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Re: Question about AC protocol for gut kid

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Sounds like something you are feeding him, or a supplement is still bothering

him. I feel that the best way to go is to try to eliminate all the sources of

immune activation/inflammation as quickly as possible and then start chelating.

The gut is not going to get better until the metals start coming out.

Unfortunately, it seems some DAN! doctors spend way too long on the gut when

there is little progress able to be made with metals present.

I would try some cultured vegetables (sauerkraut, Body Ecology Diet recipes) and

coconut kefir. These have live probiotics. Steam his vegetables so they are

easy to digest. On this list, people have had success with the following

antifungals: Oil of Oregano, Candex, Coconut Oil (caprylic acid), Candidaise,

Biotin, Grapefruit Seed Extract (some do well, some don't), Olive Leaf Extract.

IMO, these work better than the prescription antifungals. Personally, I also

like Amla for an antifungal (Paradise Herbs brand has it).


> Hello Group,


> My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> but I still see more recovery to be had...


> His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.


> A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.


> Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??


> He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....


> But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..


> Thank you for your time!




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In my opinion, being so precariously recovered (requiring so much support to

stay recovered) means you have not removed the underlying


My guess is chelation will help your child. It will stir up yeast.

How old is he? Was he vaccinated?

When he bloats, is he gassy? Gosh, with such restrictions, what exactly is he


I see no need to test for heavy metals in the blood. What you could do is get a

DDI Hair Elements test. The GI tract has a high affinity for mercury. Mercury

can concentrate in the GI tract and lead to malapsorbtion, yeast overgrowth and

other disturbances.

You are right to think that something else is going on here.



> Hello Group,


> My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> but I still see more recovery to be had...


> His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.


> A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.


> Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??


> He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....


> But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..


> Thank you for your time!




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How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from constipation.

Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have gut

issues caused by metals.

I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and have

those issues?



From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@...>

Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid


Hello Group,

My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

but I still see more recovery to be had...

His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..

Thank you for your time!

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Hi Liz,

what's IMO for yeast(antiyeast)?



> >

> > Hello Group,

> >

> > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> >

> > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> >

> > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> >

> > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> >

> > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> >

> > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..

> >

> > Thank you for your time!

> >

> >

> >

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Sorry to butt in --


IMO is short for (In my opinion)

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Sasmita <sasmitamishra15@...> wrote:




> Hi Liz,


> what's IMO for yeast(antiyeast)?


> thanks,

> sasmita



> > >

> > > Hello Group,

> > >

> > > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly

> becomes

> > > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also

> takes

> > > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other

> supplements.

> > > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's

> " recovered "

> > > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> > >

> > > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> > >

> > > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> > >

> > > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> > >

> > > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> > >

> > > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's

> gut

> > > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be

> wonderful..

> > >

> > > Thank you for your time!

> > >

> > >

> > >

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*Hi Liz,*

I feel that the best way to go is to try to eliminate all the sources of

immune activation/inflammation as quickly as possible and then start


*>>Do you mean removing all IgG & IgE food sensitivities? We've been doing

that for the last year.*



*I'd like to try the coconut kefir, but coconut came up as a #3 on his ELISA

IgG panel......*


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:28 PM, lynn levrington


> Sorry to butt in --


> Samita,


> IMO is short for (In my opinion)



> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Sasmita <sasmitamishra15@...>wrote:





>> Hi Liz,


>> what's IMO for yeast(antiyeast)?


>> thanks,

>> sasmita



>> > >

>> > > Hello Group,

>> > >

>> > > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly

>> becomes

>> > > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also

>> takes

>> > > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other

>> supplements.

>> > > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's

>> " recovered "

>> > > but I still see more recovery to be had...

>> > >

>> > > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

>> > >

>> > > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

>> > >

>> > > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

>> > >

>> > > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many

>> can

>> > > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

>> > >

>> > > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's

>> gut

>> > > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be

>> wonderful..

>> > >

>> > > Thank you for your time!

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >

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Hi Pam,

My son is 5 years, 4 mos. He was born in Feb 2005. Yes, he received ALL of

his " required " vaccines, in additional to four flu shots (I could kick

myself for this!)

