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Re: Dr.Oren's Licence <JOAN>

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In a message dated 11/23/99 12:23:01 PM EDT, Namkrats3@... writes:

<< Tell Dr. Orens that we will not abandon him. Who is going to take over

his practice? What will you do in the meantime? rrrrrRRRRR!!! I'm soooo


Hang in there: we're all behind you! >>

Hi Joan,

thanks for the hugs Sweetie. His liscence has been revoked, and as of this

comming Monday he can no longer practice medicine, at least in N.Y.. I am not

sure if he can in another state. I spoke with him today and he said that he

is going to appeal. I don't know what that entails or how long it will take

but I did assure him that he is not alone and that I will not abandon him and

that there are so many wonderful lymies that have offered to help him out. He

was very pleased and very appreciative to all of you and sends his Thanks.

For now, considering that this has all happened so quickly and un expectedely

he has asked the " gastro " doctor that he shares an office with to take over

his practice and so thats where his patients stand. Its very scary because as

you know I have a picc line in my arm and my insurance carrier has been

approving iv treatments in two week intervals. I have enough iv doxy for one

week and then after that I don't know whats going to happen, I guess I will

have to have my picc line taken out : ( and start looking for another Lyme

literate doc who is willing, at this point in time, to take on another lymie.

Wish me luck !! Please.This really stinks. Stinks for Poor Dr. Orens who has

a family to support and for all of his patients, especially the ones on IV

who don't have any idea about what to do. Tomorrow is his last day in the

office. I made another appt to see him to see what he is going to do abt his

iv patients, but he has so much going on right now that I am not sure what

he has planned if anything other than us having our lines removed and finding

a new doc.

Its such an emotional time for allof us. I feel so angry at Dattwhyler and

the rest of the idiots that have caused him to loose his liscense and at the

same time , it feels as if I am mouring the loss of a very close family

member.,It's very sad. I agree we need to PROTEST !!! I am ready to do

whatever I can to end all of this S**T. I continue to write and make calls

on their behalf, But I also agree that it would be better if we do what we

can in a group as opposed to dong what we all have been doing seperately.

I will keep in touch and fill you guys all in on whats happens from here. In

the meantime enjoy your Thanksgiving. I will try my best to do the same , and

just so you all know, when I give thanks for everything that I have I will

give special thanks for all of you. My second family !


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