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Re: Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

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hi hun,

with you here, my ds2 has major problems with both, dd its yeast, ds1 its his

tremor and his motor skills, praying for 3 miracles.....good luck.


mum to 3 with asd, 3, 7, 12yrs; round 2 dmsa; 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg.


> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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My kids have done somewhere around 150 rounds for the past 8 years.

For us, most of this behavior was brought under reasonable control in the first

year with diet and supplement adjustments.

Addressable causes(for us):

1. high copper

2. yeast

3. phenol intolerance

4. undermethylation

5. oil of oregano (a little is good, beyond that, uh oh...)

6. certain foods like wheat, artificial ingredients, and dairy

7. low blood sugar

We're still chelating, not stopping until they go off to college. :-)

Thank you, Andy Cutler and group!




> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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We are working on this too. Have made a lot of progress with dietary

interventions, supplements, AC chelation, but then regressed a bit, likely due

to adrenal issues. Rages have been greatly reduced, but still sometimes poke

their head up; but this does seem to have gotten even better recently with

adrenal support.

You have nothing to lose but some time and a small amount of money. Please

consider trying it. I know how difficult things can be living with an angry,

raging child.


> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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Yes. Eliminated. We first saw a decrease with dietary changes (not GFCF for us),

and parasite treatment.


> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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We had my son's rage under control for a couple years after starting AC

chelation, but now we're back to having problems again. I don't want to

discourage you, it is a long process and changes have to be made and things

figured out on the way. First things that helped were starting diet free of all

common allergens and pretty much cooking from scratch (no bad stuff) and AC

chelation. The cognitive gains he's made and social gains are amazing,

wonderful. He's kept them.

He went backward on toileting after starting chelation and had some increased

aggression on the last day of rounds and for a couple days after. There was

somewhat of a pattern to the aggression/violent behavior before chelating, it

happened every few days for a couple days, and was awful. He sought out little

kids if they were around, to push or hit them. He was aggressive in public

toward others (spitting on them, hitting, kicking them, biting them, etc.).

The kind of aggressive behavior he has now is NOT the same as it was then (2 1/2

years ago and prior). He is now mainly aggressive toward his brother and I and

it happens pretty much whenever his blood pressure rises, he can't just turn it

off once he's pissed.

We have taken chelating REALLY SLOW because it's not been easy at all. It

wouldn't have been easier not to do it though ;) I probably had the dose too

high some of the times I chelated him because he experienced a lot of horrible

peripheral neuropathy (nerve tingling in hands/feet) that led to a lot of

hitting, kicking and biting. He still has this problem on a very small dose.

I agree with the other person who talked about adrenal support being helpful and

paying close attention to blood sugar levels. My child had to eat frequently

because ALA lowered his blood sugar something awful, I don't believe many others

have it that bad. I do think it is important to pay attention to it and allow

frequent snacks to prevent it from being a problem though. I suggest you look

into a supplement called Seriphos for adrenal support or an adrenal support made

by Klaire labs. I do not think the adrenal support my child has been taking is

very effective and these two seem to have a good reputation and I am in the

process of getting them.

I got pretty frustrated when the aggression returned full force this summer and

have talked to a lot of people about why. One person's suggestion stuck out

amongst the others, she told me that she thinks he might have low glutathione

and that's why he is not getting better from the other things I am doing. I

took a short supplement holiday (break from supplements) and added some

essentials back in slowly. This has helped in the past, to revamp on what is

actually needed. After doing so, I added NAC to his regimen and gave him a bit

more yeast control supplements. I plan to rotate NAC and DMPS (the chelator

we're doing currently), but if I were on ALA, I would give NAC with it.

I came across something else recently that I wanted to try as well, so I have

added a small amount of GABA + L-theanine a couple times daily. Today,

is on day 5 of a 7 day DMPS protocol and he did throw some things at his brother

and I today. I can't sweep it under the rug. Hopefully soon I can get this

under control and will have a good report for you.



> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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For my youngest, rage and aggression was greatly reduced by addressing fungal

issues. I have not chelated either of my sons. We have mostly worked on

infection, malnutrition, environmental exposures and other things.






> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.


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Yes! You can see a reduction with the AC Protocol and biomedical and

behavioral interventions. We changed his diet, added supplements, chose a

behavioral strategy (based on ABA principles) and did chelation. Our son

used to have several outbursts and tantrums a day. Now he only melts down

once in a while. He has a tantrum no more than an NT child his age might

have. I'd put my son's behavior up against an NT kids any day of the week.

I was a teacher for fifteen years, and trust me, I'd have loved to have my

son in my class and traded out a few of the " NT " kids:).

I think it has to be a whole approach. In addition to the AC Protocol,

you've got to have a disciplinary plan in place. Do not accept his

disability as an excuse for bad behavior. In our house, " No " means " No, "

and no amount of whining or tantrumming will change that. You have to be

firm. I learned that if something happened in public (my son used to throw

himself on the floor and kick and scream) I just started standing there

quietly letting him throw his fit. I stopped caring what the starers

thought. Then he would tire himself and look at me, and I would calmly say,

" Are you done? Now we can go. " Now when he starts to act up in public, I can

say, " When has this type of behavior ever gotten you what you want? " the

answer to that is NO; it NEVER has, and never will. Consistency is key.

We use incentives and it pays to know what matters to your child most

--these are privileges he loses. We also use " time out " in his room, which

is set up without diversions - he can sit in there and reflect on his

behavior and nothing else. It was not easy in the beginning. Sometimes

there are set backs. Really bad and aggressive behavior usually is related

to yeast or some food or chemical he has come in contact with. He got a

hold of a food about year and a half ago, and he changed from DR. Jekyll to

Mr. Hyde in about thirty minutes. He wound up with his hands about my

throat --so I know where you are coming from. This was a scary day for me,

but it taught me to be VERY careful about what he is allowed to eat.

Yeast and bad food always bring out the rage and aggression in my son. We

did IV chelation, and I do not recommend this. It caused respiratory

reactions in my son, and then when we stopped, he regressed in areas --no

doubt since this form merely stirs metals up and redeposits elsewhere. when

we restart, then we will do the AC Protocol and we wish we would have just

done it this way years ago.

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My older boy used to get upset and slam doors and freak out. Took about 30

minutes at least for him to calm down.

After about 75 rounds this is pretty much gone. He gets upset like any other 5

year old and can calm down in a couple of minutes.



From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...>

Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 9:36:07 PM

Subject: [ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

protocal? I need something to look forward to.

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My boy is 15yo. He is bigger than me and stronger than me. He has been GFCF

and has taken a multitude of supps for 12 years - beginning 6 mos after


He used to be the most giggly happy boy - with autism. That changed 2 years

ago. His rage is not controllable. It is not something that he can be talked

out of. It appears he has no idea what he is doing until it is over, then comes

the uncontrollable crying and remorse.

He was suspended from school this week due to behavior. I don't see them trying

behavior strategies at school, they do physical restraint once he gets

aggressive. I thought they would be behavioral experts but they appear very

lacking in that area. Tomorrow I will have to hire an attorney I guess.

I've tried heavy yeast treatments, diet rotation, removing every supp and adding

back in one by one, MRI, EEG, endoscopy (2x), colonoscopy (2x), bloodwork. His

Serum Creatinine is low (.73 with ref range of .76 - 1.27) and I guess that's

because he has lost so much weight.

We tried Risperdal and Abilify, the first had no effect even with continued

increased doseage over one year and the Abilify made him rage something

terrible. I removed them both- they are garbage.

We are now doing .25mg ALA every 3 hrs around the clock. I'm adding 1000mg Vit

C with each dose. This is round #2, the first was 2 weekends ago.

I'm concerned that with severe constipation, if the mercury is excreted through

the poop then it will be reabsorbed by the body. I think I will give a bottle

of mag citrate tonight.