I stopped vaccinating him in 2007 (it was a flu shot.) His last " required "

vaccine was 7 months prior to that, in 2006.

When he bloats, at times he's gassy -- but not always.

He mostly eats protein, veggies & fruit. He's no longer a self limiting

eater, he would eat anything I gave him, but every time I give him a GF carb

or something really starchy, he bloats even more than usual.

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Pamela H <phaselow@...> wrote:



> In my opinion, being so precariously recovered (requiring so much support

> to stay recovered) means you have not removed the underlying

> assault/insult/trigger.


> My guess is chelation will help your child. It will stir up yeast.


> How old is he? Was he vaccinated?


> When he bloats, is he gassy? Gosh, with such restrictions, what exactly is

> he eating?


> I see no need to test for heavy metals in the blood. What you could do is

> get a DDI Hair Elements test. The GI tract has a high affinity for mercury.

> Mercury can concentrate in the GI tract and lead to malapsorbtion, yeast

> overgrowth and other disturbances.


> You are right to think that something else is going on here.


> Pam



> >

> > Hello Group,

> >

> > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other

> supplements.

> > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's

> " recovered "

> > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> >

> > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> >

> > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> >

> > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> >

> > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> >

> > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's

> gut

> > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be

> wonderful..

> >

> > Thank you for your time!

> >

> >

> >

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Hi BMs are " okay. "

They range from constipated to diarrhea, the color ranges from dark brown to

light yellow, and I usually see undigested food in his stool (although not

as bad as before enzymes, etc.,) I also see black flecks, and white flecks,

and sometimes, strings. Black flecks could be die off? White flecks could

be undigested probiotics? strings could be parasites? Those are my

guesses. I monitor every BM (gross, sorry, but, have to...)

Yes, I agree. Not my idea of " recovered, " either!

Hair test is through doctor's data??? Will the " files " section of this

group send me in the right direction in terms of " what to do next? " I

should first start w/ hair test, then proceed, yes??


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:24 PM, TJ Werth <tj_werth@...> wrote:



> How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from constipation.

> Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have gut

> issues caused by metals.

> I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

> How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and have

> those issues?

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@...<lynnlevrington%40gmail.com>

> >

> < %40>

> Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

> Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid




> Hello Group,


> My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> but I still see more recovery to be had...


> His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.


> A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.


> Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??


> He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....


> But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..


> Thank you for your time!



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Yes. Start with a hair test.

And yes, read, read, read. The files section is a good place to start. Andy's

books a very good.



From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@...>

Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 5:54:10 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid

Hi BMs are " okay. "

They range from constipated to diarrhea, the color ranges from dark brown to

light yellow, and I usually see undigested food in his stool (although not

as bad as before enzymes, etc.,) I also see black flecks, and white flecks,

and sometimes, strings. Black flecks could be die off? White flecks could

be undigested probiotics? strings could be parasites? Those are my

guesses. I monitor every BM (gross, sorry, but, have to...)

Yes, I agree. Not my idea of " recovered, " either!

Hair test is through doctor's data??? Will the " files " section of this

group send me in the right direction in terms of " what to do next? " I

should first start w/ hair test, then proceed, yes??


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:24 PM, TJ Werth <tj_werth@...> wrote:



> How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from constipation.

> Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have gut

> issues caused by metals.

> I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

> How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and have

> those issues?

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@...<lynnlevrington%40gmail.com>

> >

> < %40>

> Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

> Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid




> Hello Group,


> My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> but I still see more recovery to be had...


> His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.


> A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.


> Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??


> He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....


> But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..


> Thank you for your time!



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Ok, then chelation is the next step. (P.S. can't tolerate many foods at all

means yeast for me.)

> >> > >

> >> > > Hello Group,

> >> > >

> >> > > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly

> >> becomes

> >> > > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also

> >> takes

> >> > > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other

> >> supplements.

> >> > > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's

> >> " recovered "

> >> > > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> >> > >

> >> > > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> >> > >

> >> > > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> >> > >

> >> > > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> >> > >

> >> > > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many

> >> can

> >> > > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> >> > >

> >> > > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's

> >> gut

> >> > > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be

> >> wonderful..

