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Re: Re: chelating mild case or high-functioning kids

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Don't do improper chelation and you will be fine. Follow the Andy Cutler

protocol, which is low and frequent dosing.

Give the supporting supplements, which you can read about in the files section

of the group.

Very safe and effective.



From: rebeccaundd <rcuthomas@...>

Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 9:57:17 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids


TJ, thank you for your reply. It's very helpful to have this spelled out such

that we can set expectations (so a proper course will take years, involving

loads of supplements) .

Any parents out there with mild or high-functioning kids who had any trouble

chelating? I'm afraid of doing anything wrong and making our almost-normal-

seeming kid worse, so I'm hoping to learn what *not* to do before we embark on


Thanks again,

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4 recovered kids! That is amazing. Nothing is more encouraging than

success stories.

danasview wrote:



> > I'm wondering whether parents with " high-functioning " or " mild case "

> PDD children have used chelation.


> I chelated one severe child, one moderate child, two mild children,

> and one adult. I used ALA.


> >>If so, did your child end up better or worse when you stopped chelating,


> Better. All four are recovered now, altho it took more than just

> chelation to get here.


> >>and when and why did you stop chelating?


> When it was no longer required.


> >>What was the child's environment like when you started

> chelating--weather, season, stresses, illnesses (our boy has gut

> issues [but no parasites, according to stool test], swollen tonsils,

> regular sleep interruptions [some due to apnea], and perhaps spring

> allergies), ...?


> I don't understand this question.


> >>What short list of supplements did you find absolutely essential?


> My kids required a " long list " , not a short list.


> Dana



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Yes, you got it right. A few more points.

- Testing is not always conclusive, you could get a false negative. It is only

used to convince you to start chelating.

- You could do a ten round " trial " of chelation. If you get results, it is proof

positive of heavy metal intoxication.

- Never use lab results to determine when to stop chelation. You stop when the

child is " all better " .

- If a child reacts positively to a GFCF diet or an elimination diet created

from an Igg test, it is highly likely they are toxic. The metals affect the

body's ability to produce enzymes and other systems in the body that enable the

child to digest dairy, wheat, and other foods properly. Dairy and wheat are the

most common.



From: its_the_mercury <its_the_mercury@...>

Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 11:10:12 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids


> Don't do improper chelation and you will be fine. Follow the Andy Cutler

protocol, which is low and frequent dosing.

So, to be completely clear, would the following be a safe program following the

AC protocol:

For our almost-4-year- old who weighs 38 pounds, 10mg of ALA (I've read Kirkland

ALA 25mg is good, and not ®-Lipoic Acid) every three hours (every four hours

at night) for three days, then four days off. If he tolerates that well, and as

he gains weight (though he's lost his appetite recently and may not gain much),

then we might increase the dosage to 15mg or 20mg, then keep it there

consistently for months or years till we stop the chelation process altogether.

Again, this assumes the hair test results confirm mercury intoxication.

Have I got this right?

> Give the supporting supplements, which you can read about in the files section

of the group.

Thank you for the pointer to " Supplement file.htm " ! I hadn't gotten around to

looking at the Files at all (obviously).

> Very safe and effective.

Excellent. I'm looking forward to getting our hair test done so we can know what

we're dealing with.

Thank you,

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Is 8 rounds of DMSA normal or can you introduce the ALA veyr quickly, eg after 1


From: awhi2110@...

Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 10:21:55 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids


For your consideration, our biomed recommended starting with DMSA first - it

doesn't cross the blood brain barrier so it won't carry metals from the body

into the brain. Once you've done 8 rounds of DMSA (clearing some of the load

from the body) then add in the ALA and you start to remove toxic metals from the

brain. You are doing great. Kind regards,

Alison W


> Hi Alison,


> Thank you for the short list. Just from our attempts to correct his gut

issues, we've coincidentally got our son on all but the GSE (I will check that

out) and milk thistle (I just picked some up today). We introduced enzymes a few

days ago and they seem to help his appetite. Today also I got taurine and epsom

salts and, on his ND's advice, glycine. Our boy's organic acids test results

show him very high in stress, very in need of antioxidants (vitamin C and E),

having difficulty detoxifying (liver isn't working well), with very high

intestinal bacterial overgrowth (presumably yeast). Based on Amalgam Illness (p.

189), I'll explore the sulfur food exclusion diet.


