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Primal Defense

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Hi ,

I am currently taking primal defense for 3 weeks now. I had a bad healing

reaction for the first week, then the 2nd week flushed out so to speak, and

now have evened out. The info pack suggested it takes at least 3 months for

it to establish itself, so I am staying on the high dose for that amount of

time, without getting to excited that it might not be working. Where did you

buy the other hso's from? where they cheaper? I would try the other ones if

they work better and are more cost effective.

Thank you

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dianne and All,

I have CFS not FM and have taken Primal Defense. It is great! Because

of severe digestive problems, I cannot take supplements but was able to

take Primal Defense for about 2 1/2 months during the summer. That in

itself was incredible, but it was also very helpful with my leaky gut. I

think everyone with CFS/FM who has digestive problems should try it.

Right now I am working on getting my body to the point where it can take

supplements, and that is one of the first things I want to take. There

is some good information abou it at:


Bonnie B

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/02/2000 6:56:35 PM Central Standard Time,

ssukumar@... writes:

<< Hi guys,

Does anyone here take the HSO product Primal Defense? What is the

recommended dosage? One place I saw said to take 3 capsules 3 times

a day at *minimum*. So that's 9 capsules a day? The stuff costs $40

or even more and its only going to last for 2 weeks?? I know how

wonderful people say it is, but that's expensive! Can anyone taking

it or who has taken it give me a recommended dosage so I can make

sure what I read is correct or not correct? I appreciate it greatly.


Sonny >>


I took it for a good while. Think I stated out with 6 a day and worked up

to 15 and maintained that for 6 weeks and then went down to 6. There is

a book that tells all about it and I used that book for dosage. ok ...

found book...says start out with 1 daily...work up to 12, staying with each

increase 3 to 7 days. Then saturate body with 12 daily for 6 months.

Then decrease until you reach maintaince dose of 3 to 6 daily.

If you live near Tyler or Longview Tx, there is a store there that sells them

for about $28 ....Granary St.


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I am not on Primal Defense but on the Natures Biotics(HSO's) and it cost

about the same price. I started with one a day for one week and they say to

move up until I reach 6 a day. Sometimes I forget to take it so I still have

some left. But it is good to take it everyday so that you will not lose the

benefits that are suppose to occur with it repopulating your digestive


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> In a message dated 12/02/2000 6:56:35 PM Central Standard Time,

> ssukumar@u... writes:


> << Hi guys,


> Does anyone here take the HSO product Primal Defense? What is the

> recommended dosage? One place I saw said to take 3 capsules 3


> a day at *minimum*. So that's 9 capsules a day? The stuff costs


> or even more and its only going to last for 2 weeks?? I know how

> wonderful people say it is, but that's expensive! Can anyone


> it or who has taken it give me a recommended dosage so I can make

> sure what I read is correct or not correct? I appreciate it



> Thanks,


> Sonny >>

> ________________

> I took it for a good while. Think I stated out with 6 a day and

worked up

> to 15 and maintained that for 6 weeks and then went down to 6.

There is

> a book that tells all about it and I used that book for dosage.

ok ...

> found book...says start out with 1 daily...work up to 12, staying

with each

> increase 3 to 7 days. Then saturate body with 12 daily for 6


> Then decrease until you reach maintaince dose of 3 to 6 daily.


> If you live near Tyler or Longview Tx, there is a store there that

sells them

> for about $28 ....Granary St.

> Edith

Thanks for the info. I live in Westwood, CA (basically Los

Angeles). If anyone knows of a website where I can obtain it

cheaply, I'd love to know. Thanks. :-)


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  • 5 months later...
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No, I havent used it. I'm still trying to decide which product to use

to help start re-establishing my bowel flora. I think I'm at the

point where everything is dead (hopefully) and now I want to start

heavier with rebalancing. Primal defense and Inner garden flora were

the two I've heard about the most so I was considering them both.


> So Barbara, I checked it out and it obviously has lots of other

stuff beside intestinal flora. The spirulina would be a problem for

me and some of the other stuff, I am not sure about. Generally I

would think that it would be a great product for some people, and

apparently it is. Have you used it? Do you love it? Hate it? Not



> Has anyone else used it? What do you think?


> It really cannot be compared to Inner Garden Flora. They both have

some similar ingredients, but the mass of food ingredients makes it a

totally different product.


