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Hello All,


My daughter had a problem with eliminating waste from her body and had been

constipated for quite a while. Hence the fatigue and bloated stomach. Even

though she was pooping her body was not effectively removing waste. She had to

be hospitalised to remove the waste  from her stomach. I am thinking of going

the homeopathic route of cleansing her colon and removing heavy metals. Any body

had a problem like this with their child? What did you do? Can anyone recommend

homepathic treatments and tell me more about it.



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She needs hot epsom salt baths and vit C and magnesium supplements. My

suggestion is to stay away from all other kinds of nonsense including

homeopathic treatments for this. Is she able to take capsules? Taking Betaine

HCl might help her with food digestion as well as digestive enzymes and biotin.

Would also suggest cultured vegetables or kefir and some good probiotics. I

would steer clear of dairy products and breads that are not sprouted or whole


She is likely lacking in zinc, so that would probably be a good supplement.

Also likely that she has some gut issues so even though vegetables may be

undesirable - gas producing, uncomfortable perhaps because of the yeast in her

gut, they would be good for her.

Hope that helps.


> Hello All,


> My daughter had a problem with eliminating waste from her body and had been

constipated for quite a while. Hence the fatigue and bloated stomach. Even

though she was pooping her body was not effectively removing waste. She had to

be hospitalised to remove the waste  from her stomach. I am thinking of going

the homeopathic route of cleansing her colon and removing heavy metals. Any body

had a problem like this with their child? What did you do? Can anyone recommend

homepathic treatments and tell me more about it.


> Thanks






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We have used the following and recovered my daughter AND my nephew, as well as

know several other families using these products. I have had a 5 yr working

relationship with the company (after my daughter started speaking, riding her

bike, etc. I offered to redo their website) and I know the founder and some of

the office staff quite well. They are WONDERFUL and will work with you and have

been naturally treating autism for over 14 years.

This is what we started with for both my daughter (at almost 7) and my newphew

(age 3):

PCA-Rx to remove heavy metals

http://www.maxamlabs.com/shopexd.asp?id=59 & bc=no

AFX - made for autism, has all vitamin precursors and much more:

http://www.maxamlabs.com/shopexd.asp?id=54 & bc=no

My daughter was older and had a lot of damage, viral infections, etc. and then

was exposed to herbicides that did a lot of damage, from which we are recovering


If any of this interests you, feel free to call me if you need more info. I am

happy to help. Not everyone can do chelation -- It is finding what you need and

what will help your child that matters.


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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No trolling here. :) I am blatantly honest, which you would know if you read my

posts. I recommend products from various sources, but I think there are many

companies that come up time and time again for me -- VitaCost, Kirkman,

Coromega, Quantum Nutrition Labs, Food Science of Vermont, Maxam Nutraceutics

are often mentioned.

I actually have a kit with Kirkman's " A Guide to Scientific Nutrition " along

with samples from various companies of products that have been consistently

helpful (Coromega, Pine Bark Extract, DMG, B12, etc.) that I give out to people

seeking info on biomed. I don't get compensated and I don't ask for anything in

return. I am a very big advocate for autism and people (parents) knowing their

are treatment options.

There are many different avenues to many different destinations. For some, that

will be the AC protocol, for others, it may be NDF, Metal Free or, God forbid,

PCA-Rx. The end result that we are all looking for is a healthy, happy child

with a healthy, happy family.

I have found this list quite helpful and enjoyable and have learned more than I

ever thought I would. It has helped me, quite unexpectedly, in my dissertation

as well. :)


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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  • 3 months later...
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The test is getting popular in canada and europe, don't need to wait for results

you see it rigth there in a big screeen, and is fast and painless(a little pinch

in your finger tip, they just need a drop of blood).

Thanks for your suggestion on the DMSA I heard good things about it too. LL has

milk thistle in it.



From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 1:48:49 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Detox

Who does this 'live blood cell test'? Sounds strange.

I would chelate with tried and true DMSA. It has been around forever and is a

documented chelator. Used wisely, it is very safe and effective.

You can aide the liver during chelation with products like milk thistle. Adding

alpha lipoic acid (every 3-4 hours like the DMSA) will also protect liver




> Hi everybody,


> I'm new to the group, my 3.10 yo son has pdd-nos (35lb), not " formaly "

>diagnosed, he is in GFCF diet and lots of supplemetns since february, he is

>reacting very well to many of them, sometimes with some " healing regretion " , or

>die off reaction, but progresing ok, 2 months ago he had a " live blood cell

>test " where we could literaly see the heavy metals on his blood and the yeast

>that was " attached " to it. I started him in a liver detox since 2 weeks ago,


>1 day ago i gave him the first mb12 shot, before the shot he was talking a lot

>more and his words were mostly well used or apropiated.



> I did the liver detox with liver life, knowing that it has Olive leaf (this

>was suggested from my dan dr.), anyway, I also got the NDF plus, so now we are

>almost ready to start the ndf plus(first you ramp up the dose of liverllife and

>check for ph), but i wanted to have some comments from people more experienced.

>Has anyone have any opinion or suggestion about this products? , the last thing

>I want to do is have my son go through all this an just end up with a bad

>reaction or not doing it properly, etc. I joined that especific group and

>you get good support from them, but I ned someones opinion that is not from



> I appreciated your comments,

> JM


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