Thanks to all who have replied. It has helped me a lot this weekend. I feel

very down about the school suspension and not sure where to turn since I'm a

single working mom. He has to go to school or I will lose my job. It helps

that you are seeing relief, so I can have something to look forward to here.



> My older boy used to get upset and slam doors and freak out. Took about 30

> minutes at least for him to calm down.

> After about 75 rounds this is pretty much gone. He gets upset like any other 5

> year old and can calm down in a couple of minutes.

> TJ






> ________________________________

> From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@...>


> Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 9:36:07 PM

> Subject: [ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?



> Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

> protocal? I need something to look forward to.









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Seen it past weekend with full moon rather than chelation, how long has

this been going on? If we ever got this it was after being too successful with

yeast protocol and causing a bacteria problem, aggression and very


Hope things are better son

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 25/09/2010 05:36:33 GMT Daylight Time,

misterboysmom@... writes:

Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with

AC protocal? I need something to look forward to.

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Maybe you could try adding the NAC for more glutathione like was suggested to

me. Make sure to up the yeast protocol if you do.


> >

> > My older boy used to get upset and slam doors and freak out. Took about 30

> > minutes at least for him to calm down.

> > After about 75 rounds this is pretty much gone. He gets upset like any other


> > year old and can calm down in a couple of minutes.

> > TJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@>

> >

> > Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 9:36:07 PM

> > Subject: [ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

> >

> >

> > Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

> > protocal? I need something to look forward to.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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hi hun,

as regards the terrible constipation, have you tried oxypowder?? ds1 has

suffered with terrible constipation for years and years, we've tried every

protocol there is, every supplement, every diet, tbh nothing has really worked,

hes been on 4 types of laxatives and stool softeners and tbh they were all

rubbish, movivol and sodium picolinate never worked, enemas were brief, and

liquid paraffin were humilating for a 12 yr old boy at pe who was leaking all

over his trousers, he had become so constipated in the last year that it

actually backed up to his stomach and was causing him tremendous pain, we tried

the oxypowder and we havent looked back, the school have noticed a huge

improvement in his behaviour, say hes more attentive, stronger, focussed and can

concentrate more, hes much calmer and sociable. I give the oxypowder fri, sat

and sun nights to help him remove the metals as quickly and comfortably as

possible, he then has another dose on wednesday, just to make sure his bowel is

still moving. I honestly, so far, cannot fault this stuff, its been a godsend

for my son, he is sooo much happier, if he notices that hes starting to feel

uncomfortable, he even asks for it.

I wish you all the best, its my ds2 who is 7 who is the really very aggressive

boy (although ds1 didn't half have his moments) in this house and we are still

trying to find answers for his rage, we are pinning our hopes on AC protocol,

having tried everything else.

Good Luck,


mum to 1 DCD, 2 ASD; 3, 7, 12yrs; round 2 dmsa, 2.5, 5, 10mg

> >

> > My older boy used to get upset and slam doors and freak out. Took about 30

> > minutes at least for him to calm down.

> > After about 75 rounds this is pretty much gone. He gets upset like any other


> > year old and can calm down in a couple of minutes.

> > TJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: mrboysmom <misterboysmom@>

> >

> > Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 9:36:07 PM

> > Subject: [ ] Rage & Aggression eliminated with AC Protocal?

> >

> >

> > Can anyone tell me that they have seen rage & aggression eliminated with AC

> > protocal? I need something to look forward to.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> My boy is 15yo. He is bigger than me and stronger than me. He has been GFCF

and has taken a multitude of supps for 12 years - beginning 6 mos after



> He used to be the most giggly happy boy - with autism. That changed 2 years


I am wondering if you have tried treating for bacteria or other infections.

What follows is my opinion, based on observation. I don't have any links or

" science " to back it up. I am sharing my thoughts in hopes it might give you

something to go on.

