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Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make ASAP

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My son had been using homeopathy for about 4-5 months before we started AC

chelation. We kept him on the same homeopathic constitutional remedy

throughout the 30 rounds of chelation and keep going with both at the same

time. I give him the homeopathy once a week on Sunday morning which is

during the chelation rounds. We did not see any impact on the homeopathy

from chelation.

Homeopathy was huge for our son with oppositional defiant behaviour and

helped him enourmously into being more social and therefore more able to

learn and participate in life. AC chelation has also been huge with great

gains in cognition and sociability. Our homeopath would also ideally like us

to only use homeopathy and no supplements, chelation, etc but like you I was

fighting against time to get him ready for school so we just continued with

everything at the same time.

I have to say we were lucky in that the first remedy was his constitutional

remedy so we did not need to change anything. Although, we did an MMR

reversal with homeopathy as well. From my very limited knowledge of

homeopathy I would think that you should see changes in less than a month?

We saw changes from the very first dose - increased language, sociability,


Good luck


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:30 PM, G <luckylot@...> wrote:



> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

> year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never

> seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get

> rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally

> flat tummy though.


> So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

> by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to

> dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we

> have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off

> on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could

> antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this

> trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we

> go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!

> Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to

> utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he

> has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do

> is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody,

> tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the

> problems that arise, etc.


> But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't

> at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit

> alone!


> Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

> first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

> dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I

> am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a

> HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even

> if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are

> trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't

> the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> point?


> Thanks in advance!





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" We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings "

Have you tried chromium or lithium for this?

" plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up "

There is probably still a food intolerance (in my experience). Do you give

Candex/Candidaise before bed or with night dose? It helps.

" We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the

day with a totally flat tummy though. "

Another sign of food intolerance. If he gets bloated/gassy, try activated

charcoal and try to pin down the foods causing this.

I'm sorry I can't give you any good suggestions on the homeopathy , I

don't know enough about it. What I do know kind of turns me off, lactose in

many of the pills and " like " attracting or drawing attention to " like " ...I mean,

my dentist gave me some stuff called " Metal Chord " to detox after my amalgams

were removed, I was worried about what it really was - can't say I'm crazy about

stuff without ingredients on it. :) I hope you have success whatever you do!


> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have

done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We

feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.


> So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our

initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.


> But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!


> Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?


> Thanks in advance!



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Could you please the name of the homeopaths you guys are going to. I am also

considering starting homeopathy and would like to get a suggestion as to who to

go to.




> >

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

> > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never

> > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get

> > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally

> > flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

> > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to

> > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we

> > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off

> > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could

> > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this

> > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we

> > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!

> > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to

> > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he

> > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do

> > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody,

> > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the

> > problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't

> > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit

> > alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

> > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

> > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I

> > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a

> > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even

> > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are

> > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't

> > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> > point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >

> >

> >




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I'm very intrigued with your reply to , because my son has terrible

oppositional defiant behavior (ODD) and I'm curious as to the name of the

homeopathic remedy you gave your son that helped with his ODD.  I've been

doing homeopathy with my son for over a year, but it has yielded little in the

way of results---in fact, I'm worried it has made him worse.  My son's ODD has

definitely worsened over the past year.  I realize with homeopathy everything

is very individualized, and that what helped your child with his ODD may not

help my son, but nonetheless I'd like to research the remedy you used to see if

it might " fit " my son. 

Also, , I've always been of the impression that homeopathy usually works

regardless of other supplements/medications one is taking.  My son's homeopath

told me homeopathy even works through chemotherapy.  So maybe the homeopathic

remedy would not necessarily be an antidote for the chelation. 


Re: [ ] Desperate for help with a decision we need to

 make ASAP


My son had been using homeopathy for about 4-5 months before we started AC

chelation. We kept him on the same homeopathic constitutional remedy

throughout the 30 rounds of chelation and keep going with both at the same

time. I give him the homeopathy once a week on Sunday morning which is

during the chelation rounds. We did not see any impact on the homeopathy

from chelation.

