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Re: Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

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My son had debelitating constipation, resulting in mega colon. there were

many trips over the years to the ER for impacted bowel.

We controlled this with plenty of vitamin C (1000 mg in divided doses) and

Kirkman's EFA powder --one heaping teaspoonful twice a day. We also give

additional magnesium. We tried the one they say makes the stool softer

(citrate), but that didn't work. for our son Magnesium oxide worked, so we

have stuck with it. When things were really bad, we resorted to Miralax,

but he hasn't needed that in a long time. We used to give an additional

360 of magnesium but now he is on maintenance with only 180 mg.

If the constipation is worsened by the chelation, you will have to be

diligent about your constipation protocol. The above has worked for our

son. Hope this helps.

With the behavior, if what we did won't handle it, then you come up with a

plan B. I believe that as you get further down the line in the AC Protocol,

things will get better. I believe heavy metals play a huge part in aberrant

behavior. I know there were a couple of years where we just couldn't take

him anywhere. Somehow we got through it, but there were a lot of tears. We

never resorted to psychotropics, but we would never say never. Our son's

problem now is that he had a night terror where a huge restaurant sign was

chasing him. We have tried everything, including taking him to this sign

and showing him that it is bolted in the ground. Still he will perseverate

on the fear of this sign chasing him. At some point if he continues to

worry about it and changing interventions and chelation don't help, we will

looking for other options. I just hope we can find a natural solution. I

think the AC Protocol will help all areas, but it is a low and slow process

I hope you can find some answers here from those who had it tough, too. i

know when my son was five, it was BAD, and once it is behind you by years

(6), then you tend to forget exactly how you got it to stop. Keep trying.

You will find the answer.

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Hi Deb,

Not an easy weekend for me either, so we are there w you. Have you ever checked

his testosterone levels? It is very known that testosterone causes aggresivity

in NT and non- NT boys in teenage years, maybe he is just too full of it. Our

male ASD kids tend to be high in testosterone even long before reaching teenage

years, (yeah ma'am, disruption of hormones by Hg!), wish you find the main cause

soon. Of course, if Hg is removed chances are he'll get better, but be prepared

that it might not always go smooth, problems like yeast and discomfort can show

up and it is good to know how to deal with this physical disturbances. This is

a very good place to be. Blessings to u,


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[ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?



> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

> protocal? I need something to look forward to.









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I believe these contain iron which might be an issue. I prefer Vitality

Wellness MinerALL, available in US from

_http://www.vitalitywellness.com/shop/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24 & prod


(http://www.vitalitywellness.com/shop/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24 & products\


I add extra Zinc, Moly and Magnesium


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 27/09/2010 00:47:01 GMT Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

Kirkman Advanced Minerals

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>>And mine, when they are growing fast (Sam seems to be going at an inch a

week right now) Lead is released from storage in the bones, Lead causes

aggression, its a good time to get aggressive with chelation, started back on

DMSA/ALA after a lengthy holiday just using TD DMPS in 5 day rounds AC

style and seeing calming already, keeps me going now as single parent working

10 hour days


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 27/09/2010 20:33:11 GMT Daylight Time, carla925@...


Your situation sounds very similar to what I've experienced with my son.

He's now 18. The worst of his tantrums and aggression occurred around 15

years old through 17. (He, too, was the sweetest happiest little boy. Very

easy until around 14 years old.)

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Your situation sounds very similar to what I've experienced with my son.

He's now 18. The worst of his tantrums and aggression occurred around 15

years old through 17. (He, too, was the sweetest happiest little boy. Very

easy until around 14 years old.)

I've restarted the AC protocol chelation, restricted his diet to Gluten

Free and Soy Free, and added back supplements slowly. For us, Adrenal

Extract, Gaba, Inositol, & probiotics seem to be most important in keeping him

more calm these days. (Also giving him B-50, B-6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C,

Caprylic Acid, Vitamin E, Omega 3-6-9, Milk Thistle, and Trienza) Starting to

see a return of my happy sweet son with occasional tantrums or aggression.