> I can see why primal defense would be costly. Lots of goodies in



> Donna

> -----Original Message-----


> Hi Donna,


> Its easier to send you a link to a page about it than to list


> all! So many people are swearing about this product but as you


> see, its very expensive.


> http://www.naturalhealthconsult.com/Monographs/PrimeDefense.html


> Barbara

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 07/19/2001 7:39:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

otaku1@... writes:

> . If anyone has a inexpensive supply of P.D. I would like

> to hear about it (assuming it is helpful for yeast).



The 2 cheapest places I have found it is at Granary St. in Longview Tx

and elmizner@...


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In a message dated 07/26/2001 1:44:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

Christelti@... writes:

> I know the probiotic > Primal Defense< Has been discussed on this site.

> Does anyone have a reasonable priced site?

> Everything I find is $45 and more in the HFS.

> Would appreciate a source if you have one.

> Thanks

> Christel




I bought mine from elmizner@.... Her name is

they were much cheaper than that price. Write and ask her.

She sells a little of everything. She may even have a web-site...not sure.


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Life Extension Foundation members are able to buy it at 32.21/bottle.


Christelti@... wrote:


> I know the probiotic > Primal Defense< Has been discussed on this site.

> Does anyone have a reasonable priced site?

> Everything I find is $45 and more in the HFS.

> Would appreciate a source if you have one.

> Thanks

> Christel



" I swear by my life and by my love of it - that I will never live

for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. "

-- Galt, hero of Atlas Shrugged


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FYI Primal Defense is still on sale for $27 (normally $45) at:


Primal Defense

I know the ProBiotic > Primal Defense< Has been discussed on this site. Does

anyone have a reasonable priced site?

Everything I find is $45 and more in the HFS.

Would appreciate a source if you have one.



Dear Christel and Bowel Cleanse Group:

Greetings. I have the Primal Defense on sale on my web sites for $30.95. To

your health! Dreher



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  • 4 weeks later...


I found that Natures Wonders has an execellent price.

I bought 3 bottle and will begin taking it tomorrow.

If it works well for me I will take advantage of their

bulk price.



I'm new to this list, and am just wondering

where is the best place to get Primal Defense?



--- rabbitbrain@...

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 09/11/2001 6:04:05 PM Central Daylight Time,

vilik@... writes:

> Has anyone reading this used Primal Defense at therapeutic levels

> for the full three months?


> If so, what's your opinion?




I used it and felt great, got rid of aches and pains but the same thing

happened with that that does anything else I take. When I start detoxing,

I develpoe terrible internal and external hemorrhoids so I had to quit.


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/06/2001 11:00:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

heelpin@... writes:


I would appreciate very much if those of you who are trying the Primal

Defense would e-mail me and let me know how it is working.



Hi Tom,

I'm almost though my first bottle of Primal Defense. I had to go slow on it

since it caused severe diarea on me. I'm now up to 2 tablets 2x a day.

Right now I cannot say I feel any different but it did have a reaction so it

must be doing something. I have bought 2 more bottles to use. I'm hoping

for some good news.

Thanks for all your help

Annette C

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HEYYYYY -- some of the rest of us want to know TOOOO!!




--- <heelpin@...> wrote:

> I would appreciate very much if those of you who are

> trying the Primal Defense would e-mail me and let me

> know how it is working.


> Tom



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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What is in Primal Defense? Is that a probiotic

formula? I am familiar with that guy's stuff,

but I am apparently getting those products mixed up in

my head. I thought this was the extracts and herbs




--- Randall Renna <randallrenna@...> wrote:

> Hi Carolyn


> I've tried primal defense 20+bottles. Little

> effect, HOWEVER, I didn't realize that your NOT

> supposed to take any parasite killers or psyllium

> type pdts while using as this prevents Primal Def

> from colonizing!?? I wish I had known before.

> Thats my comment




> HEYYYYY -- some of the rest of us want to know


> :)


> Thanks.


> Carolyn


> --- <heelpin@...> wrote:

> > I would appreciate very much if those of you who

> are

> > trying the Primal Defense would e-mail me and

> let me

> > know how it is working.

> >

> > Tom

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 month later...

, When I was on the Candidiasis list there were many


that had very good results from taking Primal Defense. I tried it


got nothing from it. There was this tiny peak of goodness that I


and I attributed it to being from the grasses in the formula.

So I began

taking a grass/veggie formula and it has made me feel fantastic inside


out. Incredible!

