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Re: 106 rounds - do I continue?

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I have been where you are right now, typically those thoughts cross my mind at

the 4am dose. We are probably over 100 rounds (over 3 different times

starting/ending chelation), but I haven't kept count. My son was not recovered

after the last effort at chelation in 2007 (he's 9), but has made some

tremendous gains over the latest 25 rounds with DMSA/ALA. We are again seeing

lead pouring out. I upped his dose of DMSA from 25 to 50 mgs (he weighs 65lbs)

and ALA is at 25mg.

Progress waxes and wanes. Sometimes you hit a stall period but you need to

fight through. My opinion is to keep going; perhaps with an increase in mgs if

he tolerates the 25mg (unless he weighs under 50 lbs).

What are the major delays you still face? We might be able to give you some

supplement advice that will boost those areas, too.

Hang in there.



> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here!

What are the issues that still need addressing? My son needed quite a few

supplements to address all his issues.


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106 rounds isn't to many at tall but you say even if you double his progress you

still have far to go. 106 rounds in 2 years sounds like you've been steadily

chelating weekly for the last two years. What kind of reaction do you/have you

seen on rounds? positives? negatives? Any previous chelation (other than AC

protocol)? Did he have a hair test? What issues did he begin with and which

ones are still left? These are all things to think about, I don't think anyone

can advise you without more info.



> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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Are you doing any other biomedical treatments: diet, treatment of pathogens and

viruses, reducing sensitivities, etc?


> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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Hi Donna. We are at 76 rounds, and have been chelating about 1 1/2 years now

per the AC protocol - recently I had the same thoughts that you did. My son has

made a lot of gains, and he is soon to be 5, suddenly not a baby anymore, and I

wish he would have made more than he has with chelation by this number of

rounds. We started with amazing gains at the beginning, then about 6 months into

chelation had a really bad stall period that lasted about 7 or 8 months. During

this period we almost lost faith, but Andy and others on this board told us to

keep chelating. My son was only able to tolerate very low doses of ALA for a

long time, then in and around round 50 we were able to raise the dose

significantly more appropriate to his body weight and saw great gains. In the

last couple of months we have seemed to be in a stall again - we tried raising

the dose by just 2 mg at Christmas with bad results, so we stayed at the dose

(20/mg ALA and DMSA - he weighs 40 lbs). In the last month or so he gained a

couple of lbs - so we upped his dose, just of DMSA by 2.5 mg this last round and

discovered that he does much better at 2 1/2 hour dosing intervals, and bam,

again we are seeing good cognitive gains. So perhaps, if you have been at the

same dose for a while, it might be time to raise the dose?

Make no mistake about it - the gains you are seeing are due to the chelation -

the effects of Hg poisoning on the CNS do not magically go away just due to

maturation - I would think if anything they would get worse. I try to tell

myself every child's toxicity levels are different and the 100 - 300 round

period varies greatly. I know a few people at the equivalent number of rounds

as my son, whose kids have shown significantly more progress than my child.

However, I remind myself, I was extremely toxic myself when I gave birth to him,

plus he got a flu shot in utero, several vaccines, 26 in total by age 18 months,

including several flu shots in there. So my boy is loaded with metals and may

well need 200 - 300 rounds to see what others did in 76-100. Even though we are

at 76 rounds, for the first 40 some odd rounds, he could only tolerate 5 mg of

ALA - so maybe our 76 is equivalent to someone else's 25 or 30 rounds - who

knows? So take heart.

