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Re: Resistant Yeast

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I have heard high mercury can stop yeast kill.  What about doing some chelation

and then see where you are?  Does your doc have any bright ideas?  How much

worse can yeast get if you chelate?

nancy j

From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast

Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 4:29 PM


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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Hi Simone,

would you mind posting your Andy Cutler protocol for chelation?




> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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Mercury is a very potent antifungal and yeast often hides mercury. What you

find is that yeast doesn't go away until you start getting rid of the metals,

and that it will flare as you detox. You have to address them together to

really get rid of them both.

You often need to go a round beyond clear fecals for yeast to get it all, and

you also have to address the metals at the same time, while detoxing because of

the mycotoxins released by the yeast. Yeast is a living organism and it will

mutate and become resistant to antifungal meds after while.

I can assume what you have done for medications. What natural remedies have you


Baths also help a lot when you are detoxing, for both yeast and metals, to draw

out toxins and balance the skin's pH.


Basic Salt Soak

& #61607; 1c sea salt

& #61607; 2 c baking soda

& #61607; 1 c Epsom salts

& #61607; 6 drops essential oil

Lavender or incense are great essential oils. Mix together and store in

glass container. Use ½ c of mixture per bath and soak 15-20 mins. (Aprx 16


Epsom Salt Soak

& #61607; 2 c Epsom Salts

Add salt to warm water and soak 15-20 minutes! Go rest afterwards. Wash off

salts if needed.

Vinegar Bath

& #61607; 2 c Apple Cider Vinegar

Add ACV to warm water and soak 15-20 minutes. Wash with natural soap or rinse


Dry Clay Bath

& #61607; Bentonite Clay

Apply thin layer of Bentonite Clay to bottom of hands and feet. Let dry. Rinse

off. Go outside in the sun for 10-15 mins afterwards.

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland




Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Hi Simone,

How many rounds did it take to get the yeast under control?

Based on OATS, our son's yeast cleared from taking herbs.

We are about to start Round 5. After the first 3 rounds, he was exhausted,

spacy, etc. Upped yeast protocol per Dana's advice (thanks Dana!). After round

3 & 4, he starting sticking/curling his tongue and moving his jaw side to side

(new behavior). Getting better slowly.

Now finding he may be sensitive to Oil of Oregano. Will switch to biotin when

the pill crusher arrives.

Thanks for sharing!



> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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What herbs?

From: sky2sun2moon <sky2sun22@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 2:53 AM


Hi Simone,

How many rounds did it take to get the yeast under control?

Based on OATS, our son's yeast cleared from taking herbs.

We are about to start Round 5. After the first 3 rounds, he was exhausted,

spacy, etc. Upped yeast protocol per Dana's advice (thanks Dana!). After round 3

& 4, he starting sticking/curling his tongue and moving his jaw side to side

(new behavior). Getting better slowly.

Now finding he may be sensitive to Oil of Oregano. Will switch to biotin when

the pill crusher arrives.

Thanks for sharing!



> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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> Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Have you used the combination of biotin and GSE? That worked very well here.

During certain protocols, like chelation and anti-virals, I had to give very

high doses of biotin and GSE to control the yeast. Were you using high doses?


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http://www.wisewomanherbals.com/index.cfm?page=Details & ProdID=321 & category=6 & sec\


Our naturopath gave this to our son. Taken on empty stomach twice a day. It

tastes really bad so we had to give it with one spoonful of jam which didn't

come close to masking the taste.

> >

> > > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Just a guess, but if too much bad fungus is the problem, then supplement good

fungus in the diet. (Mushrooms?)


> Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy


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I would be happy to share.

You will find lots of info in this groups files.

you may also want to check out the frequent-dose-chelation

for more info.

We are close to recovery and we don't use doctors. Our only cost is supplements

and DMSA and ALA.

We only used RDI for a year but haven't used any therapy except for a very hard

working momma - thats me.

There was a bit of OT and Physio when she was younger but it didn't have much of

an impact.

I really credit all of her gains primarily to chelation. I think you need both.

Therapy and chelation. However

the therapies were a bandaid that kept falling off. With chelation the

therapies I do with her are now something

she truly learns and uses in her life.

At the beginning when we first got into this we paid for a few tests privately

with a naturopathic Dan. I wouldn't consider the DAN protocol for my child.

THE A/C Protocol.........

Dr. Cutler's chelation protocol works by ensuring that mercury is safely removed

from the body. Other protocols may mobilize the mercury, but later redeposit it

into other connective tissue.

