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Primal Defense

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I don't think that there is truly anyting to worry about taking Primal

Defense. I have decided on Flora Source because it doesn't have the iron in it.

That's the only reason. I'm sure some people are sensitive to Primal Defense

just like some are sensitive to Flora Source and many other things. But you may

not be allergic to it like some other people might be. I would surely start

out slow when using something like this and follow the directions.


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Thanks for the heads up. I started to feel very sleepy when at night

i had taken 2 and in the morning when i had taken 2 again. Is this a

part of detox? I will start off with what you suggested.

A few more questions please bare with me

Has anyone tried terramin? www.terramin.com I was given a supplement

that is loaded with minerals depleted from most of the earth around

us and is supposed to be a great detoxifier. These made me sleepy too

and not light headed but a little " off " . The only time I have ever

felt that was when the anesthiesologist over dosed me on epidural

during the birth of my son.

I was told that there is nothing in there that would hurt me as it is

all minerals but wondering at what would make me feel sleepy and a

little off? Has anyone used this as a bowel detoxifier?

Okay one more topic...LOL

Super Seed and Fruits of life...has anyone had experience with these

enzymes? The site is under construction at the moment so I wanted to

get eveyrone's take on those.

Okay that is all I am going to swamp you with right now...LOL

Thanks in advance,

-Ethan's mom :o)

> , I only use the Primal Defense. This is want I did: 1

caplet/day for 1 week; 2 caplets/day the 2nd week; 3 caplets the

third week, etc. I use the Primal Defense powder now. It's cheaper

than the caplets and it's not bad.

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  • 2 months later...

I used Primal Defense and had fewer die-off symptoms than I experienced with the

candida diet and no suppliments. I don't know if it helped me in the long term.

After taking it approx. 2 months, I ate a piece of birthday cake at a party and

ended up in the emergency with a supposed celiac episode. It took them a while

to get to that conclusion (food poison, gall-bladder, etc were all suspected and

ruled out first) I suspended all suppliments at that point and I haven't resumed

taking anything yet.

I don't know if that helps. I will say that Primal Defense is very expensive (in

Canada anyway). Good luck!

Rhonda Burke

Primal defense

Has anyone tried Primal defense, did you get any type of reaction

good or bad? Did you experience any die-off?

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Used that in the past did not really do anything for me . some people think it

works for them ..may be ok for short term but i think alternating things is

best .

i did not gey any die off or anything with primal defence .


> Has anyone tried Primal defense, did you get any type of reaction

> good or bad? Did you experience any die-off?

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  • 3 months later...

It is a good natural probiotic. Formulated for damaged bowels.

There are actually lots of good probiotics. I generally suggest that people use

different " good " brands so as to get the benefits of the different varieties.

Unless you find one that has more noticable results than others.


lhoskins@... wrote:

My homeopath asked me to stop taking EPS by Jarrow and to get on

Primal Defense by Garden of Life. He said EPS, plus a lot of the

probiotics, have a couple ingredients that he considers to be " not

good. "

Lactococcus diacetylactis and Pediococcus acidilactici

Primal Defense doesn't have these. Kathy, I recall you mentioning

Primal Defense on the list in January. What do *you* like about this



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> It is a good natural probiotic. Formulated for damaged bowels.

> There are actually lots of good probiotics. I generally suggest

> that people use different " good " brands so as to get the

> benefits of the different varieties. Unless you find one that

>has more noticable results than others.

Kathy, thanks so much for your input. I kept your post where you

made some recommendations and will definitely look into the

other brands. Judging by how much I belch (how ladylike!) I think

I need a LOT of help in this area!


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Have you checked on your pH? You may also be in need of acid & enzymes in the

stomach. The Probiotics are most helpful in the intestines.


Lynn Hoskins <lhoskins@...> wrote:

> It is a good natural probiotic. Formulated for damaged bowels.