Homeopathy was huge for our son with oppositional defiant behaviour and

helped him enourmously into being more social and therefore more able to

learn and participate in life. AC chelation has also been huge with great

gains in cognition and sociability. Our homeopath would also ideally like us

to only use homeopathy and no supplements, chelation, etc but like you I was

fighting against time to get him ready for school so we just continued with

everything at the same time.

I have to say we were lucky in that the first remedy was his constitutional

remedy so we did not need to change anything. Although, we did an MMR

reversal with homeopathy as well. From my very limited knowledge of

homeopathy I would think that you should see changes in less than a month?

We saw changes from the very first dose - increased language, sociability,


Good luck


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:30 PM, G <luckylot@...> wrote:



> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

> year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never

> seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get

> rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally

> flat tummy though.


> So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

> by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to

> dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we

> have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off

> on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could

> antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this

> trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we

> go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!

> Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to

> utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he

> has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do

> is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody,

> tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the

> problems that arise, etc.


> But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't

> at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit

> alone!


> Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

> first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

> dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I

> am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a

> HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even

> if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are

> trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't

> the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> point?


> Thanks in advance!





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> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two

> years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler

> protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting

> to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings,

Hi ,

I have tried some homeopathy over the years with my kids and on one occasion

with DD while chelating (though not the same treatment as you are trying). For

us, the results on all occasions were nil, no benefits at all but thankfully, no

ill effects either.

Andy has some comments about homeopathy in the archives which are worth reading.

He advises against following any " detox " homeopathy treatments, in particular

anything with mercurius, argentum, arsenicum, plumbum. He talks about reports of

people getting worse from some forms of homeopathy treatments but good results

from other types. Here are just a few of his posts about it:





Have you looked into the adrenal connection for anxiety? They can play a big

role in that area. If adrenals are a problem, then fluctuations in blood sugar

can affect mood as well.

My DD responds well to inositol and adrenal support. I agree with Liz about

trying lithium and chromium (the latter helps with blood sugar levels, hence

helps people with adrenal fatigue). GABA may also help with anxiety.

Liver problems and chemical sensitivities can also affect moods.

Also, as a mom of a DD who has lots anxiety and mood swings, I suggest that you

also look into getting an EEG done if you haven't already. Abnormal brain

activity can also cause these types of problems.

I'm sorry that I can't help more with the homeopathy questions. Personally, I

would bottom out all other possibilities before putting money on homeopathy to

help with mood and anxiety.


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Also, would like to know how to go about looking for a homeopath.

From: rochelle b <mcroche2002@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make


Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 2:50 AM


Could you please the name of the homeopaths you guys are going to. I am also

considering starting homeopathy and would like to get a suggestion as to who to

go to.




> >

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

> > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never

> > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get

> > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally

> > flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

> > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to

> > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we

> > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off

> > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could

> > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this

> > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we

> > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!

> > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to

> > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he

> > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do

> > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody,

> > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the

> > problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't

> > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit

> > alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

> > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

> > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I

> > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a

> > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even

> > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are

> > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't

> > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> > point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Perhaps a DDI Hair Elements test is in order?

Bloating, for me, is totally diet related. I skimmed the original post, but

didn't see if the child was GFCF or other 'free'.


> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >


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It sounds like he needs adrenal support.


> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have

done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We

feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.


> So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our

initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.


> But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!


> Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?


> Thanks in advance!



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do a google search for:  homeopathic DAN!

nancy j

From: rochelle b <mcroche2002@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make


Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 2:50 AM


Could you please the name of the homeopaths you guys are going to. I am also

considering starting homeopathy and would like to get a suggestion as to who to

go to.




> >

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

> > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never

> > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get

> > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally

> > flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

> > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to

> > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we

> > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off

> > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could

> > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this

> > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we

> > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!

> > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to

> > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he

> > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do

> > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody,

> > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the

> > problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't

> > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit

> > alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

> > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

> > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I

> > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a

> > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even

> > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are

> > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't

> > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> > point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >

> >

> >




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I am using lithium orotate (1/4 of a capsule), because his hair test showed him

off the charts low in lithium, so yes, I am attempting this angle too. Since

the inception of our biomed journey with our sons, they have both had bloating

issues. Even when I removed 25 foods based on an IgG, in addition to gluten and

casein, he was STILL bloating, in fact, it was sometimes even worse during that

period. We then removed carbs/starches and grains....nothing made a difference!

