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Re: Frequent Dose chelation

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Hi Crystal, welcome to the group. I mix it with Organic Pineapple juice to mask

the taste.



> I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks


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Many of the parents in this group are doing AC protocol so you've come to the

right place. I am not one of the veterans here but I read each post and learn

something new each day.

My 3 1/2yo ASD son is on round #17 of AC. We start dosing at 2pm on Friday after

school and continue every 3 hrs until 7am Monday morning. He's taking 25mg DMSA

& 25mg ALA at each dose. He's 50 lbs so that is the max dose he should take. I

open the capsules into 2 tbs of orange juice, mix it thoroughly and put it into

an oral syringe. Squirt it into the corner of his mouth, a small amount at a

time, giving him a chance to swallow in between. During the night I gently rub

his cheeks until he's just slightly awake and then I use the syringe the same

way, being careful not to put too much in so he doesn't choke. This works out

surprisingly well and he usually falls right back to sleep.

My son is severe and had been non-verbal until last month. He now says " No " when

he means it, and can say a few word approximations during " Twinkle Twinkle " and

" Old Mc " . His eye contact is amazing and he seems to understand a few

basic commands. This is a huge improvement from where he was before we started


Yeast is the biggest problem and you need to have a good protocol in place for

that. Dana - a board veteran has great advice there so check out some of her

previous posts.

Read Andy's book and every post he's made on these boards. That's the best place

to start. Everyone here has been very supportive and I'm deeply indebted to all

that share their knowledge and experience.

Elise in San


> I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks


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For our 6 yr old, we mix the dose with apple juice and spoon it into his mouth

at night. He barely wakes up (he is an easy-going person, we just say " vitamin "

and he opens his mouth). For our 3 yr old, we mix it with apple juice and squirt

it in with a syringe. He doesn't wake up, just swallows in his sleep. Our little

guy is not so compliant, thus the syringe. Maggied.


> I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks


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Great to hear you are making progress Elise. Keep up the good fight.

Many people want a magic pill or cream to give us the " quick fix " and keep

looking for it, ignoring what works (slowly).

It's the slow and steady progress that keeps us going.

I feel so bad for the kids whos parents are still looking for the quick fix when

they could be chelating and making progress.



From: elisegraziano66 <elise.graziano@...>

Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 9:00:02 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Frequent Dose chelation


Many of the parents in this group are doing AC protocol so you've come to the

right place. I am not one of the veterans here but I read each post and learn

something new each day.

My 3 1/2yo ASD son is on round #17 of AC. We start dosing at 2pm on Friday after

school and continue every 3 hrs until 7am Monday morning. He's taking 25mg DMSA

& 25mg ALA at each dose. He's 50 lbs so that is the max dose he should take. I

open the capsules into 2 tbs of orange juice, mix it thoroughly and put it into

an oral syringe. Squirt it into the corner of his mouth, a small amount at a

time, giving him a chance to swallow in between. During the night I gently rub

his cheeks until he's just slightly awake and then I use the syringe the same

way, being careful not to put too much in so he doesn't choke. This works out

surprisingly well and he usually falls right back to sleep.

My son is severe and had been non-verbal until last month. He now says " No " when

he means it, and can say a few word approximations during " Twinkle Twinkle " and

" Old Mc " . His eye contact is amazing and he seems to understand a few

basic commands. This is a huge improvement from where he was before we started


Yeast is the biggest problem and you need to have a good protocol in place for

that. Dana - a board veteran has great advice there so check out some of her

previous posts.

Read Andy's book and every post he's made on these boards. That's the best place

to start. Everyone here has been very supportive and I'm deeply indebted to all

that share their knowledge and experience.

Elise in San


> I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks


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We mix our DMSA/ALA with apple juice, but it only needs to be some acidic

liquid. Something that your child likes the taste is best.

Put it in an oral syringe and squirt it in his mouth. Swallowing is an automatic

function. Many times they don't even wake up.

We found that you want to mix in enough liquid or the flavor has a very

strong sulphur taste to it.

Shake the syringe a little just before you squirt it in, because the DMSA/ALA

tends to settle.

