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Re: CPS/shots Digest Number 15990

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I should add county wants to give son 8 more shots and swine flu. I have no

rights. Dad totally ignorant already gave him two more shots. Andy's protocol

works. But God is sovereign. Alison.

[ ] Digest Number 15990


>There are 25 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


>1a. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: fionam3875

>1b. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: RoseGvr@...

>1c. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Pamela H

>1d. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Zurama

>1e. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Mum231ASD@...

>1f. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Pamela H

>1g. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Zurama

>1h. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Zurama

>1i. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> From: Zurama


>2a. Re: night waking, little progress...what am I missing?

> From: Caryn_Reid


>3a. Respen-a Patch Experiences

> From: rrshankar2001

>3b. Re: Respen-a Patch Experiences

> From: Luce


>4a. ASO titer Strep

> From: Gurke

>4b. Re: ASO titer Strep

> From: Luce


>5a. Re: Verbal Stims making me crazy!

> From: mosaictm

>5b. Re: Verbal Stims making me crazy!

> From: mosaictm

>5c. Re: Verbal Stims making me crazy!

> From: jeffnteddi

>5d. Re: Verbal Stims making me crazy!

> From: TJ Werth

>5e. Re: TJ--[ ] Verbal Stims making me crazy!

> From: Luce


>6. Your child is a miracle

> From: EnabledKids


>7. Don't wait to treat your child

> From: EnabledKids


>8a. Re: Therapy during chelation

> From: RoseGvr@...


>9.1. Re: DMSA / ALA Ratio? What is best 2:1 or 1:2

> From: TJ Werth

>9.2. Re: DMSA / ALA Ratio? What is best 2:1 or 1:2

> From: lizcurran70


>10. starting out

> From: healme42





>1a. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> Posted by: " fionam3875 " fionam3875@... fionam3875

> Date: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:17 am ((PDT))


>I had a friend who went thru this with her teen son. Unfortunately, once

they're teenagers, it's almost too late to reverse. I would, tho, suggest that

you get her into therapy with someone who understands sex addiction and love

addiction. Don't know if there are treatment centers for teen sex and love

addiction, but I'd look into those. I did hear of one in AZ that specializes in

young women and their compulsions (food, love especially). There is an

underlying trauma/pain/loneliness usually that drives this kind of thing, and it

can't be solved by the family. Often it's covered by med insurance--if it's a

rehab situation, insurance tends to cover it. Just my suggestions--take what you

like and leave the rest.


>good luck,





>> I know this is off topic, but I need advice and quick. About a week ago I had

a huge argument with Mickie's 15 year old sister. She went ballistic, when I

told her she would not have the charger to her laptop at night. She stays up all

night and I want that to stop. I suspect she is using the webcam for

inappropriate things. It has to be that, because her reaction was so violent, I

can't think of anything else.


>> Things got heated and she threw chairs, and ever finished braking her door.

She was very aggressive and seemed to be provoking everyone in the house. She

was trying to get hit so that she could get somebody in trouble. She kept saying

she wanted me to sign papers so she could leave.


>> When she was 13 she met a guy on the internet and she has been dating him

long distance. He is now over eighteen and she stays connected to him 24 hour a

day. He lives in Texas. I have tried disconnecting her and she goes to friends

to borrow cell phones, etc. She quit school and is going to online school, so I

don't know what else I can do.


>> The night of the argument, ((he)) called the police (if you can believe that)

The police came and saw right through her and left, but she had two of her

looser friends call CPS (Children Protective Services). Yesterday when I talked

to the worker, she told me how they had received two reports, like that was

supposed to impress me. Crap, don't they enough drug addicts to check on?


>> The CPS worker is coming today at 3:30 pm.......


>> I am so upset! Ever since my oldest son was born 24 years ago, I have gone

out of my way to make sure my family stays together and always worried about

Mickie ending up somewhere, where his diet and needs won't be addressed and it

would seem that she is going out of way to destroy this family. She wants out

so she can go live in Texas with this guy.


>> In contrast my 14 year old daughter gets complements from her friends parents

on how many nice things she has to say about her mom.


>> I'm sorry to ramble on-I'm just so frustrated right now!!!









>Messages in this topic (12)


>1b. Re: My 15 year old daughter called CPS!!!!

> Posted by: " RoseGvr@... " RoseGvr@... yur_a_daisy

> Date: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:40 am ((PDT))


>That is crazy to go through.


>Can you get her in regular school or some activities (lessons of some kind,

> softball league, something?) She probably has little social outlet so she

> is fixating on the one outlet she does have (computer access).


>She sounds like she is addicted to this guy but controlling someone 15 is

>very difficult. I'm not sure what I would do in that situation. I would

>probably have to explain that if she doesn't stop this immediately, you will

>have to consider a juvenile facility for her as she is jeopardizing the

>custody of the other children.


>Take pictures of what she is doing and log off incidents and what happened

>in case you have to appear before a judge. Keep her cell phone records and

> explain she is involved in a relationship with a legal adult who is 18

>when she is 15 which you are trying to put an end to. Keep lots of records and

> documentation. And, if you believe in it, pray and meditate. See what

>advice you can get from the universe about which direction you should go.










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