I spent 3 months on the Primal Defense. Three days on the


supplement and felt a difference. This product is supposed to


candida, it didn't mine. I do belive it works on certain

strains. There is

a web sit that I found that sells it very cheap if it works for you, you


then buy it bulk with great savings.


Liz D



My health food store is carrying a probiotic called " Primal Defense "


supposedly has Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO's) in it. The HSOs are

supposed to work from inside the intestines dislodging accumulated decay


the walls and flushing out waste.

Anecdotal stories say that people need less prescription medications


using the HSO's for 90 days because, once the crud is cleaned out, the


is better able to absorb both nutrients and medications.

Has anyone on this list tried Primal Defense and, if so, what did you



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--- Rabbitbrain@... wrote:


> then buy it bulk with great savings.

> Natureswonder.com



I went to this site and it was fetilizer:

" Nature's Wonder - Organic Peat Humic Substance, Root

Stimulant, Fertilizer Enhancer, and more! "

What was the address for the discount products?




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Hi ,


" My health food store is carrying a probiotic called " Primal Defense " that

>supposedly has Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO's) in it. The HSOs are

>supposed to work from inside the intestines dislodging accumulated decay on

>the walls and flushing out waste. "

Thanks for the inf. a natural health doc recommended it to me and he didn't

even mention that!!! He said it was a wonderful probiotic. Now I want to

take it even more!

>Anecdotal stories say that people need less prescription medications after

>using the HSO's for 90 days because, once the crud is cleaned out, the body

>is better able to absorb both nutrients and medications.

Good, now I am looking forward to it even more! My healhfood store sells it

too and I will let you know how it does for me.

" Has anyone on this list tried Primal Defense and, if so, what did you

think? "

I think it is worth a try since the guy who recommended it to me ( the one

who put me on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet) says that he rarely recommends

supplements, but in my case......!!!! So why not, esp if you can find a

good price?!?!

God bless,








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My health food store is carrying a probiotic called " Primal Defense " that

> supposedly has Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSO's) in it.

> ====

Most heathfood stores carry Primal Defense at a steep price. You can get it

cheaper here:


I have used it for the past 2 month, am taking 6 a day now. You really have

to up your water intake because it can constipate you. At the beginning I had

a real hard time, still had to use other means to eliminate. My BM,s were

horrible. Black and foul smelling. Really bad. You know it is stuff you

carried inside for years. Now after 2 month I am able to be without fiber or

laxatives and it works. Does not smell anymore either. I think the stuff is

great but wish it was cheaper.

Good luck


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In a message dated 11/12/2001 9:00:30 AM Central Standard Time,

Christelti@... writes:

> Most heathfood stores carry Primal Defense at a steep price. You can get it

> cheaper here:

> http://www.primaldefense.net/


> I have used it for the past 2 month, am taking 6 a day now. You really have

> to up your water intake because it can constipate you. At the beginning I

> had

> a real hard time, still had to use other means to eliminate. My BM,s were

> horrible. Black and foul smelling. Really bad. You know it is stuff you

> carried inside for years. Now after 2 month I am able to be without fiber

> or

> laxatives and it works. Does not smell anymore either. I think the stuff is

> great but wish it was cheaper.

> Good luck

> Christel



If you all will contect elmizner@... she may give you

a better price. I''ve never met her but have ordered things from her for a


while. Tell her you are paying the 30.95 and see if she will beat it.

Usually if you order multiples, she will. Won't hurt to ask.


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Don't despair, it works for most people. I have been having

problems with getting good results from other products too that

have been raved about. I wouldn't put it down.

A good thing did come out of it and that was the grasses that

they use in it. I felt good. So I now take a product that


grasses and veggie enzymes in it. Wow!

Keep alert to what helps ya!

Liz D



I just ordered several bottles of Primal Defense last night with great


And now I'm reading your posts saying it didn't do much for

you. I feel let

down. Well, I guess time will tell!! Hopefully I will

be posting with joy

about my cleansing experience!!

Good Health to all,


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Hi Cyndi

Did you read through the archives? I haven't used

Primal Defense yet, but there are some people who have

written positive things about it.

I have thought about ordering Primal Defense also, so

I will be interested to hear what your experience is

with it, if you'll share it with us. :)


--- crmenergy@... wrote:


> I just ordered several bottles of Primal Defense

> last night with great hopes.

> And now I'm reading your posts saying it didn't do

> much for you. I feel let

> down. Well, I guess time will tell!! Hopefully I

> will be posting with joy

> about my cleansing experience!!


> Good Health to all,

> Cyndi



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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