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Open letter to Hall/Re: Author med advisor Quackwatch - Vaccine refusal: Irrati

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Open letter to Harriet A. Hall, MD concerning " Vaccination Sham "

Dear Dr. Hall @ http://www.skepdoc.info/;

Your credibility has been lost, especially, due to association with the infamous

& discredited Quackwatch site & it's founder, Barrett.

We hope you, Dr. Hall, & those in media reading this long but important

communication, wake up soon & stop helping keep our children in harms way

concerning " truth about vaccinations "

All anyone has to do is an internet search using those words in quotations to

research many pages of articles that will leave no room for doubt as to what's

what & what's not. Our people are smart enough to add all the evidence & sort

out any disinformation, enough, to come to an informed & educated conclusion on

this whole mess.

The proof is out there of too many vaccinations having taken toll on our

children & a huge portion of our adult population & we need your help, please.

Something meant for good in the beginning went real bad due to greed & too many

looking the other way & it all must stop, now.

Good doctors have been duped but it's time to do proper research for the sake of

children & stop believing & parroting what you've been fed in deception by the

brainwashing that had us all fooled for so long.

The guilty will be held accountable so those not involved need to distance

themselves from the real criminals who have known the sad truth all along &

purposely deceived us by working to cover it up.

Reputable & credible individuals with integrity & influence are watching this

whole atrocity. They have families to worry about, too, & are in positions to

help us all & make no mistake about it, they will.

So choose sides wisely, Dr. Hall & you in media. Choose the correct, humane &

moral side of humanity while there's still time & help save the children,


Public awareness has risen to the point of no return & parents, their family &

friends of the victims are on the warpath & won't be stopped until justice

prevails in the case of " Greed & Error " vs " Children & Their Well Being " .

It will be much harder now to keep up with the cover up thanks to Dr.

Wakefield being the scapegoat in the witch hunt against him because many more

people are now paying attention.

Truth to all these such matters will be coming out in the " wash " that's coming.

Back to Quackwatch & it's founder you, Dr. Hall, represent.

" What kind of man would drop out of the medical profession and dedicate his life

to STOPPING advancement in the health sciences as Barrett has? "

When asked, as you'll see if you investigate the links, Dr. Barrett could not

explain his earnings that didn't line up what with what he claimed on his tax

forms, especially considering his property holdings, his yacht & such, so it

very much looks like someone has been padding his wealth.

Could it be big pHARMa? Yes, we think so. They must be revamped & made to get

back on the right track that actually had the well being of our people at heart,


" They can have people take vaccination against serious disease seriously.

Or, they can sell people dangerous and unnecessary vaccines against less

dangerous illnesses and have people lose all faith in vaccination.

They can't have both. "

About the discredited & infamous Quackbwatch site & the founder Barrett;


Dr. Barrett of Quackwatch Exposed In Court Cases


Is Barrett a Quack?

http://www.raysahelian.com/quackwatch.html " Quackwatch "

Founder Barrett loses Major Defamation trial in Hometown


Quackbuster Barrett: " Not an Expert, " Declares Judge!


Barrett doesn't buy Gulf War Syndrome? And he expects us to buy him?



Please see these facts & points to ponder & help us stand against these crimes

against humanity. I could send you these type facts all day & never run out,

please believe that.

Many good doctors have been coming forward via Huffingtonpost.com, in the

" Living " section of the site with articles that would open anyone's eyes if they

just pay attention & many have.

Other good doctors are speaking out from many different & credible other

sources, too.

Reputable & credible doctors & scientists have been trying to tell us truth to

this matter of vaccines for years as evidenced here;




The following letter was among the eye opening comments, many written to the

Obama Administration, & now sent to you for your proper education on this whole

matter of atrocity at;


There's much to learn at the above link in the comment section & we ask you to

study up for the sake of the children, please.

" Dear doctors & scientists "

We understand many of you are genuine & have our well being at heart but you've

been duped on many levels just as the rest of " US "

Our whole basis of relationship with our doctors is trust & that's been breached

at the top & not the fault of decent & upstanding physicians.

The vaccination atrocity as referenced below, put on mankind, has finally been

exposed for what it is.

Something meant for good was turned bad due to greed at expense of unsuspecting

& trusting citizens.

We've been used as guinea pigs & cash cows & the fact can't be denied any longer

as evidenced here in this thread as well as many others.

Big pharma & " ALL " cohorts have to clean house now & revert to the original

focus of having our health & well being at heart.

Watch these videos & see what's been going on. This first documentary is by Dr.