Keep at it. You child will become used to the routine.



From: CrystaLT <spiceofthetiger@...>

Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 7:49:54 PM

Subject: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation


I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks

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Thanks TJ! We did 20 rounds of IV chelation prior to AC and he was not

improving. I know now why that was - but at the time I was just following my

DAN's advice. I cringe when I think of the damage I may have done but I just

didn't know any better. Once I joined this group and learned more about Andy's

method I realized I was on the wrong track. I just hope I switched soon enough.

I know we may go several rounds without seeing any improvement but I keep

pushing on thinking that another breakthrough may be around the next corner. I'm

prepared to do this 100 rounds or more if that's what it takes. I'll send

updates as he improves further so others that are still watching and reading

here can be inspired. I know I get very excited when I hear other parent's

success stories. It keeps me motivated to get up at 1 & 3am! :)

Elise in San

> >

> > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy

cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son

and would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the

DMSA in ect. Thanks

> >









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We have been doing this for about 50 rounds with my older boy and he has gone

from moderately autistic to PDD-NOS.

Andy says 100-300 rounds. As long as we are making progress we will continue.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.



From: elisegraziano66 <elise.graziano@...>

Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 2:39:35 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Frequent Dose chelation


Thanks TJ! We did 20 rounds of IV chelation prior to AC and he was not

improving. I know now why that was - but at the time I was just following my

DAN's advice. I cringe when I think of the damage I may have done but I just

didn't know any better. Once I joined this group and learned more about Andy's

method I realized I was on the wrong track. I just hope I switched soon enough.

I know we may go several rounds without seeing any improvement but I keep

pushing on thinking that another breakthrough may be around the next corner. I'm

prepared to do this 100 rounds or more if that's what it takes. I'll send

updates as he improves further so others that are still watching and reading

here can be inspired. I know I get very excited when I hear other parent's

success stories. It keeps me motivated to get up at 1 & 3am! :)

Elise in San

> >

> > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy

cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son

and would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the

DMSA in ect. Thanks

> >









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Terrific TJ

I agree - sleep and rest can come then. We have only done 14 rounds so far

but see new things every time. Slowly but improving. We are very strict with

diet as well. My son was diagnosed with moderate ASD and low IQ. Well, Mr

low IQ is the top reader in his class and he is only in Prep. They only

started to 'read' 4 weeks ago but he is already beyond the reading level

expected for Prep at the end of the year.

We are also here for the long haul.



On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:01 AM, TJ Werth <tj_werth@...> wrote:



> We have been doing this for about 50 rounds with my older boy and he has

> gone from moderately autistic to PDD-NOS.

> Andy says 100-300 rounds. As long as we are making progress we will

> continue.

> I'll sleep when I'm dead.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: elisegraziano66 <elise.graziano@...<elise.graziano%40netapp.com>>



> < %40>

> Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 2:39:35 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Frequent Dose chelation



> Thanks TJ! We did 20 rounds of IV chelation prior to AC and he was not

> improving. I know now why that was - but at the time I was just following my

> DAN's advice. I cringe when I think of the damage I may have done but I just

> didn't know any better. Once I joined this group and learned more about

> Andy's method I realized I was on the wrong track. I just hope I switched

> soon enough. I know we may go several rounds without seeing any improvement

> but I keep pushing on thinking that another breakthrough may be around the

> next corner. I'm prepared to do this 100 rounds or more if that's what it

> takes. I'll send updates as he improves further so others that are still

> watching and reading here can be inspired. I know I get very excited when I

> hear other parent's success stories. It keeps me motivated to get up at 1 &

> 3am! :)

> Elise in San




> > >

> > > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy

> cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my

> son and would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to

> put the DMSA in ect. Thanks


> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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" I'll sleep when I'm dead "

Amen. My dh says that we aren't spring chickens anymore now, and every weekend

we skip chelation, we are just older and more tired, so we may as well get it

done NOW, because it " ain't gettin' any easier " !

And the results are well worth it so far.