I usually can pinpoint it to something he's eaten without my knowing that

will set him off. I re-introduced these things with the chelation in June

and have seen a real difference in him.

Hang in there! Things will get better!


In a message dated 9/26/2010 9:38:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

My boy is 15yo. He is bigger than me and stronger than me. He has been

GFCF and has taken a multitude of supps for 12 years - beginning 6 mos after


He used to be the most giggly happy boy - with autism. That changed 2

years ago. His rage is not controllable. It is not something that he can be

talked out of. It appears he has no idea what he is doing until it is over,

then comes the uncontrollable crying and remorse.

He was suspended from school this week due to behavior. I don't see them

trying behavior strategies at school, they do physical restraint once he

gets aggressive. I thought they would be behavioral experts but they appear

very lacking in that area. Tomorrow I will have to hire an attorney I guess.

I've tried heavy yeast treatments, diet rotation, removing every supp and

adding back in one by one, MRI, EEG, endoscopy (2x), colonoscopy (2x),

bloodwork. His Serum Creatinine is low (.73 with ref range of .76 - 1.27) and I

guess that's because he has lost so much weight.

We tried Risperdal and Abilify, the first had no effect even with

continued increased doseage over one year and the Abilify made him rage


terrible. I removed them both- they are garbage.

We are now doing .25mg ALA every 3 hrs around the clock. I'm adding 1000mg

Vit C with each dose. This is round #2, the first was 2 weekends ago.

I'm concerned that with severe constipation, if the mercury is excreted

through the poop then it will be reabsorbed by the body. I think I will give

a bottle of mag citrate tonight.

Thanks to all who have replied. It has helped me a lot this weekend. I

feel very down about the school suspension and not sure where to turn since

I'm a single working mom. He has to go to school or I will lose my job. It

helps that you are seeing relief, so I can have something to look forward to




> My older boy used to get upset and slam doors and freak out. Took about


> minutes at least for him to calm down.

> After about 75 rounds this is pretty much gone. He gets upset like any

other 5

> year old and can calm down in a couple of minutes.

> TJ






> ________________________________

> From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...>

> _ _

(mailto: )

> Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 9:36:07 PM

> Subject: [ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?



> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with


> protocal? I need something to look forward to.








> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only have

seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small in

25mg caps


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

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Rage is bacteria here, constipation would cause him to feel real bad also.

Oxypowder is great stuff, 3-7 days for a full clear out, given with a

little lemon juice and lots of water. 2 at night, two in the morning, if nowt

happens up to 3/3 and so on is what the nutritionists in UK advise.

Some kids need 6/6 (even little guys), can be super explosive first time

out, you are looking to achieve brown normal smelling whippy chocolate

dessert type texture (as in normal poop that hasn't been in the bowel long


to solidify) then experiment with maintenance doses if needed. Keep up

good levels of fluids, Oxy pulls water into the bowel and creates oxygen both

of which help break down the crud.

Some will says its expensive magnesium but lots of experience in UK shows

its more than that for majority

_www.Oxypowder.com_ (http://www.Oxypowder.com)

Many times folks stop too soon


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 02/10/2010 06:59:51 GMT Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today

we gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full

rage. Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not

pooped yet.

Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate

and not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3

days and finally he had a bowel movement.


> > >

> > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in


> > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

only have

> > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific


> > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

small in

> > > 25mg caps

> > >

> > > HTH

> > >

> > > Mandi in UK

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > >

> > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around


> > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> > >

> >


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Dr 's Lower Bowel Formula capsules works wonders in clearing

constipation for my boys and helping keep them regular. I have ordered it from

amazon.com and it is reasonbly priced.

On Sat Oct 2nd, 2010 1:59 AM EDT mrboysmom wrote:

>How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

>I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today we

gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full rage.

Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not pooped yet.

>Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate and

not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3 days and

finally he had a bowel movement.




>> > >

>> > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

>> > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only


>> > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

>> > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small


>> > > 25mg caps

>> > >

>> > > HTH

>> > >

>> > > Mandi in UK

>> > >

>> > >

>> > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

>> > > misterboysmom@ writes:

>> > >

>> > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

>> > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >

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This works at most 24 hours.

Also magnesium malate, oxypowder, chamomille tea.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 1:59 AM, mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...> wrote:



> How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

> Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

> I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today we

> gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full rage.

> Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not pooped

> yet.

> Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate

> and not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3

> days and finally he had a bowel movement.

> Deb




> > > >

> > > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in

> stool

> > > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

> only have

> > > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific

> you

> > > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

> small in

> > > > 25mg caps

> > > >

> > > > HTH

> > > >

> > > > Mandi in UK

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > > >

> > > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the


> > > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Yes have used Mag Cit and not get BM--told that many of the suppl I give to my

daughter either uses it up--also used oxy mag--can get explosive


From: Mimoza Durresi <durresim@...>

Sent: Fri, October 1, 2010 10:42:55 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?



This works at most 24 hours.

Also magnesium malate, oxypowder, chamomille tea.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 1:59 AM, mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...> wrote:



> How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

> Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

> I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today we

> gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full rage.

> Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not pooped

> yet.

> Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate

> and not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3

> days and finally he had a bowel movement.

> Deb




> > > >

> > > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in

> stool

> > > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

> only have

> > > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific

> you

> > > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

> small in

> > > > 25mg caps

> > > >

> > > > HTH

> > > >

> > > > Mandi in UK

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > > >

> > > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the


> > > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Have you ever looked into oxy powder? It works good here! Kathy


From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...>

Sent: Sat, October 2, 2010 1:59:48 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?


How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have Capryl

& Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today we gave

him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full rage. Later we

gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not pooped yet.

Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate and not

have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3 days and

finally he had a bowel movement.


> > >

> > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

> > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only



> > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

> > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small in

> > > 25mg caps

> > >

> > > HTH

> > >

> > > Mandi in UK

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > >

> > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

> > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > >

> > >

> > >

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All my frends treet constipation with olive oil pure one 1or 2 spoons before

breakfast and it is very good for us and me i use it as a cleaning of my GIT.You

can try doesnt cost much and can be used for long term.

From: Mum231ASD@... <Mum231ASD@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

Date: Saturday, 2 October, 2010, 11:30


Rage is bacteria here, constipation would cause him to feel real bad also.

Oxypowder is great stuff, 3-7 days for a full clear out, given with a

little lemon juice and lots of water. 2 at night, two in the morning, if nowt

happens up to 3/3 and so on is what the nutritionists in UK advise.

Some kids need 6/6 (even little guys), can be super explosive first time

out, you are looking to achieve brown normal smelling whippy chocolate

dessert type texture (as in normal poop that hasn't been in the bowel long


to solidify) then experiment with maintenance doses if needed. Keep up

good levels of fluids, Oxy pulls water into the bowel and creates oxygen both

of which help break down the crud.

Some will says its expensive magnesium but lots of experience in UK shows

its more than that for majority

_www.Oxypowder.com_ (http://www.Oxypowder.com)

Many times folks stop too soon


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 02/10/2010 06:59:51 GMT Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today

we gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full

rage. Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not

pooped yet.

Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate

and not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3

days and finally he had a bowel movement.


> > >

> > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in


> > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

only have

> > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific


> > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

small in

> > > 25mg caps

> > >

> > > HTH

> > >

> > > Mandi in UK

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > >

> > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around


> > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Have you tried Dr 's Lower Bowel Capsules? Worked wonders for my

boys when nothing else would.

On Sun Oct 3rd, 2010 3:10 AM EDT eeejay174 wrote:


>We did that too, also did beet/carrot/pineapple juices, they did nothing

either, believe me we tried everything....


