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Milk thistle and dandelion are both safe for nursing moms .My newsletter

#4 talks all about this. I decided to do dandelion because I don't think

it's quite as " potent " as milk thistle, so because the baby didn't need

as deep of cleansing as I did, I decided to go a little more gentle.

(I'll do milk thistle when I'm done nursing) But the dandelion is good

for babe too. Remember, even babies get toxins built up and filtered

through their liver just from the air we breathe! Why not get a head

start and keep their liver clean now - easier to get it in them now then

trying to get a three year old to take it, because it's a bitter herb.

It also is high in iron, which is also a plus for nursing. I take it in

capsule form from a good quality company, like Nature's Herbs. Don't

have any of my books to let you know what Blessed Thistle is for. Get

the book " Prescription for Nutritional Healing " - it's a must! Excellent

for questions on herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

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hello i just thought i'd let you know that blessed thistle will build a nursing

mothers milk supply. -


On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 20:23:04 DeMaio wrote:



>Milk thistle and dandelion are both safe for nursing moms .My newsletter

>#4 talks all about this. I decided to do dandelion because I don't think

>it's quite as " potent " as milk thistle, so because the baby didn't need

>as deep of cleansing as I did, I decided to go a little more gentle.

>(I'll do milk thistle when I'm done nursing) But the dandelion is good

>for babe too. Remember, even babies get toxins built up and filtered

>through their liver just from the air we breathe! Why not get a head

>start and keep their liver clean now - easier to get it in them now then

>trying to get a three year old to take it, because it's a bitter herb.

>It also is high in iron, which is also a plus for nursing. I take it in

>capsule form from a good quality company, like Nature's Herbs. Don't

>have any of my books to let you know what Blessed Thistle is for. Get

>the book " Prescription for Nutritional Healing " - it's a must! Excellent

>for questions on herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.






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i forgot to mention that lemon and olive oil together are a wonderful, gentle

liver cleanse. 1 tablespoon olive oil to 1/4 of a lemon's juice. do this in

the morning on an empty stomach and wait 1/2 to eat. I would do this for at

least 1 week. - stacy


On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 20:23:04 DeMaio wrote:



>Milk thistle and dandelion are both safe for nursing moms .My newsletter

>#4 talks all about this. I decided to do dandelion because I don't think

>it's quite as " potent " as milk thistle, so because the baby didn't need

>as deep of cleansing as I did, I decided to go a little more gentle.

>(I'll do milk thistle when I'm done nursing) But the dandelion is good

>for babe too. Remember, even babies get toxins built up and filtered

>through their liver just from the air we breathe! Why not get a head

>start and keep their liver clean now - easier to get it in them now then

>trying to get a three year old to take it, because it's a bitter herb.

>It also is high in iron, which is also a plus for nursing. I take it in

>capsule form from a good quality company, like Nature's Herbs. Don't

>have any of my books to let you know what Blessed Thistle is for. Get

>the book " Prescription for Nutritional Healing " - it's a must! Excellent

>for questions on herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.






Visit http://www.ivillage.com for your FREE iVillage.com email account.

iVillage.com: The #1 Women's Network -- Real Solutions for Real Women.

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  • 1 year later...

...don't know about the dandelion. Just read about it in someone

elses's post. I was going to ask my doctor about it. anyone else know what

it's for?


Re: [ ] Beth

> Beth - can you please tell me what the dandelion is suppose to do?


> Hug's,





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  • 2 weeks later...

<<Hi Juni,

Dandelion is good for your liver and it's on the O " HB " list.>>

Roasted dandelion root tea is yummy! It's often used as a coffee

substitute. I like to mix it in with Teeccino (another coffee substitute)

as I find blending the two gives the most coffee-like flavor.

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To benefit the liver it is better to use just the plain dandelion root and

steep for 10 mins then drink by itself.