The only thing that I sense is that his moods are worse when the bloating is

really bad, so I think it's pathogenic.

I have given him his two first doses of the homeopathic remedy and I don't know

if it's coincidental, but he has NO bloating so far today, at almost 3pm. His

mood has been darling and consistent! It would be an awful coincidence, if it's

not related to the homeopathy....so I am hopeful here! I just can't decide if I

should continue with the very next round of chelation or maybe just give it one

week without chelation to get the full effect....

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >


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Instead of lithium orotate have you looked into ionic lithium?  New Beginnings

makes it.  Our np said she likes the ionic better than the orotate cause it can

be used long term with no negative side affects at all.

nancy j

From: G <luckylot@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make


Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 11:51 AM


I am using lithium orotate (1/4 of a capsule), because his hair test

showed him off the charts low in lithium, so yes, I am attempting this angle

too. Since the inception of our biomed journey with our sons, they have both

had bloating issues. Even when I removed 25 foods based on an IgG, in addition

to gluten and casein, he was STILL bloating, in fact, it was sometimes even

worse during that period. We then removed carbs/starches and grains....nothing

made a difference! The only thing that I sense is that his moods are worse when

the bloating is really bad, so I think it's pathogenic.

I have given him his two first doses of the homeopathic remedy and I don't know

if it's coincidental, but he has NO bloating so far today, at almost 3pm. His

mood has been darling and consistent! It would be an awful coincidence, if it's

not related to the homeopathy....so I am hopeful here! I just can't decide if I

should continue with the very next round of chelation or maybe just give it one

week without chelation to get the full effect....

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to

utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with

him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has

some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send

him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired,

grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to

monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that

arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >


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We have done two DDI hair elements test, one just recently. He is free of

gluten and casein, plus he has been free of ALL 25 IgG foods, in addition we

removed grains, starches and carbs (not veggies though) and he still bloated, so

I don't think it's diet, I think it's pathogenic overload. When his belly is

down, his mood is better too.

> > >

> > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > >

> > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > >

> > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > >

> > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance!

> > >

> > >

> >


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When I am done with this bottle of the lithium orotate which I just bought, I

will check that out. I liked the ionic zinc from NB too, not cheap though.

Thanks for the recommendation.


> > >


> > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.


> > >


> > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to

> utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with

him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has

some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send

him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired,

grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to

monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that

arise, etc.


> > >


> > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit



> > >


> > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?


> > >


> > > Thanks in advance!


> > >


> > >


> >



























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Responses below...

> Hi ,


> I have tried some homeopathy over the years with my kids and on one occasion

with DD while chelating (though not the same treatment as you are trying). For

us, the results on all occasions were nil, no benefits at all but thankfully, no

ill effects either.


> Andy has some comments about homeopathy in the archives which are worth

reading. He advises against following any " detox " homeopathy treatments, in

particular anything with mercurius, argentum, arsenicum, plumbum. He talks about

reports of people getting worse from some forms of homeopathy treatments but

good results from other types. Here are just a few of his posts about it:


> http://onibasu.com/archives/am/258109.html

> http://onibasu.com/archives/am/15640.html

> http://onibasu.com/archives/am/21662.html

> http://onibasu.com/archives/am/21444.html

**Yes, I saw these posts, we won't be doing any form of chelation or detox with

homeopathy, just finding his constitutional remedy to assist in his whole body

healing. I used homeopathy (my constitutional remedy) to get off of prozac for

depression and it was truly eye-opening. I am a big fan of hoemopathy when the

right remedy is chosen.


> Have you looked into the adrenal connection for anxiety? They can play a big

role in that area. If adrenals are a problem, then fluctuations in blood sugar

can affect mood as well.

