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Re: Re: Statistic on Chelation

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What does PANDAS mean?



From: praboli <praboli@...>

Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation


I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem and

metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every week,

ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard to get

up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive enough to

keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive, funny,

abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school without an

aid doing age appropriate work.

Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I even

increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out he had

PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has a

long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with this

child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol, please

please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the body

and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal for

both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may appear

a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are about

to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is very

appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of the

other moms/dads.

I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2 child's

recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get their

child back as well.

Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read every

page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and over

when I had questions or needed more info.



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How about stirring up the viruses before chelaltion? With some supplements (vit

A, MB12, Virastop), my son's viruses started to show up (strep and herpes) from

time to time, which he never had before. Can this be harmful, and should I try

not to " bother " them? To not go high doses MB12, in particular?




From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 3:30 AM


Don't believe strep, or any bacteria for that matter can " go bad " unless there

has been a toxic insult to the person. Fixing the bacteria problem with

antibiotics before removing the toxic insult may result in more resistant

bacteria. Chelation should be done first. It is controversial whether

antibiotics are any more effective than not doing anything.

> >

> > What does PANDAS mean?

> >

> > Ricky

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: praboli <praboli@>

> >

> > Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

> > Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

> >

> >  

> > I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem


> > metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every


> > ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard to


> > up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive enough


> > keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive,


> > abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school

without an

> > aid doing age appropriate work.

> >

> >

> > Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I


> > increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out he


> > PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has a

> > long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with this

> > child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol, please

> > please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the


> > and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal for

> > both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may


> > a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are


> > to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is very

> > appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of


> > other moms/dads.

> >

> >

> > I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2 child's

> > recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get


> > child back as well.

> >

> > Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read


> > page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and


> > when I had questions or needed more info.

> >

> > Pam

> >

> > Pam

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with

Streptococcal Infections.

In a message dated 10/10/2010 9:32:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

rickyyu8888@... writes:

What does PANDAS mean?

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It's not the strep that has gone bad, it's the immune system. The immune

system is screwed up and reacts improperly when strep is present. The

immune system thinks the basal ganglia is strep and attacks it, that is why you

still can have symptoms even when strep is no longer present. The immune

system thinks it is present.


In a message dated 10/11/2010 3:30:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

elizabethsoliday@... writes:


> Basically strep gone bad. Becomes autoimmune and starts attacking the

brain. Long termed antibiotics seem to help with some. Others have had

success with IVIG.

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Did you IV chelation?

From: praboli <praboli@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 10:28 AM


Antibiotics were the only effective agent tried here. I did almost a year of

chelation with few gains. I have started with chelation again while on the

antibiotics and we're getting good results. I welcome any advice. I love the

natural route and favor it over drugs, but I think we exhausted all other


> > >

> > > What does PANDAS mean?

> > >

> > > Ricky

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: praboli <praboli@>

> > >

> > > Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

> > > Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

> > >

> > >  

> > > I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem


> > > metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every


> > > ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard

to get

> > > up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive

enough to

> > > keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive,


> > > abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school

without an

> > > aid doing age appropriate work.

> > >

> > >

> > > Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I


> > > increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out

he had

> > > PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has


> > > long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with


> > > child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol,


> > > please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the


> > > and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal


> > > both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may


> > > a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are


> > > to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is


> > > appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of


> > > other moms/dads.

> > >

> > >

> > > I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2


> > > recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get


> > > child back as well.

> > >

> > > Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read


> > > page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and


> > > when I had questions or needed more info.

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi Dana,


Thanks for your answer and correcting!


May I ask you how did you know that they were eliminated? Was it general

developmental improvement, or a massive symptoms of bacterial/viral

infection  that came once and went away?

My son never had neither antibodies, nor symptoms. I would be very glad if he

eventually becomes " really sick " with herpes or strep, or any other thing that

is probably staying inside him.


Another question is, when giving lysine as well as other amino acids, how did

you make sure that they are in balance? Was it blood testing? What is the safe

routine to give amino acids so that their balance is still kept?


Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge!


With best regards,


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 9:33 AM


> How about stirring up the viruses before chelaltion? With some supplements

(vit A, MB12, Virastop), my son's viruses started to show up (strep and herpes)

from time to time, which he never had before.

Strep is a bacteria, not a virus. I eliminated strep at my house with OLE. Your

child probably DID have it, it was just not presenting with physical symptoms,

it was dormant or worse, presenting with mental/behavioral symptoms.

I eliminated herpes virus with lysine.


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From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 12:32 PM


If you are chelating and you start to see rashes or have fever, don't worry too

much about it, just give more epsom salt baths to help with comfort and opening

pores to let it out. I don't see anything wrong with using supplements for

bacteria/viruses along with chelation, but I do see something wrong with

antibiotic use early in chelation or continued antibiotic use without chelating.


> > >

> > > What does PANDAS mean?

> > >

> > > Ricky

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: praboli <praboli@>

> > >

> > > Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 8:17:19 PM

> > > Subject: [ ] Re: Statistic on Chelation

> > >

> > >  

> > > I have never tried IV Chelation, but have a basic understanding of biochem


> > > metabolic processes. With child #1, I did chelation for 1.5 years, every


> > > ACP. This protocol ultimately recovered my child. I don't deny it's hard

to get

> > > up at night, but as you slowly see those new gains, that's incentive

enough to

> > > keep going. My child went from a " walking coma " to a smart, intuitive,


> > > abstract thinking and highly social child. He is in mainstream school

without an

> > > aid doing age appropriate work.

> > >

> > >

> > > Child #2, I did the same things. He got worse and I couldn't understand. I


> > > increased the yeast protocol and he kept going downhill. Come to find out

he had

> > > PANDAS. Now we're treating PANDAS successfully with antibiotics (still has


> > > long way to go). Started doing the ACP and making some great gains with


> > > child. My point of all this is before you start any kind of protocol,


> > > please take the time to understand what you are doing biochemically to the


> > > and the affinity of toxic metals to the CNS. The ACP has been phenomenal


> > > both my kids and I wouldn't even consider doing it any other way. AC may


> > > a little harsh in his responses, but he knows the potential damage you are


> > > to cause in your already toxic child. The fact that he is responding is


> > > appreciated here because I always learn from his posts, as well as some of


> > > other moms/dads.

> > >

> > >

> > > I love it that we have our child back, and anxiously awaiting our #2


> > > recovery. I pray and hope the rest of the struggling parents out there get


> > > child back as well.

> > >

> > > Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out Andy's books. I haven't read


> > > page, but they are great reference books which I've gone back to over and


> > > when I had questions or needed more info.

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > > Pam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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