> >> > >

> >> > > Thank you for your time!

> >> > >

> >> > >

> >> > >

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Constant bloated belly is a concern for my son. Has anyone ever thought about it

with a different perspective. I can tell you this. My kid i think, has never had

any digestive or gut issue. He is 2 year old and was diagnosed in feburary when

he was 21 month old. His DAN doctor put him on enzyme and probiotic but i think

it wasnt necessary because my son was never constipated, never had

diarrhea.Regulary moved his bowels since he was an infant at very predictable

times. And the stools were well formed. I know people associate gut issues with

ASD but i strongly believe thats not the case with my son.

Here is my perspective about bloated belly. Every infant has bloated belly. But

with age as the muscles get stronger the belly disappears, just like kids get

more control over their urinary muscles. ASD kids are no doubt developmentally

delayd and hence these muscles take longer to develop and the belly disappears a

little later than usual.

I did not make any of these up and read it somewhere and was also told the same

by our pedeatrician. Another reason for bloated belly because of poor muscle

development could be hypothyroidism. I think it is not totally correct to assume

that every ASD kid has gut issues. I respectfully differ with the DAN doctors

and members in this forum in this case. I think my kid shows some sign of

hypothyroidism like bloated belly, flat feet, one misalligned teeth, low morning

body temperature, yellowish palms and feet when he eats something with high





> >

> >

> > How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from constipation.

> > Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have gut

> > issues caused by metals.

> > I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

> > How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and have

> > those issues?

> > TJ

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@...<lynnlevrington%40gmail.com>

> > >

> > < %40>

> > Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

> > Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello Group,

> >

> > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other supplements.

> > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> >

> > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> >

> > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> >

> > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> >

> > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> >

> > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..

> >

> > Thank you for your time!

> >

> >

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I think pediatricians see the bloated bellies, the picky eaters, the drooling

toddlers, the ear infections, the reflux all the time now and they think it's

normal. I didn't necessarily believe the gut issues at first either, but the

gut and brain are definitely connected and unless you start treating one or the

other, the autism stays. I do believe the toxic metals are the cause and

chelation is the treatment.

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from constipation.

> > > Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have


> > > issues caused by metals.

> > > I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

> > > How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and


> > > those issues?

> > > TJ

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@<lynnlevrington%40gmail.com>

> > > >

> > > < %40>

> > > Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

> > > Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello Group,

> > >

> > > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> > > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also takes

> > > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other


> > > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's " recovered "

> > > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> > >

> > > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> > >

> > > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> > >

> > > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> > >

> > > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> > >

> > > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's gut

> > > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be wonderful..

> > >

> > > Thank you for your time!

> > >

> > >

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My child doesn't have all the gut issues either. He did have a bloated belly

beyond age 2 so I did Cytoflora last fall and sure enough, the belly started

flattening out so there was something going on (I took Cytoflora too and it

helped with a small rash on my arm that hadn't gone away for two years).

We started chelation with DMSA in January with no yeast problems but when I

added ALA last month, he got a bit yeasty - it didn't effect his moods or

anything but his belly was a bit bloated again. I added Cytoflora back and

tada, totally gone in two days. When I ran out of Cytoflora, I wanted to move

to something without grain alcohol (used to preserve in the Cytoflora) so I

ordered a probiotics supplement from Kirkman's (we use their zinc and calcium).

However, they made him moody and effected his sleep. I don't think he needed

them - I think they were too much.

So, I've gone back to Cytoflora, just a dropper or two each morning for

maintenance. But he doesn't have gut issues with eating certain foods or

anything like that. I think he just gets a little yeast in his system with the

ALA and just a bit of Cytoflora keeps everything fine since we now do DMSA/ALA

rounds every weekend.

When we started biomed, we didn't need to start with anything for his gut first

because he just didn't have any of those gut issues - BMs just fine and no

reactions to different foods, etc. We started straight toward chelation

starting natural to get his liver strong (which also improved speech and other

ASD traits) and moved to full chelation this year which and we see continued


And yes, I think any gut issues that might be there but not apparent are getting

help through the chelation process.

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > How are his BMs? Is he constipated? My son was bloated from


> > > > Mercury and other metals will cause gut issues. Most Autistic kids have


> > > > issues caused by metals.