Perhapas you should listen to the radio interview with Andy - someone posted the

link recently. I listened to it - it did not say anything that I did not

already know, but hearing Andy talk, it reminded me, that eventually chelation

will address many of the issues which plague my son still- auditory processing

and fine motor for example. As Andy says, you just keep chelating until the

issues get better and resolve themselves altogether. In my son chelation has

done away with his yeast problem and his gut problems - he can eat many foods

now - including eggs and dairy and some gluten without a problem. He is much

calmer, many motor skills have been very much improved. He communicates and

speaks, and has hundreds of words, if not the abstract speech and more

complicated sentences yet we all yearn for. He has also started to understand

nuances, and the real meaning of words. He takes notice of his surroundings and

others, and is in general much more connected. He has even started to engage in

pretend play a bit. I posted recently how upset I was over his recent IEP -

where the school tried to tell me his abilities " test " at a low level - by

standardized testing methods. But when you observe his actual functioning, he

is capable of so much more - he has come so far, maybe not age appropriate yet,

but we are getting there one painful, slow step at a time.

So try to remember not how far you have to go, but how far you have come. In

the interview Andy recommended keeping a journal and even doing a monthly video

diary of sorts so you can really " see " your child's actual progress.



> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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Hi Donna,

this is a past post. Message #261483 posted on 15th July 2009 by . I read

it whenever I need a little motivation to continue Chelation. Hope this helps.

My son started chelating at 7. He had all of his immunizations plus 5 year old

boosters. We have been chelating now for 6 years. The hair test this spring

(200 rounds) was the first that did not show deranged mineral transport. We are

at round 240 now and my son can eat everything on a rotation basis. He swims

competitively, is learning to scuba dive, reads Scripture aloud in front of 250

people during Church services very well, is an all A student at the 8th grade

level,is proficient at playing classical music on the piano after taking lessons

for 2 years. He still has a few traits that are not normal in carrying on

conversation socially. He is showing progress in this area with work. We plan

to chelate for one more year and assess things then--that will be to round 300.

We have been chelating at 1/4 mg. per pound 3 days and 3 nights every 3 hours.

My son could never tolerate any higher dose than that. I am very grateful for

Andy and his work. Our son was labeled by a psychologist at 6 years old as

being 'severely autistic'. Now, he plans to go to college and major in music.


> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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We have been doing biomedical treatments since he was 31/2 years old. The diet

we did strickly for about a year - this solved the night time waking almost

immediately!! Unfortunately it didn't really help with anything else. We

gradually added back things to his diet his behaviour remained the same and so

did the good sleeping pattern! So we were fortunate not to lose that. We have

tried lots of treatments and supplements over the 4 years but nothing helps in

the long term. I mentioned in my reply to Irene that I feel he does best just on

essential supplements for chelation.


> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Donna - Have you tried to an any antiviral protocols? Just a thought. No

experience here since I have a high functioning guy but just thought I'd put

that out there.


[ ] Re: 106 rounds - do I continue?


We have been doing biomedical treatments since he was 31/2 years old. The diet

we did strickly for about a year - this solved the night time waking almost

immediately!! Unfortunately it didn't really help with anything else. We

gradually added back things to his diet his behaviour remained the same and so

did the good sleeping pattern! So we were fortunate not to lose that. We have

tried lots of treatments and supplements over the 4 years but nothing helps in

the long term. I mentioned in my reply to Irene that I feel he does best just on

essential supplements for chelation.


> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Hi Tressie

Yes we have been consistantly chelating weekly for the last two years with only

a few breaks in between. He fortunately tolerates chelation well aside from some

yeast issues, sometimes yeast issues last for months - have been on Diflucan

twice which helped alot!! Lately his yeast symptoms haven't been too bad and I

haven't given him anything to treat yeast for months now - sometimes I feel the

die off is way worse than the yeast itself!

We have not done any other form of chelation other than AC and he had a

porphrine(?) test from France prior to chelation. We haven't had another test

done as I frequently read to chelate until most symptoms are gone. He still has

all his issues just to a lesser degree now would still be considered moderately

autistic and low functioning.


> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Hi Pam and Dana

I agree with you Pam about the 4am dose!! I often say to my husband how cruel it

would be if we reached 300 rounds and we didn't have much improvement!

