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Re: debating whether to continue chelation

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Scary, for sure. I am sorry that had to happen with your first round. The vast

majority don't experience regression with Andy's low dose/high frequency

protocol, but some will. The regressions, however, are probably not the

potentially permanent ones like those seen with DAN! chelation protocols, but

instead can be remedied with changes in dosing/frequency, diet (sulfur

elimination) and/or addition of supplements.

Nobody can tell you if your child will recover without chelation. There are

certainly other issues, like you mentioned, that can change your child's

behavior/physical functioning. However, what we are starting to realize is that

metals are the underlying cause (or in the least an aggravator) of those

problems, too.

Most pediatricians have reservations and misinformation about chelation. That

isn't surprising to me. I'm just glad I didn't follow their advice.

I guarantee there are people on this list that can offer their experiences. I

don't have any that will help you, aside from the advice to not give up after

one round, especially since you describe it as 'poorly administered'.

Perhaps you are stirring things up... we don't always see that as a negative!

Some of my son's greatest leaps came after the appearance of rashes.

I will see what I can find regarding black mold. Did you get the mold tested in

your home and do you know exactly what you were exposed to and do you still live

in that home?

Take care. I am glad he is feeling better and so good to hear you see those

shiners going away with No-Fenol. Are you going to remove/reduce phenols in

this diet?

What diet is he on, if any?



> My husband and I have done one (poorly administered) DMSA chelation round with

our almost-four-year-old son. After a day of low-dose DMSA (unevenly dosed, due

to my mistake), he came down with a high fever and we aborted the round.

Thankfully, he seems to have recovered completely from that (four days of high

fever, fatigue, and reduced appetite followed by one night of non-itchy red

spotty rash on legs). His pediatrician thinks, in hindsight, that his affliction

may have been roseola.


> We've seen some surprising and encouraging new behaviors after just this one

brief round, the most dramatic being that his potty training seems to be back,

such that he hasn't been wetting his pants as much and has been staying dry at

night. I introduced No-Fenol three days ago and the dark circles under his eyes

seemed to vanish as I watched. Today at a crowded busy mall, he handled

transitions with little complaint and the whole time held himself together,

positive behaviors we haven't seen in months.


> At the same time, we are having second thoughts about chelation. Our

pediatrician has a bad feeling about it, and generally we trust her judgment,

though we have gone against her wishes in a few instances. We're wondering what

types of side effects are likely and whether reliable, low-risk protocols exist

for handling them. Obviously we wish to avoid is regression, and my

understanding is that the AC protocol manages that (if we follow it properly!).

At the moment he doesn't seem to be regressing in general, just lacking some

social skills development that happens around his age. It seems there are fairly

well understood protocols for treating yeast and parasite infections, so we

think we could handle those. But we've been reading about other side effects

like viral infections (perhaps our son's roseola thing was one) and we're not

sure whether those are as (relatively) easily handled...? Our son's four-day

fever badly scared us and him, as he'd never been sick like that before. We're

also nervous because our son had long-term exposure to black mold (had a chronic

cough for months in winter 2008-9), and we don't know whether that's truly gone

or might be lurking somewhere in his little body and might be " released " or

perturbed by chelation...?


> What happens to high-functioning spectrum kids who have gut issues (yeast

and/or parasite infections, leaky gut, food intolerances or insensitivities),

sleep issues, and behavior issues and *don't* get much chelation? Can these

resolve " on their own " in time?


> Does anyone have chelation experience with a child who has been exposed to

black mold? Did the mold ever present itself? If so, what were the

circumstances, and how did you deal with it?


> Has anyone properly followed the AC protocol and yet experienced unexpected

regression? If so, what happened, how did you handle it, and was the regression

permanent? (Please send me a message privately if you prefer not to share it

further than with my husband and me.)


> Thank you kindly,



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I'm glad to hear your son is doing better.

Here is our experience.

My son started speech therapy at 22 month old because of oral and verbal

apraxia. He also had sensory issues (sound sensitivity, texture aversion in

food etc.), mild truncal hypotonia, some issues with attention/hyperness, bad

eczema, and horrible poop issues, and a peanut allergy. He had loose stools

often twice a day with undigested bits of food. We had stopped vaccinating at

about 15 months after a horrible reaction to his 1 year vaccinations (head to

toe eczema starting at an injection site). He never had the MMR or Varicella


We started bio-med right after we started speech therapy. Over @ 2 years, we

added Fish Oil, multi-vitamins, Vit E, zinc, treated yeast (probiotics,

anti-fungals), treated bacteria (sac boullardi, coconut oil), enzymes for food

absorption, milk thistle for liver support. We did some testing with a DAN

doctor and added carnitine and CoQ10 to our regimen.

By the time my son was 4 years old, he had graduated from speech therapy and was

NT, had pretty normal poop and was potty trained, and attended a regular

preschool with no problems. However, he was getting supplements 5X/day

including anti-fungals etc. This was both tiring and expensive (probably

$300/month at the most expensive-only his carnitine was covered by insurance).

I also didn't think this was a long term solution.

I had been reading this board for some time and decided to give chelation a try.

