 hour while triangular camera blocks move around your head. I'm quite claustrophobic, but this didn't seem to bother me too much. As for the loss of control over your life, you have lost control to some extent - the disease does that to all of us. But you still have control over major portions of your life - you have control over who to love [including pets], who to be with on a daily basis, what makes you happy, what cards to send lucky friends over the Internet <g>, how to behave towards people you come in contact with in your world - this disease can debilitate us, it can cloud our brains and cause us intense pain and fear - but it can never take the essence of who we are! Continue to fight for who you are, the essential core of your being as a decent, loving, caring creation of God, made in the image of God, and the disease can never prevail over us. Love, Lovette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 1999 Report Share Posted March 18, 1999 Hi Just curious what treatment is working f[t Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 1999 Report Share Posted March 18, 1999 Amy, I think you should go see him, if you can find a driver. It may make a difference to you to see him in person. I think they understand us better if they can see us and hear the anguish in our voice. Best of luck and hold on sounds like you are in a really rough period right now. Prayers are with you. Huggs Huggs, Huggs, Connie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 1999 Report Share Posted March 18, 1999 600 mg/day of doxy. But I just had a really stressful week at work and some of my neuro stuff (twitchy muscles and numb left side of the face) have come back. I also still have inappropriately weak muscles (like brushing my daughter's hair totally tires my arms in just a few seconds). But my joint pain/shooting pains/are almst 100% gone, and that was the most debilitating thing for me. But I'm far from 100%.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 1999 Report Share Posted March 19, 1999 Lovette thanks for your support. I know that you are very right about alot of things you mentioned in the letter. Hugs to you, and I am going to go see Dr so I''ll let you know how it goes, I see him Monday. Hugs Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 1999 Report Share Posted March 19, 1999 Thankyou to everyone who responded. I have read everyones mail and I am planning on going, am herxing really bad as you all know and will probally not be on much untio next week. Thanks for caring and sharing. Hugs Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 1999 Report Share Posted March 19, 1999 Hi I am glad to here you are feeling better. I was on 600mg of Doxy once and it was hell. My whole body would hurt so bad and my nuero stuff was awful. Maby it was a herx I don't know anymore. DId you have any worsening symptoms at first on the Doxy? Continue to get well -Val Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 1999 Report Share Posted March 20, 1999 Jean: Did you ever consider changing to different antibiotics at lower dosages rather than raising the doses of what you were taking to such high levels? Maybe what you are taking is not the antibiotic of choice for the problems you are having ? My doctor kept trying different antibiotics and combinations until she found one that worked for me rather than just upping the dosages of what didn't seem to be working. Biaxin and plaquenil finally worked for me........but not until I had tried all the rest. Just a thought......I hope you find what works for you. Mona Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 1999 Report Share Posted March 20, 1999 ValP74@... wrote: > From: ValP74@... > > Hi I am glad to here you are feeling better. I was on 600mg of Doxy once > and it was hell. My whole body would hurt so bad and my nuero stuff was awful. > Maby it was a herx I don't know anymore. DId you have any worsening symptoms > at first on the Doxy? Continue to get well -Val > Hi Val --I kind of " snuck up " on the 600 mg dosage, so I never had that huge herx that most people get when they start meds. My doctor started me out at 200 mg, which did nothing, and I continued to decline for a month. He upped me to 300 mg at my request, but I was scared at how ill I'd become and I switched to a Lyme doc in NY State. He immediately took me off the doxy and put me on 3000 mg of amoxicillin. I had about 2 good weeks and then I started to deteriorate. (He didn't prescribe probenecid to go with the amoxy so I'm sure I was actually absorbing very little). I went downhill for a month, then I asked for a different drug. He put me on 250mg of zithromax, which is also a very low dosage. I continued to decline. He very grudgingly put me on 500 mg of zithro, but by then I was so fed up with him that I went back to my doc with Dr. Burrascano's protocol in