Null who's filed suit against the FDA on the matter of the H1Ni1 vaccine;

" Vaccination Nation the directors cut "



" Vaccination & The Hidden Truth "



" Dr. Moulden " reporting the sick truth in eleven shocking parts "




" Dr. Larry Palevsky is a board-certified pediatrician trained at the New York

School of Medicine, and one of the leading physicians in the country who, from

my view, is actually able to compellingly and convincingly provide sound,

rational, scientific justification as to why you need to seriously reconsider

the wisdom of choosing vaccines as an option to prevent against most diseases. "

" We must protect our babies! "

" Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths



After seeing all this eye opening & revealing exposure to truth that's spreading

like wild fire, there will be no room left for doubt in minds of those paying

attention & we can finally begin our road to recovery that will lead to the

healing of our very sick nation.


How about this good doctor telling it like it is?

A real pandemic could have happened if not for the discovery of the H1N1 deadly

vaccine that killed the ferrets, first.

Was it on purpose? With past track record, maybe & probably.

Forcades doctor in Public Health,

BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (ENGLISH subtitled)


Now that's scary & you can't deny the truth to the matter. Add it to this next

item & you'd think you just entered a Bond film but this is for real


Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon

deployment on live radio.

This was reported on major news networks, live, but quickly hushed up

immediately afterward.



ph Moshe whistle-blower on Baxter releasing outbreak (mutated H1N1?) in



See these few horrenndous items I'll mention here but don't miss the many other

true horror stories at this link;



" Doctor Fired After Warning Colleagues of H1N1 Vaccine Dangers "

Especially pay this attention;

" Patient Administered Vaccination Without Doctor Approval In a US Hospital "

Warning from S. Humphries, MD, whose patient was given the shot. He wasn't aware

of policy that allows pharma reps to order the shots & his patient who he would

never allowed to have the toxin due to her condition was given it & his name was

fraudulently put electronically in her file.

See that link for the sad details & here's his warning.:

" Doctors take note: You are not in control anymore. Your patients can be harmed

by vaccines that you have not ordered– while your back is turned.

Patients: Be vigilant and ask questions. Big Pharma has dozed past another

barrier and now its reach has expanded past your doctor and right into your

hospital room. Propaganda about vaccines and the flu will be posted around the

hospital. If ever there was a time to become highly suspicious of the motives

in the world of hospitals and pharmaceutical business, it is now. Take these

suggestions to heart...


How can any of you who believe or want us to believe the many vaccinations

forced on us are safe?

Especially, now, considering the newest developments that added to all the many

recorded in the archives of history for posterity, prove beyond a reasonable

doubt that fraud has been behind it all & has led to the duping of America &

it's been going on, unchecked, for a very long time.

" Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M "



" A central figure behind the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) claims disputing

the link between vaccines and autism and other neurological disorders has

disappeared after officials discovered massive fraud involving the theft of

millions in taxpayer dollars. Danish police are investigating Dr. Poul Thorsen,

who has vanished along with almost $2 million that he had supposedly spent on

research. "

& in the news, too, recently;

Dr. Reuben, a researcher, just admitted in court to faking dozens of

studies for Pfizer, Merck;


" It's become common practice for drug companies to support fraudulent studies &

they openly supported Dr. Reuben's research & in fact, paid him to keep on

fabricating them. "

Then this just in, too, " GlaxoKline deliberately hid evidence of Avandia

harm, says Senate report "

(This investigative report also reveals that GSK engaged in the intimidation of



Added to massive evidence found by a search using, " faked studies and paid

doctors to put their names on them " to see, leaves no room for doubt.

Science has made giant strides in the medical field but man's obsessive

compulsion to mess with Mother Nature has caused more harm than good in the case

of vaccinations.

How can we be expected to believe studies about how safe vaccinations are, now,

knowing all about the past track record of fraud that's become so widespread,

it's even been recently reported in the news?


Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics


" This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of

UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and

scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in

substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western


The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and

clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living

conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed

research "


We hope all good & decent people step up in truth & help save our children from

further harm.

Our nation has become sick & diseased due to these crimes against humanity &

it's time to take the heads out of the sand.

Fess up & fix the errors instead of continuing the cover up would be the wisest

thing to do for all involved.

Maybe if they fix things, now, willingly, they can save their heads from rolling

later. It's time to pay the piper because the people have, metaphorically

speaking, of course, gone for the pitch forks & have the tar & feathers ready.

The hearings have begun & the first was lost yesterday but more are promised to

come & we all know who always wins in the end when it comes to good & evil. It

has taken a while but the Waterloo has come so the guilty had better take their

blood money & run while they still can or get out of the way because the good

people are taking over & will see to it the many wrongs are righted.


" We The People "

If there's anyone on this list in the hidden BBC field who would like removed,

please send me an email requesting it at Mofmars333@....

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