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Re: Re: ALA once daily in a multiple always harmful?

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Check if ALA, in that suplemment, really stands for Alpha Lipoic Acid (a

chelator; it could be harmful given daily in such amount). But it could be also

Alpha Linolenic Acid (a polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acid), and that would be

just a safe addition to your diet.

[ ] Re: ALA once daily in a multiple always harmful?

" Since this kind of dosing is said to be so harmful for our kids, what does this

do to say, an adult like me, with amalgams? "

You shouldn't be taking any chelator with amalgams in. Try to find a multi with

no ALA. If it were me, I would try saunas or fasting (water, fruit and veggie)

if I couldn't afford to get my amalgams out right away.



> Awaiting the hair element tests on my dds, who have no amalgams.

> Have started with a Dr. of natural medicine for myself to get healthy so my

cancer does not return. He said I test high for being very estrogen dominant,

viral, and liver problems.

> I DO have amalgams, but just can't deal with getting them out right now.

> What I was always curious about is this:

> Many supplements (multiples) contain ALA as an ingredient (up to 300mg, I've

seen). You would only take the multiple once a day.

> Since this kind of dosing is said to be so harmful for our kids, what does

this do to say, an adult like me, with amalgams?

> I never started to pay attention to ALA as an ingredient in a long list on a

bottle until lately. I will say I've never noticed any ill effects, or any

particular health problems springing up after dental work (but I will never add

another amalgam!).

> Is ALA as an ingredient always harmful as a once a day ingredient in a


> I look forward to you experts enlightening me!

> Happy New Year,



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