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Primal Defense

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Hi Cyndi

Did you read through the archives? I haven't used

Primal Defense yet, but there are some people who have

written positive things about it.

I have thought about ordering Primal Defense also, so

I will be interested to hear what your experience is

with it, if you'll share it with us. :)


--- crmenergy@... wrote:


> I just ordered several bottles of Primal Defense

> last night with great hopes.

> And now I'm reading your posts saying it didn't do

> much for you. I feel let

> down. Well, I guess time will tell!! Hopefully I

> will be posting with joy

> about my cleansing experience!!


> Good Health to all,

> Cyndi



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cindi,

I just bought my first batch of PD today and am very nervous! Maybe that is

good, I don't know, but I want my insides cleaned out and want to get more

of my health back, so I guess I have alot of hope riding on this. Also, my

major damage came from Zithromax (anti-biotic) being prescribed too long and

at too high a dose, so the intestinal villi need to be repaired so badly, it

is not funny. I am getting wonderful results on the Specific Carbohydrate

Diet, but I don't want to have to filter out sugars and starches from my

diet for the rest of my life. So here goes!!

Good luck to you!

God bless,


Primal Defense


> Hi everyone,

> I'm on my second week (I think!!) of PD. I'm taking 12 per day and so far


> have not noticed anything but I know it's still early. I'm taking the

> caplets at 900mg ea. I don't think they are huge and find them easy to

> swallow.


> Wishing you all smooth moves!!

> Cyndi




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--- KJ <PEACEJ@...> wrote:

> I just bought my first batch of PD today and am very

> nervous! Maybe that is

> good, I don't know, but I want my insides cleaned

> out and want to get more

> of my health back, so I guess I have alot of hope

> riding on this.


I wanted to offer a suggestion that you can feel free

to toss if you dont' think it's necessary! :)

I really believe that our mental/emotional outlook has

a lot to do with our physical health and our bodies

can pick up signals from our thoughts/feelings.I was

thinking about your comment about being nervous and

just thought that if you wanted to write about what

the nervousness is about, it might help get that out

of your system, so to speak. :)

It might also help other people who might have similar

thoughts. Just an idea - I won't be offended if you

don't want to talk about it. :)

Good luck with the PD!


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--- KJ <PEACEJ@...> wrote:

> I just bought my first batch of PD today and am very

> nervous! Maybe that is

> good, I don't know, but I want my insides cleaned

> out and want to get more

> of my health back, so I guess I have alot of hope

> riding on this.


I wanted to offer a suggestion that you can feel free

to toss if you dont' think it's necessary! :)

I really believe that our mental/emotional outlook has

a lot to do with our physical health and our bodies

can pick up signals from our thoughts/feelings.I was

thinking about your comment about being nervous and

just thought that if you wanted to write about what

the nervousness is about, it might help get that out

of your system, so to speak. :)

It might also help other people who might have similar

thoughts. Just an idea - I won't be offended if you

don't want to talk about it. :)

Good luck with the PD!


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Hi ,

No offense taken.

My fear comes from the gastritis I have had for the last year from all the

prescription drugs I have taken. I am concerned that I will take the pill

and throw it up a few minutes/hours later!! This is what the gastritis

causes me to do.

No emotion here!! The damage is done from Rx drugs and chemical exposure in

the plant, not anything to do with emotion. Lord knows I have been happy

about a pill and then, after a few days/weeks found myself giving it back

(vomiting). Even before the gastritis, I would start something, it would

seem to work, then stop working. I found out that this was because the

chemicals in the plant were slowly eroding my digestion, immune and muscular

systems. I was getting sicker, just slower with the alternative meds.

Thank you for your concern.

God bless,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again.

I wasn't planning on posting this soon... but since I

live in Buffalo, NY and am going a little stir-crazy

from being snowed in-- ick!...

I must say Primal Defense, now that it has been a

couple days- is making me feel like total crap. I

mean, can barely function kind of yuckies.

I am miserable!

I can barely move nor stay awake. Iam bloated. Ooh,

this is not fun. I have to work this weekend and this

state is not going to acccommodate that. I only took

one tablet this morning. No more for today.

