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Re: touch problem: good question needs good answer

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l believe your kid is showing sensorial issues caused by central nervous system

problems, l can`t say if your kid is mercury toxic (is he vaccinated?  how did

his developmental problem started and at what age? can you say if it was

exacerbated after he received immunizations? or if he has some other biological

or physiological complications that contribute to the PDD-diagnose?.... BUT,

let`s assume your kid is like most of our kids, vaccine damaged, so he has high

levels of heavy metals that are damaging his nervous system and brain and

producing all this disfunctions, so  l suggest you read the book " Amalgam

illness " from Cutler, it might  appear from the title that it has no

relation to your kid`s problem, but the method followed by this group is

explained in this book step by step, this same method developed by Mr Cutler is

what so many parents  are using to bring their children little by little back

to health and regular development. 

meanwhile, l would suggest:

1. , if you have not yet, that you start your kid on a  special diet

restricted in sugars, carbohidrates and processed foods, you can read more about

it at www.taca.org (go to the label: gfcf diet) or go to www.thriive.com look

for nutritional intervention.


2. About a prompt solution to your kid`s sensory needs, l can say, if he repeats

the same things, movements, etc over and over and over, he is displaying a

pattern of obsession, this is related to inflammation of the brain,  viruses

or   strephtococcus.  Where do you live? perhaps someone on this list can

give you some information about an MD who really understands how to treat this

infection, (if it is cocci, then it is called PANDAS = pediatric abnormalities

in neurological development associated to strep) without harming the child any

further.  once your child is doing a little better, and you have read the book

l mention above, you will want to start treating your kid with this method,

called Andy Cutler chelation.


3. implement a sensory diet at home:  observe what kind of sensations he is

looking for (hard surfaces, furry surfaces, cold, warm, raw, what is it??) and

give him this particular and other different input several times a day in an

orderly form.  l suggest you read the book " The out of sync child " by Carol

Stock Kranowitz, so you can understand better how to understand your child`s

sensory needs and implement a sensory diet while you can start healing him. 

Perhaps this will help him come down a little bit so you can at least implement

some therapies and work a little with him. 


hope this information helps you in some way.




--- El mar 30-mar-10, Arman Andisheh <andisheh_arm@...> escribió:

De:: Arman Andisheh <andisheh_arm@...>

Asunto: [ ] touch problem: good question needs good answer


Fecha: martes, 30 de marzo de 2010, 22:58


i have a 4 year son and he is PDD. we are using ABAtherapy to rehabilitation

but during this 4 resent monthes he likes to touch every thing specially

plastic things and edge of them with his hand and finger.when i take him out

of house he lies down on sidewalk and touches asphalt , in park he touches lawn

and green grass.

also in house he likes to beat cards of fruits and animals to his lips and

around it.

therefore we cant have any rehabilitation programs.

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thank you isa

we vaccinated him completely and when he was1 year old he was ok and began to

speak about 50 words i was in arabian country because of my business after 6

months we stated to fed him by simple food but he had  2 or 3 times

hard vomit but doctors there didnt recogenized his illness i decided to come

back to my country  and here by  occut blood test they recognized  that

he has hard reflection and they cut milk and every thing which is produced

by milk and he was cured.

he didnt crawl and at age year and 7 months he walked . from year and 4 monthes

 little by little left speaking.  

when he was  2 years old we understood that he didnt have eye contact and any

notation to his name when we called him . The child psychiatry told us probably

he is in PDD group.

he had very bad sleeping and  brain - nerve specialist  based on discharged

that was shown on ancephalograph, prscribed him Sudiom Valprate Empline and his

sleeping became a little better but in age 4 it became completely good.

when the child psychiatry told us probably he is in PDD group we started to

 ABAtherapy to rehabilitation. for six months it was good progress now his eye

contact is good and his imitative speaking has come back but during this 5 or

6 resent monthes he likes to touch every thing specially  his cards by this

action he looses his notation to rehabilitation action.

any advice?


From: Aleida Isabel Guzman <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] touch problem: good question needs good answer

Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 6:11 AM



l believe your kid is showing sensorial issues caused by central nervous system

problems, l can`t say if your kid is mercury toxic (is he vaccinated?  how did

his developmental problem started and at what age? can you say if it was

exacerbated after he received immunizations? or if he has some other biological

or physiological complications that contribute to the PDD-diagnose? .... BUT,

let`s assume your kid is like most of our kids, vaccine damaged, so he has high

levels of heavy metals that are damaging his nervous system and brain and

producing all this disfunctions, so  l suggest you read the book " Amalgam

illness " from Cutler, it might  appear from the title that it has no

relation to your kid`s problem, but the method followed by this group is

explained in this book step by step, this same method developed by Mr Cutler is

what so many parents  are using to bring their children little by little back

to health and regular development. 

meanwhile, l would suggest:

1. , if you have not yet, that you start your kid on a  special diet

restricted in sugars, carbohidrates and processed foods, you can read more about

it at www.taca.org (go to the label: gfcf diet) or go to www.thriive. com look

for nutritional intervention.


2. About a prompt solution to your kid`s sensory needs, l can say, if he repeats

the same things, movements, etc over and over and over, he is displaying a

pattern of obsession, this is related to inflammation of the brain,  viruses

or   strephtococcus.  Where do you live? perhaps someone on this list can

give you some information about an MD who really understands how to treat this

infection, (if it is cocci, then it is called PANDAS = pediatric abnormalities

in neurological development associated to strep) without harming the child any

further.  once your child is doing a little better, and you have read the book

l mention above, you will want to start treating your kid with this method,

called Andy Cutler chelation.


3. implement a sensory diet at home:  observe what kind of sensations he is

looking for (hard surfaces, furry surfaces, cold, warm, raw, what is it??) and

give him this particular and other different input several times a day in an

orderly form.  l suggest you read the book " The out of sync child " by Carol

Stock Kranowitz, so you can understand better how to understand your child`s

sensory needs and implement a sensory diet while you can start healing him. 

Perhaps this will help him come down a little bit so you can at least implement

some therapies and work a little with him. 


hope this information helps you in some way.




--- El mar 30-mar-10, Arman Andisheh <andisheh_arm> escribió:

De:: Arman Andisheh <andisheh_arm>

Asunto: [ ] touch problem: good question needs good answer


Fecha: martes, 30 de marzo de 2010, 22:58


i have a 4 year son and he is PDD. we are using ABAtherapy to rehabilitation

but during this 4 resent monthes he likes to touch every thing specially

plastic things and edge of them with his hand and finger.when i take him out

of house he lies down on sidewalk and touches asphalt , in park he touches lawn

and green grass.

also in house he likes to beat cards of fruits and animals to his lips and

around it.

therefore we cant have any rehabilitation programs.

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