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CROSSPOST-8 yo w/inconstinence-URGENT!

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My 8 yo child has been urinating himself.3 times in the last few days(this has

happened on and off the last few years).What is interesting is I was helping him

hurry along AFTER he used the toilet and as I helped him with his underwear his

urine just started leaking.He seemed totally unaware.It has happened a few


Brief history- 4 UTI's before age 5,saw urologist not much help,4 cases of

Thrush when he was also very young.Recently he has had infection and just

finished a round of antibiotics.When we do urine samples he often has elevated

white blood cell count(inflammation).

One doctor actually suggested he may be pre-diabetic at one point.But when

tested it was negative.

My question-do any of your children have diabetes or are experiencing these

symptoms???PLEASE HELP!

Thanks to all!Jake's Mom

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For what it's worth, our 5 yr old (who has not had any UTIs - though we had him

tested twice) had many accidents and odd urinating behavior during the first 20

rds of chelation. The behavior you describe below is familiar. Our son had 3

accidents in one day at school, had accidents right after he used the toilet at

home. in addition, he wet himself several times while walking down the street,

stood in the waiting room at OT and peed his pants right there (and laughed) and

stood in the hallway at home and peed through the door onto the bathroom floor!

Sometime after 20 rounds and 6 months it stopped. When all this happened he had

been potty trained for about a year. Maggied.


> My 8 yo child has been urinating himself.3 times in the last few days(this has

happened on and off the last few years).What is interesting is I was helping him

hurry along AFTER he used the toilet and as I helped him with his underwear his

urine just started leaking.He seemed totally unaware.It has happened a few



> Brief history- 4 UTI's before age 5,saw urologist not much help,4 cases of

Thrush when he was also very young.Recently he has had infection and just

finished a round of antibiotics.When we do urine samples he often has elevated

white blood cell count(inflammation).


> One doctor actually suggested he may be pre-diabetic at one point.But when

tested it was negative.


> My question-do any of your children have diabetes or are experiencing these

symptoms???PLEASE HELP!


> Thanks to all!Jake's Mom


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My 6 yr old sometimes had urinary accidents when we first started chelation, and

also sometimes with really bad yeast. If he just finished antibiotics (for UTI?

Ear infection? What?) my guess would be that chances are he is raging with yeast

and needs some serious antifungals and ramped up probiotics. Also, if he was

rushed at all, as you hurried him, perhaps he just wasn't done emptying his

bladder. And as well, it could always be a sensory issue - not feeling that last

little bit of urine still there.


> My 8 yo child has been urinating himself.3 times in the last few days(this has

happened on and off the last few years).What is interesting is I was helping him

hurry along AFTER he used the toilet and as I helped him with his underwear his

urine just started leaking.He seemed totally unaware.It has happened a few



> Brief history- 4 UTI's before age 5,saw urologist not much help,4 cases of

Thrush when he was also very young.Recently he has had infection and just

finished a round of antibiotics.When we do urine samples he often has elevated

white blood cell count(inflammation).


> One doctor actually suggested he may be pre-diabetic at one point.But when

tested it was negative.


> My question-do any of your children have diabetes or are experiencing these

symptoms???PLEASE HELP!


> Thanks to all!Jake's Mom


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I don't know about diabetes.

I do know that urine control is a neurological function and that with UTIs

having an alkalized body will help. Can you test his urine pH?

Also, I know that after exposure to my mother-in-laws lawn that was treated with

the herbicide Atrazine, required nightly sprays of PCA-Rx (10 sprays per

night) in order to not wet the bed. She would go potty directly before going to

sleep and would wake me around 2 am having wet the bed, without knowing it, and

then would still be able to urinate quite a bit, even though the bed was totally


That said, are you doing anything differently with diet, exposures, chelation,



Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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My DD had problems with this for a couple of years. In her case, she just seemed

to lose control at age 5 after a couple of years of being in control and like

your son, she said she couldn't feel the need to pee nor the peeing itself.

This problem went away after 13 months of treating it biomedically. Yeast was

definitely a factor for her but ultimately I think the problem was neurological

like another poster said. She had yeast/dysbiosis, was very reactive to foods

(especially high sulfur foods & dairy), she was probably also chemically

sensitive and I'm guessing that all this was affecting the centre of control in

her brain somehow.

At any rate, dietary restrictions, yeast control, supplements and chelation are

what made this problem go away. I also noted in my records that the problem

stopped just after I started giving DD higher doses of Vit A. I don't know if

this is a coincidence, because I started doing this after 12 months of all the

other things, but at any rate, thankfully this problem is behind us now.

DD never had any UTIs so the problem seemed central to me and not related to her


You don't mention if you're chelating, if your son is on a restrictive diet? Are

you treating him for yeast? If not, then addressing yeast is a good place to

start. Reduce or eliminate yeast-feeding foods and give him yeast-control

supplements like Candidase, GSE or OOO.

Hope this helps,


> My 8 yo child has been urinating himself.3 times in the last few days(this has

happened on and off the last few years).What is interesting is I was helping him

hurry along AFTER he used the toilet and as I helped him with his underwear his

urine just started leaking.He seemed totally unaware.It has happened a few



> Brief history- 4 UTI's before age 5,saw urologist not much help,4 cases of

Thrush when he was also very young.Recently he has had infection and just

finished a round of antibiotics.When we do urine samples he often has elevated

white blood cell count(inflammation).


> One doctor actually suggested he may be pre-diabetic at one point.But when

tested it was negative.


> My question-do any of your children have diabetes or are experiencing these

symptoms???PLEASE HELP!


> Thanks to all!Jake's Mom


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In my opinion, this definitely sounds like yeast. Right after I started

chelating myself, I noticed that I felt like I was going to lose bladder control

even after I had just emptied my bladder. It happened a few times. I think

what is really going to help is a diet low in sweets and increasing your yeast

protocol. My friend and I are making homemade sauerkraut and coconut kefir and

these seem to be great foods for probiotics.



> My 8 yo child has been urinating himself.3 times in the last few days(this has

happened on and off the last few years).What is interesting is I was helping him

hurry along AFTER he used the toilet and as I helped him with his underwear his

urine just started leaking.He seemed totally unaware.It has happened a few



> Brief history- 4 UTI's before age 5,saw urologist not much help,4 cases of

Thrush when he was also very young.Recently he has had infection and just

finished a round of antibiotics.When we do urine samples he often has elevated

white blood cell count(inflammation).


> One doctor actually suggested he may be pre-diabetic at one point.But when

tested it was negative.


> My question-do any of your children have diabetes or are experiencing these

symptoms???PLEASE HELP!


> Thanks to all!Jake's Mom


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