Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 I give a full cap to each of my kids. I was told the dose is the same. > > Whoops, and yes, there was lithium on the hair test, it was in the red low! That is when we decided to add the litium orotate in. I am using 1/4 of a cap a day, does that seem right? Each capsule has 4.8mg of elemental lithium in it. I just chose 1/4 of an adult dose. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 He takes 200 mcg of moly a day. I'm not sure what I should do for more yeast treatment, we have tried a lot of different things, but have settled on about 5-6 drops of GSE with 20mg of biotin three times a day. The GSE seems to have the best effect. Do you recommend anything else? We've tried Uva Ursi for ten days out of the month a few times, Neem, goldenseal, caprylic acid, OoO, LDM-100....nothing has the same effect as good ole GSE. I wanted to try something else since GSE is antibiotic and because of the controversy about the testing that suggested it is a chemical that does the killing and not the grapefruit seed at all. But I can't deny that this stuff does something right! My younger son seems to have burning bowel movements when we use it though. I had high hopes for the berberine, but they experienced overgrowth while we were using that, we ended up back on the GSE. We actually just two days ago decided making kefir water/drinks and I am going to start doing that when I can buy the grains, I have a kit to make cultured veggies, just haven't done it yet, maybe today.... We did a 30 day parasite cleanse using Humaworm for kids. I think that was within the past 90 days or close to it. > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 This is the same method I used with my remedy. The dr has us using the pills directly with my son. > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and > > > have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the > > past > > > year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's > > > issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just > > never > > > seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural > > > antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to > > get > > > rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a > > totally > > > flat tummy though. > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had > > > our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not > > covered > > > by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and > > > what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are > > to > > > dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and > > we > > > have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the > > > doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold > > off > > > on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it > > could > > > antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this > > > > > trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then > > we > > > go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new > > > remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! > > > > > Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than > > to > > > utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation > > > with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently > > he > > > has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to > > do > > > is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, > > moody, > > > tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be > > > there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address > > the > > > problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a > > > fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we > > don't > > > at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's > > visit > > > alone! > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation > > (his > > > first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting > > > until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month > > after > > > dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). > > I > > > am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be > > a > > > HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done > > even > > > if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done > > > together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we > > are > > > trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this > > isn't > > > the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my > > > point? > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 Fiona, I can relate, I wish money grew on trees!! We burn through it faster than we make it. I am already seeing gains with three doses in 24 hours of the constitutional remedy, things like him walking down the stairs using both feet consecutively....he used to do one step at a time. Normally when we ask him to use both feet, he does it, but it looks strained and takes a lot of conscious effort, but this morning, he walked down the whole flight properly with NO effort and I did not ask him to do it! His moods have been smoother, although, last night he hit rock bottom for the first time in a long time, tantrums, screaming, you name it...I wonder if it was some sort of healing crisis, because last night was his third dose at 9:30pm and this morning he woke feeling awful, his face was swollen, he was slightly warm and clammy, he even thought he was going to throw up. Then after some oatmeal and 10,000IU of vit D3, a double dose of CLO, OLE, OoO, GSE, and his regular vits, he is feeling fine! I guess we will soon see, if the benefits from the constitutional remedy are antidoted by his chelation... > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 That's how I did it , but I gave it (the 1/4 dose) about 2-3 times/day till symptoms were gone. > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 Well, I would keep the caprylic acid and add Candex or Candidaise at night. I think your biotin dose is too high, but let's see what others think. GSE works good for some, I didn't like it, maybe you could ditch it for awhile and bring it back in later? See if there is any difference? Liz > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 > ** We recently started him on a 1/4 cap of lithium orotate in the > morning, and he has been taking .5mg of chromium in the morning for > at least a year. I don't know much about dosing