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Re: more research needed

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pepi.....thats why iwrite these letters.....and yes i can back up my


there use to be a guy around who was always in the letters to the

editor.....i use to laugh at him he moved ....i guess i took his place

......and most are about lyme......my mom told me that she has had most of the

people from the kiwanis group that she belongs to and i spoke at coming up

and saying that i really opened their eyes .....both with my speech and with

the supporting info i printed and copied as handouts....and some of these

people carry alot of weight in local and state circles.....many do not have

their eyes opened till it hits a loved one......by then it is to late.....as

u say as sick as we are we must educate....thge public.....the press......and

most doctors.....unfortunate but true


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Dear Reid,

GOD BLESS YOU for all you've done to bring this insiduous disease out into

the open & all you continue to do!


In a message dated 99-11-29 05:35:36 EST, you write:

<< >From: RMcmur3194@...


>pepi.....thats why iwrite these letters.....and yes i can back up my


>there use to be a guy around who was always in the letters to the

>editor.....i use to laugh at him he moved ....i guess i took his place

>.....and most are about lyme......my mom told me that she has had most of


>people from the kiwanis group that she belongs to and i spoke at coming up

>and saying that i really opened their eyes .....both with my speech and


>the supporting info i printed and copied as handouts....and some of these

>people carry alot of weight in local and state circles.....many do not have

>their eyes opened till it hits a loved one......by then it is to


>u say as sick as we are we must educate....thge public.....the


>most doctors.....unfortunate but true



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Hi Pepipony,

Every little bit helps so please keep us posted on what you can learn. I was

just telling my husband over the breakfast table how studies that show

persistent infection are ignored, the researchers all fight for the grant money,

and the little guys have a tough time getting studies set up to begin with.


Marta NJ

-----Original Message-----

From: Rodney A .Metzler <rod@...>


Hi ya'll have a good turkey day? here is why I am writing. What we need is

more research into why Lyme is being shoved under the rug both medically and in

the government. Along with our stories on what Lyme has done to us and our

families we need to let media know the reason behind it. Do they know this is

not a virus, but a spirochete that will form cysts and 'hide'? I will do more

looking into this and my sister who is a R.N in R.I. and works for a neurologist

who treats Lyme but wont or cant get really involved (cant say I dont blame him)

If we do our own investigative reporting and back it up with the facts this

might help our fight, think about it where will reporters get their info!? At

'steere' sites. good luck ya'll and god bless Pepipony

Well I know ya'll already got this letter but I need to add to it. I thought

one thing and wrote another! My sister will help me with this research so will

her Dr. I know this has probably already been done before and said before but my

mind forgets sometimes.

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Hi Reid,

So glad we have you on our side, I am impressed with how you help our

cause. I can't help but think if you had not become ill with this damned

bug, you may have had a wonderful career as an honest politician.


Marta NJ


>From: RMcmur3194@...


>pepi.....thats why iwrite these letters.....and yes i can back up my


>there use to be a guy around who was always in the letters to the

>editor.....i use to laugh at him he moved ....i guess i took his place

>.....and most are about lyme......my mom told me that she has had most of


>people from the kiwanis group that she belongs to and i spoke at coming up

>and saying that i really opened their eyes .....both with my speech and


>the supporting info i printed and copied as handouts....and some of these

>people carry alot of weight in local and state circles.....many do not have

>their eyes opened till it hits a loved one......by then it is to


>u say as sick as we are we must educate....thge public.....the


>most doctors.....unfortunate but true


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chris .....thank you for the kind words.......i only wish we and i did not

have to fight this struggle.....but unfortunatly we must ......when ur life

has been taken over by an illness i feel u must try to fight back.....lyme

is my life and i must do all i can.....

but it stinks when i am so tired and achy.....hope to see u all in nyc on the

8 th


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chris .....thank you for the kind words.......i only wish we and i did not

have to fight this struggle.....but unfortunatly we must ......when ur life

has been taken over by an illness i feel u must try to fight back.....lyme

is my life and i must do all i can.....

but it stinks when i am so tired and achy.....hope to see u all in nyc on the

8 th


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In a message dated 99-11-29 16:42:54 EST, you write:

<< hope to see u all in nyc on the

8 th



Dear Reid & All,

How I WISH I could be there - will have to go in spirit. We're in midwest &

no $$$$ to travel.

A long-term lymie " angel " told me his wife gets tremendous relief from lyme

aches & pains (including the stabbing kind) by taking a round magnet (don't

think " shape " is important) - finding NORTH side of magnet (compass will

point to NORTH at north side of magnet), then placing north side next to

skin. Magnets have been shown to increase circulation, decrease

inflammation, etc. (Even local drug stores sell little magnet bracelets &

" sticky " magnetic patches, although I believe these are not quite strong

enough to really do much good - from what I've been told & have read.)

Also, been told magnetic insoles are SUPER! Have not tried them yet. Just a


Thanks again for all you do, Reid. You're awesome!

Blessings & velcro hugs

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In a message dated 99-11-30 00:40:25 EST, you write:

<< i email mine and have had very good luck....keep them to the point


not to long....the second paper called tonite to confirm and it will be




Way to go, Reid! You've hit yet another homerun for lyme victims! VBG!

Surely, by now, you've surpassed Sammy & Mark for " this season's record! "


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Any advice on how to get my letters to the editor printed?? I've emailed a

few, with no responses. Do you think it would be more effective to hand

write them and deliver them in person?

Vicki, Md


>>From: RMcmur3194@...


>>pepi.....thats why iwrite these letters.....and yes i can back up my


>>there use to be a guy around who was always in the letters to the

>>editor.....i use to laugh at him he moved ....i guess i took his place

>>.....and most are about lyme

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would you mind emailing me one of yours so I can get an idea of what to say

in mine. I have written what I thought was short and to the point, and

mainly stated that I wanted the public to be aware of misinformation on

Lyme, do you think maybe I shouldn't have said that part? Thanks, sorry for

asking for so much help. But once I'm successful then I can be the one that

helps the next person asking. Thanks again.

Vicki, Md

>From: RMcmur3194@...


>i email mine and have had very good luck....keep them to the point .....and

>not to long....the second paper called tonite to confirm and it will be



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