**My son doesn't tolerate ACE at all which is the only adrenal support I have

tried so far, but I have tried it on numerous occasions...every time he gets a

full body itch.


> My DD responds well to inositol and adrenal support. I agree with Liz about

trying lithium and chromium (the latter helps with blood sugar levels, hence

helps people with adrenal fatigue). GABA may also help with anxiety.

** We recently started him on a 1/4 cap of lithium orotate in the morning, and

he has been taking .5mg of chromium in the morning for at least a year. I don't

know much about dosing either of these, what do you recommend? The chromium is

part of his trace minerals so it cannot be increased without increasing the

other minerals, unless I buy the chromium separately.


> Liver problems and chemical sensitivities can also affect moods.


**Not sure how I would recognize these issues? We have no chemicals in our

house, I clean with nothing other than water and vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and

we use all natural soaps, lotions, toothpaste, etc.

> Also, as a mom of a DD who has lots anxiety and mood swings, I suggest that

you also look into getting an EEG done if you haven't already. Abnormal brain

activity can also cause these types of problems.

**Would you even consider this, if you were noticing that there is a direct

relationship between your child's mood swings and the pathogenic overgrowth that

is present at the time. His moods subside as soon as he is treated with

corresponding naturals. We recently switched him from Berberine (which

obviously wasn't cutting it) back to GSE (which I was trying to avoid, because

of the latest controversy over it's safety) and I have a more consistent and

happy child yet again!! Our problem is his total reliance on these things every

three hours to stay consistent. As soon as they wear off, the behaviors creep

back up. I am still always on the lookout for a more wholesome healing and

homeopathy holds a LOT of weight in my book based on my own experiences.


> I'm sorry that I can't help more with the homeopathy questions. Personally, I

would bottom out all other possibilities before putting money on homeopathy to

help with mood and anxiety.

**I feel like I have done this for the past year and a half so I am feeling like

we need something more. Perhaps it is just a matter of time and I need to be

more patient, but he is starting all day Kindergarten this fall and I am trying

to do all I can in the meantime to ensure the most healing possible.

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He doesn't tolerate ACE, I've tried it numerous times and he gets a full body

itch reaction to it every time.

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >


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I answered this on another list, but in case the same information might helps

another parent out there...

there are other things that can be used for adrenal support. I have found that

this problem does not go away unless it's treated with something. The adrenals

if in a bad state can't take chelation, stress or illness without being


You can use adaptogenic herbs and vitamins instead of ACE.

rhodiola is excellent, ginseng, B5, B6, licorice, ashwaghanda,

phosphatidylserine...and many other things.

Adreno Build works nicely. Cortico B5, B6 from metagenics is helpful as is

Adrenogen, or Adreset or similar supplements like these.

Intolerance to ACE is rare. But you have other options in that case.


> > >

> > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > >

> > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > >

> > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > >

> > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance!

> > >

> > >

> >


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Ever treated for parasites? Pinworms and such?

Where was lithium on the DDI test?

> > > >

> > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > >

> > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > >

> > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > >

> > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks Jan, Would you say the rhodiola is the next best thing to try or should I

try a few different things on the list? Is this like liver support where working

with multiple things helps or is it better to stick with one product?

I have to wait until we get through this trial with his constitutional remedy

before I can try anything new, but I will order something and have it ready. Do

you just base the dosing on weight, like he's a 1/4 of a standard adult size, so

he would be given a 1/4 of a dose as labeled on the bottle?

> > > >

> > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > >

> > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > >

> > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > >

> > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Rochelle

I am in Australia so probably not of help to you? I use a Classical

Homeopath. This means that we only use single remedies and the homeopath is

treating the person not the austism or metal poisoning. Our first

appointment lasted one hour and she wanted to know all sorts of things about

him to do with his tastes, whether he was always cold or hot, whether he

liked salty or sweet foods, whether he craved any foods, whether he sweated

in sleep, etc. Very much body responses. We also discussed what areas of

development we felt he was behind. The remedy he uses is Calcarea Carbonica

(Calc Carb). You can google that to read about the remedy. This is a

constitutional remedy for him. Each person is different and will respond to

different remedies. We have never done any homeopathic 'detox'. Homeopathy

has been around for many years and the remedies are so diluted it is hard to

believe you could be harmed by it. But then I am not an expert.