> There are actually lots of good probiotics. I generally suggest

> that people use different " good " brands so as to get the

> benefits of the different varieties. Unless you find one that

>has more noticable results than others.

Kathy, thanks so much for your input. I kept your post where you

made some recommendations and will definitely look into the

other brands. Judging by how much I belch (how ladylike!) I think

I need a LOT of help in this area!


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> Have you checked on your pH? You may also be in need of

> acid & enzymes in the stomach. The Probiotics are most

> helpful in the intestines.

Hi Kathy,

I'm also taking Soloray's Super Digestaway with every meal. But

I just started taking it so it probably needs more time to work. I

know there are some others that are similar... TwinLabs

SuperEnzymes, Nature's Life Enzyme Aid, and Nature's Plus

Ultrazyme. If you have any recommendations, I'd be interested.

Do you think I need to take HCL caps in addition? I think I have a

lot of the wrong kind of acid in my stomach. I can feel it all the



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> " the wrong kind of acid " is why you should try to find some

> pH test paper. Narrows down the guess work.

> You might try to see what apple cider vinegar does. Take

> 1TB in 2 oz water - with your meal.

Hi Kathy,

It's so weird you would say that. I was at Trader Joe's tonight

shopping for the few foods I'm able to eat these days and the

check register gal and I got to talking about food and diet and

such. She said, " I was feeling so unhealthy and my stomach

hurt all the time, and then I read about apple cider vinegar. I

started taking it with every meal and I feel GREAT! You should try

it and see if it helps. "

And now I come home to your message. I will get some pH test

paper next week, and I will start taking apple cider vinegar


Thank you for the great suggestion.


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Your welcome. Just let me know how it goes.


Lynn Hoskins <lhoskins@...> wrote:


> " the wrong kind of acid " is why you should try to find some

> pH test paper. Narrows down the guess work.

> You might try to see what apple cider vinegar does. Take

> 1TB in 2 oz water - with your meal.

Hi Kathy,

It's so weird you would say that. I was at Trader Joe's tonight

shopping for the few foods I'm able to eat these days and the

check register gal and I got to talking about food and diet and

such. She said, " I was feeling so unhealthy and my stomach

hurt all the time, and then I read about apple cider vinegar. I

started taking it with every meal and I feel GREAT! You should try

it and see if it helps. "

And now I come home to your message. I will get some pH test

paper next week, and I will start taking apple cider vinegar


Thank you for the great suggestion.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
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Hi Ken,

Regarding my use of Primal Defense--I took it for six months intensively,

starting at one caplet per day and working up to twelve as they instructed.

At around the 9 caplet per day level, I started experiencing severe

dizziness--it was the same sensation as if I had been on a boat out at sea

for a few days. A couple of days later I felt two " detachments " of

something in the left side of my abdomen--it felt like things were breaking

off. The next morning I passed two huge white/gray masses, kinda gross, but

that's what happened. They were diagnosed as amoebas that had been in my

system, growing for years, with localized pain in the same area almost daily

since the initial antibiotic poisoning. I developed a tumor in the same

area due to all the pathological and parasitic processes going on in the

location. Six years earlier, the antibiotics had caused a burning sensation

in the same exact spot. Nothing had ever solved this parasitic issue but

the Primal Defense did. Something called Cansema Tonic did the same for the

tumor. After all this I drank Aloe Juice to heal my insides and took Reishi

mushroom supplements for immune problems.

As far as one of the listed types of soil-based bacteria causing cancer, as

Duncan claims, I am not aware of this. I had been diagnosed with cancer the

year BEFORE starting the Primal Defense program, and I still take it (1-3

caplets per day when needed), and the cancer has not returned.

The Primal Defense was a huge factor in getting my overall health back--it

got rid of some really bad parasitic infections--and I would say I am 95%

there. Without the Primal Defense I would probably still be feeding

amoebas, and there would still be pre-disease and disease processes going on

in my left abdominal area. I also take a similar product to Primal Defense,

called Microflora Restore--it has a different set of soil-based organisms

and it's good to rotate treatments as I've found--and this one works quite

well too.

