Guest guest Posted March 29, 2010 Report Share Posted March 29, 2010 From: Autism Action Network (A-CHAMP) <jgilmore@...> Subject: Stop nomination of autism treatments opponent to Federal Council Stop nomination of autism treatments and cure opponent to Federal Council Call your Senator today to Stop the Ne'eman Nomination Take Action! We don't need opponents of autism treatment and a possible cure Foe of finding autism cure nominated for National Disability Council Ari Ne'eman, a vocal critic of the need to find the causes and potential cures for autism has been nominated by President Obama to an influential post on the National Council on Disability. Ne'eman's nomination was approved last month in committee and must now go to a vote of the entire Senate. Fortunately, it was announced on Saturday that an unnamed Senator or Senators had placed a " hold " on his confirmation. But this may just be a temporary situation and Autism Action Network is extremely concerned that Ne'eman could have any role in forming federal autism policy or research goals, and we need you to get active to oppose his nomination. Ne'eman is an articulate spokesperson for the many services people on the spectrum, especially high-functioning people like himself, need to function better in the world. We agree with many of those goals. Mr. Ne'eman, however, disqualifies himself from being a candidate for the National Council on Disability by his repeated attacks on the need to find the causes, treatment and possible cures for autism. He doesn't just advocate for a bigger pie that includes additional resources for the issues important to him, he wants to divert the relatively paltry sums that are currently spent on the causes, treatments and cures into other needs he finds more pressing. And that is unacceptable. Ne'eman is an extremely high-functioning person who first received a diagnosis of Asperger's at age 12. He is a college student planning on attending graduate school and has applied for a Scholarship. You can see many clips of him on Youtube. We wrote to Ne'eman in January asking for clarification of his views but he declined to comment. And we see no possible way that Ne'eman's participation on the National Council on Disability is the interest of our children and the vast majority of people with autism. Here are a few of his quotes: June 10, 2008 on Good Morning America, Neeman said, " We do not think to aim for a cure is the right approach to take. " December 10, 2009 interview with the CBC, " Autism is currently viewed as a disease of the medical model---Something to be cured or eliminated. That doesn't reflect how we view ourselves, that doesn't reflect our realities. " In his essay Equality Demands Responsibility, 2006, Ne'eman wrote, " But if we are to demand equal legitimacy, if we are to assert that a 'cure' is not only unnecessary and undesirable but morally reprehensible, then we must accept for ourselves equal responsibilities. " We do not believe that anyone who believes curing someone of autism is a " morally reprehensible " act can or should represent the interests of our children. Here is what you can do: CALL YOUR TWO SENATORS TODAY! Call the Washington offices of your two Senators and ask to speak to the staffer who is responsible for approving nominations to federal councils (phone numbers below). Le them know that you want the federal government to make finding the causes and cures of autism a top priority, and that you see no need for someone opposed to those goals, like Ne'eman, to serve on the National Council of Disability. Ask them to reject Ne'eman's nomination. Be polite. Be firm. Click on the Take Action