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> A friend of mine and I are doing the para cleanse at the same time.

> She is having a problem with a strong odor everywhere she sweats. Is

> this part of cleansing?

Strong odors from sweat are a sign of bacteria and other toxins being

released. After she cleanses her body, she may find that she is not having

the odor problem as much.

It is also a problem for those who eat alot of meat or other high protein

foods, as proteins release more toxic by-products than carbohydrates or

fats. If she eats alot of meat and/or high protein foods, she may want to

cut back. The body does not need alot of protein, and we get way too much

on the SAD diet in America. You need AT MOST, only 4 ounces a day of meat.

Being a vegetarian has more benefits than you would think!

She may also find tea tree oil effective to use in the fighting the bacteria

that may be on the skin, and can apply it in a lotion or deodorant. It can

be purchased at the health food store --Desert Essence I think is the brand

that sells alot of different Tea Tree Oil products. You can also find them

at www.VitaminShoppe.com

Fasting may be something she will want to try to bring about a deep

cleansing of tissues, and I am referring to an extended fast here, such as 3

to 5 days. The more cleansing she does, the less trouble she will have from



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Thanks a lot, we read this together. She said she is also having a odor

problem in the groin area, is this caused by the same thing?

Re: New Question

> > A friend of mine and I are doing the para cleanse at the same time.

> > She is having a problem with a strong odor everywhere she sweats. Is

> > this part of cleansing?


> Strong odors from sweat are a sign of bacteria and other toxins being

> released. After she cleanses her body, she may find that she is not


> the odor problem as much.


> It is also a problem for those who eat alot of meat or other high protein

> foods, as proteins release more toxic by-products than carbohydrates or

> fats. If she eats alot of meat and/or high protein foods, she may want to

> cut back. The body does not need alot of protein, and we get way too much

> on the SAD diet in America. You need AT MOST, only 4 ounces a day of


> Being a vegetarian has more benefits than you would think!


> She may also find tea tree oil effective to use in the fighting the


> that may be on the skin, and can apply it in a lotion or deodorant. It


> be purchased at the health food store --Desert Essence I think is the


> that sells alot of different Tea Tree Oil products. You can also find


> at www.VitaminShoppe.com


> Fasting may be something she will want to try to bring about a deep

> cleansing of tissues, and I am referring to an extended fast here, such as


> to 5 days. The more cleansing she does, the less trouble she will have


> odor.


> Patty






> Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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> Thanks a lot, we read this together. She said she is also having a odor

> problem in the groin area, is this caused by the same thing?

It would still be caused by bacteria of some sort. Most certainly there are

different bacterias in different places of our body. The only thing you can

do is to maintain a hygenic state, with frequent washings, and keeping it as

dry as possible.


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Snif, sniff! I haven't noticed any odor in myself as far as sweating. My bowel movements are very stinky, however. To my knowledge, the Paragone just affects your intestinal tract. You will need another method to cleanse your urinary system.


New Question

A friend of mine and I are doing the para cleanse at the same time. She is having a problem with a strong odor everywhere she sweats. Is this part of cleansing? Also, does the para cleanse clean parasites and worms out of the urinary system and can you see anything in the urine?Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

They're the only ones that make it...the KemSA lab is usually fine for

purity as far as I know...


ccarter104@... wrote:

I/ve just

purcuased some laetrile from The Oasis of Hope in clinic in

Tijuana, MX and was

wondering about the purity and effectniveness of this

product. Does anyone

have any help?

Thank you,


Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws,

and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups

or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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yes, i crack the nuts of apricots everyday, eat the apricots and withdraw the seed which is laetrile and eat it. pat

New Question

I/ve just purcuased some laetrile from The Oasis of Hope in clinic in Tijuana, MX and was wondering about the purity and effectniveness of this product. Does anyone have any help? Thank you, Craig Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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cures for cancer

From: ccarter104@...

Date sent: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:04:20 EDT

Send reply to: cures for cancer

Subject: New Question

> I/ve just purcuased some laetrile from The Oasis of Hope in clinic in

> Tijuana, MX and was wondering about the purity and effectniveness of

> this product. Does anyone have any help?

> Thank you,

> Craig

Hi Craig,

I am an advoacte of natural or non toxic cancer cures and

laetrile is

one of those. But I strongly advocae a multiple remedy approach, that means not


on any single product but rather on a combination of products, including


Althogh Laetrile exists naturally in all bitter tasting seeds, it seems that it


possible to get enough Laetrile from the diet (unless 30 or 40 apricot kernels

are taken)

and so I beleive that tablets are the best way to get the extra Laetrile one may


I would take the Latrile with the 4 step protocol to boost the immune system

or as a

part of Protocol 1.


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  • 2 years later...

> I was on Xanax a long time ago and it work great for depression. 

