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Re: Bump: Help interpreting Hair Elements test for my son appreciated

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It seems everyone is very busy after New Year. So my 2 cents though I am no

expert on this matter.

If we apply counting rules this test meets 2nd rule: " 4 or more in red " . This

means impaired mineral transport and high probability mercury toxicity. At the

same time the Lead level is through the roof - definitely high lead exposure. I

would suggest you first try to find and eliminate the source of lead in your

house. And then chelation per Andy Cutler. With this high lead level I would

probably start with DMSA and added ALA later.

Copper is very high. You might try to add more zinc. But be cautios as these

numbers might not be true with mineral transport all messed up.

His Na/Mg ratio is low, suggesting suffering adrenals, with probably low

adrenalin and cortisol.



> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I just posted my son's first DDI hair test. It's in the files called


> >

> > I would appreciate any and all feedback.

> >

> > Thanks!

> >


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Thanks very much for your response.

He has been on adrenal support for several months now and is able to do more now

than he was this past summer. We did saliva cortisol and level rises up in the

afternoon instead of coming down. We've tried seriphos: with it seems to take

him down TOO low and without it he has difficulty sleeping soundly.

We've just started adding in a higher level of zinc since getting the test back.

We don't think the lead exposure is current. Would exposure from many years ago

look the same on hair elements? We've been in our current house for 8 years and

there isn't any lead paint. We've have had the water and soil checked. Are there

other things I should consider?

Anyone else dealing with very high lead levels?

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > I just posted my son's first DDI hair test. It's in the files called


> > >

> > > I would appreciate any and all feedback.

> > >

> > > Thanks!

> > >

> >


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