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Tell me about it. She's doing fine though. She will be a great mom. I watch her taking care of the baby and she is so good.

SassyLouYou@... wrote:

She does work part time and helps with buying her clothes and stuff, but she can't afford to live on her own right now. >>> Count your blessings there though . It amazes me these days at how many adult children don't stand up and take responsibity for their lil ones and put them off on grandparents not doing anything for the child much less to actually help out. I can only pray that mine do it the right way as well when it comes time. Least she is stepping up~ and doing what she can...

hopefully she'll get on her feet fully before long. Shoot though... these days it's hard raising a family & maintaining a household with both parents working full time much less it being done by one. God bless you!

for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Hi Ev,

I don't know if I told you why I did my grandsons room was because we moved here about five months ago and nobody ever help my grandson unpacked his room and put things in order thats what I did for him now its up to him to keep it clean. I liked to do the swimming exercises also but I have to wait until this sore heals on my leg. Well you take care and have a nice day.


Take care.


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Hi Sassy Lou,

The reason I helped him is that we just moved in this house it was five months ago I just couldn't do it right away because I was tired from unpacking my room and helping my daughter with the rest of the house and had a cold I guess I was feeling better now but I still get too tired it can be a pain . Well you take care and have a nice day.


-------------- Original message -------------- You shouldn't have to do it for him and wear yourself out like that. If I'm butting my nose in too far, shush me ok.>>> Slap my nose too then... because I agree. His room= his responsiblity. That's 4 days you could've had for better things you'd actually maybe ENJOY doing. I tell my youngings my part is proving the roof... what's under it might belong to you but I expect it to be kept cleaned by your proving the service~ so chop 2 it and GET~R~DONE. LOL

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Hi ,

We moved in this house five months ago and I was doing my bedroom and helping my daughter get the rest of the house done I felt bad because the people who help us move just put everything in the closet and nobody help him get things in order hes 13 so with that done its up to him to keep it clean . Well you take care and have a nice day .


-------------- Original message --------------


I hate to meddle but how old is your grandson? If he's under 2, I understand, but even a small child can be taught to help pick up toys and such. You shouldn't have to do it for him and wear yourself out like that. If I'm butting my nose in too far, shush me ok. It takes me longer to clean house too. My daughter and hubby do help me so that makes it easier.

Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi Ev,

I clean my grandsons bedroom for him it took me four days which if I was a normal person I would have done it in one day I get so tired and have to rest a lot I don't know if I told you I brought these Massaging gel insoles for my shoes they help but if I'm on my feet a lot my feet hurt . Well I hope your doing ok .


-------------- Original message --------------


Hope today is a better day for you.

Take care,


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. God bless you!

for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Oh ok I understand now. Yes, moving is a chore and when we moved into our apartment here 6 years ago, it took me about 2 weeks even with help to get straightened out. I can see helping him unload boxes and such. He's old enough to help his mom keep the house clean too. I'm very old fashioned with that kind of thing. I was taught young about house keeping and such things.

Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi ,

We moved in this house five months ago and I was doing my bedroom and helping my daughter get the rest of the house done I felt bad because the people who help us move just put everything in the closet and nobody help him get things in order hes 13 so with that done its up to him to keep it clean . Well you take care and have a nice day .


-------------- Original message --------------


I hate to meddle but how old is your grandson? If he's under 2, I understand, but even a small child can be taught to help pick up toys and such. You shouldn't have to do it for him and wear yourself out like that. If I'm butting my nose in too far, shush me ok. It takes me longer to clean house too. My daughter and hubby do help me so that makes it easier.

Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi Ev,

I clean my grandsons bedroom for him it took me four days which if I was a normal person I would have done it in one day I get so tired and have to rest a lot I don't know if I told you I brought these Massaging gel insoles for my shoes they help but if I'm on my feet a lot my feet hurt . Well I hope your doing ok .


-------------- Original message --------------


Hope today is a better day for you.

Take care,


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. God bless you!

for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. God bless you!

for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Hi ,

Well thanks for telling me that you have a nice day.


