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I wrote to the author of that terrible article in the Chicago paper.. here is the responses

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I wrote to the author of that terrible article in the Chicago paper.. here

is the responses

After my last email … she did not return another lol


From: Crystal Palmer-Bull [mailto:cpalmerbull@...]

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:07 PM

'Tsouderos, Trine'

Subject: RE:

Exactly , you assume you know what I am talking about …

Trials… really for a old fashioned home cooking lifestyle… how would they

make that a trial.. how could they patient it and sell it?

Gee I thought good nutrition was the foundation of good health… didn’t think

we need3ed trials to say eating real food is good for your body.

If you look it is not anecdotal … look beyond Google and big pharma funded

studies, see my children, look at their school records and their medical

records.. its basic and people are healing their children and you need to

get the word out . It is the responsibility if journalist to cut thru the BS

and get the information to the people who need it, not just assume we know

some wack job is righting you with some ½ baked untested idea on how to

treat autism.. why don’t you ask? Like I said…that’s not the answer people

want? People want to keep consuming crap and think it is food and think our

kids are going to thrive? These children are the canaries in the coal mines

and YOU need to me more involved in reposting the successes and maybe it

would lead to recovery.

Drank the Kool aid already.. don’t know why you pretend to be a journalist..

are you getting a check from pharma too?

I would put all the success stories together and start publishing them

,maybe we find a pattern?? Or is it better just to hate on anyone trying to

help these patients… because they are sick and no one is helping. IVIG is

cake.. I have done it for my own health, you talk about it like you have?

Have you NO , Such BS. What is unethical is doing nothing as kids suffer.

Not quoting true experts in the field. What is unethical is not reposting

the successes. One story? How many negative stories… How come you can’t say

Science has not had a proven cure definitely but parents have claimed great

success with… and investigate .. if there is indeed success.. report it! We

quote people all the time without knowing the validity of their claims.. its

opinion at the very least Although I know my sons better for a fact. Do you

know my son talks now of the time we considered him “lost” … he was not only

in there he was conscious and waiting for me his mother to rescue him, and

the mainstream medical community hands you a diagnosis and the door. And the

press is doing these parents and their sick children no favors. Every time

you tell a mom in print there is no cure you keep her from the truth, you

are hurting her kids.. I hope you can live with the effects of such onsides

bioased reporting. Again you should be ashames, and I know on your judgment

day you will have to atone for how you have misled families into not healing

their kids.

Journalism is supposed to present all sides and let the viewer make up their

mine, that hard when you suppress the other side and report one only! Did

you not go to school for this, I did?

From: Tsouderos, Trine [mailto:ttsouderos@...]

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:40 AM

'Crystal Palmer-Bull'

Subject: RE:

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for writing. We actually did look into recovery stories, and wrote

about it www.chicagotribune.com/autism.

The thing is, we cannot take one story as evidence of a cure, or even a

safe, successful treatment. We need more than that – clinical trials,

studies. There needs to be more research, that is absolutely clear. But

that’s not something we as journalists can do. We have to wait and report on

evidence generated by the scientists.

Take care,


From: Crystal Palmer-Bull [mailto:cpalmerbull@...]

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:38 AM

Tsouderos, Trine

Subject: RE:

As journalists aren’t you the least be interested in how I healed my child

from autism? That’s what kills me… If someone said they could cure aids we

would listen… but no lets keep these kids trapped inside and lets not look

at anyone who had success! You need to tell the success stories, there is

light at the end of the tunnel and you c an help your children, You should

be part of the solution !

From: Tsouderos, Trine [mailto:ttsouderos@...]

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:22 AM

'Crystal Palmer-Bull'

Subject: RE:

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for writing. I’m sorry you feel that way.

We’re actually having an online chat where we can all hash out these issues,

if you wish to join. It’s going to be on Thursday, at noon, at

www.chicagotribune.com/tribnation. A little before noon, you’ll see a post

with a link. I welcome you to join in.

Best wishes,


From: Crystal Palmer-Bull [mailto:cpalmerbull@...]

Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 12:17 AM

Tsouderos, Trine


You know nothing of autism… Or journalism. You should be ashamed of yourself

to mislead the public. You can HEAL AUTISM, I DID! BUT THAT’S IS NOT THE


Crystal Palmer Bull

Mom to

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