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Cysts caused by Lyme - Jane

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Hi ,

Thanks so much for all of this great information! :D

Patty (MD)

> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 22:23:47 EDT

> From: C13JK@...

> Subject: Cysts caused by Lyme.


> Hi Everyone,

> There is a wonderful person on sci.med newsgroup that is a reservoir

> of information. She recently posted this on cysts.

> (MN)


> The spirochete that causes Lyme can go into a cyst formation. Cyst

> used in another context- A person with Lyme disease may develop cysts.

> These are two different types of cysts.

> REPOST info about cysts developing in Lyme patients.

> from: Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary



Hi Jane,

> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 23:50:34 EDT

> From: JVSPL@...

> Subject: re: temp control


> Me too, I actually don't really feel cold accurately. Heat on the

> other hand! Hot water from the shower head makes me feel as thou I'm

> burning! Could the over reaction be due to the fact that the nasty

> spirochetes hate heat???

I've asked myself the same question, Jane, and I think it may well be

that the heat produces a type of mini-herx. There have been times when

I've taken a really hot shower and suddenly will have to get out as

quickly as possible because my head, neck & jaw hurt so much that it

really feels like they're going to explode! Sometimes it will pass

within 5-10 minutes, but some of those heat-induced headaches have

lasted for HOURS! Although there is nothing " logical " about Lyme, it

does seem logical to me that the heat from a hot shower does have some

kind of effect on the spirochetes.

> BTW My SPECT came back as NORMAL as my MRI, so no IV abx for

> me at this point.

I'm so sorry, Jane.

> I have been trying to stay quiet and safe. Thursday night I fell

> twice and last night I took another spill that had me flat on my

> back on the bathroom. tile floor!! This is very scary!

That's horrible, Jane. I know this may sound funny/weird, but I'm very

serious - would you be able to crawl to different locations in your home

- especially bathrooms with tile floors and so many hard objects that

can do a lot of damage? Maybe you could think of it as the crawl that

preceeds the tiny baby steps we all take on our journey back to some

semblance of health. Yes, this falling is very scary, and I'm really

worried that you're going to suffer a bad injury - please think about

the crawling.

> If this is " herx " then I sure as hell hope I start to feel like my

> old self again!

You've got my full support on that wish, Jane!

Take care and please be very careful.

Patty (MD)


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and find something even better.

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