Every chelating agent that is able to mobilize mercury, and/or other elements,

has a specific half life. This means that the chelating agent will remain in the

body for a specific period of time before it loses its effect, such that

mobilized mercury may be redeposited in the body's connective tissue. Cutler's

protocol ensures that chelating agents are kept at constant levels in the body

for sufficient time to completely eliminate the metal from the body. The Cutler

protocol achieves this through use of frequent administration of chelators.

This science fully explains why we hav eto do a low and slow method like the A/C


DMSA is usually what everyone starts with for a few rounds it is given every 4

hours around the clock. The minimum would be from Friday after school to Monday

morning is how most people do it since they can't administer when the child is

in school.Once the ALA has been added (ALA crosses the blood brain barrier so is

necessary) it is administered every three hours round the clock. Some people at

night will do 4 hours when the child is sleeping so that they can get a little

sleep. The childs metabolism slows down and doesn't move the chleator as fast

so it shouldn't cause redistribution. Just be aware of their reactions if you

try this. (Fast metabolizers like my daughter we do it every 2 1/2 hours (3

hours when sleeping) - she does better on rounds than off so we do rounds 7 - 10

days long (stay at home mom that homeschools)) The amount is not large and most

start very low and work their way up slowly so that it is not too hard on them.

Low amounts keep any reactions to a minimum. As low as 1/8 mg per pound going

up to 1/2 mg per pound. We are still not at 1/2 mg per pound and we have been

at it for 1/1/2 years. Its has only been progress except for a period that I

suspected my daughter metabolized quickly so the metals we redistributing at 3

hour dosing but its been fine at 2 1/2 every since.

We did see a yeast increase with the ALA for sure. What worked for us was a

Candex and olive leaf extract at bed time. 5 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract

in a capsule and 4 drops in another of oil of oregano when we do the next round

3 hours later. Then on the next round we do probiotics. Kill the bad ....add

the good. Luckily our daughter has not problem swallowing capsules and will

take them during her sleep. Just putting the ALA and DMSA with some organic

applesauce on a spoon she takes it without waking and I make sure to have her

drink some water so that no powder sits in her throat or applesauce on her

teeth. I know I am blessed that her night administrations are so easy. I do

have to take her to the bathroom in the middle of the night bcs of all the water

drinking. If I don't take her she just wakes up to early to go to the washroom

herself, then is tired all day.

Now when the Yeast Beast rears its ugly head we can recognize the signs right

away and we do as I mentioned above at night and once during the day. It

usually only takes a day and half to tame the beast and life is back to normal.

It wasn't always that way but the more metals that are out the easier it is.

So for the A/C Protocol I suggest that you buy his two books. They helped me a

lot in the beginning and I still refer to them.


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities

Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment

read read read these chat rooms

Have a hair elements test done with Doctors Data


mention this group for a discount. The book and the group will help you

interpret it.



Moria's website:


Onibasu, which is an easy way to search the archives of this group:

http://onibasu.com/ Just type in your search term and check the box

next to .

The " Files " section:


Hope that helps

Cutler has been our saviour. Without this protocol I can't imagine where

we would be.

My daughter is in dance class by herself, softball (takes breaks sometimes),

girl guides, swimming, piano, has best friends goes to school 1 day a week

(needs some extra help to get through the day from the EA) otherwise we home


Our life was very different a year and a half ago. I was in tears everyday bcs

life was so difficult. So what I have to wake up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and I

am almost always exhausted. Yes some days it seems like Im not firing on all


but is it worth it. LOL OH YA. Ill I have to do is look over at her right now.

She is humming away while folding a load of laundry. She spilled her milk at

the table bcs she forgot to put her dishes away after lunch. It went into the

heater and

I had to clean it up. Since I had to clean it up she had to clean up my work.

Laundry. She is a shear delight. Her friends playing in the living room with

her. He just fell and she ran over asking if he was okay. Now she's cheering

him on in

the game they are playing together. Ahhh the simple pleasures of life.

Don't Wait Just Chelate

.. hey I think Ill get that on a T Shirt LOL

Best to you and yours.

On 2010-06-03, at 9:52 PM, Sasmita wrote:

> Hi Simone,


> would you mind posting your Andy Cutler protocol for chelation?


> Thanks,

> Sasmita



> >

> > > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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You will never get the yeast under control until you chelate for a while. It's a

cart before the horse kinda thing. The yeast is caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Get some metals out and it starts getting under control.

All you can do until then is put a dent in it.

Also, don't do the DAN chelation. Do proper chelation the Andy Cutler way.



From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 4:29:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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Look in the files section here on the group. You can also check the book out at

the library or purchase it.



From: Sasmita <sasmitamishra15@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 9:52:03 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast


Hi Simone,

would you mind posting your Andy Cutler protocol for chelation?




> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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Thank you for your post. I loved reading about your daughter's improvements.

There is nothing better for us, parents who are just at the beginning of the AC

chelation journey, and to read wonderful stories like yours is so encouraging.

Congratulations! The only question I have is about the probiotic that you use,

which brand and how much do you give? I am in the middle of the yeast storm, and

am looking for a good probiotic. I used the multi flora from Kirkman and I

stopped becuase it had the strep strain in it.

Thank you,


> > >

> > > > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > > > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hey Dana, we use biotin 5000mcg, 2x a day and GSE 8-10 drops 3x a day

What do you think?

Thanks Jen

> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?



> Have you used the combination of biotin and GSE? That worked very well here.


> During certain protocols, like chelation and anti-virals, I had to give very

high doses of biotin and GSE to control the yeast. Were you using high doses?


> Dana


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> Hey Dana, we use biotin 5000mcg, 2x a day and GSE 8-10 drops 3x a day

> What do you think?

For my son, that would have been a very low yeast protocol, especially during

chelation and anti-virals. Certain supplements did require a higher yeast

protocol also. If you are still having yeast symptoms, try increasing one or

both of those, see if you notice any changes.


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> Hey Dana, we use biotin 5000mcg, 2x a day and GSE 8-10 drops 3x a day

> What do you think?

For my son, that would have been a very low yeast protocol, especially during

chelation and anti-virals. Certain supplements did require a higher yeast

protocol also. If you are still having yeast symptoms, try increasing one or

both of those, see if you notice any changes.


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Can some of you who have done the AC protocol post it. Our DAN ! just sent a

dmps plus glutathione suppository, for a challenge test.

We did a poryphrin test and none of the metals came up high ?

I donno what to say to that, we have had success with IV glutathione, i wanted

to see if we should do chelation or not.

I need some guidance.

He still has trouble with receotive language, has ocds and aggression as well.

Please help me make an informed decision for him he is 3 1/2 years old 31 lbs.


> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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I agree with everyone else... challenges just aren't worth the injury that they

have caused...most deaths you hear about chelation is done by people who are not

doing the Cutler protocol.

Aggression at my house was several things...first off gluten and casein had to

be removed. Then we started addressing yeast and found the phenols and

salicyclates acted very much like yeast when they weren't tolerated. Then

viruses were another issue. They caused the yeast to flare and bad

behaviors...esp when we did virus protocol.

Food testing for allergies....both immediate and delayed were very helpful.

Using enzymes was also helpful with leaky gut and digestive issues. Just

remember that there isn't a silver bullet....usually it is a lot of steps over a

long period of time...which usually includes Cutler chelation for several years.



> >

> > > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Simone--did you have any negative results from the A/C Protocol in the year

and  a half of doing it---please let me know some of the details--thank you



From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast

Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 6:44 PM


Don't do a challenge test. They can be harmful and the information they give you

is not acurate.

Do a hair test and apply the counting rules.

Or...you can do a ten round trial of chelation.

Do proper chelation following the AC protocol. Read about it in the files

section here on the group.

Your DAN will probably not support it because they can't make money off of it.



From: marium <mariummujtaba@...>

Sent: Sun, June 13, 2010 2:43:13 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast


Can some of you who have done the AC protocol post it. Our DAN ! just sent a

dmps plus glutathione suppository, for a challenge test.

We did a poryphrin test and none of the metals came up high ?

I donno what to say to that, we have had success with IV glutathione, i wanted

to see if we should do chelation or not.

I need some guidance.

He still has trouble with receotive language, has ocds and aggression as well.

Please help me make an informed decision for him he is 3 1/2 years old 31 lbs.


> > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> >

> >





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> From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast


> Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 6:44 PM




> Don't do a challenge test. They can be harmful and the information they give

you is not acurate.

> Do a hair test and apply the counting rules.

> Or...you can do a ten round trial of chelation.

> Do proper chelation following the AC protocol. Read about it in the files

section here on the group.

> Your DAN will probably not support it because they can't make money off of it.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: marium <mariummujtaba@...>


> Sent: Sun, June 13, 2010 2:43:13 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Resistant Yeast




> Can some of you who have done the AC protocol post it. Our DAN ! just sent a

dmps plus glutathione suppository, for a challenge test.

> We did a poryphrin test and none of the metals came up high ?

> I donno what to say to that, we have had success with IV glutathione, i wanted

to see if we should do chelation or not.

> I need some guidance.

> He still has trouble with receotive language, has ocds and aggression as well.

> Please help me make an informed decision for him he is 3 1/2 years old 31 lbs.


> >

> > > Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son

for yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

> > > Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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