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Re: OFFTOPIC: Jaw fracture ... jaw sealed for 6 weeks ...

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Sorry to hear she is in this situation. Bone broth (chicken, lamb, turkey or/

and beef) will provide a pretty good source of minerals and aminoacids. To

follow the recipe about how to do it right, go to: www.pecanbread.com

Is she ASD? If she is not, whey protein shakes are nutritious too, (if she is,

change the whey protein for nut milk) add some good tasting quality fats like

extra virgin coconut oil, macadamia oil, avocado (pureed), butter x-factor,

honey to taste.

Good luck


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[ ] OFFTOPIC: Jaw fracture ... jaw sealed for 6 weeks ...

Hello Parents,

My niece (21 years old) passed out yesterday and fell flat on the ground (face

on the floor).

She fractured her jaw and tomorrow the Dr's are putting special braces and


Her jaw will be pretty much sealed for 6 long weeks. She is not allowed to eat

any regular food.

She can drink ONLY LIQUIDS THROUGH STRAW for the 6 week period. I am so worried


her nutrition. My sister will have to be very creative to make different shakes

for her

(same consistency like smoothie/applesauce, maybe thinner for the straw).

Any extra over the counter supplements you recommend? What kinds of food should

we puree?

Any recommendations to ensure a balanced diet is given during this time?

I will wait for your response.

Thank you!



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6 weeks of less than optimal nutrition will not kill her. I appreciate your

concern, though! A standard liquid or powdered multivitamin/mineral should do

the trick. A protein powder might help to keep her full.

This might be a good excuse to start using a juicer! You can make some great

vegetable and fruit juices and hopefully continue use after the jaw is untied.

Why did she pass out?



> Hello Parents,


> My niece (21 years old) passed out yesterday and fell flat on the ground (face

on the floor).

> She fractured her jaw and tomorrow the Dr's are putting special braces and


> Her jaw will be pretty much sealed for 6 long weeks. She is not allowed to

eat any regular food.


> She can drink ONLY LIQUIDS THROUGH STRAW for the 6 week period. I am so

worried about

> her nutrition. My sister will have to be very creative to make different

shakes for her

> (same consistency like smoothie/applesauce, maybe thinner for the straw).


> Any extra over the counter supplements you recommend? What kinds of food

should we puree?

> Any recommendations to ensure a balanced diet is given during this time?


> I will wait for your response.


> Thank you!


> Regards,

> Mom







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Homoeopathics are great for this sort of situation - arnica for the bruising and

general trauma, symphytum for bone healing, hypericum anc calendula for nerve

and skin healing - use 6c potency 2 or 3 times a day, either all at the same

time or space them apart so she can tell if any of them are more effective for

pain relief.

There is also a fairly well known remedy called Traumeel (can google this one) -

comes in pills to suck - they can be dissolved to dose through a straw or there

is a cream - great for any kind of pain, trauma or inflammation.


> >

> > Hello Parents,

> >

> > My niece (21 years old) passed out yesterday and fell flat on the ground

(face on the floor).

> > She fractured her jaw and tomorrow the Dr's are putting special braces and


> > Her jaw will be pretty much sealed for 6 long weeks. She is not allowed to

eat any regular food.

> >

> > She can drink ONLY LIQUIDS THROUGH STRAW for the 6 week period. I am so

worried about

> > her nutrition. My sister will have to be very creative to make different

shakes for her

> > (same consistency like smoothie/applesauce, maybe thinner for the straw).

> >

> > Any extra over the counter supplements you recommend? What kinds of food

should we puree?

> > Any recommendations to ensure a balanced diet is given during this time?

> >

> > I will wait for your response.

> >

> > Thank you!

> >

> > Regards,

> > Mom

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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When I had minor surgery on my face, I made mashed potatoes and rolade (German

meat rolls) and cooked the meat until it was so soft, it hardly had to be

chewed. And as an infant, my oldest would eat almost any baby food vegetables

if they were mixed with mashed potatoes. If it were me, I would be inclined to

make whipped mashed potatoes, add extra liquid so it can go through a straw, and

mix in pureed meat or veggies. There used to actually be a meat-based " formula "

-- like baby formula, only made with meat. I saw some article about it. Someone

with some serious health issue lived on it and the parents were, understandably,

quite upset when it was discontinued. So you can puree meat and veggies and the

like and make them drinkable. Though I imagine there would be some challenges

with making them both drinkable and palatable. Still if liquids were my only

option, you can bet I would do some serious experimenting.:-)

When my dad had cancer, my mom put so much weight on him at a time when most

cancer patients are losing weight that his doctor chewed her out and asked if

she was trying to give him a heart attack. My dad had lost about a third of his

body weight before he was finally diagnosed with cancer and has a long standing

heart condition. He undoubtedly lived because of my mom's efforts to keep him

fed in spite of nausea from chemo, but his doctor had legitimate reason to be

concerned about added strain on his heart.

From what I know, the main thing my parents did was 1) calculated how much

liquid he needed a day and made sure he got it (and sodas or coffee do not count

because the caffeine is dehydrating -- alcohol also would not count because it

is dehydrating, but my dad quite drinking many years ago) and 2) my mom made him

shakes twice a day. On good days, she put in frozen fruit, ice cream, and milk.

On bad days, she used frozen fruit, fruit juice and ice. Of course, there are

lots of other things you can add to a homemade shake to add protein, etc.

FWIW: I always told my sons that if they were too sick to eat, then at least

drink something. It takes a couple of weeks or so to starve to death but you

can die from dehydration in as little as two days. In my experience, this

works. She needs to stay hydrated, preferably with things like juice, milk, and

healthy homemade shakes/slushies (as opposed to sodas, coffee or diet drinks).

That will go a long way towards meeting her needs.






> She can drink ONLY LIQUIDS THROUGH STRAW for the 6 week period. I am so

worried about

> her nutrition. My sister will have to be very creative to make different

shakes for her

> (same consistency like smoothie/applesauce, maybe thinner for the straw).


> Any extra over the counter supplements you recommend? What kinds of food

should we puree?

> Any recommendations to ensure a balanced diet is given during this time?


> I will wait for your response.


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