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Re: New to AC chelation......

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Is he having trouble pooping, we found that increasing probiotics can cause

constipation, if this is the case, could you add in some extra vitamin C, we

have also used magnesium in the past and something called oxypowder . What about

epsom salt baths - these help with detoxification.


From: soudisahar@...

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 21:33:29 +0000

Subject: [ ] New to AC chelation......

Hello Dears,

We just finished our 6 round of AC chelatoin (5mg of DMSA+ALA fro 40 lbs body

weight) since the first round my son started showing some discomforting during

POO time, he has alot of spoting poo time per day for about 3-6 times and

everytime the skin around the RECTum get red and ends to bleeding up to know.

everytime I just rubbed that area with grape seed oil. the problem still exist,

beside of that we donot have any other problem so far. The only changed I had

made since the chelation is giving him 3-5 time CANDEX @ night during chelation

days (3days)to keep yeast in control + more probiotic.I am desperatly looking

for help because I do not want to stop chelation. I am thinking might be the

stuff are coming out from his body are ACIDIC. also he dose more frequently

smelly GAs which is embarecing when people are around. Please help me to help

him. the skin getting more and more thin around his RECTUM with more BLEEDING.




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yes he does have problem during pooping, he recieved three times per day with

his meal mag/vitC & calcium.

From: michelle lacey <michelle0471@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] New to AC chelation......

autism treatment

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:45 PM

Is he having trouble pooping, we found that increasing probiotics can cause

constipation, if this is the case, could you add in some extra vitamin C, we

have also used magnesium in the past and something called oxypowder . What about

epsom salt baths - these help with detoxification.


From: soudisahar@...

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 21:33:29 +0000

Subject: [ ] New to AC chelation......





      Hello Dears,

We just finished our 6 round of AC chelatoin (5mg of DMSA+ALA fro 40 lbs body

weight) since the first round my son started showing some discomforting during

POO time, he has alot of spoting poo time per day for about 3-6 times and

everytime the skin around the RECTum get red and ends to bleeding up to know.

everytime I just rubbed that area with grape seed oil. the problem still exist,

beside of that we donot have any other problem so far. The only changed I had

made since the chelation is giving him 3-5 time CANDEX @ night during chelation

days (3days)to keep yeast in control + more probiotic.I am desperatly looking

for help because I do not want to stop chelation. I am thinking might be the

stuff are coming out from his body are ACIDIC. also he dose more frequently

smelly GAs which is embarecing when people are around. Please help me to help

him. the skin getting more and more thin around his RECTUM with more BLEEDING.









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How much magnesium and vitamin C is he having, can you increase it at all or add

in something like oxypowder or Colon plus?

The bowel must keep moving when they are trying to get rid of the yeast.


From: soudisahar@...

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 13:54:46 -0800

Subject: RE: [ ] New to AC chelation......

yes he does have problem during pooping, he recieved three times per day

with his meal mag/vitC & calcium.

From: michelle lacey <michelle0471@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] New to AC chelation......

autism treatment

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:45 PM

Is he having trouble pooping, we found that increasing probiotics can cause

constipation, if this is the case, could you add in some extra vitamin C, we

have also used magnesium in the past and something called oxypowder . What about

epsom salt baths - these help with detoxification.


From: soudisahar@...

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 21:33:29 +0000

Subject: [ ] New to AC chelation......

Hello Dears,

We just finished our 6 round of AC chelatoin (5mg of DMSA+ALA fro 40 lbs body

weight) since the first round my son started showing some discomforting during

POO time, he has alot of spoting poo time per day for about 3-6 times and

everytime the skin around the RECTum get red and ends to bleeding up to know.

everytime I just rubbed that area with grape seed oil. the problem still exist,

beside of that we donot have any other problem so far. The only changed I had

made since the chelation is giving him 3-5 time CANDEX @ night during chelation

days (3days)to keep yeast in control + more probiotic.I am desperatly looking

for help because I do not want to stop chelation. I am thinking might be the

stuff are coming out from his body are ACIDIC. also he dose more frequently

smelly GAs which is embarecing when people are around. Please help me to help

him. the skin getting more and more thin around his RECTUM with more BLEEDING.




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U mean the yeast cause the skin get red? He gets one quarter of tea spoon of

vita c and mag three time per day

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

[ ] New to AC chelation......

Hello Dears,

We just finished our 6 round of AC chelatoin (5mg of DMSA+ALA fro 40 lbs body

weight) since the first round my son started showing some discomforting during

POO time, he has alot of spoting poo time per day for about 3-6 times and

everytime the skin around the RECTum get red and ends to bleeding up to know.

everytime I just rubbed that area with grape seed oil. the problem still exist,

beside of that we donot have any other problem so far. The only changed I had

made since the chelation is giving him 3-5 time CANDEX @ night during chelation

days (3days)to keep yeast in control + more probiotic.I am desperatly looking

for help because I do not want to stop chelation. I am thinking might be the

stuff are coming out from his body are ACIDIC. also he dose more frequently

smelly GAs which is embarecing when people are around. Please help me to help

him. the skin getting more and more thin around his RECTUM with more BLEEDING.




We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell us now


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