I can agree with whoever posted regarding having to constantly take some

form of probiotic once affected with the mycelial form of Candida--it is a

numbers game, where one must out-populated the bad with the good. An

akalizing diet really helps as well, for Candida sufferers this would be

mostly green veggies and nuts with some berries and a small amount of meat

and other proteins. Too much protein causes body acidity which also feeds

Candida, and cancer as well.

Hope this helps.

Alison :-)

Message: 3

Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 08:08:26 -0700

From: Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...>

Subject: Re: Re: New Member & Experienced Candida Sufferer

> I do have a question for you...This Primal Defense...what do you

> mean it

> works?

> Ken

Ken, the Primal Defense contains bacillus licheniformis, a bacteria

that is associated with cancer in several peer reviewed studies. The

box should carry a warning label to that effect, and taking it is a

personal decision of risk:benefit that should be based on this


Like any probiotic, if it's taken at all, it should be fed. On the

other hand if you feed your own culture you don't have to take a

probiotic at all -- any of them.


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  • 1 year later...


I cannot take Primal Defense personally. It makes me wired and nervous.

That is interesting that you had the same response.

Bee suggests more simple probiotics I think. Metagenics makes two

products called Lactoviden and Bifoviden. Another probiotic which I personally

like is Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Plus. Just a bit of info. Hope you feel



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Hi Janey,

I am currently taking Primal Defense, but probably won't buy another jar,

per Bee. But I'm on another message board for eating gluten free, casein

free. They discussed that Primal Defense used to be labeled " gluten free "

but that it is no longer labeled as such. Some folks on my gfcf board said

they reacted to the gluten in the Primal Defense. So, is it die off? A

gluten reaction? Were the folks on my gfcf board not truly having a gluten

reaction, but a die off reaction? It's a bit of a mystery!


On 9/24/06, (=^.^=) janey <juniballa@...> wrote:


> can this stuff cause anxiety? i was doing well on the 'coconut oil' and

> today i took my first

> scoop of primal defense and now i have ringing in the ear & a little

> nervousness again.

> thanx,

> janey




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THANKS AGAIN. VERY GOOD points as always. I will check with the

distributors of Dr. Ohhira's and see what they say about soy etc. It does


alot of different ingredients so you may be right about reactions for some


I was told that the NEW Metagenics products did not contains FOS etc. I

will also check with them.



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> can this stuff cause anxiety? i was doing well on the 'coconut oil'

and today i took my first scoop of primal defense and now i have

ringing in the ear & a little nervousness again. thanx, janey

Janey, I do not recommend Primal Defense for a few reasons: 1) it

contains many ingredients which most candida sufferers do not do well

on, 2) it is very expensive, probably because it is so highly marketed,

and 3) simplier products are better, i.e. cabbage rejuvelac or plain

lactobacillus powder or capsules and they are much cheaper and more

effective IMO.

It is also not wise to start on probiotics too soon, like my article

states. You are taking 3 tbls. of coconut oil at the moment which you

need to UP to 5-6 tablespoons along with following the entire diet

which kills off a lot of candida. Then you can start on stronger

antifungals, i.e. garlic, oil of oregano or clove oil. After you've

killed off most of the candida with antifungals and your die-off

symptoms start to diminish then you take probiotics.

Luv, Bee

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> Janey, I cannot take Primal Defense personally. It makes me wired

and nervous. That is interesting that you had the same response.


>Bee suggests more simple probiotics I think. Metagenics makes two

> products called Lactoviden and Bifoviden. Another probiotic which I

personally like is Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Plus. Just a bit of info.