hand and asked him if he'd treat me according to Dr. B's guidelines (he knows very little about Lyme). He agreed and put me back on 300 mg of doxy, because we both thought that my two good weeks back in the Fall had been due to the tail end of the doxy (before I switched doctors!) I upped myself to 400 mg, then 500, then 600 over the course of a few weeks. My doctor was appalled and scared, but after he did some blood work and saw my liver was okay and that I was actually *better* and almost pain free, he was okay with the new dosage. I've been on 600 for about 6 weeks so far. I think I've monthly herxes since going back on the doxy in January, but the first one was really little. After I upped myself to 400 mg, I had a day when I felt like I'd sprained every muscle in my body -- terrible sciatica, cramping legs, stiff neck, etc. I had a similar bout exactly 4 weeks later, that lasted longer but was less intense. I know what you mean about your whole body hurting! I don't remember any increase in my neuro symptoms. I drank *gallons* of water and took *lots* of Vitamin C -- about 30 grams (30 1000-mg capsules) over the course of the day, a few grams at a time. I have no idea if it helped but I thought I should try to flush out my system. Even with that huge dose of C, I never got diarrhea like I have before with such a lot of C, so maybe my body really was using it. It wasn't my intention to minimize herxes (in fact I was kind of upset that I'd never had one, since I figured that meant the abx weren't working!) but I guess I stumbled on a method! What are you on now in the way of meds, and are they working for you? Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 1999 Report Share Posted March 20, 1999 WISHXXX@... wrote: > From: WISHXXX@... > > Jean: Did you ever consider changing to different antibiotics at lower > dosages rather than raising the doses of what you were taking to such high > levels? Maybe what you are taking is not the antibiotic of choice for the > problems you are having ? My doctor kept trying different antibiotics and > combinations until she found one that worked for me rather than just upping > the dosages of what didn't seem to be working. Biaxin and plaquenil finally > worked for me........but not until I had tried all the rest. Just a > thought......I hope you find what works for you. Mona > Hi Mona -- Well, 600 mg was within the acceptable range for the doxy, and so far it was the only thing that had helped my joint and muscle pain. I don't know if you saw my post to Val, but I had been on (low) doses of amoxy and zithro and neither helped *at all*. I felt like the doxy had helped at 300 and so I crept up on a higher dose to see if the improvement would be more... and it worked. For me, the joint pain was the most debilitating, since I'm desperate to stay employed and I was losing the ability to walk, type, write longhand (most of my job involves taking minutes at technical meetings), brush my daughter's hair, pick her up (she's six) etc. The doxy has reduced the inflammation wonderfully for me. Aside from the fatigue and fog, which have gotten worse in the last two weeks, I feel better than I have since last September. I think the fatigue/fog/sticky brain may be candidiasis. My doctor absolutely refuses to prescribe Plaquenil because of the side-effects. He's really conservative that way. We're also trying to avoid the " expensive " abx so as to keep USHealthcare off our backs, since I've never tested positive and he's scared they'll start giving us a hard time (pathetic, eh?). He's intrigued by what I've been reading about Flagyl on the newsgroup, and we may try that for my neuro stuff, since it's starting to impact my work ability. Funny how sleeping 14 hours a day cuts into your productivity! Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 1999 Report Share Posted March 20, 1999 In a message dated 3/20/99 2:37:17 PM, jscully@... writes: <<It wasn't my intention to minimize herxes (in fact I was kind of upset that I'd never had one, since I figured that meant the abx weren't working!) but I guess I stumbled on a method! What are you on now in the way of meds, and are they working for you? Jean >> Hi thank you for the info. I am now on Bicillin shots and Biaxin and Plaquinel. I am about 60% better but always have problems every day. I don't even know what to do next. I was thinking of the flagyl or trying IV again but I am just so confused. I have always responded dramatically to all of the Lyme used antibiotics, but it has been over 6 months and I amm still not myself. I am afraid of nothing working anymore because it has been so long. My doctor is great and will give me anything I want , but the prblem is finding somehting that will work. I keep staying at this level on my cureent thrapy and don't want to get any worse. Any suggestions? when I was on the 600mg Doxy I ws worse for oer a month. i don't know if it was a herx or just me not responding. That is what makes me so confused. Are you back at work. I am still working but have days where I barely make it through. Anyway I hopr and prya that you continue to feel better. I am anxiously awaiting the Lyme conference in April to here any new info. Please write when ou get a chance- Val. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 21, 1999 Report Share Posted March 21, 1999 Hi Amyl....I sure hope you are doing better soon. I too get meningitis symptoms when I herx...and am so sick I can't get up to get to the hosspital ER> The only thing that relieves the awful pain and pressure for me is percaset. I can go weeks without taking any, but when that meningitis hits, its the only thing that keeps me from doing myself in. Have you tried itt? In my prayers, Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 I am saddened to read your posting and learn about your problems with doctors that we have all had Where do you live, anywhere near PA....I just found a great doctor here who does lyme and babeiousis (spelling?) We just learned that I have had it for years (been on abx for 9 yrs) and my son has it as well as lyme AGAIN. \I think I must take my other son in to be tested and my Mom too. Are you doing better yet, and what are you on now? I was on bicillin shots for the past few years, but this new dr put me on doxy (1000) and ceftin(1000) and mepron ...ever heard of this combination? Hope you are better, Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 I don't know if you were the wrong but this new doctor doesn't accept insurance. AT ALL. You have to submit your own papework etc. if you are to get reimbursed. Also with the labs, he asks you to pay them o rmake arrangements.He uses only Igenex I believe. Curiously, I heard he speak at a lyme support meeting in Doylestown. He had slides and all, he even has treated Amish, who NEVER go to the doctor. Many of them suffer with it as it makes sense. I was going to a doctor in your area, who I may still see, my Mom sees her. I would be happy to give you the information if you still desire it. What is Flagyl? Wishes for wellness, Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 IAMAVIPTWO@... wrote: > From: IAMAVIPTWO@... > > I am saddened to read your posting and learn about your problems with > doctors that we have all had Where do you live, anywhere near PA....I just > found a great doctor here who does lyme and babeiousis (spelling?) We just > learned that I have had it for years (been on abx for 9 yrs) and my son has > it as well as lyme AGAIN. > \I think I must take my other son in to be tested and my Mom too. Are you > doing better yet, and what are you on now? > > I was on bicillin shots for the past few years, but this new dr put me on > doxy (1000) and ceftin(1000) and mepron ...ever heard of this combination? > Hope you are better, > Gail Gail, I'm not sure if you were addressing me because you didn't quote the posting you were replying to. I think there's another who posts to this list. In case you were referring to me.... I've never heard of a combo of 1000 mg of doxy and anything else -- the highest dose I've ever heard of was 600 mg. (No wonder you're herxing!) 600 mg worked well for me until a few weeks ago when it suddenly stopped working. Now I'm trying Flagyl -- 2250 mg/day. I'm waiting for a consult with a Lyme doc in a couple of weeks and my doctor agreed to try the Flagyl in the meantime. So far I'm herxing mentally but not physically, if that makes sense -- I was bitchy and irritable for a couple of days and now I feel like I'm stoned. I've had some mild aches and pains but nothing I'd say was herxy. Your doc sounds really aggressive! That's great! I am 20 minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel in NE New Jersey, but I would travel to PA on my hands and knees if it would mean getting better. Why don't you email me privately and let me know his name? Is he by any chance accepting Aetna/USHealthcare? This Lyme doc I'm going to consult with doesn't accept it and she's going to cost me a bloody fortune.... Thanks! Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 How many of you (lyme patients) would give up your disability to try to work again if you still were positive for lyme disease and babaeoious? I have to make that decision. I am also a widow, and have three kids, one in college, twin boys graduating from HS this year, and my mother is with me sick with lyme, my one son has lyme and babeasia, and is very ill. I feel I need to try to support us, but my symptoms come and all know the routene. Your imput is greatly appreciated. (by the way, I can only work for a few months and then I become ineligible for the disability anymore) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 Hello " L " thanks for your imput. I'm sorry about your job. I have been unable to work since 1990. Took me 5 years (-plus a disability attorney) to get me finaly approved for my disability. I'm so worried about my son also...if I'm not here, don't know if he is well enough to figure out his meds or to even take them b/c he gets so ill and can't get out of bed. If you need one, I know an attorney that just does disability, he is in PA however. Let me know.; by the way, how old are your children? Wishing you wellness, Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 1999 Report Share Posted April 6, 1999 --- IAMAVIPTWO@... wrote: > From: IAMAVIPTWO@... > > How many of you (lyme patients) would give up your > disability to try to work > again if you still were positive for lyme disease > and babaeoious? I have to > make that decision. I am also a widow, and have > three kids, one in college, > twin boys graduating from HS this year, and my > mother is with me sick with > lyme, my one son has lyme and babeasia, and is very > ill. > I feel I need to try to support us, but my symptoms > come and all > know the routene. Your imput is greatly > appreciated. > (by the way, I can only work for a few months and > then I become ineligible > for the disability anymore) > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend. > > ONElist: The leading provider of free e-mail list > services! > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Please send privately messages unrelated to lyme. > /archives.cgi/ > /archives.cgi/Lyme-Docs > Email: -subscribeonelist > You may substitute " unsubscribe " , " digest " , or > " normal " for > the word " subscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of > " digest " ) > I am also faced with the same decision. I am newly diagnosed. Get to start my IV treatment tomorrow I hope. I have been off work since Aug. of 98. Because I could not get a doctor to give me a diagnosis (saw 5 before I found my current one) other than cfs i have been waiting 5 mo for my disability and have been denied by ssi. I have already lost my position at work. Can take an open position if one is available if I go back before this coming Aug. If not i lose 8 yrs senority and all of my benefits. My ins is already gone. My plan is to just focus on getting well and being able to return to the life i had prior to this disease. I had to realize my health comes first and the rest will just have to work itself out. I also have 3 children and do not want to jeaprodize my life for a job that wont recognize that this is a serious illness. Not to mention the drs that blew me off. I could have been cured and back to work by now had they done thier job. I know money is important and a necessary part of life but you only get one chance to live. Hope this helps. Please write back if you need to talk or just vent. L _________________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 Be very careful about giving up a sure thing for an unsure thing. If you go back to work and lose your disability can you get it again? Is there a long waiting period? You need to be very sure you aren't kidding yourself about being able to sustain a fulltime job and all your problems at home and then, oh yes, don't forget you're still sick, too. I kid myself once in awhile and think I should be able to handle my job again and then I look around me and realize I'm not handling a fulltime life without a job. I still can't walk to amount to anything but I can get a good long night's sleep and wake up convinced that I'm a whole lot better. I do a load of laundry and change the sheets on my bed. That usually puts me back in touch with reality. And the only sick person I'm taking care of is me and I'm a handful. Maybe, there's some way you can test your abilities. Hit the shopping centers all day several days in a row. Get away from the house for the amount of time you would be working and then go home and deal with that and see how you feel after several days. A little bit of money coming in sure beats none. On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 23:50:53 EDT IAMAVIPTWO@... writes: >From: IAMAVIPTWO@... > >How many of you (lyme patients) would give up your disability to try >to work >again if you still were positive for lyme disease and babaeoious? I >have to >make that decision. I am also a widow, and have three kids, one in >college, >twin boys graduating from HS this year, and my mother is with me sick >with >lyme, my one son has lyme and babeasia, and is very ill. >I feel I need to try to support us, but my symptoms come and >all >know the routene. Your imput is greatly appreciated. >(by the way, I can only work for a few months and then I become >ineligible >for the disability anymore) > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend. > >ONElist: The leading provider of free e-mail list services! >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Please