>mum to 1 dd with dcd, 2 ds with asd




>> > > >

>> > > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in

>> stool

>> > > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

>> only have

>> > > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific

>> you

>> > > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

>> small in

>> > > > 25mg caps

>> > > >

>> > > > HTH

>> > > >

>> > > > Mandi in UK

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

>> > > > misterboysmom@ writes:

>> > > >

>> > > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around

>> the

>> > > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

>> > > >

>> > > >

>> > > >

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Im so glad it is helping you and to be honest this is very old recepi for

cleening all people GIT and they say your GIT is your first brain so keepit

cleen with olive oil is the best way for ears we do that with my mum for long

time and it is very simle aswell.

From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

Date: Thursday, 7 October, 2010, 5:57


After 2 years of rage and aggression the below was the best advice I have ever

taken. Thank you! I am giving 2 T olive oil in the morning and again at dinner.

He has not raged for 4 days straight and that is the longest we have ever gone

in the last 2 years.

THANK YOU for taking the time to write that note. You have no idea what a

difference it has made. We have tried every treatment, both Rx and

vitamins/minerals/enzymes/herbs and nothing has been this spectacular.

That being said, his autism seems worse now. He is back to where he was before

all the rage began. He paces back and forth for hours, he is up all night long,

he can't stop repeating the words " chicken " " rhinoceros " . He is happy and silly.

I prefer this to rage, MUCH prefer this to rage, but it is a side we have not

seen in years.

I'm not sure what is going on. And in two days we will start round #3, every 3




> All my frends treet constipation with olive oil pure one 1or 2 spoons before

breakfast and it is very good for us and me i use it as a cleaning of my GIT.You

can try doesnt cost much and can be used for long term.



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This sounds like it a could be a yeast/bacteria thing going on. I've been told

that yeast causes the repeating, OCD stuff, and bacteria causes the rage. If

both are present, sometimes when you kill one, the other shows up. So then you

have to work on the yeast, but keep bacteria killers around too.

Push probiotics, probiotics, probiotics!


[ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

After 2 years of rage and aggression the below was the best advice I have ever

taken. Thank you! I am giving 2 T olive oil in the morning and again at dinner.

He has not raged for 4 days straight and that is the longest we have ever gone

in the last 2 years.

THANK YOU for taking the time to write that note. You have no idea what a

difference it has made. We have tried every treatment, both Rx and

vitamins/minerals/enzymes/herbs and nothing has been this spectacular.

That being said, his autism seems worse now. He is back to where he was before

all the rage began. He paces back and forth for hours, he is up all night long,

he can't stop repeating the words " chicken " " rhinoceros " . He is happy and silly.

I prefer this to rage, MUCH prefer this to rage, but it is a side we have not

seen in years.

I'm not sure what is going on. And in two days we will start round #3, every 3




> All my frends treet constipation with olive oil pure one 1or 2 spoons before

breakfast and it is very good for us and me i use it as a cleaning of my GIT.You

can try doesnt cost much and can be used for long term.



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Could it be Clostridia?

Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

[ ] Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

Date: Thursday, 7 October, 2010, 5:57


After 2 years of rage and aggression the below was the best advice I have ever

taken. Thank you! I am giving 2 T olive oil in the morning and again at dinner.

He has not raged for 4 days straight and that is the longest we have ever gone

in the last 2 years.

THANK YOU for taking the time to write that note. You have no idea what a

difference it has made. We have tried every treatment, both Rx and

vitamins/minerals/enzymes/herbs and nothing has been this spectacular.

That being said, his autism seems worse now. He is back to where he was before

all the rage began. He paces back and forth for hours, he is up all night long,

he can't stop repeating the words " chicken " " rhinoceros " . He is happy and silly.

I prefer this to rage, MUCH prefer this to rage, but it is a side we have not

seen in years.

I'm not sure what is going on. And in two days we will start round #3, every 3



--- In , R

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