Hope you feel better. Bill

==>Have you checked whether Dr Ohhira's Probiotics Plus is free of soy

because it doesn't state that it is, and it states it is from all

vegetable sources so I'm suspicious. I also find this product contains

too much to be true, i.e. vitamins, minerals, hydrogen peroxides, etc.

and probiotics too? That makes it a very complex product containing so

many different ingredients leaving it more open to some people reacting

negatively to it. Whereas I recommend the simpliest single purpose

products. It is much better to buy a very plain lactobacillus powder

or capsule, many of which only contain 6 ingredients or so, and it is

much less expensive, OR one can make cabbage rejuvelac - see the Recipe

Files under Lacto-Fermented Foods & Drinks.

The no-dairy Metagenics probiotic also doesn't state what is it free-

of, i.e. soy, wheat, gluten, etc., and it contains FOS which is sugar.

I do not recommend FOS or Inulin - there's an article on them in the

Probiotics & Prebiotics Folder.

Also I find these products recommend too many billions of units per

dose whereas back when I was curing my candida in the mid 1980s

probiotics were taken in millions of units. Now I recommend taking a

maximum of 10 billion per day total (in divided doses). It is

disconcerting to see how these products have been changed over the

years and I believe it is all about marketing and not about your health.

Cheers, Bee

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  • 11 months later...

I agree that Primal Defense is overpriced, and when I order it I use

ebay... last time I got eight 90-caplet bottles in bulk for around

$100 plus shipping. That's the best price I've gotten.

I too have noticed that there are now more than one PD formula... it

seems there is now the " regular " (which I use), another called " ultra "

and yet another called " kids " .

I also have tried their Fungal Defense, but no luck with that for me

personally. Different products work for different bodies, is what it

always comes down to.

Alison :-)


> The formula that's available now is not the original. It used to be

> formulated by someone who refused to compromise his formula when

> Jordin wanted to make it cheaper. Jordin kept the name, changed the

> formula and started using the SBO instead. Not sure exactly when this

> was anymore but I used to know the date and someone I know who was on

> PD stopped having the good result that she was having for her colitis

> at exactly that time. Coincidence? You decide.


> I'm not going to judge this product either way. I wouldn't take it

> myself though. Some people do indeed have good results with it but in

> my opinion it is also way overpriced for what it is. He should have

> dropped the price when he started leaving the good stuff out! I have

> not had good experiences with Jordin's online marketing! Beware, is

> all I can say. You will not get a refund.


> Sharon


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I have been led to believe that because we have autoimmune disease and our

bodies are already attacking our immune system that if we strengthen it, it will

only have more to attack? Have I been misled on this information?

in Cali

smt@... wrote:


Has anyone used the product " Primal Defense " to strengthen their immune system?


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, you are correct that people with hyper-immune diseases

shouldn't use the herbs that enhance/boost the immune system.

Echinacea is another herb that has this effect. This is the reason

some of us take Methotrexate and low dose prednisone. Best regards,


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  • 4 months later...

> Primal defense ... yet an other MLM scam, no science no proof,

> although the ingredient list looks healthy, how much of those active

> ingredients are in it,

> and how really active are they?

Your arguments against Primal Defense are truly nonsensical.

You could make those arguments against any supplement. Also, it's

not an MLM product, and never has been. It is indeed expensive,

but I have tried many cheaper probiotic products on the market

with zero results.

And actually, the result that matters the most in this forum is

that taking Primal Defense makes me feel better when getting

fatigued by hours of computer use. I don't know why this is,

and this was not the reason I started taking it nor have I seen

it advertised to do this. It just does.


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  • 2 months later...

Bonnie, the bacillus licheniformis found in Primal Defense has been

linked many times to cancer in peer-review. Many health pros and

others who look up the data will not use the product; I suspect

ignorance of the warning is the reason most people use it.



> Duncan:


> What item is listed in this above product that causes Cancer? And

why would

> they use it, if it doesn?


> Bonnie

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Bonnie, could you please supply me with the paperwork or links that connect

Primal Defense to cancer.  I have actually been using the product with good


I am highly interested in this.

Please advise.

Thank you


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