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ASO titer Strep

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Hi everyone,

My name is and I am new to this group.

My daughter Carly is turning 4 in November. I am very concerned because she

recently had some blood work done and the ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) titer

was 627 and should be under 150. The DNASE-B Antibody was normal.

Carly has not shown any signs of being sick since Christmas last year. She

had an ear infection and it was treated with 2 rounds of Penicillin.

I was recently part of a Generation Rescue grant which provided 2 visits

with a DAN doctor. However, I am not sure he knows what he is talking

about. He recommended she take 12.5 mls of Zithromax once per week for 6


He is concerned about PANDAS and so am I, but she is not showing any signs

of OCD. After I questioned the dose because she vomited ½ hour after I gave

it to her, he suggested I take her and do a throat swab. I am not sure if

this is really necessary since the blood work was done on September 23rd.

Wouldn’t I have seen some signs of a soar throat, and would she even still

have it now, almost 4 weeks later.

The strange thing is that my daughter has never been diagnosed with strep

so I don’t understand why she has all of the anti-bodies in her body.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

She is due to have the second dose of Zithromax tonight and I am not sure if

I should give it to her or not. I made an appointment with another DAN

doctor for next Wednesday and I thought maybe I should wait till after that


Does anyone know if there is a way to lower the ASO titer or can that only

go down with time.

I am so confused. As if the Autism wasn’t enough.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Hello -my daughter has been high in ASO ---and Strep IgG since tested at 2

yrs old--no strep throat before that except vaccination--now many strep throats

and NOW that I learned the hard way not to use strep strain probiotics----I am

suppose to get blood drawn today for a new ASO and DNA-se B to see if she has

PANDAS---which I have been asking that question for two years----my daughters

OCDs are so bad in last month that she can not make it through the school day

that ends at 12:30 for her-------In Aug her ASO was 249--and before the OCDs

became crippling---I will see what they are now---Many on this group are

extremely helpful---and in many instances I should have listened to parents

instead of some of the Doctors we have had.  Good Luck

From: Gurke <lisapereira66@...>

Subject: [ ] ASO titer Strep

autism treatment

Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 7:06 AM


Hi everyone,

My name is and I am new to this group.

My daughter Carly is turning 4 in November. I am very concerned because she

recently had some blood work done and the ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) titer

was 627 and should be under 150. The DNASE-B Antibody was normal.

Carly has not shown any signs of being sick since Christmas last year. She

had an ear infection and it was treated with 2 rounds of Penicillin.

I was recently part of a Generation Rescue grant which provided 2 visits

with a DAN doctor. However, I am not sure he knows what he is talking

about. He recommended she take 12.5 mls of Zithromax once per week for 6


He is concerned about PANDAS and so am I, but she is not showing any signs

of OCD. After I questioned the dose because she vomited ½ hour after I gave

it to her, he suggested I take her and do a throat swab. I am not sure if

this is really necessary since the blood work was done on September 23rd.

Wouldn’t I have seen some signs of a soar throat, and would she even still

have it now, almost 4 weeks later.

The strange thing is that my daughter has never been diagnosed with strep

so I don’t understand why she has all of the anti-bodies in her body.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

She is due to have the second dose of Zithromax tonight and I am not sure if

I should give it to her or not. I made an appointment with another DAN

doctor for next Wednesday and I thought maybe I should wait till after that


Does anyone know if there is a way to lower the ASO titer or can that only

go down with time.

I am so confused. As if the Autism wasn’t enough.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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My dd has not been tested for strep titres, but has had OCD tendencies. She is

greatly helped by OLE. Been on it for 2-3 mos now, and every time I try to stop

it, the OCD comes back. Have you had any issues with keeping it on board for so




> My dd tested positive for strep, and had no throat pain. Later, she began

exhibiting signs of Pandas. Misdiagnosed as ocd and Tourette's for 7 years, but

it was Pandas all along. We brought her titers down to 93 with 4 months of

daily nano silver. That was before I joined any lists, and now I know silver is

not recommended for our kids. The last few years we have taken olive leaf

extract every day and she hasn't had tics or ocd issues since. Haven't had her

titers checked (just getting insurance after a 3 year gap), but ole is cheap so

we just keep taking it.

> hth - Darla




> [ ] ASO titer Strep




> Hi everyone,


> My name is and I am new to this group.


> My daughter Carly is turning 4 in November. I am very concerned because she

> recently had some blood work done and the ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) titer

> was 627 and should be under 150. The DNASE-B Antibody was normal.


> Carly has not shown any signs of being sick since Christmas last year. She

> had an ear infection and it was treated with 2 rounds of Penicillin.


> I was recently part of a Generation Rescue grant which provided 2 visits

> with a DAN doctor. However, I am not sure he knows what he is talking

> about. He recommended she take 12.5 mls of Zithromax once per week for 6

> months.


> He is concerned about PANDAS and so am I, but she is not showing any signs

> of OCD. After I questioned the dose because she vomited ½ hour after I gave

> it to her, he suggested I take her and do a throat swab. I am not sure if

> this is really necessary since the blood work was done on September 23rd.

> Wouldn't I have seen some signs of a soar throat, and would she even still

> have it now, almost 4 weeks later.


> The strange thing is that my daughter has never been diagnosed with strep

> so I don't understand why she has all of the anti-bodies in her body.


> Does anyone have any experience with this?


> She is due to have the second dose of Zithromax tonight and I am not sure if

> I should give it to her or not. I made an appointment with another DAN

> doctor for next Wednesday and I thought maybe I should wait till after that

> appointment.


> Does anyone know if there is a way to lower the ASO titer or can that only

> go down with time.


> I am so confused. As if the Autism wasn't enough.


> Any advice would be appreciated.


> Thanks,





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> My daughter Carly is turning 4 in November. I am very concerned because she

> recently had some blood work done and the ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) titer

> was 627 and should be under 150. The DNASE-B Antibody was normal.


My son's ASO was elevated before and he had associated OCD behaviors. After

some antibiotics it subsided for awhile, and later acted up again. That time

the ASO was normal and the DNase B was up. Personally I think he has strep in

the gut (my son had it show up in his stool analysis), and when they have a

somewhat leaky gut, like after consuming gluten or due to candida overgrowth,

the strep may trigger the immune system response.

We've given him various gut supplements and organic whey protein shakes (for the

glutamine which helps regenerate the gut lining), and use OLE or Phyto-Biotic

(Enzymatic Therapy) at times as an antimicrobial. For awhile we also used

lumbrokinase which helps to break down biofilm to expose the strep. We also

avoid foods and probiotics with s. thermophilus bacteria. Things are OK for

now. I think continued Cutler chelation will help his immune system work



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