-------------- Original message --------------

Oh ok I understand now. Yes, moving is a chore and when we moved into our apartment here 6 years ago, it took me about 2 weeks even with help to get straightened out. I can see helping him unload boxes and such. He's old enough to help his mom keep the house clean too. I'm very old fashioned with that kind of thing. I was taught young about house keeping and such things.

Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi ,

We moved in this house five months ago and I was doing my bedroom and helping my daughter get the rest of the house done I felt bad because the people who help us move just put everything in the closet and nobody help him get things in order hes 13 so with that done its up to him to keep it clean . Well you take care and have a nice day .


-------------- Original message --------------


I hate to meddle but how old is your grandson? If he's under 2, I understand, but even a small child can be taught to help pick up toys and such. You shouldn't have to do it for him and wear yourself out like that. If I'm butting my nose in too far, shush me ok. It takes me longer to clean house too. My daughter and hubby do help me so that makes it easier.

Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi Ev,

I clean my grandsons bedroom for him it took me four days which if I was a normal person I would have done it in one day I get so tired and have to rest a lot I don't know if I told you I brought these Massaging gel insoles for my shoes they help but if I'm on my feet a lot my feet hurt . Well I hope your doing ok .


-------------- Original message --------------


Hope today is a better day for you.

Take care,


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. God bless you!

for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. God bless you!

for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

You need to figure out what is causing the reflux and stop it, as it

is very damaging to the pouch, stoma, esophagus, and teeth. It also

causes a bad aspiration pneumonia. the antyacidws are covering it up,

but not curing otr stopping it.

REflux is definitely to be avoided , especially in Bandsters. not

only does it hurt the stoma, esophagus, pouch, and teeth, it gets

into the sinuses and ears and can cause infections there. Any new

adult ear infections or new-onset or worrsening asthma in adults

should cause an investigation into reflux. Actually, these are major

signs of undiagnosed reflux in kids, too.

Here are the standard things to do to prevent reflux:

Avoid the rflux " triggers " . these are coffee, alcohol, chocolate.


foods, mint, greasy foods (ie all fried stuff). Coffee, especially,

is a major gastric irritant and should be avoided in all Bandsters,

imo, but especially when you are probne to reflux. Sorry, but it

sounds as if your chili is too spicy, and possibly too greasy.

Stop smoking, avoid tight clothes areound the waist. do not eat

solids within 2-3 hrs of bedtime. No meds closer than one hour before

bedtime. ONE hour before bedtime (or laying flat), drink a full glass

of water only to runse the pouch out.

Raise the head of your bed 5-6 inches on blocks. Simply adding more

pillows is not the same, and can actually increase the reflux.

If the reflux is only occasional, and therse things don't help, you

may need to start an otc or RX acid preventer. OTC prilosec is RX-

strength. and works well. RX's like protonix and nexium are also

good. All are expensive. Tums are not recommended, as they are not

proton-pump inhibitors and do not help the reason for the reflux,

they only cover it up.

There are no foods that will cure or help the reflux. It's a myth that

milk makes a difference. Just avoid the above foods, take the

medication, and give it some time. .

Hope this helps.

Any new, major reflux not associated with a fill must always be

chefcked out, as it can be a sign of slippage. But most is food or

behavior-related and will be stopped by these above methods.

Sandy R


> Hi all,

> Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my stomach.


> can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a few

> times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when I


> too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at about 8


> laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could feel


> just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little faster?

> Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs before

> bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is empty

> during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles it


> and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking thing


> night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take


> for now?


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I do the same and when I went to the doctor - he took some of the saline out =,

well most of it to give my stomache/esophagus a rest. He said I was eating too

close to bedtime and too much and too fast. I can not eat for abt 3 to 4 hrs

or else I will throw up when I lay down. Also, to drink nothing but liquids

for the remaining day. I think it gives our stomach a chance to rest from the


When I went back he did not fill it as much as it was. I can eat and not

hurt when I go to bed. But also I can not eat anything hot or else I pay for it

and I use to be able to eat hot peppers and not make a face at all but now, can

not. So you might want to watch your spices.

