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Houston Area Respite Center Needs Your Help!

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From: Lee Vela [mailto:leevela@...]

Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:53 PM


Subject: FW: Houston Area Respite Center Needs Your Help!

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From: Lee Vela [mailto:leevela@...]

Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:48 PM

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'SharonDotson@...'; 'Isabel Nart';

'Tbetancourt@...'; 'Vernell.Jessie@...'

Cc: 'harc_karen-jaggers@...'

Subject: Houston Area Respite Center Needs Your Help!

The Houston Area Respite Center needs your help! The center provides

much-needed rest for families with special needs children. You can visit

their web site at: www.harchouston.com <http://www.harchouston.com/> . The

center is in desperate need of help or might have to close its doors. We

are having a fund raising event at the Theatre Southwest. The benefit

performance of Other People's Money will be held on April 15, 2010. Tickets

are $20.00. Refreshments will be served from 7:00 pm until curtain time at

8:00 pm and at intermission. Please help this worthwhile charity and enjoy

a wonderful performance. I have attached a flyer for your review. Call the

center at (713) 271-6001 for tickets or mail a donation to: 6856 Bellaire,

Houston Texas 77074. You can contact HARC director Jaggers at

harc_karen-jaggers@... for additional information.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Lee Vela

HARC Board Member

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The Houston Area Respite Center needs your help! The center provides

much-needed rest for families with special needs children. You can visit

their web site at: www.harchouston.com <http://www.harchouston.com/> . The

center is in desperate need of help or might have to close its doors. We

are having a fund raising event at the Theatre Southwest. The benefit

performance of Other People's Money will be held on April 15, 2010. Tickets

are $20.00. Refreshments will be served from 7:00 pm until curtain time at

8:00 pm and at intermission. Please help this worthwhile charity and enjoy

a wonderful performance. I have attached a flyer for your review. Call the

center at (713) 271-6001 for tickets or mail a donation to: 6856 Bellaire,

Houston, Texas 77074. You can contact HARC director Jaggers at

harc_karen-jaggers@... for additional information.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Lee Vela

HARC Board Member

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