> > >

> > > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy

cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son

and would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the

DMSA in ect. Thanks

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I don't skip a weekend! Especially since I am seeing so many wonderful things.

It's like my weekend job.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 23, 2010, at 12:04 AM, " mosaictm " <sunshine369@...> wrote:

" I'll sleep when I'm dead "

Amen. My dh says that we aren't spring chickens anymore now, and every weekend

we skip chelation, we are just older and more tired, so we may as well get it

done NOW, because it " ain't gettin' any easier " !

And the results are well worth it so far.

> > >

> > > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy

cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son

and would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the

DMSA in ect. Thanks

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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We waited and investigated a long time before starting -

chelating around the clock on weekends is a lot easier than the sleep issues we

had in the younger years every night of the week (and we were younger)

The time will pass regardless what you do. We decided on Cutler protocol as

safest and highest success rate. Our fear was making things worse which is an

issue with some other protocols.

We are seeing subtle changes after 7 rounds and our child has told us the

chelation is making him feel better. It is really not a big deal to wake up for

a minute with child and go right back to sleep. The kid usually doesn't remember

waking up. Consider sleeping in same room.

> I don't skip a weekend! Especially since I am seeing so many wonderful

things. It's like my weekend job.


> " I'll sleep when I'm dead "


> Amen. My dh says that we aren't spring chickens anymore now, and every weekend

we skip chelation, we are just older and more tired, so we may as well get it

done NOW, because it " ain't gettin' any easier " !


> And the results are well worth it so far.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


I am starting with DMSA & ALA chelation this weekend, i have been using since

Christmas untill now 5 days on 5 days off TD-DMPS, my question is do i need to

start with both DMSA & ALA or one or other first?


From: tj_werth@...

Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:47:55 -0800

Subject: Re: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation

We mix our DMSA/ALA with apple juice, but it only needs to be some acidic

liquid. Something that your child likes the taste is best.

Put it in an oral syringe and squirt it in his mouth. Swallowing is an automatic

function. Many times they don't even wake up.

We found that you want to mix in enough liquid or the flavor has a very strong

sulphur taste to it.

Shake the syringe a little just before you squirt it in, because the DMSA/ALA

tends to settle.

Keep at it. You child will become used to the routine.



From: CrystaLT <spiceofthetiger@...>

Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 7:49:54 PM

Subject: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation

I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks

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Guest guest

No need to start on or the other in particular. We use both, many do.

ALA is very important because it crosses the blood-brain-barrier.

Andy says that if you add in DMSA as well it helps remove approx 20-30% more

mercury from the brain.

The ALA pulls it out and then the DMSA helps remove it from the body.

DMSA also is a great chelator of lead.



From: michelle lacey <michelle0471@...>

autism treatment

Sent: Sun, March 14, 2010 2:51:17 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation


I am starting with DMSA & ALA chelation this weekend, i have been using since

Christmas untill now 5 days on 5 days off TD-DMPS, my question is do i need to

start with both DMSA & ALA or one or other first?


From: tj_werth@...

Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:47:55 -0800

Subject: Re: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation





      We mix our DMSA/ALA with apple juice, but it only needs to be some acidic

liquid. Something that your child likes the taste is best.

Put it in an oral syringe and squirt it in his mouth. Swallowing is an automatic

function. Many times they don't even wake up.

We found that you want to mix in enough liquid or the flavor has a very strong

sulphur taste to it.

Shake the syringe a little just before you squirt it in, because the DMSA/ALA

tends to settle.

Keep at it. You child will become used to the routine.



From: CrystaLT <spiceofthetiger@...>

Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 7:49:54 PM

Subject: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation


I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the andy cutler

protocol with their kids. I just started doing this protocol with my son and

would like suggestions on night dosing. What is the best thing to put the DMSA

in ect. Thanks

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Guest guest

One additional point. If you start with both and have side-effects, you

won't know which of the two is causing this. I would start with one,

then if all goes well after about 5 rounds, add the other.

TJ Werth wrote:


> No need to start on or the other in particular. We use both, many do.

> ALA is very important because it crosses the blood-brain-barrier.

