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Hi Lilian,

Nice one, maybe they will be

thinking of doing it 4 times like the salivary cortisol??!!


What does this mean?

On my blood test results they have put for the free

T3. Results are not clinically validated

(temporary result).

Also they did the cortisol test which was 322 (taken about

10a.m.) and they have put a note for the consultant 'random cortisol is

of no diagnostic value. If you wish to discuss, please contact the

chemical pathologist.


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  • 1 year later...

My son has been chelating for a couple months. He is a gut kid. His gut pain

makes him irritable and interferes with everything else. This continues to be

our biggest problem. We didn't see much at first with the very low doses we

started with. He is 42 lbs. The last 3 weeks we have given 12.5 mg dmsa and a

VERY small amount of ALA (between 1 and 2 mg per dose). At the beginning of the

rounds we don't see much, then in the middle he is more " out of it " and he

complains of his tummy hurting (I think the pain is a little more than normal -

keep in mind his tummy hurts most of the time, including off round). At the

very end of the round - the very last dose or two, he is PAIN FREE!, he is

elated, very with-it, engaging, happy. I see him doing things that are

exceptional for him! It is wonderful! Then the round ends and slowly he gets

worse and worse and worse again - pain, out-of-it, etc. My two questions are:

What is happening? and How long can I extend a round? When I extend a round to

3.5 days the wonderful effects continue longer.

Thanks for your help,

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Thanks so much for both of your replies. So helpful and inspiring!!!



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: LOuis Fow


> ====We had one of these kids who would get remarkedly better on the third

day of the round, with the slow return to baseline as the time for the next

round approached. Try extending the round, we did many 5-7 day rounds and in

fact, even 3.5 days helped us hold onto the improvements. Andy has said that you

can chelate as long as 2-3 weeks.


> Most kids do not do well on long rounds, adrenal issues start to surface,

either at first or as rounds accumulate. For many yeast becomes too severe. We

had no problems with adrenals, yeast was able to be controlled and with the

longer rounds she just got better and better.


> Because this was many years ago and the protocol was relatively new and not

so many kids were better on longer rounds this was puzzling to us also but she

did go on after many rounds to completely recover and is today a totally

typical, happy, healthy child who has just started the fourth grade in a regular

public school with not a trace of the disease.


> Good luck!






> My son has been chelating for a couple months. He is a gut kid. His gut pain

makes him irritable and interferes with everything else. This continues to be

our biggest problem. We didn't see much at first with the very low doses we

started with. He is 42 lbs. The last 3 weeks we have given 12.5 mg dmsa and a

VERY small amount of ALA (between 1 and 2 mg per dose). At the beginning of the

rounds we don't see much, then in the middle he is more " out of it " and he

complains of his tummy hurting (I think the pain is a little more than normal -

keep in mind his tummy hurts most of the time, including off round). At the very

end of the round - the very last dose or two, he is PAIN FREE!, he is elated,

very with-it, engaging, happy. I see him doing things that are exceptional for

him! It is wonderful! Then the round ends and slowly he gets worse and worse and

worse again - pain, out-of-it, etc. My two questions are: What is happening? and

How long can I extend a round? When I extend a round to 3.5 days the wonderful

effects continue longer.


> Thanks for your help,








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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you point me in the right direction where I can see this

officially Glynis. This is something I need to know about.

Luv - Sheila

Don't know what exception reporting is but I am

aware that GP's only have to register hypo patients and commit to doing a blood

test every 15 months to get paid. There is no qualifier, no checking and as

long as the surgery do the above 2 things they score 100% on their care of hypo

patients!! I'm livid!!



> What is exception reporting?


> Will this help our cause in any way?


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