My cravings for things like pizza, chocolate cake, and

just about anything foul are strong right now. (I've

given in to a diet coke- something I gave up months


Everything I eat, anything besides fluids,even if it

is just fruit,hangs around in my stomach for hours and

hours. This feels like too much for me right now.

I'm thinking of going back to a high-fruit diet w/

Paragone as I was doing before. It was nowhere as

awful as this. Christmas, infact, I passed a clump of

what looked like, worms.

I feel so awful I can't think straight nor get

anything done. I had planned on getting my apt.

organized on my break, but havebarely had the energy

to get off the couch. reading, normally enjoyable,

has even become too much!

I'm not feeling fit for this, so perhaps, I too, will

stop. Thinking about it. (Or just going back to

theParagone, which was accomplishing something w/o

overwhelm) The snow, the cold, the holidays, eek! And

trying to cleanse this way?

Okay... I needed to vent and share... and am trying to

decide the wisest action.

Take care,



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If you were doing better with the Paragone & being on a high fruit

diet, & were getting results perhaps as you suggest that is still the

direction for you to take at this time. What ever your decision(s)

just knowing that you are doing something good for yourself is a step

in the right direction. You have my applause!

Good Cleansing to You!


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--- vache920 <vache920@...> wrote:

> Heidi,


> If you were doing better with the Paragone & being

> on a high fruit

> diet, & were getting results perhaps as you suggest

> that is still the

> direction for you to take at this time. What ever

> your decision(s)

> just knowing that you are doing something good for

> yourself is a step

> in the right direction. You have my applause!



> Good Cleansing to You!

> Vache

thank you!

KJ sent me some info last night that helped. After my

experience, which I tell about in another post, i'm

inspired to keep going with it, just taking more

precaution and easing into it more. the drama of last

night was powerful- mostly the immediate disappearance

of the aches w/ a bm, along with a VERY intense

emotional experience. Now I'm intrigued and see this

as an ultimately positive process.

Thanks for your support!



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Again, I heard the whole thing, not just the time you're at maximum dosage,

is 90 days. At 12 a day for 90 days, this would wind up a very, very

expensive venture for anyone doing the Primal Defense. >>


This is for all you PD users once more in case you missed my last post. You

built up to 12 a day, stay on that dose for 90 days and than work yourself

down to 3 a day forever. That is what the book says.


PS: Name of the book is:

Beyond Probiotics by Ann Louise Gittelman

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Its supposed to be 8 bottles for a full course. I didn't get diarrhea or

nausea. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack Truck. My back hurt sooo bad,

I was extremely tired, and the brain fog was horrible. This lasted quite

some time. But, things are much better now. My iron level is way up after

years and years of being anemic.

I'm almost afraid to stop the Primal Defense.


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Thanks for the replies.

>Its supposed to be 8 bottles for a full course. I didn't get diarrhea or

>nausea. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack Truck. My back hurt sooo


>I was extremely tired, and the brain fog was horrible. This lasted quite

>some time. But, things are much better now. My iron level is way up after

>years and years of being anemic.


>I'm almost afraid to stop the Primal Defense.




Do you regret starting the program?

Are you happy with the results now you have finished?

It is interesting what you say about the extreme tiredness and brain fog - I

get these quite badly every now and again when I have a bad day/week. Should

be interesting to see what happens!


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<< Its supposed to be 8 bottles for a full course. >>


That would entirely depend on how much you take. There are 90 caplets to a

bottle. If you take 12 a day you need more than 8 bottles to finish.

I started taking the product last September. It took me until December to

work up to 12 a day which is what I am taking now and will continue for 90


At the beginning my BM's were horrible. Full of bacteria. Than everything

changed and things were almost normal. I made it to 6 a day and could not

handle being constipated and bloated, had to go back to 4, stayed on that for

some time and worked up again. As I said, it took me 3 month to get to the

desired dosage. You have to listen to your body. I have no problem now except

being very tired, not much energy.

I did a few colonics in between when I felt stuck :-))

I bought the PD by the case knowing how much I would need and got a

pricebreak that way.

