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My post seems to of got lost so here it is again!

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I hope you guys can give me some advice....


> My hair mineral analysis shows high levels of lead and mercury, moderately

high for cadmium, nickel, arsenic and aluminum. Essential trace elements

normal/low. Most of the essential minerals are borderline low, apart from copper

which is normal - (Weird)?

Hair mineral analysis;

>Part 1- -

http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Hairmineralan\


alysis.jpg & newest=1

> Part 2 -

http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Hairmineralan\


alysiscont.jpg & newest=1

Urine test at rest shows high levels of arsenic, barium, mercury and nickel.

Moderately high levels of cadmium, lead and aluminum and tin. High calcium and

magnesium (although I'm told this reflects good intake). All other essential

minerals are normal apart from cobalt and manganese are borderline high.

Urine test at rest;

> Part 1 -

http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Picture1-2.jp\


g & newest=1

> Part 2

-http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Picture1-3-2\


..jpg & newest=1

> Urine test after chelator (DMSA) shows high levels of arsenic and barium

(almost the same as rest figures for rest urine). There is a substantial

increase in lead. Also the same for mercury, a substantial increase after

chelation. I suppose this goes to show how good DMSA is at removing metals. The

other toxic elements are the same as the urine rest figures.

> Urine test after chelator (DMSA) ;

> Result here part 1 -

http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Picture1.jpg & \




> Part 2 -

http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/blairzz/?action=view & current=Picture1-1.jp\


g & newest=1


> Thanks.

Copper is also raised in my urine analysis after DMSA

challenge, which follows;

> Maybe this whole thing explains why I can''t tolerate zinc above a certain

point, I also cannot tolerate Iodine, I used to use it at around 25mg but the

same thing happened when I used zinc, bad lower back pain, headaches etc.


> I started chelation yesterday with DMSA, 40mg 6 times a day (total approx

250mg), every four hours for three days, then four days off, as per Andy Cutler

protocol. Getting some pretty bad headaches, could this be because my liver

isn't working properly? I normally have to take dandelion and milk thistle 3 or

4 times a day to get rid of the headache (thats without chelation). But now I

have tried this and the headaches persist. I saw a post about Cutler

recommending glycine and taurine for bile secretion. I have always have a

problem with bile secretion, high fecal fat content, headaches etc so I have

been taking Ox bile and pancreatin for some years. Do you think it is worth

trying glycine/taurine?

Update tried Glycine and it has helped my headaches and I seem to have got a bit

of a reaction from it.


> Thanks.

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