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Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast control

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hai everybody

My son who is now 18 mths old met the criteria for autism.We have been

consulting a dan doc since he was 15 mths old.

When we started him on dan protocol(around 15 mths old),he was having symptoms

like 1.lack of eye contact

2.rubbing his feet against the floors

3.visual stimming


5.hand flapping

6.hand shaking etc

7.closing of his eyes while walking

we started with probiotics,zinc,multivitamin,vit d3 oil,cod liver oil.Within

three weeks he stopped his closingof his eyes while walking.

after 2 mths contuinuing with the supplements ,there was not much difference.We

started giving kangen water ,within one week he stopped rubbing his feet,hand

flapping ,head shaking.

At 3 mth our dan doc ordered stool test ,blood test ,hair metal test for him.The

test confirmed that he was lacking in good bacteria,excess of bad bacteria,

yeast too.His hair metal test showed high arsenic,antimony,cadmium tin etc.He

gave supplements like nystatin for yeast control,biotin,and theralac in addition

to the above mentioned supplements except probiotic.After starting with new

supplements he started doing things which he stopped doing before like rubbing

his feet against the floor,running more frequently nowadays,visual stimming

.....it has been 16 days since we started with new supplements.

My question is what may be the cause for this? what can be done to suppress

these symptoms

Please bear with me for such a big explanation,it is to make things clear

Please help with your suggestions



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What is your current yeast protocol? Still using nystatin and biotin?

You could always back off everything, give his body a rest. Add each one in

slowly and see if maybe a reaction to something taking? Does he have any food


I also agree trying to go dairy and gluten free would be wise, especially at

this age.

Soy isn't good for a boy, but could do something like rice milk, reasonable and


Hopefully some one else will chime in with some more ideas too.


[ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast control

hai everybody

My son who is now 18 mths old met the criteria for autism.We have been

consulting a dan doc since he was 15 mths old.

When we started him on dan protocol(around 15 mths old),he was having symptoms

like 1.lack of eye contact

2.rubbing his feet against the floors

3.visual stimming


5.hand flapping

6.hand shaking etc

7.closing of his eyes while walking

we started with probiotics,zinc,multivitamin,vit d3 oil,cod liver oil.Within

three weeks he stopped his closingof his eyes while walking.

after 2 mths contuinuing with the supplements ,there was not much


started giving kangen water ,within one week he stopped rubbing his feet,hand

flapping ,head shaking.

At 3 mth our dan doc ordered stool test ,blood test ,hair metal test for


test confirmed that he was lacking in good bacteria,excess of bad bacteria,

yeast too.His hair metal test showed high arsenic,antimony,cadmium tin etc.He

gave supplements like nystatin for yeast control,biotin,and theralac in


to the above mentioned supplements except probiotic.After starting with new

supplements he started doing things which he stopped doing before like rubbing

his feet against the floor,running more frequently nowadays,visual stimming

....it has been 16 days since we started with new supplements.

My question is what may be the cause for this? what can be done to suppress

these symptoms

Please bear with me for such a big explanation,it is to make things clear

Please help with your suggestions



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We have started giving him nystatin and biotin 16 days before.

yes we are following gfcfsf diet,though we havent done pepticide testing to find


I dont know whether my son has food allergies,there no formal testing done to

find out.But he didnt had any reactions to foods until this day.



From: Tammy Kuhn <tkuhn1@...>

Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 10:09:28 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast


What is your current yeast protocol? Still using nystatin and biotin?

You could always back off everything, give his body a rest. Add each one in

slowly and see if maybe a reaction to something taking? Does he have any food


I also agree trying to go dairy and gluten free would be wise, especially at

this age.

Soy isn't good for a boy, but could do something like rice milk, reasonable and


Hopefully some one else will chime in with some more ideas too.


[ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast control

hai everybody

My son who is now 18 mths old met the criteria for autism.We have been

consulting a dan doc since he was 15 mths old.

When we started him on dan protocol(around 15 mths old),he was having symptoms

like 1.lack of eye contact

2.rubbing his feet against the floors

3.visual stimming


5.hand flapping

6.hand shaking etc

7.closing of his eyes while walking

we started with probiotics,zinc,multivitamin,vit d3 oil,cod liver oil.Within

three weeks he stopped his closingof his eyes while walking.

after 2 mths contuinuing with the supplements ,there was not much difference.We

started giving kangen water ,within one week he stopped rubbing his feet,hand

flapping ,head shaking.