My son's hair test met 2 counting rules and his porphyrins urine test was

positive for mercury. (My hair tests always meet the counting rules too...so he

probably got some of his problems from me).

My son was 4.5 and @ 35 lbs when we started with DMSA (@ 4 mg/dose) for 6

rounds. We added ALA after 6 rounds. We have done 22 rounds total at this

point and have seen good results along with some short-term side effects that

were usually stopped by taking a break or increasing our yeast treatments. We

have had some " flat " times but no regression at all. If you search on my name

" epoxycozy " you can probably find some of my status posts.

The best results have been that I had been able to reduce our supplements. We

now give them 1-2 times/day unless he is having a yeast flare. I don't have to

give routine anti-fungals anymore and have cut probiotics from 1-2 times/day to

2-3 times/week. I've also reduced his extra zinc and have reduced his enzymes

to 1X/day at breakfast. We'll drop the enzymes after we finish our current

bottles. We are also getting ready to drop our carnitine after reducing the

dosage by 2/3 over the last 6 months with no problems. His body finally seems

to be working correctly. My goal is to get down to a mult-vitamin and fish oil

for supplements only.

We are chelating slowly as I have difficulty doing the night doses. Many people

do every weekend, but we average about a round every 3 weeks and have taken at

least 2 6 week breaks. I've just started chelating myself (after getting my

amalgams out last summer and my crowns done in January). I'm on round #2 and

have had no problems..I started at a really low dose and am dosing the DMSA on

the same schedule as my son's DMSA/ALA doses.

I hope this helps you make your decision.

Best Wishes


> My husband and I have done one (poorly administered) DMSA chelation round with

our almost-four-year-old son. After a day of low-dose DMSA (unevenly dosed, due

to my mistake), he came down with a high fever and we aborted the round.

Thankfully, he seems to have recovered completely from that (four days of high

fever, fatigue, and reduced appetite followed by one night of non-itchy red

spotty rash on legs). His pediatrician thinks, in hindsight, that his affliction

may have been roseola.


> We've seen some surprising and encouraging new behaviors after just this one

brief round, the most dramatic being that his potty training seems to be back,

such that he hasn't been wetting his pants as much and has been staying dry at

night. I introduced No-Fenol three days ago and the dark circles under his eyes

seemed to vanish as I watched. Today at a crowded busy mall, he handled

transitions with little complaint and the whole time held himself together,

positive behaviors we haven't seen in months.


> At the same time, we are having second thoughts about chelation. Our

pediatrician has a bad feeling about it, and generally we trust her judgment,

though we have gone against her wishes in a few instances. We're wondering what

types of side effects are likely and whether reliable, low-risk protocols exist

for handling them. Obviously we wish to avoid is regression, and my

understanding is that the AC protocol manages that (if we follow it properly!).

At the moment he doesn't seem to be regressing in general, just lacking some

social skills development that happens around his age. It seems there are fairly

well understood protocols for treating yeast and parasite infections, so we

think we could handle those. But we've been reading about other side effects

like viral infections (perhaps our son's roseola thing was one) and we're not

sure whether those are as (relatively) easily handled...? Our son's four-day

fever badly scared us and him, as he'd never been sick like that before. We're

also nervous because our son had long-term exposure to black mold (had a chronic

cough for months in winter 2008-9), and we don't know whether that's truly gone

or might be lurking somewhere in his little body and might be " released " or

perturbed by chelation...?


> What happens to high-functioning spectrum kids who have gut issues (yeast

and/or parasite infections, leaky gut, food intolerances or insensitivities),

sleep issues, and behavior issues and *don't* get much chelation? Can these

resolve " on their own " in time?


> Does anyone have chelation experience with a child who has been exposed to

black mold? Did the mold ever present itself? If so, what were the

circumstances, and how did you deal with it?


> Has anyone properly followed the AC protocol and yet experienced unexpected

regression? If so, what happened, how did you handle it, and was the regression

permanent? (Please send me a message privately if you prefer not to share it

further than with my husband and me.)


> Thank you kindly,



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Wow - how scary for you guys.

as for your question:

> What happens to high-functioning spectrum kids who have gut issues (yeast

and/or parasite infections, leaky gut, food intolerances or insensitivities),

sleep issues, and behavior issues and *don't* get much chelation? Can these

resolve " on their own " in time?

We have not been chelating one year (ala only) and my kids used to fit the

description above perfectly.

I kept asking that same question as of course I was terrified...but I read

everything that came down this board for about a year. When I noticed I knew

what the moderators and experienced parents were going to say in response to

questions from parents like you I deemed myself ready...I knew what to expect.

We started last August and most of my sons sensory problems are gone. His

extreme anxiety is a thing of the past. He exhibits flexible thinking and shows

empathy for others. In his community playschool he often looks like the most nt

boy in the room.

There is no way time and normal development would have brought these changes

about in this time frame - I saw things changing with each round.

Keep following what goes on here and read andys books - you know your child

better then any doctor and it will be you who has to committ to doing this or


Good luck with your decision.