>From: " Waldman, Dianne " <dwaldman@...>


> " 'egroups' " <egroups>

>Subject: RE: Dandelion

>Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 15:47:19 -0800


><<Hi Juni,

> Dandelion is good for your liver and it's on the O " HB " list.>>


>Roasted dandelion root tea is yummy! It's often used as a coffee

>substitute. I like to mix it in with Teeccino (another coffee substitute)

>as I find blending the two gives the most coffee-like flavor.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Moon: Thanks for the dandilion directions. I forwarded that message to our

friend who takes the tablets religiously. Tree (Re Woodstock--we were

among the fools who actually sent away for tickets. Got about 2 hs away on

the NJ turnpike, which was a like a parking lot. We turned around and went

home. Still have the tickets though!)

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  • 10 months later...


You know - I've done so much research with

alternatives for hepatitis C - and I'm amazed that

I've never read about Dandlion having a high iron

content so I really do question this. I did write

the woman that started the subject and didn't get a

reply. I poked my nose into a bunch of my text books

and didn't come up with it either? I do know that

some herbs ie: yellow dock that is used for the liver

do have a natural high iron content and I've avoided

it. I will NOT be dropping dandelion out've my

protocol until I can see that its high in iron in

print. As dandelion truly helps with digestion which

takes the stress off a challenged liver.

Now, what has been suggested to me and that I take

every day no matter what is something called COLOSTRUM

Colostrum is a naturl immune stimulant - it stimulates

our TCells that go after the HCV virus. And the

fresher the colostrum is - the quicker its collected

the higher an ingredient called Lactopherin is in it.

Lactopherin is a naturl 'iron binding protein.' Why

is this so important/good for hepC - well it works

like a magnet in our liver - attracting iron and

pulling it out've our liver and back into the

bloodstream where its needed. We do need iron,

especially women - just not building up in our liver.

Just a suggestion.

Feel free to email me anytime if you have questions.

Have a great week everyone!



I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year;

" Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. " And he replied, " Go

out into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to

you better than a light and safer than a known way. "


My RBC Website Address is: http://www.royal-health.com/473


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Hi Teri here I was talking to my Be In Charge nurse and she said Dandlion is very high in iron and that almost all dark green vegs. are high in iron and they shouldn't be eaten or taken in supplements if you have Hep C

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  • 8 years later...

Dear listmates,

In the Andy's book, I read that both Chlorella and Dandelion are toxic for

mercury poisoned person. I understand the reason of toxicity of Chlorella, but

do not know why Dandelion is toxic? I heard a recomendation once to take

Dandelion Root

http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Dandelion-Root-500-mg-100-Capsules/545?at=0 for

the liver support. Is it not safe? Why?

Thanks in advance!

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Here his answer on dandelion:


Though it really depends. It was very helpful to my son, at the time he could

not tolerate milk thistle. I guess his Liver Phase II was too slow then and

accelerating Phase I did no good to him.



> has anyone on the list tried Dandelion rather than Milk Thistle? The

> theory is that Milk Thistle will protect your liver/kidneys, but

> dandelion will both protect and keep them cleaned of toxins. I tried

> Dandelion leaf on Saturday and ...major regression (just crying,

> difficult to transition, didn't want to participate) It eased a bit

> by the afternoon but was still noticable....by the time we went to

> bed on Sunday night, I noticed a couple of significant gains, which

> put her ahead of where she was prior to trying one dose...would the

> Dandelion do that?


> Thanks -


> Plus, I really want to hear what you all learned this weekend...

> Enquiring minds want to know! :-)


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Thanks, Galina!


From: nikitasmom33 <nikitasmom33@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Dandelion

Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 9:57 AM


Here his answer on dandelion:


Though it really depends. It was very helpful to my son, at the time he could

not tolerate milk thistle. I guess his Liver Phase II was too slow then and

accelerating Phase I did no good to him.



> has anyone on the list tried Dandelion rather than Milk Thistle? The

> theory is that Milk Thistle will protect your liver/kidneys, but

> dandelion will both protect and keep them cleaned of toxins. I tried

> Dandelion leaf on Saturday and ...major regression (just crying,

> difficult to transition, didn't want to participate) It eased a bit

> by the afternoon but was still noticable....by the time we went to

> bed on Sunday night, I noticed a couple of significant gains, which

> put her ahead of where she was prior to trying one dose...would the

> Dandelion do that?


> Thanks -


> Plus, I really want to hear what you all learned this weekend...

> Enquiring minds want to know! :-)


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