At 3 mth our dan doc ordered stool test ,blood test ,hair metal test for him.The

test confirmed that he was lacking in good bacteria,excess of bad bacteria,

yeast too.His hair metal test showed high arsenic,antimony,cadmium tin etc.He

gave supplements like nystatin for yeast control,biotin,and theralac in addition

to the above mentioned supplements except probiotic.After starting with new

supplements he started doing things which he stopped doing before like rubbing

his feet against the floor,running more frequently nowadays,visual stimming

.....it has been 16 days since we started with new supplements.

My question is what may be the cause for this? what can be done to suppress

these symptoms

Please bear with me for such a big explanation,it is to make things clear

Please help with your suggestions



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Hello Vedanth

before the yeast die...........there is a die off reaction.when my son was on

medicines for yeast,his stimming and other habbits got worst,about 2weeks into

the medicines.then after about 6 more weeks my son was calm and more attentive.

Eye contact and attention also increased with the diet.we removed everything

that he was allergic to and intolerant to.If your son goes potty everyday and

his bowel is normal,you might be lucky but constipation,ie having bowel movement

once in 2 to 3 days or having diarrhea means allergy.

stop vaccinating in future.add one supplement at a time and keep in touch with

people on this site

good luck


From: Vedanth Jembu <vedanthjembu@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast


Received: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 11:15 AM


We have started giving him nystatin and biotin 16 days before.

yes we are following gfcfsf diet,though we havent done pepticide testing to find


I dont know whether my son has food allergies,there no formal testing done to

find out.But he didnt had any reactions to foods until this day.



From: Tammy Kuhn <tkuhn1@...>

Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 10:09:28 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast


What is your current yeast protocol? Still using nystatin and biotin?

You could always back off everything, give his body a rest. Add each one in

slowly and see if maybe a reaction to something taking? Does he have any food


I also agree trying to go dairy and gluten free would be wise, especially at

this age.

Soy isn't good for a boy, but could do something like rice milk, reasonable and


Hopefully some one else will chime in with some more ideas too.


[ ] Need Advice/Suggestion : nystatin for yeast control

hai everybody

My son who is now 18 mths old met the criteria for autism.We have been

consulting a dan doc since he was 15 mths old.

When we started him on dan protocol(around 15 mths old),he was having symptoms

like 1.lack of eye contact

2.rubbing his feet against the floors

3.visual stimming


5.hand flapping

6.hand shaking etc

7.closing of his eyes while walking

we started with probiotics,zinc,multivitamin,vit d3 oil,cod liver oil.Within

three weeks he stopped his closingof his eyes while walking.

after 2 mths contuinuing with the supplements ,there was not much difference.We

started giving kangen water ,within one week he stopped rubbing his feet,hand

flapping ,head shaking.

At 3 mth our dan doc ordered stool test ,blood test ,hair metal test for him.The

test confirmed that he was lacking in good bacteria,excess of bad bacteria,

yeast too.His hair metal test showed high arsenic,antimony,cadmium tin etc.He

gave supplements like nystatin for yeast control,biotin,and theralac in addition

to the above mentioned supplements except probiotic.After starting with new

supplements he started doing things which he stopped doing before like rubbing

his feet against the floor,running more frequently nowadays,visual stimming

.....it has been 16 days since we started with new supplements.

My question is what may be the cause for this? what can be done to suppress

these symptoms

Please bear with me for such a big explanation,it is to make things clear

Please help with your suggestions



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Just a 'head's up'.  Be careful of Rice Dream rice milk.  They use barley

enzymes and then 'remove' them but there is enough that I (and others) react. 

It used to list barley on the label but they changed the methodology of testing

so they can legally drop it though it is still used.  Lots of info on the net

about it but just as an fyi....  If gluten is a problem, Rice Dream is a



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I think the one we have used is " Full Circle " which states it is glute,

casein, soy free. We mainly use Coconut milk, kefir, and yogurt; and we

sometimes use almond milk.

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