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Re: Vent-Flu Vaccine and know-it-alls

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Thanks, problem already solved. Person in question-deleted. Her friends who

chose to attack my valid points -idiots. How important is a cousins girlfriend

anyways? The thing is this, I cannot say my son's autism was caused by

vaccination. I have no " smoking gun " . I had a flu shot my first trimester and

probably had one while nursing (I was a teacher, they came to school). My son

was fully vaccinated until age 4. We had signs of autism probably since birth,

no noticeable regression. But I would not dare to doubt anyone's testimony that

their child regressed into autism following vaccination. Who knows their

children better than their parents? In this now 6 year journey, I have come to

believe that a mother's instinct is more important than any amount of letters

following a name. Yes, I know, I am worked up over a few completely ignorant

people. But I am just so frustrated when their ignorance is combined with

arrogance. On the bright side, 4 less people to cook for at Thanksgiving.

UUGH! Thank you for the vent! Thank you Haven for the link. I will save it

for use on brains that might absorb it!


> Send her this link as a comment on her Facebook Page:


> http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/statistics_report.htm




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This link is great:


Printable brochure to hand out:


Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Tks Summer! Great info


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[ ] Re: Vent-Flu Vaccine and know-it-alls

This link is great:


Printable brochure to hand out:


Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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You could also remind them that most flu vaccines still contain

Thermerisol/ethyl mercury it is highly toxic and has never been tested for

safety by the FDA. You can also point out the vaccine insert that states this

vaccine has never been tested for safety on pregnant women and should not be

given to pregnant women; however, it is continuously being pushed on pregnant

women. Hmm? Last year the CDC received over 1500 reports of pregnant women

miscarrying after receiving the H1N1 which this year's flu shot now contains and

the NCOW reported over 3500 miscarries. The actually number of flu related

deaths has been on average 1303 since 1999 not the reported 30,000 that the CDC

tell you. They're lying. They are including the number of pneumonia related

deaths when they give that figure which is NOT protected by the flu shot. Dr.

Sherry Tenpenny is a good source of information on the flu shot also here's the

Cochrane report that shows the stats on whether or not the flu shot is

effective. It isn't of course.





Just as a side note to get disgusted about here's the new flu shot delivery

service using strip clubs, that's right, strip clubs with breakfast buffet and a

flu shot, WOW!:


Walgreen's has a flu shot goal enforced on their employees, their plugging the

flu shot on Regis & and the Dr. Oz show even though Dr. Oz's family won't

receive the shot. This year's campaign has receached an all time low as far as

I'm concerned.


> It's that time of year again! I have not had the pleasure of dealing with a

know-it-all flu vaccine pusher until this year. An indirect relation has taken

it upon herself to push vaccines on Facebook (as the mother of 2 who works in a

pediatrics office, eye roll). What do you say to such ignorance and arrogance?

Thanksgiving will be fun this year!


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