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In my experience on this board, I have noticed that fever is very common with

the first round of DMSA and sometimes occurs again after a long break. DMSA is

an antiretroviral and also has capability of breaking up pathogens like

pseudomonas aeruginosa. I like DMSA because it cleans up pretty good and is

quite mild compared to ALA. I hope you will continue with DMSA because your

child has responded in a way that makes me think he will benefit from it. My

child has made a lot of gains from DMSA rounds.


> My husband and I have done one (poorly administered) DMSA chelation round with

our almost-four-year-old son. After a day of low-dose DMSA (unevenly dosed, due

to my mistake), he came down with a high fever and we aborted the round.

Thankfully, he seems to have recovered completely from that (four days of high

fever, fatigue, and reduced appetite followed by one night of non-itchy red

spotty rash on legs). His pediatrician thinks, in hindsight, that his affliction

may have been roseola.


> We've seen some surprising and encouraging new behaviors after just this one

brief round, the most dramatic being that his potty training seems to be back,

such that he hasn't been wetting his pants as much and has been staying dry at

night. I introduced No-Fenol three days ago and the dark circles under his eyes

seemed to vanish as I watched. Today at a crowded busy mall, he handled

transitions with little complaint and the whole time held himself together,

positive behaviors we haven't seen in months.


> At the same time, we are having second thoughts about chelation. Our

pediatrician has a bad feeling about it, and generally we trust her judgment,

though we have gone against her wishes in a few instances. We're wondering what

types of side effects are likely and whether reliable, low-risk protocols exist

for handling them. Obviously we wish to avoid is regression, and my

understanding is that the AC protocol manages that (if we follow it properly!).

At the moment he doesn't seem to be regressing in general, just lacking some

social skills development that happens around his age. It seems there are fairly

well understood protocols for treating yeast and parasite infections, so we

think we could handle those. But we've been reading about other side effects

like viral infections (perhaps our son's roseola thing was one) and we're not

sure whether those are as (relatively) easily handled...? Our son's four-day

fever badly scared us and him, as he'd never been sick like that before. We're

also nervous because our son had long-term exposure to black mold (had a chronic

cough for months in winter 2008-9), and we don't know whether that's truly gone

or might be lurking somewhere in his little body and might be " released " or

perturbed by chelation...?


> What happens to high-functioning spectrum kids who have gut issues (yeast

and/or parasite infections, leaky gut, food intolerances or insensitivities),

sleep issues, and behavior issues and *don't* get much chelation? Can these

resolve " on their own " in time?


> Does anyone have chelation experience with a child who has been exposed to

black mold? Did the mold ever present itself? If so, what were the

circumstances, and how did you deal with it?


> Has anyone properly followed the AC protocol and yet experienced unexpected

regression? If so, what happened, how did you handle it, and was the regression

permanent? (Please send me a message privately if you prefer not to share it

further than with my husband and me.)


> Thank you kindly,



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Fever and rashes are sometimes an indication that the body is starting to heal.

It is an odd thing to us, but people who never catch illnesses or run a

temperature are often chronically ill. I read some research that looked at the

relationship between cancer and fevers. People with cancer were less likely to

have had any sort of fever for a long time. A sudden high fever is one of the

things associated with spontaneous remission of cancer. The body needs have a

healthy, balanced immune system to be able to mount a fever response.

Temperatures and rashes are worrying, particularly in the middle of the night

when we don't know what to do - but they shouldn't be suppressed, that sends the

virus deeper into the cells and is part of the picture of chronic illness.

I would ask for more information from your pediatrician - why does she have a

'bad feeling'? Sometimes bad feelings have substance and sometimes they don't.

Her feelings may depend on what she thinks chelation is, which is not

necessarily chelation as described here. Feelings can change when the correct

information is available.


> >

> > My husband and I have done one (poorly administered) DMSA chelation round

with our almost-four-year-old son. After a day of low-dose DMSA (unevenly dosed,

due to my mistake), he came down with a high fever and we aborted the round.

Thankfully, he seems to have recovered completely from that (four days of high

fever, fatigue, and reduced appetite followed by one night of non-itchy red

spotty rash on legs). His pediatrician thinks, in hindsight, that his affliction

may have been roseola.

> >

> > We've seen some surprising and encouraging new behaviors after just this one

brief round, the most dramatic being that his potty training seems to be back,

such that he hasn't been wetting his pants as much and has been staying dry at

night. I introduced No-Fenol three days ago and the dark circles under his eyes

seemed to vanish as I watched. Today at a crowded busy mall, he handled

transitions with little complaint and the whole time held himself together,

positive behaviors we haven't seen in months.

> >

> > At the same time, we are having second thoughts about chelation. Our

pediatrician has a bad feeling about it, and generally we trust her judgment,

though we have gone against her wishes in a few instances. We're wondering what

types of side effects are likely and whether reliable, low-risk protocols exist

for handling them. Obviously we wish to avoid is regression, and my

understanding is that the AC protocol manages that (if we follow it properly!).

At the moment he doesn't seem to be regressing in general, just lacking some

social skills development that happens around his age. It seems there are fairly

well understood protocols for treating yeast and parasite infections, so we

think we could handle those. But we've been reading about other side effects

like viral infections (perhaps our son's roseola thing was one) and we're not

sure whether those are as (relatively) easily handled...? Our son's four-day

fever badly scared us and him, as he'd never been sick like that before. We're

also nervous because our son had long-term exposure to black mold (had a chronic

cough for months in winter 2008-9), and we don't know whether that's truly gone

or might be lurking somewhere in his little body and might be " released " or

perturbed by chelation...?

