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Re: My son never vomits

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If you find out, please let me know. My husband and I have been married

twenty years, and he has never once in these years thrown up. He's been ill

less than I have in these years.

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Is this a bad thing?


On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Haven DeLay <hdelay@...> wrote:



> If you find out, please let me know. My husband and I have been married

> twenty years, and he has never once in these years thrown up. He's been ill

> less than I have in these years.



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I personally find it odd that my husband has never thrown up. This is one

of the body's ways of getting rid of bad things. But, like I said, my

husband has been healthier than I have in the last twenty years.

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I find that is very unusual. Even when he was baby he never thrown up. Now he is

3 1/2 y.o.

From the other hand he doesn't get sick very often. And when he gets sick, his

autistic symptoms fade.

I am trying to find out what that could mean.


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Sounds like you are dealing with viral issues.

Consider running a viral protocol.

Simone F

On 2010-10-05, at 4:03 AM, mv4002004 wrote:

> I find that is very unusual. Even when he was baby he never thrown up. Now he

is 3 1/2 y.o.

> From the other hand he doesn't get sick very often. And when he gets sick, his

autistic symptoms fade.

> I am trying to find out what that could mean.


> Emil



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My son didn't throw up until he was 3 1/2 - and when my son is sick (not eating

much) he is much more connected, better language, calmer, etc...

I KNOW my son is sensitive to something he eats b/c when he doesn't eat he is

much better.

My son also rarely was sick (knock on wood). Rarely has even a runny nose.

From what I've read, their immune systems are working so hard fighting things

like foods they are sensitive to, their immune systems aren't able to also focus

on little infections that come along. And I feel that once I started taking

offending foods out of my son's diet, his immune system became healthier and he

did get sick a little more often.

If you're not already, keep a food chart and behavior chart. See what links you

can find.


> > I find that is very unusual. Even when he was baby he never thrown up. Now

he is 3 1/2 y.o.

> > From the other hand he doesn't get sick very often. And when he gets sick,

his autistic symptoms fade.

> > I am trying to find out what that could mean.

> >

> > Emil

> >

> >





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none of my kids are barfers.

My ASD child didn't vomit for the first time until he was over 4 yrs old. It

scared the crap out of him. I can count the number of times all 3 of my kids

have vomited on 1 hand (well, 1 and 1/2 hands).

I was like that, too, as a child.

I don't know if it says anything much.



> My son never vomits. What it could mean?


> Emil


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My son's symptoms of autism always fade when he has a fever. I, too, wonder

why this is. However, my son has thrown up A LOT over the years. In the

early years, he would projectile vomit whenever he got upset.

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Just be careful with Valtrex. Mickie regressed with it. :(

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Liz <elizabethsoliday@...> wrote:



> Maybe it means he is not sick.




> >

> > My son never vomits. What it could mean?

> >

> > Emil

> >






Mickie 13yrs

Round #33

25mg DMSA 25mg ALA

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Vomiting with slight discomfort, vomiting fast as light at the smell of

something rotten (like me) not vomiting at all.... I believe this is very

connected to the VAGUE nerve, which connects ALL of our GI organs starting by

the mouth all the way down, to the brain. This nerve is particularly

susceptible to inflammation, viral infection and malformation. During the

embrionary stage, this is the first whole enervation to become visible in the

product, early as 3 weeks pregnancy, it can be visualized to all its extension.

If father and son have the same characteristic, father might have passed some

special vague nerve formation/behavior to the son, this doesn't precisely means

that there is a problem with that. I do agree w you that vomiting is an

effective detox behavior, specially w GI infection. I met a kid whose vague

nerve was so inflamed after contracting west nile virus (the mother told MDSs

from the beginning that his vague nerve was infected, of course they never paid

attention to her) because the kid couldn't eat, move, ride a car, brush teeth,

w/o agonizing w cycles of projectile vomiting. All they did was prescribe

antihemetics and assume the kid had some kind of strange seizure activity (go

figure) She cured her son w antivirals and other alternative ways. She is

very very knowledgeable. I am also believer that since this nerve is so big

the probability of HM contamination increases, which will interfere in proper



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[ ] Re: My son never vomits

Maybe it means he is not sick.


> My son never vomits. What it could mean?


> Emil


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> What is a suggested viral protocol? Is it standard?

I started with OLE and Virastop. This got the viruses knocked back sufficiently

that I could hit them with big guns LOL

What eliminated viruses here was high doses of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D,

and lysine.


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