link above and send an email to both your Senators and the Whitehouse asking them to oppose the Neeman nomination. Forward this message to your family, friends and coworkers and post it to Facebook, My Space and other networks. Here are the phone numbers of the Senators from every state. Please call yours today. State Last Name First Phone Alabama Sessions Jeff 202 224-4124 Alabama Shelby 202 224-5744 Alaska Begich Mark 202 224-5852 Alaska Murkowski 202 224-6665 Arizona Kyl Jon 202 224-4521 Arizona McCain 202 224-2235 Arkansas Lincoln Blanche 202 224-4843 Arkansas Pryor Mark 202 224-2353 California Boxer Barbara 202 224-3553 California Feinstein Dianne 202 224-3841 Colorado Bennet 202 224-5852 Colorado Udall Mark 202 224-5941 Connecticut Dodd 202 224-283 Connecticut Lieberman ph 202 224-4041 Delaware Carper 202 224-2441 Delaware kaufman 202 224-5042 Florida LeMieux 202 224-3041 Florida Bill 202 224-5274 Georgia Chambliss Saxby 202 224-3521 Georgia Isaakson ny 202 224-3643 Hawaii Akaka 202 224-6361 Hawaii Inouye 202 224-3934 Idaho Crapo Mike 202 224-6142 Idaho Risch 202 224-2752 Illinois Burris Roland 202 224-2854 Illinois Durbin 202 224-2152 Indiana Bayh Evan 202 224-5623 Indiana Lugar 202-224-4814 Iowa Grassley Chuck 202 224-3744 Iowa Harkin Tom 202 224-3254 Kansas Brownback Sam 202 224-6521 Kansas Pat 202 224-4774 Kentucky Bunning Jim 202 224-4343 Kentucky McConnell Mitch 202 224-2541 Louisiana Landrieu 202 224-5824 Louisiana Vitter 202 224-4623 Maine 202 224-2523 Maine Snowe Olympia 202 224-5344 land Cardin 202 224-4524 land Mikulski Barara 202 224- 4654 Massachusetts Brown 202 224-4543 Massachusetts Kerry 202 224-2742 Michigan Levin Carl 202 224-6221 Michigan Stabenow Debbie 202 224-4822 Minnesota en Al 202 224-5641 Minnesota Klobuchar Amy 202 224-3244 Mississippi Cochran Thad 202 224-5054 Mississippi Wicker 202 224-6253 Missouri Bond 202 224-5721 Montana Baucus Max 202 224-2651 Montana McCaskell 202 224-6154 Montana Tester Jon 202 224-2644 Nebraska Johanns Mike 202 224-4224 Nebraska Ben 202 224-6551 Nevada Ensign 202 224-6244 Nevada Reid Harry 202 224-3542 New Hampshire Gregg Judd 202 224-3324 New Hampshire Shaheen Jeanne 202 224-2841 New Jersey Lautenberg 202 224-3224 New Jersey Menendez 202 224-4744 New Mexico Bingaman Jeff 202 224-5521 New Mexico Udall Tom 202 224-6621 New York Gillibrand Kirsten 202 224-4451 New York Schumer 202 224-6542 North Carolina Burr 202 224-3154 North Carolina Hagan Kay 202 224-6342 North Dakota Conrad Kent 202 224-2043 North Dakota Dorgan Byron 202 224-2551 Ohio Brown Sherrod 202 224-2315 Ohio Voinovich 202 224-3353 Oklahoma Coburn Tom 202 224-5754 Oklahoma Inhofe 202 224-4721 Oregon Merkley Jeff 202 224-3753 Oregon Wyden Ron 202 224-5244 Pennsylvania Casey 202 224-6324 Pennsylvania Specter Arlen 202 224-4254 Rhode Island Jack 202 224-4642 Rhode Island Whitehouse Sheldon 202 224-2921 South Carolina DeMint Jim 202 224-6121 South Carolina Graham Lindsey 202 224-5972 South Dakota Tim 202 224-5842 South Dakota Thune 202 224-2321 Tennessee Lamar 202 224-4944 Tennessee Corker Bob 202 224-3344 Texas Conyn 202 224-2934 Texas Hutchinson Kay 202 224-5922 Utah 202 224-5444 Utah Hatch Orrin 202 224-5251 Vermont Leahy 202 224-4242 Vermont Bernie 202 224-5141 Virginia Warner Mark 202 224-2023 Virginia Webb Jim 202 224-4024 Washington Cantwell 202 224-3441 Washington Murray Patty 202 224-2621 West Virginia Byrd 202 224-3954 West Virginia Rockefeller 202 224-6472 Wisconsin Feingold 202 224-5323 Wisconsin Kohl Herbert 202 224-5653 Wyoming Barrasso 202 224-6441 Wyoming Enzi Mike 202 224-3424 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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