I also read the book Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky who claims to have cured

her son's autism with homeopathy (and therapies and supplements). The book

is about homeopathy not about her son but she does mention him. You can have

a look at this website http://www.impossiblecure.com/author.html

I have no vested interest in any of this. My son is doing great and well on

the path to recovery because very generous parents shared their knowledge

with me - including the parents in this group about AC chelation. I will be

forever thankful to them. This is why I tell people of the things that

helped my son. I know that different people will respond to different

treatments. My son was diagnosed at 4.5 years so he was not severe but had

so many issues. We started biomed he was almost 5 and many believed it was

too late for him. It is now 18 months later and he is doing so well - by

that I mean that he attends a normal school, has friends, is popular at

school, loves talking, is the top reader in his class. Lots of issues still

to fix - delayed minor and gross motor skills, obsession with trains and

stimming when excited, language is very good but still struggles at times to

find the words and does not function as fast as the other kids in relation

to abstract concepts or jokes. The top things that helped him were GFCF

diet, MB12 shots from Dr Neubrander protocol, homeopathy and AC chelation.

We still do all of these things at the same time.

By the way my son was also diagnosed with low IQ. I was told this was for

life. They were so wrong. He is intelligent and loves to learn.

All the best


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 4:50 PM, rochelle b <mcroche2002@...> wrote:




> Could you please the name of the homeopaths you guys are going to. I am

> also considering starting homeopathy and would like to get a suggestion as

> to who to go to.

> Thanks

> Rochelle


> >

> > >

> > >

> > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years

> and

> > > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the

> past

> > > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> > > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just

> never

> > > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> > > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem

> to get

> > > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a

> totally

> > > flat tummy though.

> > >

> > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

> had

> > > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not

> covered

> > > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him

> and

> > > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we

> are to

> > > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well

> and we

> > > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> > > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold

> off

> > > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it

> could

> > > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through

> this

> > > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then

> we

> > > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> > > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no

> chelation!!

> > > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than

> to

> > > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of

> chelation

> > > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts.

> Currently he

> > > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to

> do

> > > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey,

> moody,

> > > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> > > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

> the

> > > problems that arise, etc.

> > >

> > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> > > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we

> don't

> > > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's

> visit

> > > alone!

> > >

> > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

> (his

> > > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not

> starting

> > > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month

> after

> > > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the

> remedy). I

> > > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can

> be a

> > > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done

> even

> > > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> > > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while

> we are

> > > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this

> isn't

> > > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> > > point?

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Connie

HIs remedy is Calcarea Carbonica (Calc Carb). I use a water method which

means I dilute one pill into clean water and then I shake the bottle before

giving him 5 drops once a week.

All the best


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 7:36 PM, <petekoehn@...> wrote:





> Hi


> I'm very intrigued with your reply to , because my son has terrible

> oppositional defiant behavior (ODD) and I'm curious as to the name of the

> homeopathic remedy you gave your son that helped with his ODD. I've been

> doing homeopathy with my son for over a year, but it has yielded little in

> the way of results---in fact, I'm worried it has made him worse. My son's

> ODD has definitely worsened over the past year. I realize with homeopathy

> everything is very individualized, and that what helped your child with his

> ODD may not help my son, but nonetheless I'd like to research the remedy you

> used to see if it might " fit " my son.


> Also, , I've always been of the impression that homeopathy usually

> works regardless of other supplements/medications one is taking. My son's

> homeopath told me homeopathy even works through chemotherapy. So maybe the

> homeopathic remedy would not necessarily be an antidote for the chelation.


> Connie

> Re: [ ] Desperate for help with a decision we need to

> make ASAP


> Hi


> My son had been using homeopathy for about 4-5 months before we started AC

> chelation. We kept him on the same homeopathic constitutional remedy

> throughout the 30 rounds of chelation and keep going with both at the same

> time. I give him the homeopathy once a week on Sunday morning which is

> during the chelation rounds. We did not see any impact on the homeopathy

> from chelation.