> > > > I would do a hair test and apply the counting rules if it were my child.

> > > > How can someone be " recovered " when they are taking all thos supps and


> > > > those issues?

> > > > TJ

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > From: lynn levrington <lynnlevrington@<lynnlevrington%40gmail.com>

> > > > >

> > > > < %40>

> > > > Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 7:10:32 AM

> > > > Subject: [ ] Question about AC protocol for gut kid

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello Group,

> > > >

> > > > My son has gastrointestinal issues. Every time he eats his belly becomes

> > > > bloated. He is taking digestive enzymes, is GFCFSFCF & SCD, he also


> > > > Klaire detox support probiotic (50 bil. CFU's), and many other


> > > > He is doing antiviral/antifungal therapy.... His DAN says he's

" recovered "

> > > > but I still see more recovery to be had...

> > > >

> > > > His constant inflamed belly is my biggest concern.

> > > >

> > > > A few parents have suggested that I try AC chelation.

> > > >

> > > > Will AC chelation address gastrointestinal issues??

> > > >

> > > > He hasn't had any metals testing, yet. From what I understand, many can

> > > > benefit from AC chelation, regardless.....

> > > >

> > > > But, again, I just want to make sure the chelation would help my son's


> > > > issues, and not make them worse. Any advice with this would be


> > > >

> > > > Thank you for your time!

> > > >

> > > >

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> I think pediatricians see the bloated bellies, the picky eaters, the drooling

toddlers, the ear infections, the reflux all the time now and they think it's


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>>Another reason for bloated belly because of poor muscle development could be

hypothyroidism. I think it is not totally correct to assume that every ASD kid

has gut issues. I respectfully differ with the DAN doctors and members in this

forum in this case. I think my kid shows some sign of hypothyroidism like

bloated belly, flat feet, one misalligned teeth, low morning body temperature,

yellowish palms and feet when he eats something with high carotene.

This was mostly true at my house. The bloating was caused by yeast overgrowth

and certain food issues. The other things were some of the various signs of

hypothyroidism at my house. All gone with thyroid support supplements.


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But... to be fair... the hypothyrodism, yeast and food intolerances probably

wouldn't be there if your children weren't assaulted by toxins. Toxins, Autism

and GI problems just seem to go hand in hand.


> >>Another reason for bloated belly because of poor muscle development could be

hypothyroidism. I think it is not totally correct to assume that every ASD kid

has gut issues. I respectfully differ with the DAN doctors and members in this

forum in this case. I think my kid shows some sign of hypothyroidism like

bloated belly, flat feet, one misalligned teeth, low morning body temperature,

yellowish palms and feet when he eats something with high carotene.



> This was mostly true at my house. The bloating was caused by yeast overgrowth

and certain food issues. The other things were some of the various signs of

hypothyroidism at my house. All gone with thyroid support supplements.


> Dana


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Is there any way to check for hypothyroidism?  My kid displays most of the

signs mentioned below- bloated belly, flat feet, misalligned teeth, yellow

palms and fee.   I have had his TSH (thyroid functions) checked through blood

test with our DAN lately and they were all normal:

Free T3 - 3.35 pg/ml (ref 2.23 - 3.61)

TSH     - 0.57 uIU/ml (ref 0.35 -2.82)



From: danasview <danasview@...>

Sent: Sat, June 26, 2010 10:54:16 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Question about AC protocol for gut kid


>>Another reason for bloated belly because of poor muscle development could be

hypothyroidism. I think it is not totally correct to assume that every ASD kid

has gut issues. I respectfully differ with the DAN doctors and members in this

forum in this case. I think my kid shows some sign of hypothyroidism like

bloated belly, flat feet, one misalligned teeth, low morning body temperature,

yellowish palms and feet when he eats something with high carotene.

This was mostly true at my house. The bloating was caused by yeast overgrowth

and certain food issues. The other things were some of the various signs of

hypothyroidism at my house. All gone with thyroid support supplements.