> >

> > What happens to high-functioning spectrum kids who have gut issues (yeast

and/or parasite infections, leaky gut, food intolerances or insensitivities),

sleep issues, and behavior issues and *don't* get much chelation? Can these

resolve " on their own " in time?

> >

> > Does anyone have chelation experience with a child who has been exposed to

black mold? Did the mold ever present itself? If so, what were the

circumstances, and how did you deal with it?

> >

> > Has anyone properly followed the AC protocol and yet experienced unexpected

regression? If so, what happened, how did you handle it, and was the regression

permanent? (Please send me a message privately if you prefer not to share it

further than with my husband and me.)

> >

> > Thank you kindly,

> >

> >


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Hi Pam,

Thank you for responding. I appreciate hearing your knowledge and perspective.

> The vast majority don't experience regression with Andy's low dose/high

frequency protocol, but some will. The regressions, however, are probably not

the potentially permanent ones like those seen with DAN! chelation protocols,

but instead can be remedied with changes in dosing/frequency, diet (sulfur

elimination) and/or addition of supplements.

Interesting that diet and supplements can address regressions. On Dana's site I

came across some examples of this, also. I'm starting to get the impression that

a lot of autistic behaviors and symptoms stem in actuality from yeast infection,

parasite infection, adrenal stress, food insensitivities, and other physical

ailments our kids suffer from.

> I guarantee there are people on this list that can offer their experiences. I

don't have any that will help you, aside from the advice to not give up after

one round, especially since you describe it as 'poorly administered'.

That's a good point. Yes, in my haste (hysteria?) to get the bad stuff out of

our son in what I thought would be a very gentle way, I arrived at this botched

protocol: every two hours during the day and every four hours at night. This

meant our son essentially missed three doses before falling ill with fever; we

aborted the round at that point. If I'd not been running on fumes (stressed out

and not sleeping enough) and taken five minutes to think, I might have realized

that the whole point of the AC protocol is to keep the DMSA level smooth and low

over the round, and changing the intervals like that would not keep things

smooth at all. Anyway...

> Perhaps you are stirring things up... we don't always see that as a negative!

Some of my son's greatest leaps came after the appearance of rashes.

That's hopeful! As it happens, our son lost his newly restored continence again

after about three days of miraculous body awareness. We guess that exiting

metals and/or his fever killed off some yeast or other and now it has come back.

We wish we could know rapidly and certainly what yeast/parasite is plaguing him

at any given time. I have an appointment this week to find out what a Metametrix

stool test determined, but that stool was taken weeks ago. Who knows whether

what's in our son today bears any resemblance to what was there then. Anyway, he

got another small non-itchy rash on his leg this weekend after the main one on

his legs vanished. We're not sure whether it's gone now or not. His speech seems

a bit weaker than it had been before the chelation+fever (grammatical errors,

simpler sentence constructions). We're not sure what to make of that, just hope

that it's temporary and improves soon.

> I will see what I can find regarding black mold.

Thank you for this.

> Did you get the mold tested in your home and do you know exactly what you were

exposed to and do you still live in that home?

Good questions. No, we didn't get it tested unfortunately. Our priority was to

get the heck out of there, so I spent all my energies hunting for a new house to

rent, which unfortunately took months. I did take photos of the mold, which my

husband is trying to find, and found my old email description of it as " dark

green or black. " My husband and I remember it looking velvety, sort of like

wallpaper, not slimy. I'm hoping it was green, as my understanding is that green

mold is somewhat (?) less toxic. Our son had an upper respiratory cough that was

worse at night (his bedroom walls and curtains were moldy before we bleached

them and tossed them out, respectively), with little or no nasal discharge, and

with no headache. We moved to a mold-free (as far as we can tell) house in

September 2009.

> Take care. I am glad he is feeling better and so good to hear you see those

shiners going away with No-Fenol. Are you going to remove/reduce phenols in

this diet?


> What diet is he on, if any?

He has been gluten-free and dairy-free for a couple months. He seems to be okay

with phenol foods in combination with No-Fenol, and because he loves them so

much I'm inclined to let him eat them.

Thanks again,

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Hi ,

Thank you for describing your experience. Very interesting how chelation is

helping your son to reduce his supplements. Dana writes on her site that she was

motivated to try chelation in part to address her kids' food sensitivities. I

had thought that people did chelation mainly for the behavior improvements but

I'm starting to see that it helps physically as well. This makes sense and

probably should be obvious, but nevertheless is striking to me.

> I had been reading this board for some time and decided to give chelation a

try. My son's hair test met 2 counting rules and his porphyrins urine test was

positive for mercury. (My hair tests always meet the counting rules too...so he

probably got some of his problems from me).

Our son's hair test, taken a few weeks ago, is very normal, no where near

suspicious. I haven't done mine or my daughter's yet. She has so little hair at

16 months old, I haven't had the heart to shave the back of her little head...