And are you eating or rather snacking all day? If I do not snack every couple

of hours, it hurts when I do eat. I think we have to find what works for

ourself and eating all day - small things and not fattening works well for me.

If I do not eat all day, then eat when I get home, I barf. I hope this sort of

helps you.


mom1960cq <mom1960cq@...> wrote: Hi all,

Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my stomach. I

can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a few

times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when I eat

too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at about 8 and

laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could feel it

just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little faster?

Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs before

bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is empty

during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles it down

and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking thing at

night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take antacids

for now?

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I have been eating my turkey/chicken chili for months now and have

not had a problem until recently, so it kind of surprised me. I do

think I overdid the chili powder this time though. I made sure to

not eat 2-3 hrs before bed tonight and drink my water. Feeling much

better. Can it still damage my ears, nose, and teeth if it is not

splashing up into my throat? I haven't had that happen yet. I do

remember having very bad reflux with my pregnancies and woke up

choking a few times. Very scary. I thought that the band actually

helped with reflux, so I'm wondering why its starting up now. Maybe

I'm just really bad at not going to bed with an empty pouch. Thanks

again for all your help.

> >

> > Hi all,

> > Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my


> I

> > can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a


> > times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when I

> eat

> > too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at about


> and

> > laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could


> it

> > just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little


> > Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs


> > bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is


> > during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles


> down

> > and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking


> at

> > night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take

> antacids

> > for now?

> >


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Having an unfill is what I'm afraid of so I better start getting on

the ball. I've been losing so slowly that I think and unfill would

really mess me up. The too much and too fast is still an issue for

me. I actually have to remind myself...small bites and slow. The

snacking seems to help with the reflux. When my stomach is empty

the burning starts. I do need to pay more attention to what is

triggering the burning, but lately the emptiness is hurting. I do

try to stick with low cal snacks but it always seems to make my

calories add up too quickly. Definitely laying off the spices now.

Thanks for your help


Hi all,

> Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my stomach.


> can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a few

> times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when I


> too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at about 8


> laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could feel


> just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little


> Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs before

> bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is


> during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles it


> and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking

thing at

> night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take


> for now?










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REflux can be a bit confusing, becuase there are 2 kinds with banding

and obesity.

Many obese people have reflux before banding, becuase of a hiatal

hernia, which is common in the obese. This hernia is repaired along

with the band surgery (since it is exactly where the band must go)

and more than 76% are completely cured of this type of reflux, and

the other 14% see a grat reduction.

Another type of reflux occurs AFTER banding, and it is usually

becyuase of a too-tight fill that causes the same type of back-

pressure in the esophagus. The valve at the top of the stomach in the

obese doesn't work well, and the added pressure of banding with a

tight fill starts many cases of reflux. This is another thing, and

while it is the same typr of reflux, the cause is different.

The teatment is - first - an unfill if that is what started it - and

then, the same behavioral and eating changes as used with the normal

kind of non-band-related reflux.

Having anytghing in the pouch at bedtime is the usual culprit. I bet

it stops completely if you can stop this. it was VERY hard for me

too,as I was used to eating right up until bedtime. But the risk of

aspiration pneumonia is very real. I had it, and I can tell you that

it is terrible and it took me a full month of feeling miserable to

recover. Sandy R

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > > Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my

> stomach.

> > I

> > > can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a

> few

> > > times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when


> > eat

> > > too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at


> 8

> > and

> > > laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could

> feel

> > it

> > > just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little

> faster?

> > > Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs

> before

> > > bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is

> empty

> > > during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles

> it

> > down

> > > and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking

> thing

> > at

> > > night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take

> > antacids

> > > for now?

