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Probiotics and Sacc b might help.



> Hi everybody,




> Its Goran from Macedonia writing...




> Need you r advice..




> My son Pani is struggling with bacteria and yeast problems too.


> Few days ago, stool test show that he has PROTEUS VULGARIS....


> Over and over again and again...




> This just confirm my suspicion and confirms his bad behavior..


> He is very euphoric, a lot finger play, mooooo non stop, walk on toes etc





> I avoid to give antibiotics as he is a very gut boy, and antibiotics will make

a huge damage in his gut..




> I give him:


> OoO


> Biocidin


> Candida Yeast Formula - New Beginnings supplement


> We are doing the second round of chelation AC protocol too... and during the

weekend his behavior becomes much worse...




> Any advice what to give for the PROTEUS VULGARIS...??




> My best regards


> Goran


> Macedonia








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Proteus vulgaris is a commensal bacterium in the gut - it is typically present in stool and should not cause problems unless present in excessive amounts. Like e coli which is also commensal it can cause problems when found elsewhere - it is common as a urinary problem which then typically requires antibiotics. In the gut, levels can be held in check by limiting growth of yeast. If it is causing problems, you might get an indication of treatments other than antibiotics by doing a CDSA through Genova or a similar lab - this can give an indication of the extent of the proteus growth and they will usually run the bacterium against proprietary antibiotics and herbal / other treatments (uva ursi, bearberry etc) to see what is most likely to control it's replication.Ken From: pani pani <pantagaga@...>Subject: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???Autism Treatment Date: Sunday, 26 September, 2010, 0:54

Hi everybody,Its Goran from Macedonia writing...Need you r advice..My son Pani is struggling with bacteria and yeast problems too.Few days ago, stool test show that he has PROTEUS VULGARIS....Over and over again and again...This just confirm my suspicion and confirms his bad behavior..He is very euphoric, a lot finger play, mooooo non stop, walk on toes etc etc...I avoid to give antibiotics as he is a very gut boy, and antibiotics will make a huge damage in his gut..I give him:OoOBiocidinCandida Yeast Formula - New Beginnings supplementAny advice what to give for the PROTEUS VULGARIS...??My best regardsGoranMacedonia

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Proteus vulgaris is a commensal bacterium in the gut - it is typically present in stool and should not cause problems unless present in excessive amounts. Like e coli which is also commensal it can cause problems when found elsewhere - it is common as a urinary problem which then typically requires antibiotics. In the gut, levels can be held in check by limiting growth of yeast. If it is causing problems, you might get an indication of treatments other than antibiotics by doing a CDSA through Genova or a similar lab - this can give an indication of the extent of the proteus growth and they will usually run the bacterium against proprietary antibiotics and herbal / other treatments (uva ursi, bearberry etc) to see what is most likely to control it's replication.Ken From: pani pani <pantagaga@...>Subject: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???Autism Treatment Date: Sunday, 26 September, 2010, 0:54

Hi everybody,Its Goran from Macedonia writing...Need you r advice..My son Pani is struggling with bacteria and yeast problems too.Few days ago, stool test show that he has PROTEUS VULGARIS....Over and over again and again...This just confirm my suspicion and confirms his bad behavior..He is very euphoric, a lot finger play, mooooo non stop, walk on toes etc etc...I avoid to give antibiotics as he is a very gut boy, and antibiotics will make a huge damage in his gut..I give him:OoOBiocidinCandida Yeast Formula - New Beginnings supplementAny advice what to give for the PROTEUS VULGARIS...??My best regardsGoranMacedonia

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> We are doing the second round of chelation AC protocol too... and during the

weekend his behavior becomes much worse...

I would give him biotin and GSE. This sounds like probably more of a yeast



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There is a homeopathic remedy for this called Proteus.. Helios pharmacy may be able to let you know what strength to use.. they have a website


Helios homeopathic pharmacy



On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:54 AM, pani pani <pantagaga@...> wrote:


Hi everybody,Its Goran from Macedonia writing...Need you r advice..My son Pani is struggling with bacteria and yeast problems too.Few days ago, stool test show that he has PROTEUS VULGARIS....

Over and over again and again...This just confirm my suspicion and confirms his bad behavior..He is very euphoric, a lot finger play, mooooo non stop, walk on toes etc etc...I avoid to give antibiotics as he is a very gut boy, and antibiotics will make a huge damage in his gut..