> We have had some " flat " times but no regression at all. If you search on my

name " epoxycozy " you can probably find some of my status posts.

Great to hear! I'll take a look, am curious to see how individual rounds go for


> His body finally seems to be working correctly. My goal is to get down to a

mult-vitamin and fish oil for supplements only.

That's wonderful! We'd love to get there with our son, too, ultimately.

> I've just started chelating myself (after getting my amalgams out last summer

and my crowns done in January). I'm on round #2 and have had no problems..I

started at a really low dose and am dosing the DMSA on the same schedule as my

son's DMSA/ALA doses.

I have a mouth full of metal--about six mercury amalgam fillings, a titanium

implant, and a gold+steel crown, I think. When you say you had your crowns done,

does that mean you replaced them with a non-metal option? I'm wondering if I

have any hope of chelating myself in future...

Thanks again,

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Hi a,

Thank you for responding. What a wonderful success story!

> We started last August and most of my sons sensory problems are gone. His

extreme anxiety is a thing of the past. He exhibits flexible thinking and shows

empathy for others. In his community playschool he often looks like the most nt

boy in the room.


> There is no way time and normal development would have brought these changes

about in this time frame - I saw things changing with each round.

This is amazing. We would so like to get to that place with our son. I have to

ask: has your son been receiving behavioral therapy also, or basically just

chelation (with supplements)?

Thanks again,

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Hi Liz,

Thank you for responding. I very much appreciate learning what I haven't yet

been able to observe as a new member. Interesting about DMSA and fevers.

I had no idea DMSA was an antiretroviral. Would you point me to a link for more

info on this? I'm wondering what our pediatrician might have to say about it.

Thanks again,

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Hi Gail,

Thank you for your post.

> Fever and rashes are sometimes an indication that the body is starting to

heal. ... A sudden high fever is one of the things associated with spontaneous

remission of cancer. The body needs have a healthy, balanced immune system to be

able to mount a fever response.

Funnily enough, this sounds like something our pediatrician would say. She said

she thought our son might have " needed " to get sick when he did.

He did seem noticeably better a couple days after his fever broke, potty

training back in force. Now he's back to weeing in his pants and not realizing

when he needs to use the toilet.

> I would ask for more information from your pediatrician - why does she have a

'bad feeling'? Sometimes bad feelings have substance and sometimes they don't.

Her feelings may depend on what she thinks chelation is, which is not

necessarily chelation as described here. Feelings can change when the correct

information is available.

Good points. We're seeing her tomorrow and I will probe for detail here.

Thanks again,

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All of our kids are different. Our stories aren't meant for you to take as

'this is what will happen to us', but instead a guideline for looking for

similarities and perhaps getting some ideas and hope for your situation.

Viruses and parasites seemed to be big problems here. Anti-viral (Olive Leaf

Extract) treatments gave my son an asymptomatic rash followed by a huge language

leap. He went from 1-2 word combinations to meaningful 2-5 word statements that

week. Cleaning up the pinworms (we saw them in his stool) with a pharmaceutical

(Vermox) took away quite a few of the behaviors everyone was telling me

" Autistic kids just do. " Nail biting, digging in rear-end, whining, defiance,

sleep disturbances.

If No-Fenol allows phenols in the diet, that's great! If you ever have any

questions about the product, Devin Houston is always willing to personally

answer them. He's awesome.

Still looking at the mold issue. I know that can be a real health concern and

I'm glad you are out; toxic mold or not.

Don't worry any further about your first round. You didn't totally screw it up!

And, kudos to you for realizing you can't skip the night time doses if you

double up the day time ones.

How many mgs of DMSA and how much does he weigh? I'm sorry if you've told the

story over and over.



> Hi Pam,


> Thank you for responding. I appreciate hearing your knowledge and perspective.


> > The vast majority don't experience regression with Andy's low dose/high

frequency protocol, but some will. The regressions, however, are probably not

the potentially permanent ones like those seen with DAN! chelation protocols,

but instead can be remedied with changes in dosing/frequency, diet (sulfur

elimination) and/or addition of supplements.


> Interesting that diet and supplements can address regressions. On Dana's site

I came across some examples of this, also. I'm starting to get the impression

that a lot of autistic behaviors and symptoms stem in actuality from yeast

infection, parasite infection, adrenal stress, food insensitivities, and other

physical ailments our kids suffer from.


> > I guarantee there are people on this list that can offer their experiences.

I don't have any that will help you, aside from the advice to not give up after

one round, especially since you describe it as 'poorly administered'.


> That's a good point. Yes, in my haste (hysteria?) to get the bad stuff out of

our son in what I thought would be a very gentle way, I arrived at this botched

protocol: every two hours during the day and every four hours at night. This

meant our son essentially missed three doses before falling ill with fever; we

aborted the round at that point. If I'd not been running on fumes (stressed out

and not sleeping enough) and taken five minutes to think, I might have realized

that the whole point of the AC protocol is to keep the DMSA level smooth and low

over the round, and changing the intervals like that would not keep things

smooth at all. Anyway...