> > >

> >


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Carol, since you're one of the people that have had reflux before

banding, and now after it too, you might be one of the people that

needs a daily acid-supressor. Try the behavioral and eating things we

talked about before, and if that doesn't help, please talk with your

family (or band) doctor about a daily med. SandybR

Hi all,

> > Latley been having a burning sensation higher up than my


> I

> > can tell that my esophagus is irritated. This has happened a few

> > times even before my last fill. It is especially painful when I

> eat

> > too close to bedtime. I had my famous chili last night at about


> and

> > laid down by 10:00. Usually turn in around midnight. Could feel

> it

> > just laying there all night. Why doesn't it move a little

> faster?

> > Anyyway, I know that we are supposed to stop eating 2-3 hrs


> > bed, but lately I've been having this pain when my stomach is

> empty

> > during the day. It almost seems like eating something settles it

> down

> > and then it starts up again. I don't have the reflux/choking

> thing at

> > night, but am afraid of what can develop. Should I just take

> antacids

> > for now?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Monday, May 8, 2006, 9:39:43 PM, you wrote:

> I have been eating my turkey/chicken chili for months now and have

> not had a problem until recently, so it kind of surprised me. I do

> think I overdid the chili powder this time though.

I used to be able to eat the hottest green chili in New Mexico. But

as I aged I couldn't eat as much spicy stuff. And even less since

being banded. After all, the stomach has some continuing trauma from

the band. Think of it this way....the stoma is not a nice smooth

surface like a pipe. If you take a sock, for example, and scrunch it

up like the band does your stomach, what is the inside of the " tube "

of sock like? All wrinkled. Plenty of places for things to catch and

irritate. The stomach doesn't become magically smooth in the stoma


> I made sure to

> not eat 2-3 hrs before bed tonight and drink my water. Feeling much

> better. Can it still damage my ears, nose, and teeth if it is not

> splashing up into my throat? I haven't had that happen yet. I do

> remember having very bad reflux with my pregnancies and woke up

> choking a few times. Very scary. I thought that the band actually

> helped with reflux, so I'm wondering why its starting up now. Maybe

> I'm just really bad at not going to bed with an empty pouch. Thanks

> again for all your help.

I've never had much of any issue with reflux, before or after banding.

But from what I've heard banding helps reduce reflux in some, and

increase it in others. The way I see it you're not as likely to get

the nasty acid back up, but more likely to get stuff in the pouch back




Dan Lester, Boise, ID honu@... www.mylapband.tk

Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana, 4/28/03

323/209/199 Age 63 The road goes on forever.....

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  • 2 years later...

I don't think I've had that. My last fusion was in 1993 and the technology

has changed much since then. I have had a boa constrictor type of pain from

my mid back around my rib cage to my sternum. It doesn't seem to be

triggered by anything specifically. I go to the ER, get serious drugs, and

it usually goes away after a few days in bed. I don't like to give advise

about surgeries, but I would get a second at a teaching hospital no matter

what. Joy


Joy Sorensen

" When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power the World Will Know

Peace " --Jimi Hendrix

" A government which robs to pay can always depend on the support

of . " -- Bernard Shaw

" Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity,

and hardihood--the virtues that made America. The things that will destroy

America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first

instead of duty-first, the love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory

of life. " --Theodore Roosevelt

The words in this email are mine and mine alone and in no way represent the

thoughts, ideas, or beliefs of the recipeints. Any material forwarded from

other sources is intended for informational purposes only and may or may not

relfect my personal views. Joy Sorensen

From: spinal problems

[mailto:spinal problems ] On Behalf Of robnjoy2628

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 12:28 AM

spinal problems

Subject: new question

Hi JOY williams here. My question is has anyone

ever had trans thoracic approach discectomy and fusion It is a a T5-

T6 hpn that is a large central lateral severely compressing the spinal

cord. It has caused boa constrictor pain for months no one believed

me then later complete weekness not able to walk ect... and

today very little change except I worked very hard and am able to walk

with a cane and pain. Numbness is still present but not as bad as two

years ago. I am debating doing the surgery

this is the fith try writing

this. I get to windy and tell my tale of woe I wrote it once

somewhere on some groups intro..poor people. bye for now JOY

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I have had 3 scoliosis surgeries in the last 10 years. The last one was a

total revision surgery, anterior/posterior, back in 2000 by Dr. Boachie.

