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Re: Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet

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We had this problem before we found this list and were chelating with EDTA. Is

he being exposed to this somehow, or has in the past?

Does sound like his minerals are messed up though. What other miner supps are

you giving? Zinc?



From: Amir Riaz <riaz_amir@...>

Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 10:59:43 AM

Subject: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet


I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year old

son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth have

also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered Vitamic

C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he had high

oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate is being

used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very high in

Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being wasted?

Should I start chelation now or wait?

Any help is really appreciated.


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Tamaro has a vitamin K protocol that you might find helpful for

addressing calcium problems. I have recently started this protocol with my son

and have been pleased with the results. If you google her name, you

should find the protocol.  


From: Amir Riaz <riaz_amir@...>

Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 3:29:43 PM

Subject: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet


I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year old

son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth have

also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered Vitamic

C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he had high

oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate is being

used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very high in

Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being wasted?

Should I start chelation now or wait?

Any help is really appreciated.


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We have not used any chelator. His hair metal test did not meet counting rules,

but had low mercury and moderate lead.


We are giving Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Malate, Zinc Chelate.

Also some minerals which are in New Beggining Basic Nutrient Plus.


We started another mineral mix called Ultra Fulvic last week. But this cannot

happen in one week?



From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet

Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 2:46 PM


We had this problem before we found this list and were chelating with EDTA. Is

he being exposed to this somehow, or has in the past?

Does sound like his minerals are messed up though. What other miner supps are

you giving? Zinc?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Amir Riaz <riaz_amir (DOT) com>

Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 10:59:43 AM

Subject: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet


I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year old

son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth have

also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered Vitamic

C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he had high

oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate is being

used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very high in

Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being wasted?

Should I start chelation now or wait?

Any help is really appreciated.


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> I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year

old son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth

have also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered

Vitamic C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he

had high oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate

is being used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very

high in Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being


My son was calcium toxic. I used IP6 to eliminate the toxicity.

Then I supplemented him with the nutrients required for proper absorption of

calcium, which for him were magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and lysine.


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According to several books on hair test analysis, high calcium and magnesium in

the hair suggest he's a slow oxidizer, likely to have low cortisol (adrenal

insufficiency) and sluggish thyroid and some hypoglycemia. I would consider

adding some sea salt and potassium-containing foods in his diet, giving eLyte

iodine drops to support the thyroid and adding some Adrenal Cortex Extract or

Adrenal glandulars.

My understanding was that citrate form of minerals may contribute to oxalate

problems, but I have not researched it. I did find my kids do better without

calcium supplements. We cook bone broths instead and sometimes use homeopathic

Cal Phos 30 which helps prevent demineralization. Just some ideas.




> From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet


> Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 2:46 PM







> We had this problem before we found this list and were chelating with EDTA. Is

he being exposed to this somehow, or has in the past?

> Does sound like his minerals are messed up though. What other miner supps are

you giving? Zinc?

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Amir Riaz <riaz_amir (DOT) com>


> Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 10:59:43 AM

> Subject: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet



> I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year

old son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth

have also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered

Vitamic C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he

had high oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate

is being used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very

high in Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being



> Should I start chelation now or wait?

> Any help is really appreciated.

> Amir



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Have you tried www.toothsoap.com ?


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Thank you for your reply. Did you give Calcium supplements to your son? Or

calcium from food sources? Except Almonds I see that all calcium foods are high

thiol!Did you stop all thiol foods during chelation?



From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet

Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 9:28 AM


> I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year

old son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth

have also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered

Vitamic C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he

had high oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate

is being used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very

high in Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being


My son was calcium toxic. I used IP6 to eliminate the toxicity.

Then I supplemented him with the nutrients required for proper absorption of

calcium, which for him were magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and lysine.


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Thank you for your help. The homeopathic Cal Phos 30, does not it have lactose

or sugar?



From: pjthreeboys <patricia@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet

Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 10:43 AM


According to several books on hair test analysis, high calcium and

magnesium in the hair suggest he's a slow oxidizer, likely to have low cortisol

(adrenal insufficiency) and sluggish thyroid and some hypoglycemia. I would

consider adding some sea salt and potassium-containin g foods in his diet,

giving eLyte iodine drops to support the thyroid and adding some Adrenal Cortex

Extract or Adrenal glandulars.

My understanding was that citrate form of minerals may contribute to oxalate

problems, but I have not researched it. I did find my kids do better without

calcium supplements. We cook bone broths instead and sometimes use homeopathic

Cal Phos 30 which helps prevent demineralization. Just some ideas.




> From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@.. .>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet


> Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 2:46 PM







> We had this problem before we found this list and were chelating with EDTA. Is

he being exposed to this somehow, or has in the past?

> Does sound like his minerals are messed up though. What other miner supps are

you giving? Zinc?

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Amir Riaz <riaz_amir (DOT) com>


> Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 10:59:43 AM

> Subject: [ ] Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet



> I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year

old son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth

have also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered

Vitamic C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he

had high oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate

is being used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very

high in Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being



> Should I start chelation now or wait?

> Any help is really appreciated.

> Amir



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What is IP6, where to buy ?

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Black teeth, Eroded Enamel, no chelation yet

Date: Friday, January 22, 2010, 9:28 AM


> I am really worried. I was about to start chelation (DMPS+ALA) for my 5 year

old son. When I noticed his teeth have become blackish. Once very large teeth

have also reduced to 3/4 the size. He is on GFCF diet. We give him buffered

Vitamic C. The Calcium we give him is in the form of Calcium Citrate because he

had high oxalates in his OATS test. Is it possible that all the calcium citrate

is being used up by oxalates and nothing left for his body? He was also very

high in Calcium Magnesium in hair test, does this mean these elements are being


My son was calcium toxic. I used IP6 to eliminate the toxicity.

Then I supplemented him with the nutrients required for proper absorption of

calcium, which for him were magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and lysine.


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> What is IP6, where to buy ?

I have bought IP6 on iherb.com and vrp.com before.


Thank you for your help. The homeopathic Cal Phos 30, does not it have lactose

or sugar?



We get it from a homeopath as a water dilution (dropper bottle) to avoid the

lactose sugar (which is what the pellets are comprised of) or alcohol (used in

some commercial liquid homeopathics). The only downside is it doesn't keep as

long, around one month.


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> Dana,

> Thank you for your reply. Did you give Calcium supplements to your son?


>>Or calcium from food sources?

From all the milk he drank before he went cf. Then he was cf for two years

without calcium supplementation, but I still had to give IP6 at high doses for

about 4 months to eliminate the toxicity.

>>Except Almonds I see that all calcium foods are high thiol!Did you stop all

thiol foods during chelation?

I don't know what are " thiol " foods. My son used HNI enzymes and was not gfcf

during chelation.


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