> > Perhaps you are stirring things up... we don't always see that as a

negative! Some of my son's greatest leaps came after the appearance of rashes.


> That's hopeful! As it happens, our son lost his newly restored continence

again after about three days of miraculous body awareness. We guess that exiting

metals and/or his fever killed off some yeast or other and now it has come back.

We wish we could know rapidly and certainly what yeast/parasite is plaguing him

at any given time. I have an appointment this week to find out what a Metametrix

stool test determined, but that stool was taken weeks ago. Who knows whether

what's in our son today bears any resemblance to what was there then. Anyway, he

got another small non-itchy rash on his leg this weekend after the main one on

his legs vanished. We're not sure whether it's gone now or not. His speech seems

a bit weaker than it had been before the chelation+fever (grammatical errors,

simpler sentence constructions). We're not sure what to make of that, just hope

that it's temporary and improves soon.


> > I will see what I can find regarding black mold.


> Thank you for this.


> > Did you get the mold tested in your home and do you know exactly what you

were exposed to and do you still live in that home?


> Good questions. No, we didn't get it tested unfortunately. Our priority was to

get the heck out of there, so I spent all my energies hunting for a new house to

rent, which unfortunately took months. I did take photos of the mold, which my

husband is trying to find, and found my old email description of it as " dark

green or black. " My husband and I remember it looking velvety, sort of like

wallpaper, not slimy. I'm hoping it was green, as my understanding is that green

mold is somewhat (?) less toxic. Our son had an upper respiratory cough that was

worse at night (his bedroom walls and curtains were moldy before we bleached

them and tossed them out, respectively), with little or no nasal discharge, and

with no headache. We moved to a mold-free (as far as we can tell) house in

September 2009.


> > Take care. I am glad he is feeling better and so good to hear you see those

shiners going away with No-Fenol. Are you going to remove/reduce phenols in

this diet?

> >

> > What diet is he on, if any?


> He has been gluten-free and dairy-free for a couple months. He seems to be

okay with phenol foods in combination with No-Fenol, and because he loves them

so much I'm inclined to let him eat them.


> Thanks again,



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Dr. Amy Yasko said that. I don't know of any scientific data on it. I just

know what chelation does and it makes sense that chelating would eliminate

viruses, bacteria, and parasites because it fixes the mineral imbalances that

allow these pathogens to take hold, the result is a weakened immune system.



> Hi Liz,


> Thank you for responding. I very much appreciate learning what I haven't yet

been able to observe as a new member. Interesting about DMSA and fevers.


> I had no idea DMSA was an antiretroviral. Would you point me to a link for

more info on this? I'm wondering what our pediatrician might have to say about



> Thanks again,



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To answer your questions about my crowns, I had 2 crowns in my mouth because the

teeth underneath had multiple amalgam fillings which were making the tooth not

structurally sound anymore. Both crowns were stainless steel with ceramic

covering. One was put in @ 10 years ago and the other @ 8 years ago.

My plan was to have the dentist lift the crowns, drill out any remaining amalgam

underneath, do any build-up needed with composite and then put new crowns on.

Note that because the crowns were fine, I was going to pay out of pocket and

therefore was going to get stainless with ceramic covering which was all I could


However, when the dentist took the crowns off, they just popped off with no

damage and there were only 2 small spots of amalgam underneath as the dentist

had tried to drill the amalgam out before installing the crowns originally. So,

he drilled out the amalgam and just popped the old crowns back on with new

cement. This was my long-term family dentist so he ended up not even charging

me for the service.


> Hi ,


> Thank you for describing your experience. Very interesting how chelation is

helping your son to reduce his supplements. Dana writes on her site that she was

motivated to try chelation in part to address her kids' food sensitivities. I

had thought that people did chelation mainly for the behavior improvements but

I'm starting to see that it helps physically as well. This makes sense and

probably should be obvious, but nevertheless is striking to me.


> > I had been reading this board for some time and decided to give chelation a

try. My son's hair test met 2 counting rules and his porphyrins urine test was

positive for mercury. (My hair tests always meet the counting rules too...so he

probably got some of his problems from me).


> Our son's hair test, taken a few weeks ago, is very normal, no where near

suspicious. I haven't done mine or my daughter's yet. She has so little hair at

16 months old, I haven't had the heart to shave the back of her little head...


> > We have had some " flat " times but no regression at all. If you search on my

name " epoxycozy " you can probably find some of my status posts.


> Great to hear! I'll take a look, am curious to see how individual rounds go

for people.


> > His body finally seems to be working correctly. My goal is to get down to a

mult-vitamin and fish oil for supplements only.


> That's wonderful! We'd love to get there with our son, too, ultimately.


> > I've just started chelating myself (after getting my amalgams out last

summer and my crowns done in January). I'm on round #2 and have had no

problems..I started at a really low dose and am dosing the DMSA on the same

schedule as my son's DMSA/ALA doses.


> I have a mouth full of metal--about six mercury amalgam fillings, a titanium

implant, and a gold+steel crown, I think. When you say you had your crowns done,

does that mean you replaced them with a non-metal option? I'm wondering if I

have any hope of chelating myself in future...


