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Older kids still making gains / chelation responder (ANDY)

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Yes, this is the kind of info I need. Put it on the A-M list, send me the post

number, and I'll respond there eventually. I've asked a few questions you can

answer in your list post.

There is no doubt my son responded favorably to chelation, but after that stall

(also considering my son is 11) it's so hard to tell. Btw during that time we

took a chelation break and introduced a few antiviral protocols to see if he was

a responder. Mostly rule out any viral component that may been underneath. He

did not respond to antiviral positive or negatively during the trials.

I wrote Andy way back when around the #90-100 chelation round mark asking about

the stall in how long it lasts. . He said something to the effect. That it's

hard to tell, what you may have seen in 1-2 rounds early may take 5-10, to see

things. Totally understood and went back to business as usual. I know gains may

be subtle and we have to look at the whole picture. But in all honesty that was

over #50 rounds ago Not sure we are still responding today??? . There is no

doubt my kid is/ was a chelation responder from the beginning, but im not sure

today we are still making gains.

Q. Describe in detail what his residual symptoms are, what symptoms improved

with chelation, and whether what he has includes symptoms that did not change

with chelation.

O boy not easy to do this way but I try. When we first started EVEYTHING

improved. More On task with every round he did. Better on Round then off etc.

In the beginning picture perfect as understood with proper chelation That is

when he came out of his world he was trapped in. Today .He is bright smart,

funny boy. Great kid but He would still be considered autistic. No more stimms

still scripts a little but mostly for fun and entertainment. Prompting is needed

allot to get him moving. Mostly doing what he wants to do even when he knows the

consequences. He is a Pia and decides to get in trouble doing something he may

have read or comes up with curious Gorge adventures often.

Again we hit all our major miles stones when we first started to chelate, Speech

potty training, imaginary play, reasoning etc then not much of any besides

mostly learned academics/ skills (bike ride / tie shoes) Then around 8- years

old he started to reference us naturally.( it was at that time I knew he knew

right from wrong) and was getting it . If you look back he has maid subtle

gains and come a long way. He knows how to talk share and express his feelings.

However if he has a choice he would stay in funland and video land instead of

join us in the real world.

Q Also discuss what diet, sups, etc. he's on, his school and care situation,


Diet is pretty much GFCF die free /preservative free diet. Lots of good whole

foods, mostly natural all home cooked. However not much veggies other then in

soups and blended dishes.

A multi vit regimen, including complex minerals, PS PC All your anti oxidants

Vit D Pro Omega, pro B's

School is a pretty solid Autistic Vb program; home is the best we can do to

support him, lots of love affection, praise. Mostly he has only family and

sibling relationships. Other than that he enjoys, music books and videos.

Q also if any doctors have said anything about what he has other than " autism, "

tell us what the diagnoses were.

No other labels or diagnosis was given Originally met the criteria to Autism,

including hypersensitivity, stimms scripts OCD's non-verbal.

Today he is chatterbox, troublemaker, and loves life but still stuck in the wold

of Autism.

Q Did you try cranial sacral therapy, vision therapy, etc.

No Docs nor therapies other than school, OT stuff. Did chiropractic adjustments

for some time w/ no help either way .

Andy we have been with your program for well over 5 years with no outside help .

We are trying to do just that

I would just like to hear a further comment based on our past results progress,

and what we have done ,what else we should be doing ? thanks you for writing ,

please if you have a moment could you make a further comment other than possible

,Probably, be patient just keep going . We have been hopeful and holding on this

a long time, but right now not sure what else we should be doing ?. What should

we be looking for as we continue to chelate with no noticeable changes? Any

comments to figure out what else may be helpful

thank you so much

God bless

Kenny V

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