I give him:OoOBiocidinCandida Yeast Formula - New Beginnings supplementAny advice what to give for the PROTEUS VULGARIS...??My best regardsGoranMacedonia

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hello dana

Just a   Q does biotin has something related with constipation?

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Sunday, 26 September, 2010, 16:18


> We are doing the second round of chelation AC protocol too... and during the

weekend his behavior becomes much worse...

I would give him biotin and GSE. This sounds like probably more of a yeast



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> hello dana

> Just a  Q does biotin has something related with constipation?

Yeast can be constipating, so biotin can help with constipation.

But, biotin requires magnesium for proper absorption, and if you are severely

deficient, it can pull a lot of magnesium and cause constipation. This is what

happened at my house when I first started biotin. I had to give it with a LOT

of magnesium at first, to prevent constipation.


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Ooooooooooooooo dana THANK YOU VERY MUCH as my son doesnt have constipation

only time when hi had cnstipation was 6m prior do become autistic hi was cons

constipated  that how autism start in my house and with the food coming back in

to his mouth  i just start to be worried as i dont want him to be

constipated.Im steel wating for my products for helation i cant wate i know that

the gut is not fixed but i will start it as i cant wate im going to Bulgaria

tomorrou and i will suply my self with all anty fungal as much as i need and

anty viral aswell .What would you recomend i need mostly as a antyfungal .I cant

buy nothing from Ireland my GP start laughing at me when i ask hur for

prescriptio for anty fungal she sad AUTISM is phsihological desease and dont

wast your money.

I know im over exited about helation as im expecting toomuch i hope realy i will

not get disapointed .By the way i increase my son zink doesnt help with placing

everything in his mouth and we take L-carnitine from over 7months didnt help

with leeking.Tonight i explained to him that i need to go foe few day but i will

comeback i repeat this more than few times i dont know if hi realy undurstands

me but i saw tears in his eyes so i beleive hi undurstand but cant say nothing

dis kils me .

Thanks Dana for all your help and for the beleive you gave me that i can help my


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Monday, 27 September, 2010, 14:34


> hello dana

> Just a  Q does biotin has something related with constipation?

Yeast can be constipating, so biotin can help with constipation.

But, biotin requires magnesium for proper absorption, and if you are severely

deficient, it can pull a lot of magnesium and cause constipation. This is what

happened at my house when I first started biotin. I had to give it with a LOT of

magnesium at first, to prevent constipation.


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>>.What would you recomend i need mostly as a antyfungal .

The combination of biotin and GSE worked best here as anti-fungal.

>>.By the way i increase my son zink doesnt help with placing everything in his


It helps for some kids, not others. For my kids, this behavior was caused by

yeast overgrowth.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Dana I start giving my son 6y 10drops of GSE on morning before meal and

with the meal i give OLE and biotin and 2tablets of Culturell on lunch same and

diner same do i do something wrong as i have reed that OLE will kill everithing

as GSE does.I have found OLE on tablets so i can do the correct dosage aswell

thank youI give Omegas and E,D,C.B6,Is OLE bothering that aswell.I give Foliv

and B12 in between the meal and milk thistleand tauarin,I just have another

problem my son has very high oxalates and im warried about Vit C and milk

thistle is there anything i can replace this or i just give B6 to controll

oxalates I can start Ca/Mg before meal would that be help aswell.

Thank you for your time.

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Tuesday, 28 September, 2010, 14:38


>>.What would you recomend i need mostly as a antyfungal .

The combination of biotin and GSE worked best here as anti-fungal.

>>.By the way i increase my son zink doesnt help with placing everything in his


It helps for some kids, not others. For my kids, this behavior was caused by

yeast overgrowth.


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> Hello Dana I start giving my son 6y 10drops of GSE on morning before meal and

with the meal i give OLE and biotin and 2tablets of Culturell on lunch same and

diner same

I am not sure I understand your timing.

So just before a meal, you give 10 drops GSE? And maybe 15 minutes later,

during the meal, you give OLE, biotin, and Culturelle?

Don't give GSE or OLE at the same time as Culturelle, they should be given at

least 2 hours apart.

>>do i do something wrong as i have reed that OLE will kill everithing as GSE


Neither kills everything, but both will kill the Culturelle.

>>I give Omegas and E,D,C.B6,Is OLE bothering that aswell.

Give OLE separately from amino acids and probiotics.

>>my son has very high oxalates

Give B6 and magnesium.

>>and im warried about Vit C and milk thistle is there anything i can replace

this or i just give B6 to controll oxalates

Try low doses of Vitamin C and milk thistle. Selenium is also an antioxidant,

and taurine helps the liver, so you can give those.