> Thanks again,



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I replied to you on the crown question in a different post, but I just wanted to

echo one of Pam's posts where she talks about how all kids are different. You

end up looking thru other people's experiences for a kid similar to yours or

with a similar issue and see what they did.

For example, my kid has never been a " viral " kid. He usually had normal

illnesses, ran fevers etc. and we never showed any signs of parasites. He also

didn't seem to be very food sensitive except for his peanut allergy. We did a

trial 4 week casein free diet when he was 18 months old to try to address his

eczema and he showed no differences in either his skin or his speech or behavior

or sleep. Because I knew my DH wouldn't really support a strict food

restriction diet, I went straight to food enzymes to address absorption issues

(we used Houston's AFP Peptizyde and Zyme-Prime).

However, Essential Fatty Acids (fish oil!) was huge for us both for my son's

eczema and his speech. And Vitamin E was also a biggie after some initial

negatives (3 weeks of behavioral hell along with big gains in language and

imagination). Many people use GSE for yeast but it just gave my son intense

stomach pain. We ended up using LOTS of probiotics and Candidase for

yeast...which was a big issue for my son. When I started treating it, both his

speech therapist and OT said " What did you do? " within a week because his focus

and attention were so much improved.

Zinc has been a big issue for us...my son would chew on everything including his

hands, his clothes, toys etc unless he got enough zinc. At one time, we were

giving 4X the adult RDA for zinc to keep him from chewing.

So each kid will need a different approach and you just have to learn your kid.

My husband still laughs at me because I see my son acting a certain way and say

" he needs yogurt " (which we spike with extra probiotics). :-)


> Hi ,


> Thank you for describing your experience. Very interesting how chelation is

helping your son to reduce his supplements. Dana writes on her site that she was

motivated to try chelation in part to address her kids' food sensitivities. I

had thought that people did chelation mainly for the behavior improvements but

I'm starting to see that it helps physically as well. This makes sense and

probably should be obvious, but nevertheless is striking to me.


> > I had been reading this board for some time and decided to give chelation a

try. My son's hair test met 2 counting rules and his porphyrins urine test was

positive for mercury. (My hair tests always meet the counting rules too...so he

probably got some of his problems from me).


> Our son's hair test, taken a few weeks ago, is very normal, no where near

suspicious. I haven't done mine or my daughter's yet. She has so little hair at

16 months old, I haven't had the heart to shave the back of her little head...


> > We have had some " flat " times but no regression at all. If you search on my

name " epoxycozy " you can probably find some of my status posts.


> Great to hear! I'll take a look, am curious to see how individual rounds go

for people.


> > His body finally seems to be working correctly. My goal is to get down to a

mult-vitamin and fish oil for supplements only.


> That's wonderful! We'd love to get there with our son, too, ultimately.


> > I've just started chelating myself (after getting my amalgams out last

summer and my crowns done in January). I'm on round #2 and have had no

problems..I started at a really low dose and am dosing the DMSA on the same

schedule as my son's DMSA/ALA doses.


> I have a mouth full of metal--about six mercury amalgam fillings, a titanium

implant, and a gold+steel crown, I think. When you say you had your crowns done,

does that mean you replaced them with a non-metal option? I'm wondering if I

have any hope of chelating myself in future...


> Thanks again,



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Hi ,

Behavioral therapy would have been the wrong fit for all of us.

We did dir floortime, but even that was modified to remove what I saw as the

behaviorist pieces from it.

The gains we saw I absolutely attribute to the ac chelation protocol(ala only)

and homeopathy. I have learned a lot about sensory processing which helped us

get through, but just till the chelation changed those neurological pathways.

A year ago my son would have had a total meltdown if someone accidently brushed

against him. Today he went up to the kid in his playschool class who has no

boundries and is constantly sensory seeking (read crashing into people

deliberately) and gave him a gentle hug. He has never done anything like that

before..I chalk it up to just finishing a round last night. That is the

incredible stuff I see. This happened when I was dropping him off and his aide

looked at me with an expression of astonishment.

It is a really tough decision to make - to get on board or not. I hope your

research leads you to a place you can feel confident in the path you choose.


> Thank you for responding. What a wonderful success story!


I have to ask: has your son been receiving behavioral therapy also, or

basically just chelation (with supplements)?


> Thanks again,



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  • 3 weeks later...
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In case it's of use to others, I just wanted to mention on this thread that our

pediatrician convinced us to try homeopathy.

She pointed me at the book Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, which covers how

homeopathy cured her son's " moderate autism " and describes numerous studies that

have shown homeopathy's effectiveness, despite its mechanisms being poorly


She also pointed me at a December 2008 article by Fran Sheffield, which is

online here:



It claims that homeopathy can address everything from yeast infections to social

skills effectively and without side effects, and says the author has had

patients whose excretions showed notable levels of metals after homeopathic


The clincher, though, was our pediatrician's giving our son a homeopathic remedy

which has had noticeable effects every day since he took it, both positive and

negative but mostly positive.

So we're giving homeopathy a try. At some point after a future homeopathic

remedy dosing, I will do a 24-hour urine test to try to see if our son is

excreting metals.

Thanks again to everyone who responded.