Has anyone

> else used this with the treatments and does it work well?  Or is

the Zolox

> (sp) better? 


Hi Lynn, I'm a new HCV dx person too. I've been reading your posts,

and first of all, my heart goes out to you. I don't know much about

HCV yet, but I do know about depression. I've had it most of my life.

One thing I can tell you is that xanax is not an antidpressant, it is

an anti-anxiety drug that is highly addictive and won't help with

your depression. It's used for " panic attack " type disorders. I have

never taken it myself, but know many people who have and not one of

them will recommend it to anyone. There are a lot of anti depressant

drugs that work well, if that's what you need. One thing I learned

is that the anti depressant I take now, is not a good one for your

liver. I'm facing the possibility of having to change medication,

and that scares me because I finally found one that works for me,

with no side effects. (I take Trazadone) My husband takes Zoloft for

his depression. Zoloft doesn't work for me, and I've tried them all

in my 30 years of depression. I would suggest you finding a good

therapist, or friend who you can talk to and " unload " on. It helps a

lot. You can't " stuff " your feelings and worries or you'll blow up!

Just don't panic! I will keep you and your situation in my prayers.

God Bless you.> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.551 / Virus Database: 343 - Release Date: 12/11/2003





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I have looked for support groups in my area and there isn't any even close.

Just my luck.

Re: new question


With the resistance, lack of concern, or denial by your other half I

suggest you look for a support group in your area. A list of groups

can be found at: www.geocities.com/1Leighann/; www.janis7hepc.com/;

www.hepatitismag.com; www.hcvadvocate.org; www.hfi.org; www.alf.org.


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And Lynn, if you can't find a support group, that's what we are! I am so

grateful for this group. I have chosen not to do the TX at this time, not sick

enough yet. I have a support group nearby, supported by the American Liver

Foundation, but they just provide support for people doing the TX. I've gone

several times, but I just don't fit in. And as for family, wife/mom, isn't on

death's doorstop, so let's pretend she's not sick. They don't realize that I

suffer the symptoms of the disease. I'm pretty healthy most of the time, but

then the fatigue and brain fog kicks in out of nowhere, just to let me know the

dragon is still there.

We don't just talk about the clinical aspects of this virus, we talk about the

emotional aspects as well. Feel free to vent to us, we have probably all vented

to each other along the way. Speaking for myself, it's so good to know I have

people I can come to who know just what I am going through.


Re: new question


With the resistance, lack of concern, or denial by your other half I

suggest you look for a support group in your area. A list of groups

can be found at: www.geocities.com/1Leighann/; www.janis7hepc.com/;

www.hepatitismag.com; www.hcvadvocate.org; www.hfi.org; www.alf.org.


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Oh Marilyn I needed this message. I hope that is what is going on here with

my other half. I mentioned that the doc called today and he didn't even

want to know why. Which in turn may me feel alone again. No wonder I cry

so often. I did ask my Dr to prescribed something for I figure if I feel

this way now in two week when I start treatments it not going to get any


As far as the my disease, I am in the beginning stages but opted to do the

treatments early when the percentages are in my favor. I hope this isn't

wishful thinking on my part.

The treatments scare the hell out of me. And if no one minds think I will

vent on line for awhile. I don't want to do them, I don't want to do them.

I made my list of household jobs tonight so in case I forget anything while

doing the Treatments.

Is doing the treatment to early in the hep stages a good or bad thing to do?

Am I just putting myself thru unnecessary trauma for nothing. Or is this

disease going to haunt me either way and I will probably get sicker anyhow

so maybe I should wait.

Re: new question

And Lynn, if you can't find a support group, that's what we are! I am so

grateful for this group. I have chosen not to do the TX at this time, not

sick enough yet. I have a support group nearby, supported by the American

Liver Foundation, but they just provide support for people doing the TX.

I've gone several times, but I just don't fit in. And as for family,

wife/mom, isn't on death's doorstop, so let's pretend she's not sick. They

don't realize that I suffer the symptoms of the disease. I'm pretty healthy

most of the time, but then the fatigue and brain fog kicks in out of

nowhere, just to let me know the dragon is still there.

We don't just talk about the clinical aspects of this virus, we talk about

the emotional aspects as well. Feel free to vent to us, we have probably

all vented to each other along the way. Speaking for myself, it's so good

to know I have people I can come to who know just what I am going through.


Re: new question


With the resistance, lack of concern, or denial by your other half I

suggest you look for a support group in your area. A list of groups

can be found at: www.geocities.com/1Leighann/; www.janis7hepc.com/;

www.hepatitismag.com; www.hcvadvocate.org; www.hfi.org; www.alf.org.


