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sore neck

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Wow! I just woke up with the same thing! My left shoulder is sore from

sleeping wrong on it! Beth P.

<cathy.yoon@...> wrote: Has anyone woken up with a sore neck and

shoulder from sleeping

wrong? My left shoulder has shooting pain and I can't turn my neck.

Any suggestions. Help!!!

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I have gotten that cramping/shooting neck and shoulder pain two or

three times over the years. I have used two different approaches...

Apply heat(something like Icy Hot helps too) and rest it. It will

clear in a day or two. (I still did my lower body and cardio)

For the past two times I had symptoms like this; I went directly to my

accupuncturist. I walked in with the painful spasm and an hour later

came out without the spasm. At the time, it was worth the $60 visit.

Good luck.


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> <cathy.yoon@n...> wrote: Has anyone woken up with a sore neck

and shoulder from sleeping

> wrong? My left shoulder has shooting pain and I can't turn my neck.

I would try getting a dish towel wet and putting it in the microwave,

maybe a minute or so until it is hot. Then test and make sure you won't

burn yourself and place it on the area that is hurting. I'd do this off

and on. Maybe some light stretches also.


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  • 4 years later...

Hello Listmates,

I'm looking for a little insight regarding my 14 yr old son's recent experience

with chelation. He finished his 1st round of chelation (AC protocol, 12.5mg ALA,

he's 160lbs) on Thurs evening. On Fri morning, he woke with a sore neck, also,

he doesn't have as much energy as usual and is sleeping more, but other than

those symptoms, he is feeling fine. The only other time that he's had neck pain

came long with a flu that was dx as viral and it resolved after a few days. He

did fine on the chelation round the only difference with him was that he was a

little more affectionate than normal and was chewing things, pencils, pens

etc(something he hadn't done in yrs).

So I'm wondering is muscle/joint pain common with chelation or is it possible

that the ALA has awoken his immune system and his body is trying to fight a

virus? Also, how much time should I give him before the next round and is the

dosage too high.

Background info: fully vaccinated, had 3 amalgam filling that fell out 3-4 yrs

ago, struggles with insomnia, adrenal problems, low energy, sweats easily,

multiple chemical sensitivities, focus/impulsivity issues, etc.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry its long.

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It's possible. Ala is good for the immune system. Don't rule out yeast either.

It's VERY common to be tired post round. I still get this, I am really wipped

out on Mondays. Chewing..he needs more zinc.

His dose is fine. You need to wait 4 or more days until the next round.

Muscle join pain is not common per say but not unheard of either.


> Hello Listmates,


> I'm looking for a little insight regarding my 14 yr old son's recent

experience with chelation. He finished his 1st round of chelation (AC protocol,

12.5mg ALA, he's 160lbs) on Thurs evening. On Fri morning, he woke with a sore

neck, also, he doesn't have as much energy as usual and is sleeping more, but

other than those symptoms, he is feeling fine. The only other time that he's had

neck pain came long with a flu that was dx as viral and it resolved after a few

days. He did fine on the chelation round the only difference with him was that

he was a little more affectionate than normal and was chewing things, pencils,

pens etc(something he hadn't done in yrs).


> So I'm wondering is muscle/joint pain common with chelation or is it possible

that the ALA has awoken his immune system and his body is trying to fight a

virus? Also, how much time should I give him before the next round and is the

dosage too high.


> Background info: fully vaccinated, had 3 amalgam filling that fell out 3-4 yrs

ago, struggles with insomnia, adrenal problems, low energy, sweats easily,

multiple chemical sensitivities, focus/impulsivity issues, etc.


> Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry its long.




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> I'm looking for a little insight regarding my 14 yr old son's recent

experience with chelation. He finished his 1st round of chelation (AC protocol,

12.5mg ALA, he's 160lbs) on Thurs evening. On Fri morning, he woke with a sore


At my house, viruses caused this sometimes, and yeast caused this sometimes.

Because you were just chelating, try increasing the yeast protocol first.

>>was chewing things, pencils, pens etc(something he hadn't done in yrs).

This meant yeast at my house.


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  • 1 month later...

jUst curious is your chemically sensitive child reacts to a lot of the

supplements that you try?