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Dana sins i started the Vit D and OLE as i prepared for helation i have notissed

on my sons shoulde an midlle of spine 2 broken skin spots wich are growing like

the skin is getting off and one of them is red inside would that be Vit D

toxicities or would be a virus i try to find out mi self but i just cant

recognise what is wath  and also one small spot on his face first was red naw

is dark but i can steel see it hi didnt have doese befor i m shure as i do bath

him every day and i wach for any thing skin how is circulatin is hi pale

everything  if tath are virses is that a good sign.I remember 4y ago hi had

nearly same spot on his lowe back and i thoat is dry skin hi wasent that bad

that time hi was steel with us.

Thank you Dana

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Sunday, 24 October, 2010, 16:56


> Hello Dana I start giving my son 6y 10drops of GSE on morning before meal and

with the meal i give OLE and biotin and 2tablets of Culturell on lunch same and

diner same

I am not sure I understand your timing.

So just before a meal, you give 10 drops GSE? And maybe 15 minutes later, during

the meal, you give OLE, biotin, and Culturelle?

Don't give GSE or OLE at the same time as Culturelle, they should be given at

least 2 hours apart.

>>do i do something wrong as i have reed that OLE will kill everithing as GSE


Neither kills everything, but both will kill the Culturelle.

>>I give Omegas and E,D,C.B6,Is OLE bothering that aswell.

Give OLE separately from amino acids and probiotics.

>>my son has very high oxalates

Give B6 and magnesium.

>>and im warried about Vit C and milk thistle is there anything i can replace

this or i just give B6 to controll oxalates

Try low doses of Vitamin C and milk thistle. Selenium is also an antioxidant,

and taurine helps the liver, so you can give those.


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Dana one more Q for you if you are most informed my sones test stools wich have

not been treeted from my DAN wich i count wery much but .......Could you have a

look and if you can advice

Lactobaccillus NG

Escheridia coli 4+


Additional Bacteria

Gama strep 4+

Alfa strep4+

Coag.negative stafilococus 2+

Enterobacter asburial 4+

Citrobacter farmeri 4+

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1+

Hi has also candida albicans 1+

I started to warried as i think even natural antibayotic is needed for

citrobacter should not be here and i have LDN100 would that be help for itjust

if you know?

Thank you again

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Sunday, 24 October, 2010, 16:56


> Hello Dana I start giving my son 6y 10drops of GSE on morning before meal and

with the meal i give OLE and biotin and 2tablets of Culturell on lunch same and

diner same

I am not sure I understand your timing.

So just before a meal, you give 10 drops GSE? And maybe 15 minutes later, during

the meal, you give OLE, biotin, and Culturelle?

Don't give GSE or OLE at the same time as Culturelle, they should be given at

least 2 hours apart.

>>do i do something wrong as i have reed that OLE will kill everithing as GSE


Neither kills everything, but both will kill the Culturelle.

>>I give Omegas and E,D,C.B6,Is OLE bothering that aswell.

Give OLE separately from amino acids and probiotics.

>>my son has very high oxalates

Give B6 and magnesium.

>>and im warried about Vit C and milk thistle is there anything i can replace

this or i just give B6 to controll oxalates

Try low doses of Vitamin C and milk thistle. Selenium is also an antioxidant,

and taurine helps the liver, so you can give those.


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> Dana sins i started the Vit D and OLE as i prepared for helation i have

notissed on my sons shoulde an midlle of spine 2 broken skin spots wich are

growing like the skin is getting off and one of them is red inside would that be

Vit D toxicities or would be a virus

It could be a virus, but both vitamin D and OLE here caused a lot of yeast

overgrowth, and peeling skin on the fingers meant yeast, so I would try

increasing the yeast protocol and see if that helps.


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> Dana one more Q for you if you are most informed my sones test stools wich

have not been treeted from my DAN wich i count wery much but .......Could you

have a look and if you can advice

I eliminated strep here with OLE.

You can try OLE and OoO, the OoO helps with both bacteria and yeast.


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Thank you very much Dana for your time

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: PROTEUS VULGARIS - ADVICE ???

Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 14:37


> Dana one more Q for you if you are most informed my sones test stools wich

have not been treeted from my DAN wich i count wery much but .......Could you

have a look and if you can advice

I eliminated strep here with OLE.

You can try OLE and OoO, the OoO helps with both bacteria and yeast.


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