> Andy says that if you add in DMSA as well it helps remove approx

> 20-30% more mercury from the brain.

> The ALA pulls it out and then the DMSA helps remove it from the body.

> DMSA also is a great chelator of lead.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: michelle lacey <michelle0471@...

> <mailto:michelle0471%40hotmail.co.uk>>

> autism treatment

> <mailto:autism treatment%40>

> Sent: Sun, March 14, 2010 2:51:17 PM

> Subject: RE: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation


> Hi


> I am starting with DMSA & ALA chelation this weekend, i have been

> using since Christmas untill now 5 days on 5 days off TD-DMPS, my

> question is do i need to start with both DMSA & ALA or one or other first?


> x



> <mailto: %40>

> From: tj_werth@... <mailto:tj_werth%40>

> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:47:55 -0800

> Subject: Re: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation







> We mix our DMSA/ALA with apple juice, but it only needs to be some

> acidic liquid. Something that your child likes the taste is best.


> Put it in an oral syringe and squirt it in his mouth. Swallowing is an

> automatic function. Many times they don't even wake up.


> We found that you want to mix in enough liquid or the flavor has a

> very strong sulphur taste to it.


> Shake the syringe a little just before you squirt it in, because the

> DMSA/ALA tends to settle.


> Keep at it. You child will become used to the routine.


> TJ


> ________________________________


> From: CrystaLT <spiceofthetiger@...

> <mailto:spiceofthetiger%40>>



> <mailto: %40>


> Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 7:49:54 PM


> Subject: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation




> I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the

> andy cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this

> protocol with my son and would like suggestions on night dosing. What

> is the best thing to put the DMSA in ect. Thanks



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Guest guest

Thank you, what sort of side effects should i look out for?


> From: mrossgrp@...

> Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:01:32 -0400

> Subject: Re: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation


> One additional point. If you start with both and have side-effects, you

> won't know which of the two is causing this. I would start with one,

> then if all goes well after about 5 rounds, add the other.




> TJ Werth wrote:

> >

> > No need to start on or the other in particular. We use both, many do.

> > ALA is very important because it crosses the blood-brain-barrier.

> > Andy says that if you add in DMSA as well it helps remove approx

> > 20-30% more mercury from the brain.

> > The ALA pulls it out and then the DMSA helps remove it from the body.

> > DMSA also is a great chelator of lead.

> > TJ

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: michelle lacey <michelle0471@...

> > <mailto:michelle0471%40hotmail.co.uk>>

> > autism treatment

> > <mailto:autism treatment%40>

> > Sent: Sun, March 14, 2010 2:51:17 PM

> > Subject: RE: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > I am starting with DMSA & ALA chelation this weekend, i have been

> > using since Christmas untill now 5 days on 5 days off TD-DMPS, my

> > question is do i need to start with both DMSA & ALA or one or other first?

> >

> > x

> >

> >

> > <mailto: %40>

> > From: tj_werth@... <mailto:tj_werth%40>

> > Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 10:47:55 -0800

> > Subject: Re: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > We mix our DMSA/ALA with apple juice, but it only needs to be some

> > acidic liquid. Something that your child likes the taste is best.

> >

> > Put it in an oral syringe and squirt it in his mouth. Swallowing is an

> > automatic function. Many times they don't even wake up.

> >

> > We found that you want to mix in enough liquid or the flavor has a

> > very strong sulphur taste to it.

> >

> > Shake the syringe a little just before you squirt it in, because the

> > DMSA/ALA tends to settle.

> >

> > Keep at it. You child will become used to the routine.

> >

> > TJ

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > From: CrystaLT <spiceofthetiger@...

> > <mailto:spiceofthetiger%40>>

> >

> >

> > <mailto: %40>

> >

> > Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 7:49:54 PM

> >

> > Subject: [ ] Frequent Dose chelation

> >

> >

> >

> > I was hoping to hook up with a few parents that might be doing the

> > andy cutler protocol with their kids. I just started doing this

> > protocol with my son and would like suggestions on night dosing. What

> > is the best thing to put the DMSA in ect. Thanks

> >

> >

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