send privately messages unrelated to lyme. >/archives.cgi/ >/archives.cgi/Lyme-Docs >Email: -subscribeonelist >You may substitute " unsubscribe " , " digest " , or " normal " for >the word " subscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of " digest " ) > ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 Hi Gail, This is mighty scary, you just cannot see down the line how you will feel. I would hang on to the disability if you can, doesn't SSDI allow you to make up to a certain amount while you are on disability? Or is that not enough for you to make it? Is there some job you could do at home, maybe with your computer? Maybe you could call your local Unemployment and Job training office to find out if anything like this is available. My heart aches for you and your situation. I recently got approved and finally received my SSDI award. Money was tight before that, finally I can relax and not have that stress anymore. There have to be some programs available for you, maybe food stamps based on the size of your family and your income? That would be a big help. Please let us know more details if you can, we can maybe put our collective Lymebrains together and come up with a solution for you. Hugs, Marta > From: IAMAVIPTWO@... > > How many of you (lyme patients) would give up your disability to try to work > again if you still were positive for lyme disease and babaeoious? I have to > make that decision. I am also a widow, and have three kids, one in college, > twin boys graduating from HS this year, and my mother is with me sick with > lyme, my one son has lyme and babeasia, and is very ill. > I feel I need to try to support us, but my symptoms come and all > know the routene. Your imput is greatly appreciated. > (by the way, I can only work for a few months and then I become ineligible > for the disability anymore) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 for over a year i tried to keep my job (i was on temp disability) it didn't work....even now on a good day i look in the want ads and say hmmmmm maybe i can return to wife laughs and she is right......i use to work 7 days a week 12 hour days at a great job and a side business....for the last 3 years forget it.....i can not handle the pressure and hours of work anymore.....i was up this morning at 7 to take my daughter to scholl....she gos early on wed. picked up the newspapers and came home read them till 9 and fell asleep till 12:30......dont think any one would hire me like that.....what i do is i make extra money by product testing( marketing agency) and i work the election day polss for extra money it is not alot but it is extra.....and it is non reportable....also i just read where we are now allowed to make $700 a month instead of 500 and it will not affect our ss at and check.... Reid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 Dear Marta and group: The situation is that I am on disability and recently learned that I can collect widows benefits which will bring my income up to approximately 1300 a month. My mom is sick and with me and she give me 300 a month towards food etc. health insurance is $576.00 a month plus the cost of meds, and I have three adolescents. One in college (junior year) and two just graduating HS. I also pay their car insurance which is about $320 a month, plus taxes on my house and utilities, phone food, yada yada y ada!!!! I can earn up to $500 a month on SSI without losing my benefits. I am currently under my husbands former insurance (health) under COBRA which will be up in December 1999. I am eligible for medicare if I don't lose my disability. I have thought of moving to somewhere else to live, but really ldon't want to leave my daughter, and don't know where the boys will be next year. One is very ill with lyme and bababesia....and my mom is too. so., have all the facts now. I don't know about health insurance for after December....but obviously I need a good insurance carrier????? So, I await the vote...... thanks for your imput in advance Wishes for wellnesss, Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 : I know you are right....I just keep thinking it woulld be so great to have a life again. But I should be grateful that I can walk and remember the three years I was not able to walk or dress myself. I always hate to let people down, especially employers/,my self esteem is in the sub-basement....anybody been there? Kids want to know why Mom can't do all that other moms do???? I thank you. Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 1999 Report Share Posted April 7, 1999 Hello, I read your letter, and I went back to work [light duty], and my lawyer is working on a 9 month work trial period. Hope this helps.....good luck! KAREN Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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