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raw goats milk

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check with a health food store. raw milk both goat and cow may be ok

with the state of ny. find out. you can order, or have your local

health food store order raw goat milk cheese from alta dena dairy in ca.

pardon the non-caps, one of jim's favorite critters, a fuzzy kitty, is

monopolizing my left hand. there may also be raw dairies in ny state

that may ship to you or a near health food store.


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  • 6 years later...

Most goat owners dry up their goats in the winter, unless they are large and

sell their milk

as a comodity or bulk. Most goats start kidding around March (I do in April).

If you check

with me in mid to late April I could help you find/get raw goat milk.


> I am having trouble finding the source of raw goats milk in the

> files/database/links on the trad-food home page. Forgive me if I am

> missing it, but I simply can not find it. Can someone either show me

> where it is at in the files, or can you tell me where to get this product?


> Thanks,

> Carol F


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Hi Carol,

Another thing you might try is to call your local county agricultural

extension office. I needed to find a source of goat milk last

November and they were very helpful in putting their heads together

and coming up with a few numbers for me to call. None of those

actually panned out for us, but these people were able to refer me to

others, who have kept us supplied throughout the " lean " months. I

currently have 3 different farmers who supply our family (my 2

children drink @ a gallon a day) which has helped as none of them

would have been able to cope with our demand singlehandedly, for the

reasons Lynn described.

HTH, Randi


> Most goat owners dry up their goats in the winter, unless they are

large and sell their milk

> as a comodity or bulk. Most goats start kidding around March (I do

in April). If you check

> with me in mid to late April I could help you find/get raw goat


> Lynn



> > I am having trouble finding the source of raw goats milk in the

> > files/database/links on the trad-food home page. Forgive me if I


> > missing it, but I simply can not find it. Can someone either

show me

> > where it is at in the files, or can you tell me where to get this


> >

> > Thanks,

> > Carol F

> >


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Carol, Me again...had another thought that you might try searching the

http://www.eatwild.com/index.html and http://www.localharvest.org/

sites When I tried this route, I came up with a few options (I think

on the local harvest site) but didn't get a response to my

enquiries...you might have better luck, depending where you live. Randi


> Hi Carol,

> Another thing you might try is to call your local county agricultural

> extension office.

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  • 3 years later...
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Where do you get the milk?

Does your son drink it willingly?

I have noticed some of my students pencil grips improving with ADHD meds. It is

really neat to see a child suddenly develop the ability to write legibly

overnight. Not that I am reccomending meds, it is just an observation.

I hear a lot of good things about goat yogurt on the SCD lists. I wish it was

easier to get and I wish my son would actually eat it. A few years back I

ordered the milk from a farm and bought a yogurt maker. He wouldn't touch the

stuff. I noticed Wegmans carries powdered goats milk. I wonder if that would

not be as helpful because it is not " raw. "


> how do you get it tested, where, is it considered accurate to what levels are

in the brain?


> how much does it cost?


> My son has been on ALA just as a antioxident (was not aware of this board and

andy's protocal). He has been taken 1 100mg cap once a day. Now I see you all

use very tiny doses but a lot more often. Would a year already on 100mg of ALA

squew the results? I know there is no starting piont because my son has been on

treatments in general over a year and we did not do a starting hair sample. What

do you all think?


> is nearly recovered, not there yet but if i had to give a % i would

say he is a good 80% recovered is it too late to do the andy ALA protocal. Do

you think the higher dose we were using already did its thing as best as it




> fresh raw goats milk recently got us great eye contact and his grip is mush

better. Goat milk is very high in caprylic acid(notice it gets its name from the

goat)and enzymes.



> thanks

> Crystal




> Thanks


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