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Our guy is a very sensitive system kind of kid.  He responds to EVERYTHING we

give him. Can be good or bad, but he responds.  Homeopathy has been wonderful

for him cause mixing it with the proper vits and supps has gone a long way in

healing him.  We were skeptical at first but it has really worked for us with

very little regression when adding anything new.

nancy j

From: its_the_mercury <its_the_mercury@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: debating whether to continue chelation

Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 10:15 PM


In case it's of use to others, I just wanted to mention on this thread

that our pediatrician convinced us to try homeopathy.

She pointed me at the book Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, which covers how

homeopathy cured her son's " moderate autism " and describes numerous studies that

have shown homeopathy's effectiveness, despite its mechanisms being poorly


She also pointed me at a December 2008 article by Fran Sheffield, which is

online here:



It claims that homeopathy can address everything from yeast infections to social

skills effectively and without side effects, and says the author has had

patients whose excretions showed notable levels of metals after homeopathic


The clincher, though, was our pediatrician's giving our son a homeopathic remedy

which has had noticeable effects every day since he took it, both positive and

negative but mostly positive.

So we're giving homeopathy a try. At some point after a future homeopathic

remedy dosing, I will do a 24-hour urine test to try to see if our son is

excreting metals.

Thanks again to everyone who responded.

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Please be aware that most homeopathic remedies contain dairy (pellets) or

grain-based alcohol.


Re: debating whether to continue chelation

Posted by: " its_the_mercury " its_the_mercury@... its_the_mercury

Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:18 pm (PDT)

In case it's of use to others, I just wanted to mention on this thread that our

pediatrician convinced us to try homeopathy.

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Autism is on the rise in Russia, too. The vaccination schedule is not yet that

bad as in USA. But anyway there are lots of children damaged by Russian version

of DTP, antibiotics and so on. And yes, most of them get different diagnosises

like MR, speech delay, even often schizophrenia.



> Galina,

> how high is the incidence of ASD spectrum disorders in Russia? Has the

national vaccination program increased following U.S standards? Here (Mexico)

it has, step by step everything they put up in the vaccination chart, the

" health Ministry " does the same...we currently have an estimated incidence of

1/115 diagnosed in the spectrum, still, people involved in this matter insist

that the incidence is higher but that sadly, most of them are Categorized with

MR and thus never get the chance to heal... I am interested to know how it is



> Isa

> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


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  • 2 weeks later...
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What homeopathic remedy did ur ped give to your son. We are doing CEASE

HOMEOPATHIC treatment of Tinus Smit. We just started and we know for sure that

it is best suited for our child. There are a few homeopaths who were licensed in

the month of April based in the US. I come from a family where homeopathy is big

and it has positively affected the health of our family. Rather than trying

untested means i would prefer homeopathy, which although is untested but atelast

is so dilute in nature that it hardly has any side effects.



> In case it's of use to others, I just wanted to mention on this thread that

our pediatrician convinced us to try homeopathy.


> She pointed me at the book Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, which covers

how homeopathy cured her son's " moderate autism " and describes numerous studies

that have shown homeopathy's effectiveness, despite its mechanisms being poorly



> She also pointed me at a December 2008 article by Fran Sheffield, which is

online here:






> It claims that homeopathy can address everything from yeast infections to

social skills effectively and without side effects, and says the author has had

patients whose excretions showed notable levels of metals after homeopathic



> The clincher, though, was our pediatrician's giving our son a homeopathic

remedy which has had noticeable effects every day since he took it, both

positive and negative but mostly positive.


> So we're giving homeopathy a try. At some point after a future homeopathic

remedy dosing, I will do a 24-hour urine test to try to see if our son is

excreting metals.


> Thanks again to everyone who responded.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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It's a very simple debate.

If you want your kid to get better, you continue chelation and do it properly.

If you don't want any possible hope of your kid getting better, you don't

continue chelation.

If making the rational decision here causes anxiety or distress, seek care for

yourself from your own doctor.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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The problem with homeopathy is that it works to trigger the body to heal itself.

As the body has no mechanism to excrete heavy metals from the brain homeopathy

has no capacity to trigger such a process. While you may see improvements, the

metals are still there. Perhaps if your son's health improves sufficiently with

homeopathy you might feel ready to try AC chelation again - sooner rather than

later would be better.

Kind regards

Alison W


> In case it's of use to others, I just wanted to mention on this thread that

our pediatrician convinced us to try homeopathy.


> She pointed me at the book Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, PhD, which covers

how homeopathy cured her son's " moderate autism " and describes numerous studies

that have shown homeopathy's effectiveness, despite its mechanisms being poorly



> She also pointed me at a December 2008 article by Fran Sheffield, which is

online here:






> It claims that homeopathy can address everything from yeast infections to

social skills effectively and without side effects, and says the author has had

patients whose excretions showed notable levels of metals after homeopathic



> The clincher, though, was our pediatrician's giving our son a homeopathic

remedy which has had noticeable effects every day since he took it, both

positive and negative but mostly positive.


> So we're giving homeopathy a try. At some point after a future homeopathic

remedy dosing, I will do a 24-hour urine test to try to see if our son is

excreting metals.


> Thanks again to everyone who responded.




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