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My 4 year old son is on GFCF diet. He has fungus in his gut. We started

supplementation with Probiotic, Caprylic Acid, Buffered Calcium, Vitamin A and

Co-enyme Q10 and Magnesium since last ten days. From last two days red rashes

has appeared on his body and face with a lot of itching. Can anyone tell what

might be the reason. is it fungal die off or something else.


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> My 4 year old son is on GFCF diet. He has fungus in his gut. We started

supplementation with Probiotic, Caprylic Acid, Buffered Calcium, Vitamin A and

Co-enyme Q10 and Magnesium since last ten days. From last two days red rashes

has appeared on his body and face with a lot of itching. Can anyone tell what

might be the reason. is it fungal die off or something else.

My #4 has had ringworm on her skin. Sometimes it was caused by yeast

overgrowth, and sometimes it was caused by die off of internal yeast [it was

coming out thru her skin].


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Measles virus start from red to dark brown. If this is the case it should be

leaving the body. If you are giving Cod liver oil or other source of Vit A or

anti viral?. This can be measles finally leaving his body. This could be a good

sign. Keep giving Vit A. His behaviuor should improve eventually. Culturelle

should only help. Infact you should give more probiotics because dying virus

will increase fungal.



From: sajeel shafiq <sajeelshafiq@...>

Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 5:41:29 PM

Subject: [ ] RASHES


My four year old who is on GFCF and on anti-fungals, is having rashes on his

body. The rashes appear on his body. They are of red color. They go to black

colour and disappear. Then they appear at new place on his body. His behaviour

is also going on to be aggressive from last few days. I suspect it is due to

culturelle. He has severe Gluten allergy.



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