I'm thinking about increasing the dose but not sure how much by as he is 55lbs

and currently on 25mg DMSA/ALA.

His issues are still severely delayed speech, stimming, sensory seeking and

attention focus of late. Over the course of 4 years of biomed treatments and

reading some wonderful suggestion on this board I have pretty much tried

everything! We have done diet for a year, vit a protocol, B12 shots (with and

without folinic), TMG, DMG, Bethanocol and a range of other supps (too many to

list). I have given things a good amout of time with no lasting results. We

continue to chelate in hope of that being the key to his recovery.

He is on minimal amount of supps at the moment and is better for it.

Thank you both for responding. Donna

> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Thank you for posting this message!!! Yes it has helped and I pray my son will

do just as well!


> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Hi Tammy

Yes we did OLE for about 2 months starting off low and increasing slowly but he

just was super stimmy on it. I know it can kick up yeast and I upped the yeast

protocol but couldn't handle the behaviour so we quit after a couple of months.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway. Donna

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > Many thanks Donna.

> > >

> >







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> Hi Pam and Dana

> His issues are still severely delayed speech,

My son needed anti-fungals, anti-virals, and B12/folic [these needed B2 and

carnitine for proper absorption] for speech issues.

>>stimming, sensory seeking and attention focus of late.

I would suspect yeast first. Most of my son's sensory issues were caused by

yeast overgrowth, and yeast was also the cause of several stims and loss of



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Does your son have speech apraxia like symptoms? My son does incredibly well on

vitamin E.

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > Many thanks Donna.

> > >

> >


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Continuing chelation doesn't mean you can't try other things too.

Unless you describe the nature of the progress, how he is, when the progress

occurred, etc. it is very hard to really respond to your implicit question of

whether he has mercury problems.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD


> Hi

> I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> Many thanks Donna.


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I don't believe he does. His words are quite clear when he speaks and we have

notice improvement in pronounication the more he practices his words. He has

also been on Vitamin E trialed for 3 months then removed without any noticable



> > > >

> > > > Hi

> > > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > > Many thanks Donna.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Have you tried anti-virals? My son's speech really jumped fast with both Olive

Leaf Exract and Lysine. He actually got an asymptomatic rash on his rear end

when I started the OLE, followed by a burst in sentence length and structure.

It was amazing. At the time, I used a liquid from Energique but stopped after

the company wouldn't release the ingredients or strength of the product. Too

bad, since I never got the same effect again. With Lysine, I used 500 mgs/day

for several months. During that time, two warts dried up and fell off of his


25 mgs is good for 55lbs. I guess I probably wouldn't touch that. I will tell

you that I accidentally gave my son 100 mgs per dose for 2 rounds in February

(didn't realize Kirkman sent me 50 mg caps and not 25 mg) and my son had a leap

in progress. It is a tough decision to not go higher again!


> > >

> > > Hi

> > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > Many thanks Donna.

> > >

> >


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Hi Dana

Which anti virals did you found most effective?

Thanks Donna

> > Hi Pam and Dana

> > His issues are still severely delayed speech,



> My son needed anti-fungals, anti-virals, and B12/folic [these needed B2 and

carnitine for proper absorption] for speech issues.



> >>stimming, sensory seeking and attention focus of late.



> I would suspect yeast first. Most of my son's sensory issues were caused by

yeast overgrowth, and yeast was also the cause of several stims and loss of



> Dana


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Donna - I wanted to mention that we too have tried lots of supplements, a lot