I have concluded that teenaged acne is not " due to hormones " per se, but is,

instead, due to hormones pumping up the immune system, much the same way that

doctors will prescribe steroids along with antibiotics for really serious

infections. I think the acne is a sign that the body is fighting off infection

that normally flies below the radar. When I got my sons healthier, they stopped

having acne in their teens. But I continued to have acne in my 40's while

working on getting well. I was lots sicker than they were, so there was a lot

more infection to kill off.

So if your son's rages started with hitting puberty, maybe they are due to some

raging battle within his system that was kicked off by hormones pumping up his

immune system. If so, addressing the underlying infection in question would be

the logical solution. I say this in part because my sons and I have noticed

that some infections lead to aggressive behavior. Not all of them, just some of

them. So I would assume there is probably some specific infection behind this.

Whatever the answer turns out to be, best of luck resolving this.





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True, but dont some chelators dump the metals through the bowels? Maybe that was

what she was referring to, keeping the bowels moving to get the metals out, not

it being a chelator.



> Oxypowder is not a chelator and will not remove metals.



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Yes, I'm concerned that since ALA dumps the metals through the bowels, and he

has constipation, the metals could be re-absorbed.

He really took a turn for the worse 2 years ago when we chelated 3x/day and plus

he was constipated. We did not understand at that time that we need to follow

an every 3 hour schedule. We also did not realize that he was constipated until

he began to show aggression and we started searching for a reason why.

It seems Amazon sell the Oxy-Powder. $50 seems inexpensive compared to all the

Rx for constipation we have tried that do not work. I will buy some.

Interesting that this weekend he has had 1000mg Vit C every 3 hours and still

not passed a bowel movement.

Regarding the bacteria that people have mentioned, how does one know their child

has bacteria? Honestly we have treated heavily for yeast but I never could tell

if it worked and I've backed off of it. Too much money and too many pills with

no effect. How can you tell if it's yeast/bacteria??

> >

> > Oxypowder is not a chelator and will not remove metals.

> >

> >

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Do you have a doctor who could order a stool analysis for you? (I'm not even

sure if you need a doctor, though.) We had my daughter's stool tested through

Metametrix; it uncovered bacteria, yeast and parasites, and also provided

sensitivities to a number of natural treatments (oregano, garlic, uva ursi,

olive leaf, etc). This was extremely helpful to me, because I felt we were just

shooting in the dark with some supplements. Also had her adrenals tested and

found cortisol levels to be all out of whack. I think the cortisol in

particular has been a big contributor to the rages.

As for the constipation, we use mag citrate capsules every day, and aloe vera

juice daily too.


> > >

> > > Oxypowder is not a chelator and will not remove metals.

> > >

> > >

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Yes, he takes all the basic supps. I've switched to a liquid multi vitamin and

I think he likes it. I give a healthy dose twice daily. I give Kirkman

Advanced Minerals at the same time. Then Cal-Mag, Opti-Mag, C, digestive

enzymes, EPA, antioxidants, D, BPlex, Niacinamide, Lysine, LCarnitine, also

Melatonin at night.

The stool analysis we've done over the years have never shown bacteria and only

once showed slight yeast elevation.

I wonder how long it will take to reverse the damage.

Is anyone giving anti-virals while chelating? What about on the 11 off days in



> > > >

> > > > Oxypowder is not a chelator and will not remove metals.

> > > >

> > > >

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nope but it will help his constipation, thus stopping the gut re-absorbing the

metals back into his body if they remain too long in the gut, at least that was

what my understanding was of why the gut gut must be kept mobile during

chelation, oxypowder, does that, plus it helps our constipation in general.


mum to 1 dd DCD, 1 ds with asd.


> Oxypowder is not a chelator and will not remove metals.



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Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the clock -

every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

When he was a baby we lived in a very old house and I'm sure it had lead paint.

We moved out when he was one year old. He was diagnosed six months later.

I'm a single working parent also. I'm a little tired, but that would be ok if

my boy would be happy again.