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> Is there any way to check for hypothyroidism? My kid displays most of the

signs mentioned below- bloated belly, flat feet, misalligned teeth, yellow

palms and fee.  I have had his TSH (thyroid functions) checked through blood

test with our DAN lately and they were all normal:

My #4 had her thyroid tested by a regular ped, and it was normal. However, she

also benefited from thyroid support supps.

Some common symptoms of thyroid problems: slow growth, weight gain, difficulty

regulating body temperature, inability to digest/absorb carotenes [keratosis

pilaris, yellow hands/feet, other symptoms after eating carotenes], baby teeth

that fall out later than average or don't fall out at all.

I noticed that carotene foods caused severe problems for my #2. My #3 had

growth issues and keratosis pilaris. My #4 was overweight and complained of

stomach problems frequently. I was always cold. All of my kids [and myself when

I was younger] had baby teeth that did not fall out.

I started with selenium, then tyrosine and iodine. All of these problems have

disappeared. We still need the tyrosine.


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How do you know you still need the tyrosine? Sorry, just trying to figure it all


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Question about AC protocol for gut kid

Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010, 10:01 AM


> Is there any way to check for hypothyroidism? My kid displays most of the

signs mentioned below- bloated belly, flat feet, misalligned teeth, yellow

palms and fee.  I have had his TSH (thyroid functions) checked through blood

test with our DAN lately and they were all normal:

My #4 had her thyroid tested by a regular ped, and it was normal. However, she

also benefited from thyroid support supps.

Some common symptoms of thyroid problems: slow growth, weight gain, difficulty

regulating body temperature, inability to digest/absorb carotenes [keratosis

pilaris, yellow hands/feet, other symptoms after eating carotenes], baby teeth

that fall out later than average or don't fall out at all.

I noticed that carotene foods caused severe problems for my #2. My #3 had growth

issues and keratosis pilaris. My #4 was overweight and complained of stomach

problems frequently. I was always cold. All of my kids [and myself when I was

younger] had baby teeth that did not fall out.

I started with selenium, then tyrosine and iodine. All of these problems have

disappeared. We still need the tyrosine.


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> How do you know you still need the tyrosine? Sorry, just trying to figure it

all out.

Because if I miss giving it, there are signs of improper carotene conversion.

But, not so many any more, so I think I am within a month of removing it.


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What are the signs of improper carotene conversion? Thanks.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of danasview

Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 10:18 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Question about AC protocol for gut kid

> How do you know you still need the tyrosine? Sorry, just trying to figure

it all out.

Because if I miss giving it, there are signs of improper carotene

conversion. But, not so many any more, so I think I am within a month of

removing it.


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> What are the signs of improper carotene conversion? Thanks.

Right now, keratosis pilaris. In the past, burning diarrhea, yellow skin, brain

fog and spaciness, oppositional and defiant, mean and aggressive.


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I mean i dont know what to say. Dana, the more you tell us the more i am led to

believe that hypothyroidism is present in my son. You mentioned Keratosis

Pilaris. I did not know what it was so i googled and my son has this and it

seems to be more in the winter months. So here are the details of hypothyroidism

which fit my son at least:

1) Flat feet.

2) Bloated belly may be because of poor muscle development, Hallmark of


3)One misalligned teeth.

4)Keratosis Pilaris.

5)Yellow palm and feet when given food containing carotene.

> > What are the signs of improper carotene conversion? Thanks.



> Right now, keratosis pilaris. In the past, burning diarrhea, yellow skin,

brain fog and spaciness, oppositional and defiant, mean and aggressive.


> Dana


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> I mean i dont know what to say. Dana, the more you tell us the more i am led

to believe that hypothyroidism is present in my son. You mentioned Keratosis

Pilaris. I did not know what it was so i googled and my son has this and it

seems to be more in the winter months. So here are the details of hypothyroidism

which fit my son at least:

> 1) Flat feet.

> 2) Bloated belly may be because of poor muscle development, Hallmark of


> 3)One misalligned teeth.

> 4)Keratosis Pilaris.

> 5)Yellow palm and feet when given food containing carotene.

I corrected my kids' hypothyroid with selenium, iodine, and tyrosine. You can

try those, see if it helps. If the tyrosine causes B2 deficiency symptoms, you

are definitely on the right track!


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