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Vitamin Help Please!!

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I have read a lot about people using 1-carnitine and lysine on this group. I am

second guessing my supplements for my son now. We have not done anything to

address viral issues with him and I would really like to start. Do you wait to

do that until after you have completed chelation? I am going to list when and

what he takes and if anyone has any thoughts I would really appreciate it! I am

mainly concerned that he might be takning certain things together that he should

not be.


2 tsp applecider vineger before/meal

20mg zinc

5mg biotin

650mg taurine

creon w/meal

vitamin E 400iu

CoQ 10-50mg

Emulsified Vit D 2,000iu

Emulsified Vit K 500mcg

Emulsified Vit A 12,500iu

Bioray Liver Life

Vitamin B6 200mg

Enzmedica Lypo Gold w/meal

Buffered Vit C 1100mg

Iron 5mg

GI Pro health multi vit

Krill Oil



Enzemedica Lypo Gold

Buffered Vit C 1100mg

Bioray LiverLife

Taurine 325mg

Creon w/meal

Applecider vineger before meal


Creon w/meal

Enzemedica Lypo Gold

Zinc 20mg

Applecider vinegar before meal

Culterelle probiotics 40billion cells

My son has never showed much response good or bad to anything we have done for

him. He has beed on numerous scripts and diets with no improvements. We have

treated for bacteria and yeast with no noticeable gains. I am going to start

chelation next week. Does what I am doing look ok? Because it has not done much

for my son and we have been at this for eight months now. Thougts Please!!!!

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