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Urgent message about the Flu Vaccine!

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Off topic, but I though it was important enough to share. I know we are busy

treating our kids and ourselves, so do what you can if you have the time.

Interesting enough today when my parents went in to get their prescriptions at

Kaiser they were encouraged to get their Flu vaccine which as you know has been

combined with the H1N1, so she told then that she was willing to get vaccinate

if they could provide her with the Flu vaccine alone, without the Swine flu.

They told her it wasn't available.....

When she asked who's idea it was.....

She was told that it wasn't available and the combined shot was an order from

congress. Huh????

So she told them that she didn't like being force into anything since being a

communist survivor, which she is and that this reminded her to much of that time

in her life. I was so proud of her for standing up like that. :)

Here it goes........this is what I'm forwarding!

Dear Parents, Activists & World Citizens,

This is the most urgent message I'll ever send you/Forward it everywhere.

It's beginning.

You must read all of this newsletter & see the Open letter I sent to Obama &

Company at its end.

This was today's alert I sent out>>>

Oh, God help us. D Day has begun for some. :(

Comments needed.



OMG...They just reported on the Fox network 2 elderly people died from the flu.

Like elderly people don't die all the time. They used their deaths to encourage

the elderly to take the shots. They're hitting it hard from every angle & we

must strike back hard.

Media & elected official contacts are below.

Have your say & demand truth in reporting.

Contact your reps & send your own message atop the urgent actions you choose to

take here>>>


Tell your stories of vaccine injury on the Fox reporter's page @


All media is watching!

Forward this message everywhere


Here's an important action you can also take>>>

Whether you like the Fox network or not, this action is urgent. This Fox

reporter has been the only one who has allowed our side be told.


Please, ask everyone to " like " Alisyn's page & to tune into Fox & Friends,

early, Saturday mornings. Tell everyone you know to do the same & so on, so we

pyramid out to as many possible.

Great numbers of fans & ratings will make the network sit up & take notice,

hopefully, to encourage further help in saving our children.

If we don't, first, save the children, nothing else will soon matter, so let's

put aside our political differences & come together on this.

Please participate in the pHARMa Fest & Roast going on at Alisyn's wall by

adding your stories of vaccine injury, links of evidence of harm & anything else

pointing to corruption in big pHARMa.

There is a plan & lots going on behind the scenes & we will take this matter by

storm & bring our children in from further harm. The more of us that are active

& take part, the quicker we get to where we need to be.

You can thank Fox for allowing our side be told on Alisyn's wall & by email.



Here are media contacts & more ways to contact the elected officials.

Hit it hard people.

Do your part for the children's sakes & use them for speaking your mind &

demanding justice & truth in reporting.

President Obama & elected official contact;



You can also call or write to the President:

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

Please include your e-mail address

Phone Numbers Comments:



202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461

TTY/TDD Comments:


Visitors Office:














































It only takes a few minutes to send to contact pages. Here's ABC', CNN & NBC so

don't neglect these.






Open Letter To President Obama/All Elected Officials/copied to media;

Parents, activists and world citizens have come together and demand you take

stance on our behalf in order to save our children from further harm of

vaccines, harmful drugs & other toxins let loose on them and condoned by the

very agencies that were supposed to have their well being at heart.

We have been denied fair debate and equal time in media which is unjust and

criminal on the matter of vaccine education.

If there was really nothing to hide, common sense dictates, we would be allowed

our rights in fair debate and equal reporting.

The excuse has been you, they, do not want to alarm parents and have them stop

vaccinating but it is known they, many parents, have been panicked for a very

long time so that excuse no longer holds water.

With epidemics of all kinds rising that have been right in step with the

increase in vaccines, plus, facts dictating vaccines never saved us in the first

you should be very concerned.

How many more will it take for justice to step in?

You should be extremely concerned with 1 in 110 children being struck with

neurological disorders and 1 in 3 of us being diagnosed with cancer before age

of 65.

If there was really nothing to hide debate would be welcome but measures have

always been taken to thwart such an event.

We are gathering our attorneys and donations for the largest human and civil

rights suit history has ever seen because our children are that important.

We have made our case and presented the mountain of evidence on this Fox

reporter's Facebook wall where many have told their stories of their vaccine

injury " Living " nightmares they were thrust into due to error, ignorance and



You will, also, find we have proven our case on Matt Lauer's wall which is a

gold mine of evidence for all honest reporter's and journalists.


You'd have to scroll back to the end of May on Matt's wall to see many more

parents of vaccine injured children to hear their stories of their private hell.

I cried and added tears to the river thousands upon thousands have been crying

through time as I watched them line up on Matt's wall to have their say.

They echoed Dr. Wakefield who said, " We're not going away " , as the good

doctor told Matt on the Today show in that ambush of an interview Matt did which

was part of the orchestrated witch hunt against him and against many parents who

still stand by the good doctor.

On the other side of the fence. Have you found Poul Thorsen who ran off with all

that research money? You know, the researcher connected with those Danish

studies claiming no connection between autism and vaccine?

We are aware of the past track record of those who bring us vaccines as we saw

the many articles when we looked up, " faked studies and paid doctors to put

their names on them "

We want this madness to stop!

Get out of that bed with big corporation and the pharmaceutical industry and

stand for us, all of you elected officials. And you, Obama, I came out of

retirement from activism to help you get elected and led many to vote for you

and what did you do?

You became another puppet!

We could have good change and you could bring it but instead of beating the

corruption you joined it.

Maybe all elected officials should be voluntary with only expenses paid to stop

the corruption? You have power to pull executive order and right many wrongs Mr.


You could stop the political parties from fighting among themselves and fight

corruption, instead.

Will you do it? Will you stand for " US " for a good change?

You will not be re-elected and if another thinks they will get in to be another

puppet they better have another think because we want this nation recovered.

This is our children we're talking about here and this cause to save them is the

one and only that has the power to unite us all from the left, right, center as

well as all the differing religions.

If you choose to ignore " US " you will see what a Mother cat is like multiplied

in Myriads.

We'll be waiting to hear your speech addressing this matter immediately. You

work for us, not the greedy. Don't forget that, again.

Sincerely in Outrage,

Marsha McClelland

Founder of " We The People United Groups & Truth Movement "

Umbrella to hundreds of patriot, political & spiritual groups

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