> >>And mine, when they are growing fast (Sam seems to be going at an inch a

> week right now) Lead is released from storage in the bones, Lead causes

> aggression, its a good time to get aggressive with chelation, started back on

> DMSA/ALA after a lengthy holiday just using TD DMPS in 5 day rounds AC

> style and seeing calming already, keeps me going now as single parent working

> 10 hour days




> Mandi in UK



> In a message dated 27/09/2010 20:33:11 GMT Daylight Time, carla925@...

> writes:


> Your situation sounds very similar to what I've experienced with my son.

> He's now 18. The worst of his tantrums and aggression occurred around 15

> years old through 17. (He, too, was the sweetest happiest little boy. Very

> easy until around 14 years old.)




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According to Andy Cutler ALA does not chelate lead, at least hasn't been proven

in any substantial amount in studies.

Why not chelate every weekend and .25mg or 25mg?

> >

> > >>And mine, when they are growing fast (Sam seems to be going at an inch a

> > week right now) Lead is released from storage in the bones, Lead causes

> > aggression, its a good time to get aggressive with chelation, started back


> > DMSA/ALA after a lengthy holiday just using TD DMPS in 5 day rounds AC

> > style and seeing calming already, keeps me going now as single parent


> > 10 hour days

> >

> > FWIW

> >

> > Mandi in UK

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 27/09/2010 20:33:11 GMT Daylight Time, carla925@

> > writes:

> >

> > Your situation sounds very similar to what I've experienced with my son.

> > He's now 18. The worst of his tantrums and aggression occurred around 15

> > years old through 17. (He, too, was the sweetest happiest little boy. Very

> > easy until around 14 years old.)

> >

> >

> >

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DMSA caused severe rage. I'm afraid to try it again.



> Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

> than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only have

> seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

> can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small in

> 25mg caps




> Mandi in UK



> In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> misterboysmom@... writes:


> Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

> clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!




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For us, when we had SEVERE aggression....it meant that we had a SEVERE case of

yeast and had to treat it very aggressively!!! We had that reaction,

too....from both ALA and DMSA.

hope this helps.


> >

> > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

> > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only


> > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

> > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small in

> > 25mg caps

> >

> > HTH

> >

> > Mandi in UK

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > misterboysmom@ writes:

> >

> > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

> > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> >

> >

> >

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How did you know it was yeast? How would I treat it aggressively? I have

Capryl & Candidase here but I never see much change when I use them.

I'm starting to think the rage/aggression are due to constipation. Today we

gave him 1/3 bottle of Mag citrate and within an hour he was in a full rage.

Later we gave him another 1/3 bottle and again he raged. He has not pooped yet.

Any thoughts on how to control constipation? Anyone else use Mag Citrate and

not have it cause a bowel movement? Last time we used 3 bottles over 3 days and

finally he had a bowel movement.


> > >

> > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in stool

> > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA only


> > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific you

> > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in small in

> > > 25mg caps

> > >

> > > HTH

> > >

> > > Mandi in UK

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > >

> > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

> > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > >

> > >

> > >

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oxypowder has been brilliant in this house, ds1 has been constipated for years,

managed by GI with liquid paraffin, sodium picolinate, movicol, and senna, dont

need those anymore - yay oxypowder!!


mum to 1 DD with DCD, 2 DS with ASD

> > > > >

> > > > > Its not what ALA is known for but I have had more Lead come out in

> > stool

> > > > > than in urine in early days when I used to test and folks using ALA

> > only have

> > > > > seen the same so I think it probably does but DMSA is more specific

> > you

> > > > > can still get it from VRP(on site) and New Beginnings (phone) in

> > small in

> > > > > 25mg caps

> > > > >

> > > > > HTH

> > > > >

> > > > > Mandi in UK

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > In a message dated 28/09/2010 04:04:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> > > > > misterboysmom@ writes:

> > > > >

> > > > > Does ALA chelate lead? I am giving .25mg ALA every 3 hours around the

> >

> > > > > clock - every other weekend. This was round #2. It went very well!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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