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Free Autism Workshops - Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, Dr. Mark Geier, Tocco...

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The Hope For Autism Conference is specially designed to accomplish three goals:


But we can only accomplish our goals with the involvement of healthcare

providers and dedicated parents. The future generation of American children

depends on us to continue with our mission and change the current, accelerating

growth of autism. If you are a healthcare provider, there has never been a

greater need in pediatrics than for qualified practitioners to help the abundant

number of children suffering on the autism spectrum.

If you are the parent of a child with autism, we exist to offer HOPE and show

you how recovery is possible!

We Offer Two Exciting Programs -

Chiropractors and Health Care Professionals will experience a three day, intense

educational program including BioNutritional Care, Neurological Therapies,

BioMedical Interventions and Integrative Medicine not offered by any other

Autism-Focused Conference...

Parents and Caregivers can attend one or two days of invaluable information

equipping them with the most powerful tool - Knowledge!

Understand the benefits of Nutrition, Supplements, Hyperbarics, Neurological

Therapies, Enzymes and other interventions. Meet with representatives in our

exhibit hall to learn even more...

Conference Details

Incredible FREE Workshops Open to Everyone

Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

" Out of 30,000, ZERO are autistic who have not been vaccinated "


" Vaccines, Autism and Illness: Indisputable Evidence of Injury "

Dr. Mark Geier and Geier

" Environmental Causes of Autism and the Government Cover-Up "

Lori Knowles

" Autism: A Mother's Success Story "

Conference Location: The Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel

4736 Best Rd., College Park, GA 30337

Hope For Autism is pleased to offer a special discounted room rate of only $94

per night at the Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel for those attending the Hope For

Autism Spring 2010 Conference.

Simply call Hope For Autism at 1-866-208-0207 to reserve your room.

For more Information and to Register, visit www.hopeforautism.us or call


A special thank you to our generous sponsors, Great Plains Laboratory and


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