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Re: limping, fevers, sluggish walk, pale skin and dark circles under eyes

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She needs to see her doctor. How long has she been on the supplements and

how did you begin them....all at once or one at a time. What were her

mineral levels? Any other labs?

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 6:00 PM, florence george <ethelgeorge@...>wrote:



> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

> walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes. She is on

> GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil,

> vit e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.



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Usually fevers here last 2 to 3 days and is off and on. Anything more or longer

than that, i would make a visit to the hospital. There could be something else

going on. Are there others around your daughter who are sick? What are you

giving for the fevers? Is your daughter getting liquids?

Also, others may disagree, but I would stop all supps until i figure out what's

going on then reintroduce them slowly or as needed.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 22, 2010, at 6:00 PM, florence george <ethelgeorge@...> wrote:

Help ,

My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes. She is on

GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit

e and calcium, manesium and zinc.

Please help i don't know what is going on.

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florence george wrote:


> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has

> been walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.

> She is on GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil,

> biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.


With this little detail and no history, neither do we.

Please see your doctor first, then come troubleshoot here.

Does she have a hair test?



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She's been on vit c, cod liver oil for quite a while approx. 2 year. Biotin, GSE

she started taking this year and vit e and iron ( 2 weeks). The rest she's been

on for approx 6 months to a year. Mineral levels : She had high copper, and low

iron, boron and zinc.

She's done a comprehensive stool analysis and igg test.



> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

> walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.  She is on

> GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil,

> vit e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.



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I would stop the vit E and iron and see if those are problematic somehow. Too

much iron is really dangerous in kids, no? Maybe one of the medical pros will

chime in on that.


> >

> >

> > Help ,

> >

> > My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

> > walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.  She is on

> > GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil,

> > vit e and calcium, manesium and zinc.

> >

> > Please help i don't know what is going on.

> >

> >

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I would recommend you take her to a doctor and get a complete blood workup. The

blood can show a lot and especially if she is pale and has dark circles. Please

let us know how she is. My son had lots of these symptoms too..

Peace, Cheryl


> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.  She is on

GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit

e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.






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Hi, not enough detail here. You don't say how long she has had each symptom or

her age. See the doctor asap.

In the meantime (not in substitute), I would go back to whatever " worked " prior

to symptoms. Meaning, if you've just added iron and then symptoms came on, take

out the iron. The cod liver oil is possibly a problem if too much Vit A in her

system. Switch to something that is just fish oil for now.

Her immune system may be trying to fight a virus and cannot get over it easily.

Put her on a safe detox such as Flor*Essence. Worked for my son.

Add probiotics. Make sure there's pure food and pure water. Nothing processed.

Go GFCF for now.

Is she constipated? dark circles .... allergic to gluten? other? fever? fighting

something big time. Give the Flor*Essence for a major boost. Worked WONDERS for

my son within 2-3 days at least 3 times in his life for similar weirdness

including a six-week sleep funk ( " mono-like " but not mono) that neither a

regular pediatrician at Duke OR a holistic M.D. could diagnose (but I treated

with Flor*Essence and he got better) (seems now that he was intolerant to milk

and toxic with constipation and the immune system was impaired from the toxic


Keep her on the Flor*essence for at least 2 weeks, morning and night on an empty

stomach. Follow it's directions exactly.

Get a complete work-up asap ... go both routes (holistic doctor and standard

M.D.) until you've got an answer. Do not delay.


> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.  She is on

GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit

e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.






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> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes.  She is on

GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit

e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.






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Could she be deficient in methyl B12



From: kerbob@...

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 21:41:11 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: limping, fevers, sluggish walk, pale skin and dark

circles under eyes


> Help ,


> My daughter has been having fevers at night, her skin is pale, she has been

walking very sluggishly and she has dark circles under her eyes. She is on

GF/CF, taking supplements vit. c, iron, codliver oil, biotin, GSE, fishoil, vit

e and calcium, manesium and zinc.


> Please help i don't know what is going on.






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