> Homeopathy was huge for our son with oppositional defiant behaviour and

> helped him enourmously into being more social and therefore more able to

> learn and participate in life. AC chelation has also been huge with great

> gains in cognition and sociability. Our homeopath would also ideally like

> us

> to only use homeopathy and no supplements, chelation, etc but like you I

> was

> fighting against time to get him ready for school so we just continued with


> everything at the same time.


> I have to say we were lucky in that the first remedy was his constitutional


> remedy so we did not need to change anything. Although, we did an MMR

> reversal with homeopathy as well. From my very limited knowledge of

> homeopathy I would think that you should see changes in less than a month?

> We saw changes from the very first dose - increased language, sociability,

> etc


> Good luck

> Chris


> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:30 PM, G


> wrote:


> >

> >

> > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

> > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the

> past

> > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's

> > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just

> never

> > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural

> > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to

> get

> > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a

> totally

> > flat tummy though.

> >

> > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had

> > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not

> covered

> > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and

> > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are

> to

> > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and

> we

> > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the

> > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold

> off

> > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it

> could

> > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this


> > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then

> we

> > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new

> > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!!


> > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than

> to

> > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation

> > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently

> he

> > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to

> do

> > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey,

> moody,

> > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be

> > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

> the

> > problems that arise, etc.

> >

> > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

> > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we

> don't

> > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's

> visit

> > alone!

> >

> > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

> (his

> > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

> > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month

> after

> > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy).

> I

> > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be

> a

> > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done

> even

> > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done

> > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we

> are

> > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this

> isn't

> > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my

> > point?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >

> >

> >



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Is he taking molybdenum? My guess is if he is having problems with so many

foods, he needs more yeast treatment. Are you using coconut oil, Candex,

Candidaise, biotin, cultured vegetables? In my experience, these are pretty

well tolerated for kids who are very sensitive.

Maybe you could try a little black walnut hull for parasite treatment, we do

that about every 6 months.

> > > >

> > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and

have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year.

We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > >

> > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > >

> > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a

fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > >

> > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I swear I didn't read yours first Pam :)

> > > > >

> > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years

and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues

with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let

up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order

to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon

bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > > >

> > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy

a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hello, .

We are doing both a constitutional as well as AC chelation with our son. Yes,

chelation (particularly DMSA) does antidote the remedy for him. We changed his

constitutional to a tincture (as we found he was burning through it quickly) and

we now administer it a few hours following last dose of chelation and then each

day until we begin to chelate again (so, in essence, 4 days on the remedy, and 3

days off while we chelate) -- it is a constant balancing act, but we DO see him

benefitting from the constitutional tremendously -- but, we want to continue

with DMSA/ALA -- we will likely discontinue DMSA soon -- we are at 22 rounds


We had another hiccup in our world as we went down to see Dr Klinghardt's people

in WA -- they recommended all these new botanicals, as well as OSR and

Microsilica and a homeopathic detox protocol. I bought them all blindly and now

thoroughly wish I had not -- particularly the very expensive OSR which (after

reading Andy's posts) I will no longer give to my son...we are bleeding money

right now, and I could kick myself. At least he was only on it for a short time,

and we will begin ALA again this weekend...




> We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have

done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We

feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.


> So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our

initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.


> But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!


> Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?


> Thanks in advance!



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We did a month of Humaworm for kids.

> > > > >

> > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years

and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues

with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let

up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order

to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon

bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > > >

> > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy

a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Whoops, and yes, there was lithium on the hair test, it was in the red low!

That is when we decided to add the litium orotate in. I am using 1/4 of a cap a

day, does that seem right? Each capsule has 4.8mg of elemental lithium in it.

I just chose 1/4 of an adult dose.

> > > > >

> > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years

and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past

year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues

with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let

up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order

to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon

bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

> > > > >

> > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we

had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered

by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we

do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy

a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at

least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit


> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation

(his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting

until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after

dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am

really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE

problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do

delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said

she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this

remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we

have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks in advance!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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