for language, many of the same that you mention and that we too find that our

son does best on mostly the essential supplements for chelation. Our experience

is that chelation is the only thing that yields lasting changes and that

supplements help for a while and then the gains from them fade, since they

ameliorate the effects of the metals but do not fix the underlying cause of the


I will add though that we have done parasite cleanses and anti virals as well,

and they too have yielded some good and significant changes. We use Virastop,

OLE and Lysine in fairly high doses, and have used Enhansa in the past. There

is definitely a viral component with our son. Right now he is home sick with

pink eye and a virus, (we have upped his antivirals a bit, as well as his

vitamin D and C and other immune boosters) and we are finding that he is very

clear this week, and using lots of language. So perhaps there is more afoot

with your child too than just the metals that will need addressing at some

point. The metals are the crux of the matter for sure - since they suppress the

entire immune system and its ability to fight virus etc. However, in some kids

in addition to chelation they need lots of immune boosters and antivirals to get

the job done, if the chelation alone does not bring back the immune function

enough. Just wanted to add this as food for thought for you. As Andy said in

his post, you might want to add some more info for people too - in terms of

testing and issues - hair tests etc, so you can be given some more specific

suggestions perhaps.


> > >

> > > Hi

> > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > Many thanks Donna.

> > >

> >


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Hi Andy

I have tried many supplements with my son over the 4 years of biomed along side

the chelation. I feel like I have given them a fair trial eg 3 months or so

before removing them without any noticeable change in behaviour. I can safely

say that Diflucan was great for him he was on that for 6 weeks at a time twice

before, die off was managable. Other natural yeast fighters do make him more

stimmy, increased non speech sounds and hyperness. I have not used yeast

treatments for months now.

The list of other supps given are too long to list. Have done diet with him

strictly for about a year. No diet currently.

My son was diagnosed with moderate autism, global developmental dealay and

intellectual disability. We started biomed from age 3 and in those first 2 years

he made gains in all areas of development as assessed by a psychologist

(although still very behind his peers) he did 17 hours weekly of ABA during this

time also - no chelation.

We began chelation at age 5 and saw improvements with each round then a stall

period at round 40 or so. Improvements were improved speech, social gains and

cognition these however came and went in waves which yeast may have been

responsible for and still comes in waves eg he could have a great week at school

and then be very hyper stimming and tensing his body for the next two.

My son essentially presents as a non verbal child who can be quite hyper at

times, doesn't answer questions from an unfamiliar person, makes loud non speech

noises and can be withdrawn. He relies heavily on prompting for speech.

I just don't know if these improvements are enough too keep going or not and

will he continue to improve with chelation?? Wish I had a crystal ball!!

Many thanks Donna

> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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> Hi Dana

> Which anti virals did you found most effective?

OLE and Virastop were good at " knocking back " the viruses. But my kids required

high doses of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine to eliminate all the

viruses and also correct the immune system.


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You reminded me, I got a few warts on my finger while using DMSA...I am positive

that's what brought them out because I hadn't had any since I was a kid. They

subsequently went away. I do think that even DMSA has some antiviral

properties, evidenced in myself at least.

> > > >

> > > > Hi

> > > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > > Many thanks Donna.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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A yeast protocol in place is a must. Even just give biotin. Cheap!

Look at humaworm and do a parasite protocol. Won't hurt. Also doing an

antiviral protocol.

Chelation, keep going!


[ ] Re: 106 rounds - do I continue?

Hi Andy

I have tried many supplements with my son over the 4 years of biomed along

side the chelation. I feel like I have given them a fair trial eg 3 months or so

before removing them without any noticeable change in behaviour. I can safely

say that Diflucan was great for him he was on that for 6 weeks at a time twice

before, die off was managable. Other natural yeast fighters do make him more

stimmy, increased non speech sounds and hyperness. I have not used yeast

treatments for months now.

The list of other supps given are too long to list. Have done diet with him

strictly for about a year. No diet currently.

My son was diagnosed with moderate autism, global developmental dealay and

intellectual disability. We started biomed from age 3 and in those first 2 years

he made gains in all areas of development as assessed by a psychologist

(although still very behind his peers) he did 17 hours weekly of ABA during this

time also - no chelation.

