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Welcome Walter and Carol

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Hi Walter and Carol,

Glad you have joined our list, and thanks for your efforts contacting

your newspapers about this disease and all the propaganda and lies that are

published. I would love to read the story that was written about your wife

in 1998. Do you have a copy you can post on the list, or is it available on

line??? Thanks for your prayers and good wishes, I wish the same for all of

us suffering with LD,

Hugs and healthy holidays,

Marta, NJ


Walter Harrington <wharrington1@...>

Subject: Re: [lyme-aid] Welcome to lyme-aidonelist

Marta: A local newspaper( The Hamilton Spectator,Ontario)printed a

summary of

Drrr. Shadick-Brigham and Woman's Hospital in boston.I faxed the

artical to

who is head of the Ontario Lyme assoc.The headline of the artic.

is Lyme

disease patients free of long-term ills.I also sent the website

from the

Dec.21 issue of annals of internal medicine which article wastaken from.

went on

line to get Shadick's complete artical.He faxed a letter about the flaws in


thinking of Drrr Shadick to the newspaper.I phoned them three times, asking

why they

would print something like this.

In 1998 the this same newspaper printed a full page artic. about Lyme and


wifes horrible illness.The reporter did his job.He phoned one Dr. in NY and

one in

NJ, as well as two from British Columbia , as well as two local


realy helped our cause.

We are trying to help the cause.If you can respond sometime we would



Our prayer's are with everyone at these trying times.Wishing


seasons greeting and better NewYear.

Love Walt & Carol

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