For the most part I consider myself pretty lucky. Except for the typical

aches and pains, I've been able to have a fairly normal life. No pain

medicine, working full time, etc. A few times had to go to PT for muscle

tightness, etc. However, now back in August I suddenly developed a sharp pain

across my right shoulder blade when reaching for something. It almost felt

like the muscle got caught on the bone. Kept getting worst and then finally

went back to PT in November/December. Went back to Dr. Boachie in January

to make sure no hardware problems and he said everything was good and to

continue with PT. He said the muscles are at its max of overcompensation -

this is the side I had the hump and where my ribs were cut for the revision


Called him again in March because I can't take the pain anymore. He sent

me to a shoulder girdle specialist. He x-rayed me again (by now I should

be glowing in the dark) and he said I have a lot of scar tissue in ribs 3,4,

5 & 6 and he will try everything he can to relieve the pain with surgery

being the last resort.

My question is, has anyone out there had this problem and if so, what did

you do for it. I go back to him next week. He prescribed an

anti-inflammatory patch and it did nothing. Now I think he may suggest


With each day it gets worst and worst. Now I do almost everything with my

left hand. I am right handed so it makes things a little difficult.


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  • 10 months later...

Hi guys

The question is:

Which is likely to turn malignant?


Submucous Fibrosis

Wegner's granulomatosis

Sincerely Lyudmyla

From: deepika broca <deepika_broca@...>Subject: new Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55

warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %

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submucous fibrosis is a premalignant lesion which has the potential to become malignant.

From: Lyudmyla Huhley <huhley2006@...> Sent: Thu, 25 February, 2010 5:22:45 PMSubject: Re: new question

Hi guys

The question is:

Which is likely to turn malignant?


Submucous Fibrosis

Wegner's granulomatosis

Sincerely Lyudmyla

From: deepika broca <deepika_broca>Subject: newDate: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55

warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %

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Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.

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Hi there,

OSMF is a premalignant condition or lesion

From: deepika broca <deepika_broca>Subject: newDate: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55

warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %

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Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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osmf is a premalignant condition.



> From: deepika broca <deepika_broca>

> Subject: new


> Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55







> warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with

incidence of 5-14 %



> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.




> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.








> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!



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What does osmf stand for guys?


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device



> Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55







> warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with

incidence of 5-14 %



> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.




> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.








> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!




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its oral submucous fibrosis

From: "a_hawas@..." <a_hawas@...> Sent: Fri, 26 February, 2010 9:32:49 PMSubject: Re: new questionWhat does osmf stand for guys?ASent from my BlackBerry® wireless device new> > Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55> > > Â > > > > warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %> > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!. >

> > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!. > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! http://downloads./in/internetexplorer/ >------------------------------------

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What does osmf stand for guys?


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device



> Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55







> warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of parotid gland with

incidence of 5-14 %



> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.




> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.








> Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!




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SMF is an insidious chronic disease characterized by vesicle formation in the

oral cavity,it is always accomapanied by juxta-epithelial inflammatory process

that leads to fibro elastic changes in the lamina propria causing

trismus,epithelial atrophy and inability to eat.

> From: a_hawas@... <a_hawas@...>

> Subject: Re: new question


> Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 3:02 AM

> What does osmf stand for guys?

> A

> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


> new

> >

> > Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of

> parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %

> >

> >

> > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8.

> Get it NOW!.

> >

> >

> >

> > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8.

> Get it NOW!.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >       Your Mail works best

> with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!


> >





> ------------------------------------



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Oral submucous fibrosis> From: a_hawas (DOT) com <a_hawas (DOT) com>> Subject: Re: new question> > Date: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 3:02 AM> What does osmf stand for guys?> A> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device> > new> > > > Date: Thursday, 25 February, 2010, 16:55> > > > > > Â > > > > > > > > warthin's tumor is the most common bilateral tomor of> parotid gland with incidence of 5-14 %> > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8.> Get it NOW!. > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8.> Get it NOW!. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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