> >

> > Hello Listmates,

> >

> > I'm looking for a little insight regarding my 14 yr old son's recent

experience with chelation. He finished his 1st round of chelation (AC protocol,

12.5mg ALA, he's 160lbs) on Thurs evening. On Fri morning, he woke with a sore

neck, also, he doesn't have as much energy as usual and is sleeping more, but

other than those symptoms, he is feeling fine. The only other time that he's had

neck pain came long with a flu that was dx as viral and it resolved after a few

days. He did fine on the chelation round the only difference with him was that

he was a little more affectionate than normal and was chewing things, pencils,

pens etc(something he hadn't done in yrs).

> >

> > So I'm wondering is muscle/joint pain common with chelation or is it

possible that the ALA has awoken his immune system and his body is trying to

fight a virus? Also, how much time should I give him before the next round and

is the dosage too high.

> >

> > Background info: fully vaccinated, had 3 amalgam filling that fell out 3-4

yrs ago, struggles with insomnia, adrenal problems, low energy, sweats easily,

multiple chemical sensitivities, focus/impulsivity issues, etc.

> >

> > Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry its long.

> >

> >

> >


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In my experience, sore muscles and especially a sore neck is yeast related. If

your Candida gets really bad you can become intolerant to lots of foods and

start having these kinds of reactions. I suggest taking a break and gently

treating the yeast. By gently, I mean, start off with a low/no sugar or sweets

diet if that is possible and probiotics after meals. Then after a few days, add

a yeast killer like Candex or Candidaise which will be taken on an empty

stomach. It is not fun to have the yeast die off, so have him take charcoal

about an hour later and then sit in an epsom salt bath. When he has gone

through that, the both of you will realize how important it is to do these

things DURING chelation so that he does not end up in so much pain again.

I really believe this is the way to go. I am chelating and it can be really

rough as far as yeast goes, I have found that this is a way I can tolerate it

and after my bath I feel sooooo much better. I feel really bad for your son

right now because it does suck feeling that way. Tell him I said that it will

get better as long as he takes his supplements and tries to avoid sweets.



> Hello Listmates,


> I'm looking for a little insight regarding my 14 yr old son's recent

experience with chelation. He finished his 1st round of chelation (AC protocol,

12.5mg ALA, he's 160lbs) on Thurs evening. On Fri morning, he woke with a sore

neck, also, he doesn't have as much energy as usual and is sleeping more, but

other than those symptoms, he is feeling fine. The only other time that he's had

neck pain came long with a flu that was dx as viral and it resolved after a few

days. He did fine on the chelation round the only difference with him was that

he was a little more affectionate than normal and was chewing things, pencils,

pens etc(something he hadn't done in yrs).


> So I'm wondering is muscle/joint pain common with chelation or is it possible

that the ALA has awoken his immune system and his body is trying to fight a

virus? Also, how much time should I give him before the next round and is the

dosage too high.


> Background info: fully vaccinated, had 3 amalgam filling that fell out 3-4 yrs

ago, struggles with insomnia, adrenal problems, low energy, sweats easily,

multiple chemical sensitivities, focus/impulsivity issues, etc.


> Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry its long.




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

On 14/04/2010 3:25 PM, wrote:

> I seemed to have pulled something in my right

> shoulder, towards my neck and it is nearly impossible to put my head

> back without pain right now

i hope that your neck and shoulder are ok nancy. how do they

feel today?

mine are messed up on my right side, and have been for over a

year. most nights im scared to go to bed because i know i will

be in pain the next morning and for most of the next day. after

thinking back, i believe i may have injured my neck when i wiped

out during ice skating in december 2008 :/ i afraid to go to

the dr (in past experience she is a fanatic who will send me from

one specialist to another and these dr's then wont find anything

wrong...ugh! i just dont have time for that!). i just keep

trying different pillows (gets expensive), sleeping in other

places and positions, stretching, massage, movement, pain med,

etc..... some days the stiffness and pain are pretty bad... but

other days it is all quite tolerable. ::shrug::

anyway, i hope that you dont have to go through what ive been

experiencing and that everything is back to normal now.


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