I really don't know what to expect either. I never had any herx reaction of

any kind. But I also cleaned my system for the last year. Colon, parasite,

kidney, 10 liverflushes etc .

I'll let you know if anything happens worth posting.

Good luck to all of you


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Thanks and , I'm really looking forward to getting my PD in the mail

and getting started. I'm also going to do Homozon, but heard that I should do

them at different times of the day. of Dewberry Hill


I think the " maximum dosage " is supposed to be whatever triggers a cleansing

crisis in you, but I was told that once you hit that then you back off and

take 2 again every day for the rest of the 90 days.

By cleansing crisis, I was told that folks would get diahrea. Others felt

other symptoms such as nausea. You back down to 2 a day so the symptoms can

go away. However, the symptoms show you that colonization is taking place so

I guess that's why you first keep doing a higher dosage until you feel


Again, I heard the whole thing, not just the time you're at maximum dosage,

is 90 days. At 12 a day for 90 days, this would wind up a very, very

expensive venture for anyone doing the Primal Defense.

And, again, I stress that you have to drink LOTS of distilled water.


" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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Oh! I'm learning about this product I can't wait to start. 8 bottles? I thought

it was like a probiotic that you just always take? Whadda deal?

D said:

Its supposed to be 8 bottles for a full course. I didn't get diarrhea or

nausea. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack Truck. My back hurt sooo bad,

I was extremely tired, and the brain fog was horrible. This lasted quite

some time. But, things are much better now. My iron level is way up after

years and years of being anemic.

I'm almost afraid to stop the Primal Defense.


" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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Well, the makers of PD want you to continue for life..(more profit for them)

but, if it did its job, why would you need to? I'd keep a supply on hand

though, for the times when it feels like things might not be quite right.

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Cyndi, I just started with the PD, but need all the help I can get, so don't

want to wait and try everything idividually. What I've decided to do for now is

take PD first thing AM and just before bed on empty stomach. And Homozon during

day once or twice maybe mid morning or mid afternoon. Will give PD to dog too.

They say it works and boy does he need some help! LOL...

Hi ,

I stopped using my Homozon for a while to see what the Primal Defense would

do on it's own. I have noticed that some times it makes my stools hard. I

think I need to up my water intake even more. And some times I have taken an

herbal laxative. I have not used the Homozon just to act as a laxative

because it's so expensive.

Have any of you gotten up to 12 caplets per day of the PD? I was doing that

for a while but it's hard to remember to take them all while at work. Then

the holidays hit. I tried but I did fall off the wagon. I stopped taking

the PD thinking it was a waste. Maybe I was wrong, but that's what happened.

So Now I'm back on the path.


" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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  • 3 weeks later...

--- notready4myjelly <notready4myjelly@...>


> How long should someone take primal defense for? and

> is it not

> necessary to take antifungals like caprylic acid?


> thanks!

Garden of Life recommends taking it for 90 days but

personally I don't think this is nearly long enough

it you have a severe infection. I took it for over a

year but I did take breaks from it due to the severe

die off. With this product you can't get impatient,

give it time to work and you will see good results,

however I do think you need to add another strain of

Bifidus because PD only contains Bifidum. I take


Flora from Source Naturals which contains the

Bifidus strain longum and it made a difference.

Taking antifungals and immune enhancing herbs will

speed the process, you can find a good herbal


at http://www.lifequestherbs.com/formula1.html .

I would also suggest you take a good green drink, I

make my own from bulk whole foods and herbs, you can

get these at reasonable prices at www.herbalcom.com,

I mix Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and

Milk Thistle, this contains a lot of Chlorophyll

which is very beneficial and the Milk Thistle is the

very good for the liver.

I would also suggest you take a look at the herb

Maca, you can find infro at

www.wholeworldbotanicals.com, this herb is amazing

at rebuilding the Endocrine gland system, you can

buy this herb at Herbalcom.




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thanks for the suggestions! so after a year, are you cured? what

kind of diet did you do?

> > How long should someone take primal defense for? and

> > is it not

> > necessary to take antifungals like caprylic acid?

> >

> > thanks!