> At this point, my husband and I are thinking we should start chelating

immediately: do the hair test when it arrives in the mail, then start 5mg ALA

every 3 hours for 3 days, 4 days off; when the hair test results come back, add

low-dose DMSA depending on what it says. I'm a little nervous to proceed when I

haven't read both Cutler books entirely, but, given everything we do know,

chelation seems the best course of action.






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You can start with ALA right away as long as there have been no amalgam fillings

or recent mercury exposure.



From: B <peter_2_@...>

autism mercury <autism treatment >

Sent: Fri, May 7, 2010 3:27:59 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning "


Is 8 rounds of DMSA normal or can you introduce the ALA veyr quickly, eg after 1


From: awhi2110@...

Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 10:21:55 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids



For your consideration, our biomed recommended starting with DMSA first - it

doesn't cross the blood brain barrier so it won't carry metals from the body

into the brain. Once you've done 8 rounds of DMSA (clearing some of the load

from the body) then add in the ALA and you start to remove toxic metals from the

brain. You are doing great. Kind regards,

Alison W


> Hi Alison,


> Thank you for the short list. Just from our attempts to correct his gut

issues, we've coincidentally got our son on all but the GSE (I will check that

out) and milk thistle (I just picked some up today). We introduced enzymes a few

days ago and they seem to help his appetite. Today also I got taurine and epsom

salts and, on his ND's advice, glycine. Our boy's organic acids test results

show him very high in stress, very in need of antioxidants (vitamin C and E),

having difficulty detoxifying (liver isn't working well), with very high

intestinal bacterial overgrowth (presumably yeast). Based on Amalgam Illness (p.

189), I'll explore the sulfur food exclusion diet.


> At this point, my husband and I are thinking we should start chelating

immediately: do the hair test when it arrives in the mail, then start 5mg ALA

every 3 hours for 3 days, 4 days off; when the hair test results come back, add

low-dose DMSA depending on what it says. I'm a little nervous to proceed when I

haven't read both Cutler books entirely, but, given everything we do know,

chelation seems the best course of action.







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Yesterday, I was looking for a certain kind of syringe with which we give our

son's oral NGF treatment since two years ago (some of you might know this

treatment, Dr Aguilar in Chihuahua, MX) this treatment closed epileptogenic

focus activitity showing in our son's EEG. Well, I stopped at 8 drugstores,

they didn't have those, at the end, I stopped at a big drugstore, I was paying,

when a 20 something young man came to me saying; " water-water " ....I immediately

knew he suffers autism (I then thought how that thing called " casualty " works

that l had to meet this young guy and his mom there...). His mom approached and

said: stop it Jesus, you already had your water.... I immediately told her: your

young man has autism, right? She nodded and looked away, obviously tired of

people pushing him away.... I said there is so much WE could do to help

him...she said: well, he is on all kinds of drugs, I just gave him 15 MG!!!

Ativan with his water (OMG, that dose would put a horse to sleep)and there he

was, full blown hyperactivity.... My heart broke, she has never done a diet,

never heard of it, never heard of chelation, never heard of any kind of

protocol... I have an appointment with her next week to try to explain why she

should try AC chelation.... Am I being too aggressive trying to put a full-under

drugs 21 yo man on chelation even if he has never been on a diet or any yeast

treatment? The whole time he was yelling and pulling his privates, so he seems

to me to be very aggressively invaded by yeast as a SE of HM poisoning. This guy

was vaccinated in the 90's.... Is it dangerous to try to chelate a person who

is so full under drugs? Can it, as much as I mean to help, cause more damage if

the mother can't wean him off drugs and start chelation? I know it might seem

late for him, but they both looked so sad and tired, I think the least I could

do is try. Please someone respond if you have treated/known a person this age

who is so full of drugs...and chelating successfully.

TIA for your time.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids

You may want to check post #40859 for Andy's recommended dosing for children. I

would start very, very low. You can always go up, but if you start high (25 mg

is VERY high for a 4 yo, imo) and redistribute/regress your child, you'll regret

it and it can take a long time to recover. Speaking from experience...


> Hi Alison,


> Thank you for passing on your biomed's recommendation. Yesterday I ordered

25mg DMSA from vrp.com and 25mg ALA from Kirkman.com. I was wondering whether to

try DMSA first for exactly that reason. Whatever gets delivered first might get

priority, but I'll discuss with hubbie.


> > You are doing great.


> Thanks for the moral support!