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Lynne, best to you as you start treatment. The anti-D's sound like a good

thing. I never have depression problems, but I sure went downhill when I was

diagnosed. It was only through the help of the good people on this list that I

realized a diagnosis isn't a death sentence, and that I am not defined by this


Deciding on treatment is such an individual thing. Only you know what's right

with you. When I was diagnosed, I was pressured by the first doctor and my

family to do the treatment. The reason I decided not to (yet) is that I'm

genotype 1B, so odds are it won't do any good anyway, and I was worried about

permanent side effects of the TX. I have no liver damage at all, my viral load

is somewhere around 300,000. I've had the virus since I got a blood transfusion

44 years ago. The NIH came out with a study a year ago that said people like me

may never have the virus progress, although anything is possible.

Sure, the treatment is scary, but so many people do it and have successful

results. And there are people here who can guide you through it. Good luck!


Re: new question


With the resistance, lack of concern, or denial by your other half I

suggest you look for a support group in your area. A list of groups

can be found at: www.geocities.com/1Leighann/; www.janis7hepc.com/;

www.hepatitismag.com; www.hcvadvocate.org; www.hfi.org; www.alf.org.


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Call your local hospitals and ask them. Sometimes they sponsor one or

at least give people a place to meet for free. Many support groups

are run by volunteers and don't advertise except by word of mouth.

It's a shame because people need to know we are out there. I lucked

out in finding my group. It's a rather large group, but there is no

advertisement (until I finally talked them into creating a website).


> I have looked for support groups in my area and there isn't any

even close.

> Just my luck.





> Re: new question



> Lynn,

> With the resistance, lack of concern, or denial by your other half I

> suggest you look for a support group in your area. A list of groups

> can be found at: www.geocities.com/1Leighann/; www.janis7hepc.com/;

> www.hepatitismag.com; www.hcvadvocate.org; www.hfi.org; www.alf.org.

> Glenn





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I agree! Call your hepatologist, there probably is a group in your area.


Re: new question

Call your local hospitals and ask them. Sometimes they sponsor one or

at least give people a place to meet for free. Many support groups

are run by volunteers and don't advertise except by word of mouth.

It's a shame because people need to know we are out there. I lucked

out in finding my group. It's a rather large group, but there is no

advertisement (until I finally talked them into creating a website).


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  • 1 year later...

Depends on your position.....keep within your precautions....but it is

bad for hemrhoids! Suggest a high fiber supplement, lots of water, and

fresh raw fruit and vegetables!


marge wrote:

> *I have a new question. My hip is two years old. What does reading

> on the potty do to hip replacements? Any damage?*

> *Marge*




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I'm not sure what you're asking, but I know that when you sit anywhere you shouldn't lean too forward.

Re: new question

I have a new question. My hip is two years old. What does reading on the potty do to hip replacements? Any damage?


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after 2 years I believe that you should have no problems with your hip if you want to read anywhere................I have come across literature that states that hips replaced since the year 2000 last longer and are made of a more durable type of material. It was from a newsletter from a group of doctors out of california......................my life long restriction is to watch how i stoop down for any length of time.


renazee@... wrote:

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I know that when you sit anywhere you shouldn't lean too forward.

Re: new question

I have a new question. My hip is two years old. What does reading on the potty do to hip replacements? Any damage?


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Well, I guess what I am asking is about the pressure of the rim against the new hip. Surely it would apply differently from sitting on a solid seat?

I love reading on the pot, ahem. If you raised any kids, you will know that it is the one place in the house that you might have a chance of being undisturbed for any length of time.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I know that when you sit anywhere you shouldn't lean too forward

I have a new question. My hip is two years old. What does reading on the potty do to hip replacements? Any damage?


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Oh yeah, I hear ya on that one!

Re: new question

Well, I guess what I am asking is about the pressure of the rim against the new hip. Surely it would apply differently from sitting on a solid seat?

I love reading on the pot, ahem. If you raised any kids, you will know that it is the one place in the house that you might have a chance of being undisturbed for any length of time.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but I know that when you sit anywhere you shouldn't lean too forward

I have a new question. My hip is two years old. What does reading on the potty do to hip replacements? Any damage?


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Susie, before my sugery I used to take Etodolac. It

was not very helpful with my osteoarthritis. After

vioxx and bextra were removed, this is what my

insurance recommended. It paled in comparision.


--- juneflower60@... wrote:

> Hi Sassy Lou,

> I was wondering did you ever hear of this Arthritis

> Medicine its called Etodolac 300mg Generic for

> Lodine 300mg I take once a day.Well you have a nice

> day.


> Susie




> -------------- Original message --------------

> What does reading on the potty do to hip

> replacements? Any damage? >>> Doubtful in my

> opunion.... but I've always heard NOT to do it

> because it causes increased pressure in the veins of

> the anus and does create problems with hemorrhoids.











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