> Garden of Life recommends taking it for 90 days but

> personally I don't think this is nearly long enough

> it you have a severe infection. I took it for over a


> year but I did take breaks from it due to the severe


> die off. With this product you can't get impatient,

> give it time to work and you will see good results,

> however I do think you need to add another strain of

> Bifidus because PD only contains Bifidum. I take

> Life

> Flora from Source Naturals which contains the

> Bifidus strain longum and it made a difference.

> Taking antifungals and immune enhancing herbs will

> speed the process, you can find a good herbal

> formula

> at http://www.lifequestherbs.com/formula1.html .

> I would also suggest you take a good green drink, I

> make my own from bulk whole foods and herbs, you can

> get these at reasonable prices at www.herbalcom.com,

> I mix Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and

> Milk Thistle, this contains a lot of Chlorophyll

> which is very beneficial and the Milk Thistle is the

> very good for the liver.

> I would also suggest you take a look at the herb

> Maca, you can find infro at

> www.wholeworldbotanicals.com, this herb is amazing

> at rebuilding the Endocrine gland system, you can

> buy this herb at Herbalcom.

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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> > > How long should someone take primal defense for? and

> > > is it not

> > > necessary to take antifungals like caprylic acid?

> > >

> > > thanks!

> >

> > Garden of Life recommends taking it for 90 days but

> > personally I don't think this is nearly long enough

> > it you have a severe infection. I took it for over a

> >

> > year but I did take breaks from it due to the severe

> >

> > die off. With this product you can't get impatient,

> > give it time to work and you will see good results,

> > however I do think you need to add another strain of

> > Bifidus because PD only contains Bifidum. I take

> > Life

> > Flora from Source Naturals which contains the

> > Bifidus strain longum and it made a difference.

> > Taking antifungals and immune enhancing herbs will

> > speed the process, you can find a good herbal

> > formula

> > at http://www.lifequestherbs.com/formula1.html .

> > I would also suggest you take a good green drink, I

> > make my own from bulk whole foods and herbs, you can

> > get these at reasonable prices at www.herbalcom.com,

> > I mix Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and

> > Milk Thistle, this contains a lot of Chlorophyll

> > which is very beneficial and the Milk Thistle is the

> > very good for the liver.

> > I would also suggest you take a look at the herb

> > Maca, you can find infro at

> > www.wholeworldbotanicals.com, this herb is amazing

> > at rebuilding the Endocrine gland system, you can

> > buy this herb at Herbalcom.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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My experience with PD seems to have been different than what many of you are

going through. I never had a problem with constipation. It " beat me up "

instead. I had a lot of pain, mostly in the back, and most likely the

result of die off. The fatigue it caused, the brain fog, were really hard

to deal with. By the 6th bottle, I started to see real improvement. What

they fail to tell you in the literature, is that the probiotics in PD are

transitional. They live in the body for about 48 hrs. I found that after I

had been on PD a while, and let it do its job of cleaning things up a bit,

adding a more traditional probiotic, active live culture yogurt,

acidopholus, whatever your choice may be, really helped get things more in

balance. You see the difference then, in how your body feels, how your skin

looks etc. Its such a long journey though, and a never ending one.

Good luck


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Elsa, great post...thanks! And what " mild laxative " do you use when things bind

up on PD?

of DH

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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Hi Diane,

>What they fail to tell you in the literature, is that the probiotics in PD

>are transitional. They live in the body for about 48 hrs. I found that

>after I

>had been on PD a while, and let it do its job of cleaning things up a bit,

>adding a more traditional probiotic, active live culture yogurt,

>acidopholus, whatever your choice may be, really helped get things more in

>balance. You see the difference then, in how your body feels, how your

>skin looks etc. Its such a long journey though, and a never ending one.

I have read about this too. Makes sense now why we need to take a

maintenance dose each day.

I'm at the end of my 2nd bottle of PD now. Since I started the course I have

been taking a more traditional probiotic - Flora Source, a little bit of

Acdiophillus, 2 small cartons of live yoghurt and a 'Yakult friendly

bacteria drink per day.

Does this group think this wise? or should I keep off these until I'm

nearing the end of the PD course to let the PD do it's stuff then stock up

on the friendly flora to polish off the program ?


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