either of these, > what do you recommend? The chromium is part of his trace minerals > so it cannot be increased without increasing the other minerals, > unless I buy the chromium separately. My kids take about 600 mcg/daily max. This amount seems to be helping two of my kids but not the third who may need more. Andy has posts about suggested dosing which you can search for. I remember that he suggested 1000 mcg/day in one of his posts. I can't help with lithium dosing since I gave this one ages ago and not for long since it seemed to affect my DD's thyroid. Andy and other reliable members have recommendations in the archives. > **Not sure how I would recognize these issues? We have no > chemicals in our house, I clean with nothing other than water and > vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and we use all natural soaps, lotions, > toothpaste, etc. From what I understand, mood instability is one of the big psychiatric symptoms in people with multiple chemical sensitivities. Also, some people have reactions to low levels of certain chemicals and that would include those emanating from carpets, mattresses, new toys, appliances, car upholstery, stores, shopping malls...the list of possible sources is pretty long. I've also read that weak adrenals can increase chemical sensitivities. Since my DD has adrenal issues and she fits the profile of someone with MCS, I tried the supplements that are supposed to help with this including niacinamide, grapefruit juice and oil of oregano. Some products helped at first, then the effects wore off, which I was told could be a sign of abnormal brain activity. > > **Would you even consider this, if you were noticing that there is > a direct relationship between your child's mood swings and the > pathogenic overgrowth that is present at the time. Yes I would, given what I know now. FWIW, my DD's moods also improve when her yeast gets under control and I've also noted that she's more calm. But it's always been for a few days here & there for fleeting periods as she could never go for long without the mood shifts. I think that an EEG is a good idea to get done. It seems justified based on your son's profile and it can give you more insight into what is going on. Note that you have to make sure to get a neurologist's report on the EEG and not just stop at the conclusion, which may well be " normal " even though the graph is abnormal. What you do based on the result is another subject though. I went to see four neurologists before finally getting one that I could actually have a decent conversation with and who recognized that DD's EEG was not normal. > His moods subside as soon as he is treated with corresponding > naturals. We recently switched him from Berberine (which obviously > wasn't cutting it) back to GSE (which I was trying to avoid, >Â because of the latest controversy over it's safety) and I have a > more consistent and happy child yet again!! Our problem is his > total reliance on these things every three hours to stay > consistent. Seems that this is a good reason to keep up with chelation over the summer. Removing metals gets the immune system in check so that yeast and other gut issues are less of an issue. > As soon as they wear off, the behaviors creep back up. I am still > always on the lookout for a more wholesome healing and homeopathy >holds a LOT of weight in my book based on my own experiences. > > **I feel like I have done this for the past year and a half so I am feeling like we need something more. Perhaps it is just a matter of time and I need to be more patient, but he is starting all day Kindergarten this fall and I am trying to do all I can in the meantime to ensure the most healing possible. It sounds like you really want to try the homeopathy given your positive experience with it in the past. Let us know if it helps. I haven't had much good experience with homeopathy but then again, I don't think I've ever found a really good homeopath. Good luck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 Oh ok, so I can give it more frequently? I have only been giving it once a day....I will up it a little at a time. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 The caprylic acid does nothing for him. I tried using some different things and dropped the GSE for a while, that is when we ended up with a new yeast flare, when I went back to it, we saw such great changes (after the horrid die off). It's the one thing that really does a great job at keeping things in check. I wish I could find something else, I keep trying, I always end up back on the GSE. So now I am going to stick with it for a few months. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 You are aware that lithium builds up quickly in the body right? Should probably not supplement long term. > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 No I haven't, what is your source of this info? Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more > than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 Regarding lithium, I understand any which kind you choose to use, when you want to remove it, it has to be weaned off slowly. Isa Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make ASAP No I haven't, what is your source of this info? Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more > than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2010 Report Share Posted June 17, 2010 When we started our quest for lithium cause our guy was low our NP Dr. Tarasuk, said she had done some research into lithium orotate and found it can build up long term and cause some nerve damage. She found a source of ionic lithium from New Beginnings and we are using that with good results. We've done 3 hair tests and never found any evidence of overload in the hair test. Sorry, I don't have the info any more cause that was 4 years ago. If you want, I can e-mail her about it and see if she can send it to me. nancy j From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...> Subject: [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make ASAP Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 9:30 PM  No I haven't, what is your source of this info? Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more > than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2010 Report Share Posted June 18, 2010 Thinking maybe not if you are supplementing it regularly. I only supplemented for a couple days, and then months later for a couple days, on an as-needed basis. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2010 Report Share Posted June 18, 2010 The dose of Lithium for children is 4-5 mgs per day, so one entire capsule a day in divided doses would be right. [ ] Re: Desperate for help with a decision we need to make ASAP Whoops, and yes, there was lithium on the hair test, it was in the red low! That is when we decided to add the litium orotate in. I am using 1/4 of a cap a day, does that seem right? Each capsule has 4.8mg of elemental lithium in it. I just chose 1/4 of an adult dose. > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2010 Report Share Posted June 18, 2010 Perfect, I will do that. Does chelation deplete lithium? I am wondering if I will need to use it more long term, as long as we are chelating. A year ago when we did his first hair test (before chelation) his lithium was normal. This time it was so far in the red (low) it didn't even fit on the chart. That is a big difference in a year. > > > > > > > > > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > > > > > > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > > > > > > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > > > > > > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2010 Report Share Posted June 18, 2010 Good morning, , We do sequential homeopathy. We have multiple rememdies for my son's issues that are discovered by an Electro Dermal Screening (by our local homeopath in Dallas, Texas) or by the Zyto (by Payne of Living Well Today). I see more frequently than Payne due to the cost. Both use the same homeopathic remedies from Deseret Biologicals. had Lyme and was cured using these remedies and has been using these remedies for years. Payne has been using this remedies, I believe, for about 4 - 5 months. So by using these remedies since Oct 2009, we have cleared the following: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Rubeola, Varicella, Herpes Zoster (that was a hard one for us - we used Lysine also for its anti-viral properties as recommended by Dana and others), Parasites (we also did a two-week run of Alinia), yeast, Strep B, Strep A, and are seeing metal move. In fact, last week, we found out that my son's Strep B and Herpes Zoster have been resolved. Also, the EDS testing shows no lead and mercury in the brain. (To be honest, I think AC chelation will bring the metal that is deep in the tissue to surface). However, the major issues of heavy metals per the EDS testing in the past are showing significant improvements. We have seen the French test validate that my son's metal are very close to being normal. Now we have also used some herbal remedies only the last two months as a different approach for the Herpes Zoster and heavy metal. What I like about our homeopath is that she just asks to give pharmaceutical medication at least one hour after homeopathy remedies. My son takes Valtrex (for the Herpes Zoster) and Fluconazole for any yeast flares. We have added lysine for Herpes Zoster and herbal for yeast combat alternatives. Also, when our homeopath tells me all the great progress, I have a session with Payne to validate. I must say that we are seeing a lot of progress with my son after starting this homeopathic remedies. Also the remedies cost about $15 - $24 a bottle. A bottle usually last 2 to 2 1/2 months. Also our homeopath does not limit us with other avenues. I don't know if this is " true homeopathy " . All I know is that it is working for my son. Now onto AC Chelation!!!! Let me know if you need additional information. Hope this helps. Jerry > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > Thanks in advance! > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 19, 2010 Report Share Posted June 19, 2010 Jerry, What tests have you run to learn these viruses have resolved? A mom of a kid with scary high titers > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 19, 2010 Report Share Posted June 19, 2010 Hi , A homoeopathic remedy can work that quickly. Your homoeopath is asking for the time without chelation so she can get some sort of baseline on what the remedy is doing. If there are side effects or improvements that are due to chelation, she can't get a clear picture to work out how to adjust dosing or whether to change the remedy. It might feel like you're wasting time, but it's an approach that should have long term benefits. And Chelation is best done as a marathon not as a sprint. Gail > > I am using lithium orotate (1/4 of a capsule), because his hair test showed him off the charts low in lithium, so yes, I am attempting this angle too. Since the inception of our biomed journey with our sons, they have both had bloating issues. Even when I removed 25 foods based on an IgG, in addition to gluten and casein, he was STILL bloating, in fact, it was sometimes even worse during that period. We then removed carbs/starches and grains....nothing made a difference! The only thing that I sense is that his moods are worse when the bloating is really bad, so I think it's pathogenic. > > I have given him his two first doses of the homeopathic remedy and I don't know if it's coincidental, but he has NO bloating so far today, at almost 3pm. His mood has been darling and consistent! It would be an awful coincidence, if it's not related to the I am hopeful here! I just can't decide if I should continue with the very next round of chelation or maybe just give it one week without chelation to get the full effect.... > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 19, 2010 Report Share Posted June 19, 2010 Jerry, With all those amazing obstacles overcome, what kind of physical progress have you seen with your child in coordination with them? Just curious to learn what I might expect to change as we pass each threshold of our own. For us, the biggest issues are mood swings and some minor sensory things that crop up with yeast overgrowth occasionally. > > > > We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up, we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though. > > > > So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address the problems that arise, etc. > > > > But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone! > > > > Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay, so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it all over again with a new one?? See my point? > > > > Thanks in advance! > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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