> I'm really heartened to have found this group (through the

GenerationRescue.org site). The resources here are invaluable. Someone who

responded to me privately on this thread casually mentioned that her

14-month-old had slightly delayed speech development and issues with, of all

things, swinging and rocking motions. Our 14-month-old has just started having

big trouble swinging recently, and my husband and I had no idea it might be

PDD-related. So we're likely going to chelate her at the same time we start our

son, with a tiny dosage but on the same schedule. I ordered her hair test



> Thanks again,



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Ps: he has 4 more " anti-psyschotic " drugs on...

Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids

You may want to check post #40859 for Andy's recommended dosing for children. I

would start very, very low. You can always go up, but if you start high (25 mg

is VERY high for a 4 yo, imo) and redistribute/regress your child, you'll regret

it and it can take a long time to recover. Speaking from experience...


> Hi Alison,


> Thank you for passing on your biomed's recommendation. Yesterday I ordered

25mg DMSA from vrp.com and 25mg ALA from Kirkman.com. I was wondering whether to

try DMSA first for exactly that reason. Whatever gets delivered first might get

priority, but I'll discuss with hubbie.


> > You are doing great.


> Thanks for the moral support!


> I'm really heartened to have found this group (through the

GenerationRescue.org site). The resources here are invaluable. Someone who

responded to me privately on this thread casually mentioned that her

14-month-old had slightly delayed speech development and issues with, of all

things, swinging and rocking motions. Our 14-month-old has just started having

big trouble swinging recently, and my husband and I had no idea it might be

PDD-related. So we're likely going to chelate her at the same time we start our

son, with a tiny dosage but on the same schedule. I ordered her hair test



> Thanks again,



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  • 4 months later...

Hello Kay,

We stopped this 3 months ago, we got some gains from that, but not all we

expected :-(

I have seen kids gain so much w that so it was clear to us after 2.5 yrs doing

it, that either : 1. My kid was not the best candidate for it.

2. It was not what he really needed, so we stopped.

If you need more details regarding this treatment, don't hesitate to ask...



Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids

Hi Isa,

Are you still doing the NGF treatment? How is it going?


> >

> > Hi Alison,

> >

> > Thank you for passing on your biomed's recommendation. Yesterday I ordered

25mg DMSA from vrp.com and 25mg ALA from Kirkman.com. I was wondering whether to

try DMSA first for exactly that reason. Whatever gets delivered first might get

priority, but I'll discuss with hubbie.

> >

> > > You are doing great.

> >

> > Thanks for the moral support!

> >

> > I'm really heartened to have found this group (through the

GenerationRescue.org site). The resources here are invaluable. Someone who

responded to me privately on this thread casually mentioned that her

14-month-old had slightly delayed speech development and issues with, of all

things, swinging and rocking motions. Our 14-month-old has just started having

big trouble swinging recently, and my husband and I had no idea it might be

PDD-related. So we're likely going to chelate her at the same time we start our

son, with a tiny dosage but on the same schedule. I ordered her hair test


> >

> > Thanks again,

> >

> >







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Hi Im very very intresting of dr Aguilar treetment as i wanted to do it could

you please give me more info and if you can details for him as i would like to

give a start but info is very less and i couldnt find any phone or contact


best regards Ralitsa

From: KayS <kty01@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelating " mild case " or " high-functioning " kids

Date: Wednesday, 6 October, 2010, 4:26


Hi Isa,

Are you still doing the NGF treatment? How is it going?


> >

> > Hi Alison,

> >

> > Thank you for passing on your biomed's recommendation. Yesterday I ordered

25mg DMSA from vrp.com and 25mg ALA from Kirkman.com. I was wondering whether to

try DMSA first for exactly that reason. Whatever gets delivered first might get

priority, but I'll discuss with hubbie.

> >

> > > You are doing great.

> >

> > Thanks for the moral support!

> >

> > I'm really heartened to have found this group (through the

GenerationRescue.org site). The resources here are invaluable. Someone who

responded to me privately on this thread casually mentioned that her

14-month-old had slightly delayed speech development and issues with, of all

things, swinging and rocking motions. Our 14-month-old has just started having

big trouble swinging recently, and my husband and I had no idea it might be

PDD-related. So we're likely going to chelate her at the same time we start our

son, with a tiny dosage but on the same schedule. I ordered her hair test


> >

> > Thanks again,

> >

> >







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