We began chelation at age 5 and saw improvements with each round then a stall

period at round 40 or so. Improvements were improved speech, social gains and

cognition these however came and went in waves which yeast may have been

responsible for and still comes in waves eg he could have a great week at school

and then be very hyper stimming and tensing his body for the next two.

My son essentially presents as a non verbal child who can be quite hyper at

times, doesn't answer questions from an unfamiliar person, makes loud non speech

noises and can be withdrawn. He relies heavily on prompting for speech.

I just don't know if these improvements are enough too keep going or not and

will he continue to improve with chelation?? Wish I had a crystal ball!!

Many thanks Donna

> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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Also, what about trying Vinpocetine for speech? Huge gains in expressive

language for my son and a few others I know with it.

> > > >

> > > > Hi

> > > > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106

rounds (DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains

but am unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and

more mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with

it. If we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus

far he will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love

hearing success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I

really doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who

has had further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > > > Many thanks Donna.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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To co-sign with Tammy K., I gave supps for yeast but wasn't really good at so I

just focused on chelation.

We did a parasite cleanse in February and although we messed up and stopped 3

weeks in, it helps.  It made me realize how important a yeast protocol is. 

We use Biotin (5mg) with food, GSE tablets and probiotics at bedtime to help

control yeast. With the last 2 rounds, I have started giving 1 capsule of

Activated Charcoal/applesauce about 4 hours after the last round.  Things that

others have already mentioned that helped us while doing chelation is immune

protocol, anti-viral protocol, parasite cleanse, PPC, the right oil; have all

helped with language, cognitive/receptive abilities, stemmy behavior  and

picking the skin on fingers (yeast), etc.

Hope this helps, S.


From: Tammy Kuhn <tkuhn1@...>

Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 1:31:24 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: 106 rounds - do I continue?


A yeast protocol in place is a must. Even just give biotin. Cheap!

Look at humaworm and do a parasite protocol. Won't hurt. Also doing an antiviral


Chelation, keep going!


[ ] Re: 106 rounds - do I continue?

Hi Andy

I have tried many supplements with my son over the 4 years of biomed along side

the chelation. I feel like I have given them a fair trial eg 3 months or so

before removing them without any noticeable change in behaviour. I can safely

say that Diflucan was great for him he was on that for 6 weeks at a time twice

before, die off was managable. Other natural yeast fighters do make him more

stimmy, increased non speech sounds and hyperness. I have not used yeast

treatments for months now.

The list of other supps given are too long to list. Have done diet with him

strictly for about a year. No diet currently.

My son was diagnosed with moderate autism, global developmental dealay and

intellectual disability. We started biomed from age 3 and in those first 2 years

he made gains in all areas of development as assessed by a psychologist

(although still very behind his peers) he did 17 hours weekly of ABA during this

time also - no chelation.

We began chelation at age 5 and saw improvements with each round then a stall

period at round 40 or so. Improvements were improved speech, social gains and

cognition these however came and went in waves which yeast may have been

responsible for and still comes in waves eg he could have a great week at school

and then be very hyper stimming and tensing his body for the next two.

My son essentially presents as a non verbal child who can be quite hyper at

times, doesn't answer questions from an unfamiliar person, makes loud non speech

noises and can be withdrawn. He relies heavily on prompting for speech.

I just don't know if these improvements are enough too keep going or not and

will he continue to improve with chelation?? Wish I had a crystal ball!!

Many thanks Donna

> >

> > Hi

> > I have been chelating my 71/2 year old son as per AC protocol for 106 rounds

(DMSA/ALA)25MG for just over 2 years now. We have made some good gains but am

unsure whether this is due to the chelation or just him getting older and more

mature. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to continue with it. If

we continue till we get to the 300 round mark and doubled his gains thus far he

will still be very far from recovered - I'm losing hope here! I love hearing

success stories and they often give me the encouragement to go on but I really

doubt my son will ever get there. I would love to hear from anyone who has had

further success with 100 to 200 rounds under their belt.

> > Many thanks Donna.

> >


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